Comey lost the confidence of almost everyone in Washington, Republican and Democrat alike. When things calm down, they will be thanking me!

Other urls found in this thread:

he should start posting Democrat quotes criticizing Comey

Is this the new Fuck Comey thread? It's a good start, as comey is neck-deep in with the clinton criminal organization, but that snake Andrew McCabe needs to be retired or reassigned, too. He's another deep state tool that is protecting hillary and pedosta from their reckoning.

He would qualify as Kang of the Niggers. That way, he could keep them in line.

Except Comey wouldn't repent. He'd recommend no damnation at this time, as no reasonable deity would condemn him for his crimes. They were totally uncalled for, and completely blasphemous, but there was no intent.

Trump's been making fun of the (((chosen))) senators all morning.Hes finally back in top form.

He's just hijacking the news cycle again.


Shit! McCabe is acting director, that is terrible news, even if temporary. He can do a lot of damage to the CF/PG investigations, Grassley needs to start making noise about his extreme conflicts of interest, if not outright bribe-taking.

Oh, I think Jeff Sessions catching McCabe with his hands in the cookie jar, spying on the Meeting with Russia today, and fucking over PG investigations, would be cause for dismissal and charges.

The key word is NEXT!

goys are going off-script, time to get them back in line


I haven't been paying attention to what's been going on with Comey. Why are we happy he got BTFO again? My most recent memory of him is re-investigating Clinton and possibly causing Trump's victory in the last days of the election.

somebody need to tell ben garrison the wonders of lossless file formats

Damn if he isn't just on the ball with those.

Because he covered for Hillary, the one who compromised your boss, David Brock.

Everyone fucking knows what Comey did.


Benny G has been on fire recently, I'm thinking about having him do a custom one of Gov. Abbot saying He's the Based Hotwheels now.

Turning a high government official into a civilian over night can mean only one thing:

You're under investigation.

lel, they are so transparent now. Trump firing comey has caught them completely flat-footed.

Jesus I'm not sure why, but I completely forgot about that fiasco where this fucker went on live TV to list off Shillary's crimes, and then NOT charge her. Good riddance.

And there's four years, non stop of this shit.



you shills arent even trying anymore

You mean Comey is being investigated, right? I bet he's the one that was leaking classified info all over the beltway.

Arguments for Trey "Rowdy" Gowdy: Good prosecutor, who could help make cases stick within the FBI and make sure that the evidence will ensure a conviction. He can escape liberal trap statements pretty well, and has outstanding demonstrated integrity. (Since I don't know him personally, I can't vouch for it 100%.)

He's also white. A Christian, in a Scoffield Reference Tendency kind of way, but a just and honorable man nonetheless. He could be a great asset given the power of J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI.

Argument for David "Boss Nigger" Clarke in the next post.


Get the Weasel. Find out what he knows.

Gowdy would work better as a special prosecutor for Hillary. Someone who is tight with Sessions would be good for FBI director.

Argument for David "Boss Nigger" Clarke:

A career officer, Clarke has demonstrated a very vigilant dedication to law and order. He may not be the best lawyer, or a lawyer at all, but he would really rally a lot of cops around the nation, and make damn sure that not only Antifa and BLM get the rope, but that all 2nd Amendment groups would have FBI protection, rather than incitement.

Arguments against: He is a nigger. That just doesn't really go with me, but in having him as FBI director, we could possible put Gowdy in Ryan's chair. If we can get someone uncucked as speaker of the house, we might have a faster pulldown of the corrupt establishment. Hopefully…

I would settle for someone who isn't a pedophile or that covers for pedophiles. The bar is exceedingly low after comey's disastrous stint.

I like that, he would be damn good at that. And it'd be enjoyable to watch, instead of like how the Starr Report went. I like watching corrupt people lose their shit.


Like I said, it's between Gowdy or Clarke for me. That seems to be the sentiment for the most part. But that requirement is an absolute. The new director must be absolutely against the Pizza Cult and all of their actions.

Boss Nigger gives us Gowdy in other areas. Joe Arpaio would also be a good choice.

Argument for Joe "Nine Points of Fraudulent Niggardry!" Arpaio:

Crusher of criminals, destroyer of spics, Papa Joe would put them all in jail. RICO everybody. Maybe… His points about Obeezy's certificate were dead on, and given his newly acquainted situation with Soros and his money moving political hits, and we may get a weaponized FBI against the kikes themsevles.

Any others?

my vote would be for gowdy as well. that man is a law machine.

ain't gonna be arpaio, not even close. the man was never involved in IC work. he was a sheriff in arizona and that's it.

Kind of a side note before people start shitting on Gowdy for not getting anything done/prosecuted- his hearings laid out all the info necessary for the AG and FBI to bring charges. King nigger and his cronies quashed any possible prosecution, not Gowdy.


True. I'm mainly throwing out known LEO's that have publicly done things that we somewhat approve of, or at least would ease the burden on our direction.

Very much so. even vindicates him here. Now that we have the SCOTUS, the DOJ, the FBI, and the Executive branch, we now hold all the levers needed to flush the whole thing.

Leak it now, Assange. Don't give Comey a job, he'll just succeed where Pamela failed.

You should read up before opening your stupid mouth, Holla Forums. 25 years in the DEA.


He would crush the Cartels. Chapo's balls would be in a Jar on Ted Cruz's desk. Because Zodiac Rat rolls like that.

holy fuck im so hard right now. i literally just woke up, heard the news, and drove over to come shitpost with you all about this

this, had gowdy been in charge of bringing charges they would have been brought. he was in charge of the congressional investigation but they are not the judicial branch.

ah yes, I must be lefty pol cause I don't think sheriff joe is the man for the job. also being a part of the dea, one of the most corrupt orgs we've got, during their most corrupt years, is not a point that makes me want him in the seat any more. in fact it makes me want him there less.

Spicy isn't even giving the press the glory of his presence. Let's see how they treat his deputy.

Hard choice for me, not sure which is worse.

This is just perfect

Well, Arpaio then? Anyone else you think would fit? Come on, man. We need hats. Throw in some hats.

And if you fucking say a godsdamned thing about violent revolution right now, I will fucking remind you that your boss just got fired, and you should consider releasing what information you have to Wikileaks as to assuage what's left of your guilty soul.

I'm fine with Arpaio though he probably won't get it. Also didn't mean to sage, had that on from the thread where some guy is just taunting people over not having bought bitcoin.

Calm your tism.


Yeah, sorry about that user. I'd like Arpaio, he's tough on crime. Very pro gun, very much against drugs and illegals. Willing to prosecute Obama and his entire crew, and hopefully Hilldog.

I did.


That pun should be criminal. My sides were murdered in cold blood.

Same. But Trump just mentioning his name and 'FBI director' in the same sentence would be send the marxists into seizures.

