Stefen opens up - Why I was wrong about nationalism

Stefan opens up about being wrong about something for the first time in his life

He's actually had a couple of those and all of them for the better. Dedication to truth, as opposed to most muh skeptics, has a way of doing that to you.



W H O ?

He's always wrong and the only reason he supported Trump was because he was paid to do so.

Sage for advertising this fag.

don't forget to donate to your cult leader

sage negated, leftypol




I'll admit I'm subbed to molymeme and have never watched one of his videos from beginning to end.

End yourself

what do you even watch all day then


okay, then what shred of integrity are you still holding onto then?


Recommendations make all the difference dude, without an account you miss a lot of stuff. Anything worth watching is demonetized anyway.

user was wrong but for subbing to molymeme you still might want to consider suicide. You know, food for thought.

>(((Stefan Molyneux)))

You don't miss shit. You can just use a 3rd party RSS reader to get subscriber feeds and if a video makes it so you have to verify your age, you can just embed it on another site and watch it there.

he's white though, I know this because he told me so

Funny. He doesn't look Jewish.

It's funny how he used to admit he's a jew, now he says he is white. Typical fucking jew switching sides.


This bald meme isn't television or movies. Sage.


intellectually DISHONEST. By doing this flip flop shit he is allowed to say whatever he wants to appease whatever fans he needs to whenever the time is right. Ever since 2014 Holla Forums has attracted the absolute worst society has to offer. They don't care about redpills or a solid foundation of beliefs, they just want to laugh at others expense. This is why we have LE EBIN BANTER XDDD YOU FUCKIN LEAF XDDD. This shit didn't happen before flags. Anyway, our original stance wasn't wrong, but it was coopted by fucking redditors. Now that people realize the mistake that is Holla Forums he is going to jump ship. He still believes everything he's seen but now it's time to milk a different community for views. Fuck drumpft he was the harbinger of shit

A Canadian Jew abandons something he endorsed the moment a better opportunity appears.

I am shocked, SHOCKED I say. Never would I have imagined something like that would be possible.