Aussie Holla Forumsacks, this is thread for you

Aussie Holla Forumsacks, this is thread for you.

Sick of leftist degeneracy? Are you anti-antifa? Angered by communist propoganda in our places of education? Sickened by the globalist agenda?
Well, now is the time to fight back. Communist posters and rhetoric has taken over our public spaces. It's time we reclaim that by launching a campaign of our own. With the help of Aussie anons, we must poster bomb our local areas and make our public spaces great again! This will help reach out to others with the same ideas, and also help fight against the communist and globalist takeover. While it may not seem like a big step, it is a necessary one in reclaiming Australia from evil.
So, I am asking all Australian anons to help out with this project. Let's make some posters and get out there.

Other urls found in this thread:>>9889758

maybe use a crossed out antifa logo, so people know this is against them by the first look


Good point man. I'll add that into the design.

where can i get some of those stickers, or something like them?
i see antifa stickers and marxist propaganda near my work, and it's not even close to a university or the CBD, it's absolutely disgusting.

one of those marxist conference posters has been mangled and left hanging there though, great for morale that. there's also a picture of some jihadists about the behead a white guy stuck to the bus stop, some cunt's ripped it up beyond recognition though. this out of the way bus stop has become a propaganda warzone.

I need to destroy the amount of fake liberal propo that's popped at uni recently.
I've seen a couple ripped up ones tho, props for that

I found this picture, but I've been hoping someone will comment with a link. I have these at the moment though and Im hoping to laminate them and potentially try and make them a sticker.

I am not Australian, but I will poster my area in America.

I think these posters are in the wrong spirit. Don't wage a propaganda campaign against antifa. Instead, use your time to cultivate White identity. That is the ultimate goal. Destroying antifa leaves the Jewish System in place. But once Whites throw off the shackles of the RELIGION of White guilt and political correctness, the System the Jews have spent hundreds of years building falls apart.

Same here. Except the Socialist Alternative is becoming very very vocal on my campus. As with another prominent Uni in Brisbane. They actually have pansexual and LGBT flags flying next to the Australian flag.

if you're talking about UQ, then I know exactly what you mean,

Also, agree with the white identity part.

Hello. I am so happy my simple design is so popular. See this thread for a how to tutorial to make water proof stickers.

Also, here are some other designs geared towards awaking White racial consciousness and spreading awareness of White genocide.

I agree and disagree. We do need some more posters adovcating for white culture. But I feel as though defeating antifa and other leftist groups though is key to also reestablishing white identity. Great work for postering your area though man.

Wow, thank you so much user! I do love this design. If I get around to putting some around the place tomorrow I will take some pictures for you.
I thank you so much for your contribution.

Really good thread on stickers! Also, props to the designs.

How does antifa really hinder us? And what effect would targeting them for a propaganda campaign have? The public isn't on their side. So these posters wouldn't change much. However if we could get just a few more people thinking about their demographic replacement, thinking about White genocide, then we are that much closer to taking control of the discourse. He who controls the language, controls the conversation. It is an absolute imperative to wrest control about race away from our enemies. We need people to hear "RACIST" and understand that "racist" is just an anti-White slur.

I already chucked posters up in Fremantle and it made national news lol. Not sure if you faggats heard about it.

oy vey

what did the media have to say?

Something like this but altered for Australia could be good, demographic replacement needs to become a public issue.

Link us lad>>9889758

I'm a different user, was involved in the same operation.

Here in Australia antifa and other liberal groups control the conversation on such stuff. But I get what you mean, that if we strike at the heart of the issue we can take control of the conversation. This is a great point man.


Thank you.
For small stickers, the vinegar-glue method is good. However for larger posters like the ones pictured I use a simple tackey glue and water mixture (about 40-60 glue vs water). To apply, simply paint over the area you want to place your poster, then place the poser, then paint over the poster again (to seal it and make it water proof)

Why this mixture and not wheat paste? Well, wheat paste dissolves in water and is easily scratched off by dedicated SJWs. This glue is 3 times more effective and is water proof when it dries. I go out at night with dozens of posters in an envelope attached to a light jacket and a plastic bottle I designed for carrying the paste with a paintbrush. Carefully scout out your desired locations first with the goal of maximizing the people who see it. Intersections, pedestrian areas, and near stores are good. Here is one I glued to the top of a newspaper dispensary near a post office. Some of these posters have been up for more than three months and my local SJWs have tried to remove them too. I live at a university.

One very good way of dividing the left is by pointing out how commie views and radical leftists hurts unions.

Also we really should take the narrative away from the left. Instead of being reactive (NO gay marriage, NO multiculturalism) we should take the front foot and actually push forward our vision. Campaign for things that we want, so the leftists are tied are with opposing us instead of pushing their cancer.

My signs made news lol


Seen this guy?

He has iron balls.

I can't get that link to load. ((They)) must have removed it. That is awesome though

This is literally invaluable information. Thank you so much user. Have you ever postered during the day? And have you ever been caught doing so? I'm all around town tomorrow and was planning on taking some of these with me but I wasn't sure if I should during daylight hours.

Woops. I meant is NOT easily scratched off. There is one poster I placed right in front of a school months ago and it is still there. Dozens of SJWs have tried removing it with what looks like screwdrivers or metal files yet it is still there. They were so dedicated and so triggered though that eventually they scratched off the word "White".