That would be worth it. Under budget and ahead of schedule. We'd just have to use those FEMA camp coffins to bury them all after they died.


https ://


Tango fucking down!


Also heard Rudy Giuliani name being tossed around.

Go Gowdy!

Will the FBI become the Party Van for real? Where we'll ride around and lock up niggers and illegals and pedos?

Argument for Rudolph "Let me Cosa your Nostra out of My Fucking City." Guiliani:

He's anti-mafia, from what I've seen of him publicly. I've seen the Jewliani meme tossed around here, and he's Catholic, so there's consideration to be done there. He's a good attorney, and he also wants Hillary's head. He'd fit the Punished Trump meme because of what happened to His Fucking City on 9/11.

Fucking A. Deep state pedofucks on suicide watch.

This is good news. Andrew "FUCK TRUMP!" McCabe absolutely cannot be trusted by the administration.

Two possibilities:
1. Rudy was in on the 9/11 plot
2. 9/11 happened right under Rudy's nose

Neither possibility is flattering.

That's two heads in a 24 hour period.




No, but the latter would give him a very, very strong motivation for wanting revenge on everyone involved with it. I can see him being very Ventrue prince about his city.

well he's been in the news saying he's not a candidate so it looks like he doesn't want the job. you might have a harder time selling him on it, than washington.

also he's a lawyer but I don't know the extent of his IC work

apparently the two big names going around right now are

– RAY KELLY: The longest-serving police commissioner in New York City, Kelly oversaw the force in the years following the Sept. 11 attacks when terror threats were routine. His tough-on-crime stance, including support for provocative tactics like stop-and-frisk, could make him a natural ally of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and a go-to-guy for a fellow New Yorker like Trump. Kelly as commissioner defended a police operation, exposed by The Associated Press, that conducted secret surveillance of Muslims. He could partner with Trump and Sessions on anti-terrorism efforts.


– TREY GOWDY: The South Carolina Republican led the House committee investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s actions surrounding the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya. Gowdy is also a former federal prosecutor who boasts of his work on drug trafficking, bank robberies and child pornography cases. He was among lawmakers critical of Comey’s decision not to prosecute Clinton in the email server investigation, saying other government officials would have been prosecuted if they handled classified information like Clinton did, but federal officials disagree with that assessment. Gowdy said after Comey’s firing that though he had differences with the former FBI director on some matters, he “never lost sight of the fact that he had a very difficult job.”

Can't they add both?

Trey Gowdy (Director)
Sheriff David A. Clarke (Associate Deputy Director)

No user, they'll get run over with the Party Truck.

fuck me man. this erection isnt going to go away for days. id better call my general practitioner

When it put it that way, its best to find a new face.

No one likes a traitor. He was in Hillary's pocket by not bringing charges. Then he turned with the pre-election surprise. He's either a traitor or soley concerned with saving his own skin.

Ready the firing squad!

another point for gowdy, the man is extremely well spoken and I have never heard a word come out of his mouth that wasn't considered carefully. discretion is his game. there'll be no leaks in the fbi if gowdy has his way and if he can instill some of his character into the bureau.

I like what you're saying about Kelly, I'm going to dig into him a bit more. Sounds Irish. Anti-Islam is always a plus right now, especially given that McCabe just got shitcanned and he was running the Awan brothers gang.

I'm too black for this shit, Trey.

It would be Lethal Weapon on a meme scale. But, who would replace Gowdy on Intel?

See where I said above, dude. Tell it to Wikileaks. Clear your consience. Work with the Administration. Because violent revolution isn't something we need at this precise moment.

That comes later, if at all. If you comply peacefully, FBI-kun, we'll let you drive.

Rudy G. is an old, old man now. He might not be capable of going to war with the deep state, and that is what it is going to be.


And his underling. Hilldog was right. They are going to hang for this.

That was the second time Hillary Clinton told the truth.

Yeah, and he's not a weasel. So every word is honesty and evidence driven.

True. We can count the Mayor out of this one. I'm liking what I'm reading on Kelly, and of course Trey has always been a dead game pitbull.

Seemed perfect until I read that.

…in retrospect

Or because you don't know what you're talking about you slimy cunt.

That should be a huge air raid siren with flashing lights.

Yeah, that's a bit bad. But nearly everyone who's been confirmed gets endorsed by Schumer if they seem like a winner, so he can try and claim credit for victory and jew a favor out of them.


At least I'm not James Comey.


Alternatively: he only endorses the ones that (((they))) have on video murder-fucking a kid.

Contenders for FBI Director Dream Team POWER RANKINGS

Also a possibility. That's why Gowdy is my main pick.

nice to see the madman is back at the helm focusing on domestic traitors after fucking around with foreign bullshit for the past month

Why not Napolitano?



Make a case for him. I don't know that much about him.




Damn. I was hoping for a good Spicing. Could someone please get a briefing thread doing? I would do it myself but I'm at work and my phone is a shit.

yeah, ray is out.

go get acquainted with some rope. you wanna infight, go somewhere else.

Feels so fucking good. I don't know why these dumb retards in CT voted for him.

Does noone else remember Gowdy talking about how Trump didn't deserve to be elected after the pussygrabbing comments came out? Despite knowing precisely all the shit Hillary's done? Why do you all want this cuck as FBI director?


Trump looks like a good goy one minute and then the next he really is doing the Wall and firing the traitors.


Because liberals. That's why.


A God Emperor REGAL Rampage!

I'd say that we've got a few candidates, but Gowdy has the best chance of getting confirmed. He's got the least amount of dirt, and he hates pedophiles.

Its very simple, Trump is a civic nationalist and a cuck when it comes to Israel. Despite this civic nationalists do still want the best for their country and do support cutting down on immigration. He is being precisely what he campaigned as, the only people that are really pissed and talking about how Trump has betrayed us are the idiots who thought Trump was just hiding his power level and was secretly a race realist.

He was fired by a Jew and Trump works for Jews. This isn't necessarily a good thing

Kike Trump going after all useful liberals puppets and no Jews. Who the fuck cares this guy is a shill and our enemy.

He can go in the oven last if he helps us round up the other kikes. It's avoiding the Soros mistake.

We'll have to wait and see. I certainly won't be happy if a jew is appointed

To this day you'll be called a shill for suggesting Trump likes jews. No amount of evidence will budge them from their belief that Trump is secretly NatSoc.

The POTUS firing the FBI Director is legal. They have nothing.

Meh, it's not that he's secretly NatSoc, it's that we need time to convert other whites to NatSoc and that won't happen in an escalation scenario with the way demographics are. You'll end up wasting too many lives fighting the cucks before you can get to the kikes. We have to make them see that even when they remove the swamp, the taint is still there.

What are our other options, at this present moment?

We already saw when he attacked Syria,anybody with half a brain knew the whole time. We all know where kike shill Trump stands and that US government is completely controlled by Jews and actively at war with their own citizens.

We should push Gowdy. He infuriates the shills.

To Shitpost upon your enemies, see them Triggered before you, and to hear the RRREEEEEEEing of their moderators.

Why is his jawbone an uninterrupted diagonal slope?

What's the worst that could happen? The nosiest kike of all replacing him and jewing everything would only redpill more people and lead us to victory much faster. We need to get rid of traitors, even if it means replacing them with blatant enemies.

You remembered. Nice /k/ digits.




well, you know the only thing standing in the way is that he cannot hold two positions at once. his current term ends in 2019. so they need a two year interim director. looks like they're setting up for a long stint for a temp by ousting mccabe too. I think they're leaning toward gowdy.

I agree. That's why I voted for Trump.

Can you dispute that there are a few misguided anons who still insist that he's secretly NatSoc? They refuse to consider any other possibility because they embrace wishful thinking. They want it to be true, therefore they insist it is.

i fucking hate roger stone. guy is a lying rat.


True. We'll have to see how it plays out.

Yeah, and I can see that kampfy and the other shits around here play into that really hard to stifle discussion. They've already starting coming in here to try and make people defend hard instead of digging on potential appointees.

Good thing we need an example to show off libel laws!

I don't want any niggers in power not even "based" ones. But as a cop, I can tell you that the FBI really isn't a law enforcement agency, they have an "enforcement" arm that does missions against bank robberies and "safe neighborhood" task forces but 90% of the bureau is lawyers and investigation.

Maaaaaaybe if he were a detective it wouldn't be that bad of a fit, but he just would be out of his element.

He should be appointed as "police czar" to work on a federal level to help ultra-high crime areas that are incapable of dealing with the threat (Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, etc) to actually be capable of taking them on (ironically, smaller, richer and Whiter police and Sherrif's departments get much better pay, training, equipment and legal advisement than places that actually desperately need competent law enforcement)…

Stone is a paid mercenary. He is loyal to the coin, not the man.

Trump doesn't even need approval right now. Congress is in recess.

I kept working, FOR FREE, while Congress was in recess! SAD!

Stone is also a shameless self-promoter known for wild aggrandizement. See: His regular appearances on FilterWars.

I like your thinking. I'm leaning more towards Gowdy myself now, and I only made his suggestion because of the potential of getting Trey as Speaker of the House, but that's a very long shot. Gowdy as FBI director would have someone with the power of J. Edgar, with all of the integrity that J. Edgar never had, and none of the faggotry.

guy LARPs on infowars constantly.

hes constantly going on about how he had "insider knowlege".

not to mention thag he is in his 60's and he dyed his hair blonde.

what a fake cuck. I wish we would destroy him as a warning to LARPing faggots thag lie about their affiliations.

I wish someone could find the original, an up to date AWM happy merchant burning in a fire? priceless

That's overstating it. The power J . Edgar had in the FBI was genuinely disturbing. Gowdy doesn't have the institutional history with the FBI to do anything even like that.

Democrats and Republicans both would fear Gowdy if he is appointed. Most logical choice to get through the conformation process. Plus it would best confirmation on TV as Gowdy rips their questions and makes Al Frankenfurter cry during the process.

"Did you have a 44 Dollar breakfast today Senator Franken or are you just this gassy all the time?"

It just depends. Hopefully we'll hear from FBIanon soon. If you're reading this, you know who I am, or can find out.

Give me a job. You know, since people are getting shitcanned and all.

read that in his voice

44 bucks to shit his Mahnomin Porridge.

Kekekek the shills are back at it posting the same stale copypasta from 2 weeks ago.



There's a 99% chance "FBIAnon" was a LARPer. His predictions either didn't pan out, or were vague enough to be openly interpreted. He never told us verifiable information that we didn't already know.

I dunno if I trust Gowdy though, he had the bantz but shat on Trump, endorsed Ted Cruz and said Kasich "was okay".

I fear he's just playing up a persona.

also checking those trips


We'll just have to see. It would be a rather long game. It might be worth it just for the confirmation hearing alone. Options are a bit limited.

Gowdy was turned into a living meme last year, so it's hard to get a read on the real him. There is a lot of strong praise of him thrown around, but it's hard to know if it's justified or just the consequence of irresponsible memeing.

Irresponsible memeing.

Either him or Arpaio would be willing to prosecute Hillary and Obongo, or at the very least, recommend indictment.

Memeing can help this though; Benny G was memed to the state he is now. Imagine how much higher he can get with more memeing? Complin' Ted was built the same way.


Checked and Kek'd.

Well, they're still reheating the stale blackpilling copypasta from that one attack on an empty Syrian airfield 3 months ago that didn't kill anyone.

JIDF's Mission Operandi is to do massive blackpilling strikes after a major "opportunity" and in between strikes they have a skeleton crew trying to blackpill by rewriting the official script a few times.

Sometimes they'll even try to appear legitimate by posting old memes from their Holla Forums folder sent from HQ in Tel-Aviv.

We couldn't accept Moleyjew. We Do It For Free.

Reminder that Molyneux would be accepted under Nuremberg laws.

Funny how a certain poster tainted all blackpilling runs with a certain nickname that gets posted and easily dismisses any nihilistic give-up-hope arguments they have as that person…

How exactly do you figure?

I have no idea what this comment is trying to convey. Your comments in this entire thread are a mess tbqh. Please put more effort into expressing your ideas clearly.

When Nuremberg laws were created, it was not known you could test for DNA. It's like saying "witch doctors would have given you garlic" when your leg rots of gangrene.

What's your opinion on the holocaust?

He's only 1/4 Jewish, people with 1/4 jewish ancestry could still have Reich citizenship and their children were viewed as German provided that the other parent was German.

DNA is irrelevant, his mother is a jew and therefore under Nuremberg Laws he wouldn't be acceptable.

I have trouble with that sometimes. It comes with the condition. Today is a better day. But isn't there some faggot who tries to post blackpill arguments, and thus all blackpilled arguments have been associated with that name?

You have any proof of that bucko?

Oh, you're talking about the "ashes and echoes" guy?

Are we become party van, arrester of Kikes?

Not really, an user in an old thread broke down his ancestry and showed that his mom was only half-jewish, I didn't save it though.

I think the laws were too simplistic, it should be matrix of elements needed to be an "accepted mischling" more than just blood.

It's just like the campaign months again.
Glad to have you back in top bantering form, President Trump.

Daily reminder that Roger Stone and Milo are proud Centipedes. Hail Kekistan!

That's the point

Yay, go Republicans.

Wasn't Comey the guy who leaked Hillary's emails?

Er Boooo,

But then I see on here I'm told to hate Comey now.
Err Yay?!?!
This is confusing for a simple goy who just does things the jews instruct him to do.