It's the same link posted.
Antifa (lol) went out and took them down a day or two later.
Triggered some cucks, but most of the comments on social media were supportive.


The best dubs

No. While it is true that most people probably wouldn't care, I do post in cities and I would be worried about some degenerate trying to call the police on me.

So far I post at night. At least for these posters. For my stickers, I just spray some water on the back, walk up to a thing, and stick them there.

Oh lol.
I love the hypocrisy. If those posters said "Black Pride" it never would have made the news. Instead, an innocent slogan saying "I love my white family" is demomized for no reason other than due to the liberal agenda. Im glad that there was support though. Keep fighting the good fight user.

I might move my operation to at night then. I was planning on postering and stickering my Uni which is always fairly busy, and I'm concerned, like you said, thar someone will decide to find me later or doxx me.

Actually I did not mess up! Wheat paste IS easier to scratch off than the paste I use So my original sentence was not in error.

if anyone wants to go on a poster sticking rampage tomorrow in aus, or specifically in qld, lets do this. If we can make a small disturbance, even better.

That is the most cucked article I've ever read. "The white family is beautiful" is racist white supremacy. Everybody quoted in the piece sounded like a multicultural Jew was holding their family at gunpoint, and they had to hurry and denounce their own advocates before somebody got hurt. They couldn't even find a real victim of persecution, so they went with some Dutch expat who: "witnessed the rise of new-Nazism in Germany."

Top fucking kek.

Hispanic spellcheck.

I'm Brisbane based man. Where are you at?

Here's what they said about posters that said simply that "We have a right to exist" with 2 nonoffending White faces.
Here's the same cunt who wrote the original article. The West's article was stupid and a lot of people commenting on social media thought so too.

There were tons of comments on social media pointing out the double standard, so its good to know we have some support.

Any of you boys have discord ?

sure do

I just downloaded the app but have no idea how it works.

G'day cunts, posting some of the designs I've had saved from the last postering thread.

Wanna start an Aussie group man?

Cheers man. Welcome aboard. Have you done the postering yet?

is this all entirely legal?

hell yeah man. sounds like a plan, hit me with the details.

My answer will be prefer not to say, also if you fellas are looking to organize I'm going to shill the antipodean resistance since they seem pretty based.


Server is /pol

pic related is the biggest redpill of them all. that picture is completely harmless, if we didn't live in an insane climate of white guilt there is no way anyone could misconstrue it as white supremacist, but that is the climate, and anyone who isn't a drooling retard will realise this. very clever user, getting such an outrageous response to something so harmless should be eye opening.

No you fucking idiot… that's why we do it at night

Would it be useful to put up posters urging normies to have kids? I mean they can hardly campaign against it, can they?

It was UPF based though. Sssssh I didn't say it ;)

what law is being broken?

No. However considering that we are at war with an implacable enemy dedicated to our enslavement and genocide, I am not concerned with "legality" but instead with effectiveness vs risk. Revolution against a tyrannical government is technically illegal but not immoral. We are fighting for our existence as a people against a genocidal psychopathic enemy bent on the enslavement of all of humanity.

is it public dude ? cant seem to find it

I think it would be useful to advocate for white birth rate increase. A good example, even though I dont have the picture would be to make a poster that has the National Geographic cover against white birth and then the "New Europeans " cover with a title like "See the Agenda?" Or some shit. That's just an idea though.

What's public?

yeah im not being a fag about it just wanna know what the consequences are

the /pol server. I'm searching but can't find

Depends what state you are in. Its a lot of risk however, Ive done it before and its pretty fun.

Fucking this so hard.

The unspoken law where the punishment of showing nationalistic ideas is getting fired and ostracized from society. Cmon fam, did you forget that the system is against us here?

Also I uploaded some .pdfs with valuable info for anons. pfd support on Holla Forums fucking when?


add my discord # at #5246

What about "Money can't buy a family" on top of this.

Post it in the CBD, outbound sides of train stations etc. Hopefully some career women see it after a hard day at the office and they start thinking about having kids.

this is beautiful

A misdemeanor in America. Probably the same in Oz.


Cheers buddy.

This is so fucking great. Makes me so inspired to be as legendary as our forefathers.

Invite for discord boys

discord invite for aus/pol/ group lads

Shithouse edit inbound

Not working user

Please stop

What the fuck? Do they seriously think italians are niggers?

Damn just follow my inv code

I know. Please help. It's gross

What are you onto about user. Of course they're white. Stop believing muh media goy

I fucked off the original pic because it would be costly to print, was annoying to edit and would look unclear.

This should be A4 size.

Looks clean man, 10/10 better than mine.

Also, if anyone's still lurking the thread join the discord u ain't gotta be from Aus to join, but it'll have some Australian stuff in it.

I have seen some Pepe stickers over Socialist Alliance stickers at my university, though I can't really contribute to the sticker campaign, I do have some propaganda that I have recently made for you cobbers, if an user can encode it to webm it would be appreciated.

This video is so good

fucken lit matey

get your boarders back. And wives

Um nah mate it wasn't.

Hmmm… Where have I seen this done before…. Hmm.



If you don't know the original version(s) to Advance Australia Fair, are you really Australian?




Is this a good idea for stickers/posters?

fookin based mate

Why not just join an existing group? There's a few of them now according to your personality type and what you want to achieve.

Been taking them down when I see them.