Is there some kind of authority in the movement to instruct me on how I should feel about zionist infighting within the parties?

Maybe that gang of isreali jews who were creating all the pro-isreal politician threads throughout the elections telling us to cheer on zog-bot politicians could weigh and tell us what to do.

Go away. We want Comey fired regardless.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Not least because there are anons here too dense to see your sarcasm for what it is.


Finally some real agents

You should be banned for being this fucking retarded.

JIDF never stops trying to rewrite history.

Shills are going crazy right now on twitter trying to link this to the Russia investigation.

They are scared.

how new are you? I swear this new batch from JIDF is fucking pathetic.


Fuck off, heretic

No. The guy leaking Hillary's emails was "robbed" and killed in bright daylight. Comey is the guy that stopped FBI investigations into the Clintons.

So I'm now happy that /ourguy/ Trump sacked Comey

So Comey wasn;t the FBI boss responsible for the leak?

Wouldn't the JIDF be the ones on here still pretending that trump isn't completely a freemasonic jewish fraud?

Again, the JIDF would be the ones on pol pushing for every zog-puppet politician and still pretending that Trump wasn't a massive hoax at the goys expense.
That would be your JIDF

I don't mind new, dumb shills
It gives the newfags that have been coming in something to cut their teeth on and not be completely retarded regarding shills.

lol do you know why these faggots are exploding and kvetching and spilling 6 gorillion tons of salt?
thought trump was turning to (((their side))), they thought they had him
this was more than a slap in the face, he shit all over them
we need a trump pee pee poo poo comic made especially for this where they have all their dark moloch spirit cooking shit set up and they're all in robes and trump comes in with his head down, and they're like "yessss" but then he turns into trump pepe and pulls a pullcord and instead of balloons and confetti and whatnot raining down it's shit and piss and he does a smug look and skips away

Logically, wouldn't the JIDF be the ones on here pushing for all the jewish controlled opposition and other frauds embedded in the movement.

I would have thought those calling out the kikes would be the genuine anons.

But perhaps the jews in this thread are correct, and only those against Trump are the jews here… even though trump works for isreal.

Or just taking a dump straight into their sacrificial tools and pots and etc, it overflowing drowning the kikes and their shabbos goyim while he surfs away on the wave of diarrhea.

This is that Ted Cruz Rally all over again.

pic related, my dudes.

They are going to bring charges against him , he will start talking and then we finally get hill and bill and so on

A big, big part of the timing was almost certainly not having comey in the Hoover building when he found out he was shitcanned.

Honestly, it makes me proud to have a president who shitposts irl and on twitter and elsewhere while actually accomplishing tasks.

This looks to be a good step in the right direction in cleansing Washington DC of the accumulated filth and parasites; a long, arduous process that should have been done ages ago.

can't take documents with you real quick if you're not in the building when you find out.

You'll be ten times as proud once he puts that yamulke on and sucks jew dick at the wailing wall, no doubt.

Yup. Even being at his residence in Virginia or in the D.C. area, he could still bully his way into the building and destroy evidence.


Checked for meme power.

Rube Goldberg?! Trump is a ZOG tool

Your tinfoil isn't an argument.

what did he lie about?

If I use as many buzzwords as I can stuff into one sentence, they'll believe me, r-right mister shekelberginwitz?

Dunno about that, but you're pushing the lie that jewish trojan horse Trump is one of ourguys, that would make you more suspect in any anons books.

You know, the fact all kikes do on here is push and promote their jewish controlled opposition from Wilders to TRS/Dailystormer and obviously the freemasonic fraud Trump


Working hard to earn your shill paycheck today, aren't you?
Comey getting fired is nothing but good for the United States and the people who actually care about the nation. There's no way you can demoralize people over this.

Here's your response since I feel bad at how terrible you are at doing this. Hang in there!


How would you describe the zionist neocons in Trumps administration?

I'm not selling anything other than calling out lying devious kikes, like you.

It's jews like you that is pushing non-stop shilling for zog agents in world politics, not me.

2 years ago not one of you kikes would've lasted an hour, nowadays you're in every thread filling it up with pro-isreali bullshit and shilling for zog



Just thought you kikes would've fucked off after the last election, seems you kikes are determined to stay to permanently fuck up Holla Forums' for everyone not jewish here/


I'll give you a chance, sport.

Tell us why firing Comey is pro-israeli/pro-jew.

You can do it, champ!

Is zog really that bad?

get out.

According to the kikes above, voting for jews is the most based thing a goy could ever do.

I disagree.

Global report.

yay it's endchan here again to show exactly why no one wants to use endchan and the quality of the posters there.

Tell us why firing Comey is pro-jew.

Comey was about to give a talk on the need for diversity in the FBI moments before he was fired.

For this reason alone I'd like it to be Clarke. The irony would rocket my sides out of orbit and on their way to Alpha Centauri.

There was no FBI boss leaking things you dumbshit. The email leaks didn't come from the FBI.

can you tell me why anything that zog puppet Trump does should be celebrated and cheered for from the rooftops on here?

Not an argument. Not an explanation. Not a reason, just avoiding the question.

What makes firing Comey pro-jew?

Can you tell me why firing Comey is pro jew?

Good goy.

You still behaving like Trump is on our side is the concern.
Comey being fired means nothing to me either way while jews will pick his replacement

I know you can't, because shilling is never actually about the topic at hand


What makes firing Comey pro-jew?

You keep dodging the question.

I never said it was.
I was calliong out you kikes for non-stop shilling for jews and cheering on zog.

Comey can stay or go, what will change with the next jew selected chief of FBI?

Maybe that is going to be the way (((they))) try to rewrite history- Comey was a brave whistleblower who Blew the lid off the evil email server. Which hillary knew nothing about, of course. And Drumpf fired him because the russians.
It probably makes sense to diseased leftists.

Oh shit, wait, I forgot, you only speak buzzword.



How is supporting a jewish controlled freemason fraud like Trump still being pushed for on Holla Forums?

You enter here calling everyone jew puppets but you can't answer a simple question about Comey because it's not a part of the script they issued you to shill on 8/pol/.

You're pathetic.

Pro-tip: You can't socially shame a bunch of single men who masturbate to anime tiddy.

Why have you and several other of your team of hasbara kikes asked me the sam,e question that has little to do with what I said?
Why should I give a fuck about any demand a kike makes of me?

these kikes are shameless

Filtered for being a lying kike.

Who is your waifu, you doublenigger?

You are not a smart man.

Trump proved he isn't an Russian agent by bombing some shitskins and now he can focus on domestic stuff without dealing with that shitposting by the media

Cancerous as fuck.

You claim Trump is pro-jew. His actions would benefit jews if what you were saying was true.
What does firing Comey do to benefit jews?

Bombing those shitskin airplanes proved nothing to anybody. People who were calling him a Russian agent before still are. People who didn't believe it then, still don't. Everybody has already made up their mind, nothing Trump does will convince anybody of anything.

To be fair he does want to declare BLM and Antifa domestic terrorist organisations.

who is your waifu, what are the fourteen words, and post gore without taking hours to get a file from tel aviv

He hasn't responded in a while. I think he's off trying to find answers now we've been trying to push him off his script of "Trump is a zionist zogbot"

So does Arpaio, niggers should not be put in high offices.

Man this is some masterful shitposting.

Different user, but I feel like this would be fun. I don't have gore saved on my computer, so I'm not sure if that's an adequate test. I don't like having it there. I can still answer the others, though.

Easy. Sena Kashiwazaki.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

James Comey Fired Again, Escorted Out Of FBI Offices

36 hours ago a nuclear weapon was being tried to be smuggled into Washington, DC, and Comey "somehow" missed that. Comey is not in the business of placing nine 25 kiloton nuclear weapons in 9 American cities in the next 2 weeks.

I haven't seen shilling of this poor quality since the election. I didn't know Hilldog still had the money to pay interns to shill against her inevitable arrest and execution for treason.

We still need the original though.

Dont forget that Chaffetz put on a real good show purporting to be on a mission to go after crime but in the end.. he did nothing. He lead a good circus and then when the audience was ready for a climactic ending he said 'shows over go home'. HE is the reason gowdy's commie hunt went no where.

You mean the time when he could have gone in for greater Israel and made an invasion, but chose to just fire some rockets as a publicity stunt?

Now, it's not entirely baseless to suggest he's in the kikes' pocket, but the Syria thing doesn't prove it in any way. So far it has worked itself out just fine.

How could they have tried to smuggle it in if nukes don’t exist, you obvious fucking lunatic? Fuck off.


Quit spamming your autism on this board.

Wouldn't go too well with his America first policy. A candidate doing this is one thing, a president is a bit different. I guess it's just another "wait and see" thing, like half the election cycle was.
Just be prepared for innawoods/DotR should the need arise, but don't go around pretending we have reason to be certain when we don't.

His ass. He's created like 5 threads with this sort of nonsense already.

I don't know what kind of shill you are, so I'll just call you Sinead.

Fuck off, Sinead.

This is some low energy shit. I don't know what's lower quality, this or the leftist shill who was writing "test post please ignore" in his threads. A new low in shilling history.

They really are stumped about how to shill this event. Part of it being the higher-ups are trying to figure out if/when charges are going to be filed against them all. The octopus has taken a head shot and the tentacles don't know what to do.

>"Comey, you can blow me. You're fired."

So, which new FBI director will destroy antifa and BLM? Guiliani? Gowdy? Clarke?


Somebody's gotta get rid of all these brony faggots.

blue-eyes, mother can;t be 100% jewish.
also there is ethnic jew, and religious jew.


I said 100% Jewish, genetic wise, you pedant, blue eyes is not a jewish trait, it implies mixed gene pool of both parents at the very least, we got nothing on a jewish dad, and we only got him describing his mother as "coming from a jewish family" is the mom a half-jew herself? was she Jew as in adopting the religion but not a Jew ethnically?

The only think we know is him beign blue eyes mean blue eye gene from both parents, meaning one of the parent of his mother had a blue eye gene. now you do the math.

d&c, filter and ignore


why? cuz this is a Comey thread? fine.

I want Trey Goydy for FBI position… but then I would miss his loud bantz mouthing at congress. do we know of a silent type that is gonna meticulously fuck Clinton in the ass?

conspiracy theory.

Comey said the hillary email thing so the democrats would have something to blame for losing the election.

They knew they were fucked from the real polls they did but they kept on faking the numbers and pretending.

Jews have been poaching white genetics for millennia you retard. Jews with blue eyes are not unheard of.

Wouldn't surprise me really.

Hitler was wrong though. It should be 1/16th or less.

At least he had a sense of humor about it. I almost don't hate Rafael as much, looking back on things… And I miss Jeb. He was so low-energy.

I've seen a lot of mindless blubbering about Nixon, Watergate and impeachment on mainstream comment sections. They're seriously assmad right now but don't have a coherent narrative cooked up yet.


I really hate how people have a softspot for Jeb just because he's an utter failure.

Hi, faggot.

Jeb spilled his mexican spaghetti into our hearts.

Chris Swecker former FBI assistant director could come out of retirement. He was a bulldog against gangs and supported Trumps immigration ban from the shitskin 7 nations.

nah sorry man I don't swing that way, you want
>>>Holla Forums

Guess what your comments in this thread are - time to change IP perhaps?

These days they are so fast with the fakes that you often see them before the original!

Speak for yourself, I want to see him strung up on a rope right beside both Clintons and his brother.

Took you long enough to get your marching orders. I'm a bit disappointed that "Trump is a Jew take 327" is all you've got.

Strange how he didn't answer.

Alright this is pretty funny. The shill just broke.

nice, fuck McCabe.

NO. Rudy was good for fighting Clintons, Rudy is a traitor and did not accept Saudi money for victims. Rudy let Firemen and cops dies of lung cancer chemicals at the Tower site and told everyone it was safe.

again, NO. Rudy is not ourguy faggot.

Correct. To many kiddies coming here who don't know how complicit Rudy was in 911. WTC7 alone.

quality post.

fuck off niggerlover.

Joe Arpaio is incompetent and dirty. I love that he hates beaners, but so does my mailman, and I don't want him running the FBI either. Sheriff Joe is in his 84 dummy and his wife just recovered from cancer.

you have a nigger and 84 year old man in there, sad. Look at the last 10 FBI directors and tell me how many have had Trey's job previously.

Fully erect fams


Not 4D chess, but JEWJitsu. He is using the jews against each other. Kikes love power and money. Trump used Rosenstein as a Yiddish Shield against

Kill yourself

Yeah, I am still salty about Chaffetz. He did a 180 on us.

Shoo shoo jew.



For a job like this, I'd rather it go to the most qualified then a brown nosing lapdog. Gowdy is a hound when it comes to investigations and interrogations. I have some family that watches things like cold case files, and Gowdy is always popping up in all sorts of cases, some decades old. Investigation seems to be his life.

There's a hell of a lot of distance between being a brown noser and thinking that someone you know is completely corrupt should win just because the other guy made an offcolor joke in private.

Nothing new, he's made comments about the FBI being too white in the past, and calling the lack of diversity a "crisis".

Sure, it's a distance, but if I had to make that choice I would rather have the more qualified then a sycophant in a position like this. Some positions can handle "loyalists" much better then others.

Though I know about the situation with Gowdy and Trump anyway, did he really endorse Hillary over Trump because of that? Or just criticize Trump cause of it?

*know nothing about that situation

There is a difference between having a belief dictated from outside influences and belief as a means of memetic manifestation.

As long as it's not some fucking Jew or shabbos goy, I really don't care, even Boss Nigger would be fine. Gowdy would be great, but fuck giving up his House seat right now.

He said that he didn't deserve to be president when asked about it, which may as well be an endorsement in my book since the primaries were already over.

Rudy is too much of a Jew dick-licker for my liking.

you're a faggot and a liar

U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy of Spartanburg said Tuesday he still plans to vote “for the Republican nominee” even though several prominent GOP lawmakers pulled their support from Donald Trump after recently released videos showed the candidate making vulgar remarks about women in 2005.

Gowdy declined, however, to tell others to vote for Trump, saying voters “have to make up their own minds.” The congressman discussed the 2016 presidential race in an interview with the Herald-Journal.

“Donald Trump’s comments are indefensible,” Gowdy said, responding to a video released Friday in which Trump told former “Access Hollywood” co-host Billy Bush that he tried to seduce Nancy O’Dell, a Clemson University graduate and Miss South Carolina 1987. Trump has since apologized for what he said was “locker-room talk.”

“The comments do not reflect the values of the Republican Party or those Republicans I most admire,” Gowdy said. “Neither the passage of time nor the circumstances under which those comments were made mitigate the vulgarity and utter inappropriateness of what was said.”

more stuff gowdy has said about trump

now I'm even more rowdy for a director gowdy. if the shills are already lying like crazy and shilling against him then we know he's the right choice cause he scares them.

Good find user, and nice dubs.

That makes me like Gowdy even more. He was able to criticize Trump's personal life but was still able to separate it from his politics. Meanwhile even in that same article you have Ryan jumping ship.



kill people with a cow slaughtering thing?
what's your point?


can you share with us your thoughts as to what the general opinion is within the Bureau today following the Comey firing?

I think it should have been drawn so Comey was standing on a house of cards or something that Trump set on fire. Just emphasizing the fact that Comey had set himself up for this firing. Still, Garrison was speedy to act on this.

That was a week or two after the original comments because he rightly got shit on over them.

the opinion within an organization that tend to recruit from the brainwashed liberal college masses and has been following a path of hiring people for diversity sake rather than the sake of upholding the law with the most qualified people is absolutely irrelevant. leadership was weak and politicized, anyone within that didn't see it is part of the problem. there will be people that take it as a personal issue because they liked comey, there will be people that don't like it because they don't understand it, there will be people that wont like it because it's change and it was sudden, the majority of these people will get over their shit if given good leadership they can trust.

but if i had to take a guess at the general feelings of a base of 20k employees I'd say half are upset, 20% don't care either way so long as they have their job, and 30% are happy because they actually understand the world. of the half upset, 20% are upset because libshit braindeath, the rest will get over it.

but I'm not FBI so idk. thats more based on a presumption that the fbi has an overton window slightly right of national average and then going off general group psychologies.

top smug.


Do we have any idea who he will be replaced with ? Has he hinted on anyone ?

evidently the white house has been getting a lot of recommendations for gowdy and in todays press conference it was noted that he is in the running. they are side stepping mccabe as interim director and are installing someone they like which leads me to believe they're thinking the temp might be longer term. well gowdy's current term ends 2019 so possible setup for that gap?

idk. the buzz is about gowdy though all over the internet.

I think a similar thing happened with Chaffetz, first he withdrew his endorsement but still refused to vote for Hillary, then he didn't re-endorse him per say but he said that he would vote for Trump anyway because "Hillary is that bad".

Retard, October 11th was that Tuesday and the tape leaked on Friday night, Saturday it blew up.

also, my assumption is the temp is going to be a total hardass that they put in specifically to find and plug the leaks as well as get those rusty bureaucratic wheels turning and get them to get shit done.

I don't like McCabe at all. He is Comey's remnant and appointee after all and i think his wife is also in cahoots with the Clintons. Hopefully they get a pick ASAP, Sherrif Joe is available.

The sun is always shining somewhere, I guess.

Joe Arpaio would be almost too good to be true. I'm a little concerned about Gowdy because it felt like he was just bullshitting around the investigation and nothing came of it but I don't know how much that was due to Comey. For practical purposes Nigger Clarke may be useful in some way but not FBI, that's just a bit much.

for everyone calling for a "based" nigger T_D wants you back

Gowdy doesn't handle prosecutions, he can only question, dig up evidence, and send it to DOJ which was compromised for the entirety of king nigger's presidency. He did as much as he could given the circumstances, and taking the leash off by putting him in charge of FBI will finally take the leash off.

is there an archive for 8ch?

fuck off.

Gowdy loves the limelight, he loves grandstanding, considering that was a Comey flaw. Appointing Gowdy would be "out of the frying pan and into the fire". Gowdy is a megalomaniac in his own right.



Goddamn, I hope it's Gowdy.

Was pic related ever debunked? During the election, rumor was that the DNC was threatening this guy's family. If so, him getting fired was an act of mercy towards a compromised agent. We must question everything, always.

Trump A/B tests proposals sometimes, get #choosegowdy trending and it makes it a lot more likely.

Wishful into one hand, shit into the other. See which fills up first.

The fat fuck getting the job would be amusing, but it won't happen since he ruined his own career with that moronic bridge stunt.

wtf is this supposed to be? sounds like stupid shit to me.

Chris Christie? Fuck no. He's got too much baggage and I'm not talking about his weight.

Not sure what to think of Ray Kelly, or Guiliani for that matter but he's pretty old. Would prefer Gowdy I suppose.

Some of my friends on FB are attacking me stating "Trump fired the third person who was investigating the Russian conspiracy." While none of the evidence they poses hold any grounds on any collusion with Russia, there have been republican representatives that have stepped down from their positions when they were accused of having ties with the Russian government. This kind of stuff will only give the left more ammo to fire at us. If anyone can clear this shit out for me, I'd be greatful.

that's there to scare people. just like when his name was floating around for every other position. at the end of the day Christie Creme is just a little cuckboi.


newfag confirmed.

sorry that I don't follow every conspiracy theory

low test.

Just smug at them. There is no sense trying to argue with people who read about politics online and go confront people they know about it.

the fact that they are the ones calling it that should tell them something about it.

Well, that's obviously a no brainer but what exactly do you say about the ties with certain republican representatives and Russia. The ties with them could be completely irrelevant from the Russian conspiracy, though, but we don't know that for certain and the left will continue to use that angle to push their Russian conspiracy agenda. I want to know the facts and how to use them against the left.

lol, they didn't actually say that, I was just paraphrasing what they said with some of my bantz.



I say pic related

Ask them for proof, because there is none, this conspiracy theory has been floated for over 6 months now and nothing, Comey even admitted that there was no on going investigation into the president. If that doesn't work, move to step two, make them look stupid. Ask them if they also believe in Bigfoot or holographic planes on 9/11, super tinfoil shit with little to no evidence. Keep pressing it until they get pissed and don't want to talk to you anymore.
Alternatively you could dig through their timeline and find when they were bitching about Comey near October's end and pin them to the wall with that.

Facts dont work my friend. They are arguing from an emotional perceptive and the MSM is validating it with every second that passes.

good shit. You could use this video too

Come on fam, apply yourself. Also, breaking links isn't necessary anymore, it's done automatically.

Skip this step, it never works.
This never fails.

Fucking brutal

I want Sheriff Clarke. BLM would be gone overnight.


I can fap to that.

What's going to be really funny is when it comes out that the USA and Russia were working together to prevent the destruction of the USA by Israel.


do you really think it will be someone who is such a vocal Trump supporter?



because if you dont, then the government will know that Holla Forums exists :^)

Thanks for the tip

BLM is still a factor?

If they try to chimp out this summer I expect Sessions to take care of it.

Watch. Trump will laud him with praise and make him Director.


Just taking a short moment to point out all these Verified twitter accounts from retarded leftists trying to bash Trump.

Warning: fucking cancerous

Board. My mistake, I'll head back to my cell now.

Oh Ben, you've done it again! Some of your best work yet!

Some autist was saying that selecting the link text then opening it still gave referrer information though, but that may depend upon the browser.

GTFO, a nigger is still a nigger you shill


Wat iz zee deal mit zee Jews? Ich mean are tay even People?


Well the Obama cuck got his fucking wish.

He can appoint himself a special oven and jump in


checked and kek'd

top kek


Hang yourself

So the shills have finally figured out a script to use regarding Comey's firing.
That doesn't work until the hiring.


kike or a stormnigger?


You fucking responded to yourself you stupid piece of shit!

I don't see how that would work because it's literally just characters that you have that could have came from anywhere. Unless referral information is in the text of Holla Forums that shouldn't be that way. At that point like anybody would be willing to type out a link from scratch.


Reported for being a low IQ yid

how old are you?

Always funny when the kikes don't realize there are IDs.

Lay-Z Fag

At least make it make sense. Put some effort into it.

Was that part of your plan?


He's too retarded too understand that…SAD!

A retard who quotes himself while trying to insult others, that's what you are.

Is the jew secretly Hitler?



I'm rubber and you're jew, everything you say bounces off me and gasses you

That post didn't deserve quads, to be honest.

This is just cringy. Stop embarrassing yourself.

I can't wait for their world to end. They deserve a thousand years of torment for what they've done to my future and the future of my children.

This is an embarrassment:

cringy stormniggers like you should have stayed in stormfront.

Just go to another board and fuck.

Explain which choices out of those being talked about are better goys or kikes.

You could've spent those 10 dollars better.


It's a clueless non-STEM user eyeballing SNP FSTs and reckoning that they're fairly close to Addy's racial prescriptions, and are therefore okay. It might be fair enough to use that during the war/period of transition, but what we are primarily concerned with in the long term is the prevention of our extinction via introgression, which will require large scale ecological/genomics population wide studies, at which point experts will be able to deliver a truly appropriate, informed and dispassionate plan to preserve European phenotypes, just as they do for any other endangered species affected by genetic pollution.



What sewer did you cockroaches crawl out of?


it was a designated shitting street.

So Jew Civil War?

Awesome! Let's fan the flames and support the entertaining one at least!

Dumbass shill.

This, stop being so fucking dumb guys, anyone in power before trump is a globalist traitor. At best Growdy is a powerless faggot, at worst he is theirs.

I vote for Trey Howdy

Someone shop that toothbrush into a positive pregnancy test stat

i don't get it, but here

Wrong pregnancy test

Clinton Ally Aided Campaign of FBI Official’s Wife

Group linked to Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe donated nearly half a million dollars to 2015 state Senate candidate

Campaign finance records show Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s political-action committee donated $467,500 to the 2015 state Senate campaign of Dr. Jill McCabe, who is married to Andrew McCabe, now the deputy director of the FBI.

Mr. McAuliffe and other state party leaders recruited Dr. McCabe to run, according to party officials. She lost the election to incumbent Republican Dick Black.

>The FBI said in a statement that during his wife’s campaign Mr. McCabe “played no role, attended no events, and did not participate in fundraising or support of any kind. Months after the completion of her campaign, then-Associate Deputy Director McCabe was promoted to Deputy, where, in that position, he assumed for the first time, an oversight role in the investigation into Secretary Clinton’s emails.”

what in the fuck

fuck you too

Thanks, user.

Traditional pregnancy test is the two lines thing but that's still good. (Also the cap should be off, cause you know…)

gross. that's degenerate.

You mean realistic (girls hate caps on containers, everyone knows this)

maybe every girl you know just hates you

also. anime.

Guliani "9/11" sucks.


in case you haven't noticed BLM is gone "overnight".




I like where this new meme is going
fund it!

a non-DEA solution that would also still lend itself to the drug trafficking fight, David "Dallas" Brown.

He was a fed when Fast&Furious started falling apart. Pothead vidya addict BPD kid suddenly gets his hands on enough PCP to start a rave and uses it all on himself then goes nuts. After his kid died he dropped and became Dallas police chief. If you want someone with an incorruptible grudge on drugs he'd be pretty great. Also suspiciously specific denials about not being pushed out after the Dallas shootings. I only have dangling red threads on a bulletin board here, but it sounds like he may've accidentally come into contact with the CIA's drug ring while investigating the firearms side of things and not known it. Could consider him "The Forrest Whitaker option"

Cons: Until September 2016 was moderately pro-BLM and pushing for reforms in his department.
Berner….until he cucked out. Left the party after the DNC as a Bernout.
Used to call himself a 'progressive'…. until September 2016. Now a lolberg.
In their possible attempt to cover up whatever it was he ran into, they primed themselves the perfect vengeful Django. Also the ABC station he went to work for was the first (((MSM))) station to air the wikileaks Clinton Foundation mails.
He wouldn't even need to be assistant, though. Chance has put him in a great position to, if not hired back even as a rookie, report on leaks and not back down to station heads. Especially if he starts suspecting the same shifty watermelon eater that fucked up the tranquility of his city for a PR media circus then kicked his ass out of his dream job to help his old white massa broad is also the one that MKUltra'd his boy.
I'm not saying it's definitive, but king nigger had some terrible influences hanging around him that may've given him a few bad ideas. It'd fit with the MO of killary's typical clean-ups. I can easily see the chain of events that fucked his life up being related to F&F. Or maybe I'm just too hype on them losing control of yet another golem
Plus he would probably nail them with their own shit like he did that shooter, I mean that's just fucking amazing, give him his own bomb back with the robot. Don't play against this nigga in any FPS. Also he looks a bit like that blind piano player from NO.

this. He's just a plain weaselly opportunistic fuck.

Guys… what is this shit..?
also 1st pick, I know for a fact that there is no way he could have known about my account.. not without the help of twitter themselves…



That looks like it's based off the thing from this spergy bernout cartoon.

Besides that, stay on topic, baka.

You should off yourself, or go back to Holla Forums, or do both in no particular order.

Fuck off Kikes

The music playing over the statements at the end just makes it.

He's like a turtle with only two legs that are both on the same side. A big part of his 'appeal' is just how pathetic and harmless he is. Even if he wants to bite you he's too slow and ungainly, so you pick him up and put him back in his glass box.

Cue years of jokes about him eating criminals.

I turned on CNN today, and (((Wolf Blitzer))) was talking with one of the Catro Brothers (who will be running for president) about how this will lead to Trump being impeached and that Sessions will be forced to resign. They really are going all out. I don't know how these people pretend they have any credibility left at all.

*Castro Brothers


inb4 he noms a no name kike he owes favors to and you all defend it

It's not so much that they're going all out. It's more like they're in a blind panic. The (((establishment))) hasn't faced a crisis like this since Andrew Jackson.

They are on a fucking Merry-Go-Round of which they cannot get off of.



TRump needs to choose a director who will drain the FBI's swamp.

Guilliani is a complete shabbos goy

You're delusional. BLM came into existence while Loretta Lynch was AG and the Obama administration was doing literally every anti-white measure they could get away with (both inside and outside of the Department of Justice). A nigger FBI director isn't going to do shit to BLM, they'd just call him an Uncle Tom or whatever the 2017 equivalent is (like they probably already do).

Every time I read Trump replies it's like gazing into a bottomless chasm of idiocy.
This is embarrassing. Like when Colbert had to correct his audience who cheered Comey's firing. The drones truly are just soulless husks following orders, shifting on a dime, no scruples, no integrity, illogical, hysterical, & above all: pathetic.

This level of brainwashing should be considered a terminal illness as it's so absurdly self-destructive.

everyone save this copypasta and the images for when anyone tries to insult the great trump

I fucking love trump, but everyone is always so two faced when it comes to this. the shills love taking advantage of this, or rather they are pretending to be us, and then trying to make us change our minds because we believe we are in the company of other real people.

or this bullshit

And I'm likely forgetting quite a few. Every few weeks, there was a new gimmick. Some frantic, desperate strategy using a combination of polls and false positives and self-titled experts declaring these things as indisputable fact, and then they just give up on one narrative and start another. The one we're on now is quite literally

It's really gotten that lazy, but these faggots are all patting themselves on the back over this one. They think they've finally got it! 3 months in and this will be the thing that stops Trump from being President! People don't like him! HAHA! Take that drumpfkins! NOW TRUMP CAN'T BE PRESIDENT. To reiterate.. We're THREE FUCKING MONTHS INTO HIS FIRST YEAR AND THEY THINK THEY CAN STOP HIM NOW. He's already elected and you can't fucking impeach a president because the news said all of Trump's supporters hate him now.

Don't get me wrong. You can be pissed at the guy or question his decisions or voice your confusion over the shit he's done, but this idea that half country has suddenly changed sides and now it's everyone versus Trump is fucking stupid. He's not going anywhere for another 4 years, for fuck's sake.

This blackpill pessimism and defeatism is simply the next step. First they tried to derail us. Then they tried to shill us. Now they are pretending to be us and trying to drag us into the abyss where lefty faggots have been wallowing for these past few months. This is demoralization, plain and simple, and just like every single other narrative they tried before, when there are not tangible results, they will panic and switch to something else. The earliest rumblings seem to be the baseless claim that Kushner and Ivanka are manipulating Trump and making him do things because Ivanka was sad about dead children.

they bitch and scream and moan and say "he will not divide us" while at the very same moment they are trying to divide US they are screaming out in pain with their forked tongues as they strike out with lies and hypocrisy
they go against truth and honesty and the good man that was voted in by the american people
they want to appear like the victims to others while they brainwash themselves to consider themselves heros.

The reason they keep doing this is exceedingly simple: They are losing. They are losing viewers, which loses them money. Without money they can't enforce their control on the world as easily. They can't make people think and act and believe what they want if no one trusts them. They mistakenly think Trump is the key and that if we lost him, we'd lose everything, everyone would go back to sleep, and we'd all just pretend none of this never happened. We won, We are winning, We are not tired of winning, We will NOT tire of winning, and We will win forever. there's only so much longer that these parasitic cretins can scrape by before they lose everything and we are going to experience the feeling of evil losing until evil ceases to exist.

This is for when they reply and accuse you of being crazy or from /killcen/ (hit and miss, not my fav but not bad either from my experiences)


shills are counting on the effectiveness of mentioning /killcen/ the same way they mention "cats cradle" or how the mainstream media mentions the word "conspiracy theorist" because they depend on normal people having a cognitive dissonance reaction so that all logic and reason automatically become ignored. everyone just makes a quick assumption about the person or issue or anything being discredited by what is essentially just advanced namecalling. they don't check to see if its true, or ask questions to figure out of what's being discredited is deserving of being discredited. they just assume they are being told the truth.

"cat's cradle! cat's cradle!"

this has nothing to do with cat's cradle, and in fact nothing has anything to do with cat's cradle as cat's cradle has nothing to do with anything. check fuckin m8

people usually gloss over threads when killcen is mentioned.
Something about knowing that someone's mind is corrupted makes them easy to outright ignore without a second thought.
It's something we have to watch out for. Eventually it could be used against us as individuals. (more so than it already is)

very cool quote:

and everyone knows it? who's everyone? your shill corporation owned office building?
I haven't been on /killcen/ before but if you think it's fake, you must be calling whatever you call /killcen/ fake as an insult right? I can't judge because I don't know what /killcen/ is about but you shills clearly want to associate /killcen/ with being something that people shouldn't trust.

from what I have heard /killcen/ means "kill censorship" and if you want to defame a board that claims to want to stop censorship and you seem to shill post on everything you don't like and cry "shitcen!" "killcen!" "shillcen!" it gives the impression that you want to stop /killcen/ from stopping censorship, and gives the impression that you want to censor people and information that you do not approve of.

if you are so strongly against /killcen/ that you predominantly seem to shill every board on Holla Forums by insulting pretty much every fairly truthful and well reasoned post and comment by telling them to "go back to shillcen" It honestly makes me wake up and believe that shills exist. it also motivates me to visit /killcen/ to see what it is that you shills hate so much and don't want people to know.

different forms of mental health discrediting tactics continue to be used in the world (besides internet shilling insults)

don't forget this

So what are you implying, that he's the chosen's chosen one?

wtf I love mossad now

all praise kek!

we thought comey was based but it turned out trump is based, is comey trying to be based again or debased?
so fucking confused