Say, Holla Forums, do you recall how Assange had made this tweet shortly after Comey was fired yesterday?

say, Holla Forums, do you recall how Assange had made this tweet shortly after Comey was fired yesterday?
do you also recall how you and others were told during the election to make FOIA requests? I don't recall exactly why but I think it was probably related to clinton

maybe you guys should uh, make new FOIA requests; I'm not quite sure if the FBI is obliged to do anything with FOIA requests, since I'm not quite sure if it works like that, but in the case that they are, I think you should make some FOIA requests
a LOT of FOIA requests, but not too many; just request the important stuff

heres some recommendations as for what to request:
all information about how Jared Kushner wants to stage a coup to take down or maybe just compromise Donald J. Trump
all information about the synagouge of satan, especially that having to do with controlling politicians
all information about child trafficking and drug trafficking, especially that involving the CIA
all information about child sacrifice and blood rituals
all information pertaining to #Pizzagate
all information about the 7th floor group
all information about the the "8 goddesses"
all information about what Ronald Bernard spoke of in , especially the part about the "8000-8500 people who rule the world"
all information about part-human descendants of fallen nephilim(or possibly also of devils demons etc.) A.K.A ALIENS; especially that information which is associated with intelligence agencies and whatnot on Earth
all information about the wicked goings-on in Antarctica
all information about underground cities in America, including their locations
all information about high-ranking freemasons, but only the wicked ones
all information about the handlers of the as-of-2015 president of South Korea
all information about the handlers of Obama, but only the malevolent and seemingly malevolent ones

and make sure to also request that absolutely none of it is redacted at all, if possible, and that an inability to not redact something should not be used as justification to withhold certain documents or redact as much stuff as possible

Other urls found in this thread:

and now I'll be off to work
also be sure to state that you don't want them to weasel their way around that last part

one last bump before I leave, for real this time

don't forget to also request information about publicly prominent members of the synagogue of satan, especially the ones who say that they are Jews, but are not actually Jews, and especially the ones in the White House and other important government places, even outside of the U.S.A.

This is by far the most important request on the most important thread.

Bump for important bread


these dubs dont lie


This thread has Kek's blessing. Inshadilay, my love!

wew lad


This bothers me and I don't know why.

bumping for lawfags to notice and write templates

Your autism is leaking leaking like Niagara.

Is that you Aka?

Beautiful digits.


Fuck off with your slide thread.


kek, I suppose Comey being smashed must have wounded you.

checking the quads of the
Christian Ba'al

I'm a filthy canadian so I'll bump this thread.


A bot failing everyone



The Weiner Files needs to be its own category.


is it here yet?

You know they're just going to tell you they have no documents about this, right? FOIA requests aren't magic, they're fulfilled by humans. Humans that only query documents the government has produced and made available to them.

of course, let's not do anything in real life and never visit Holla Forums again, right friend?

Not even close to what I said. Try an argument next time.

My argument is this, you said.

You also

That is my argument.

Also, go blackpill somewhere else you defeatist faggot.


You have to be very specific about what you're looking for in a foia request or they simply tell you they have no such records without even bothering to look.

I can guarantee you that any request mentioning the word "pizzagate" will be promptly rejected as i sincerely doubt that the government archives their records with the tag "pizzagate".

Another favorite of theirs is to write you back and say "There are 9,999+ records archived under those search terms and it will cost $15,000 to copy them all. Cash or charge? And you'll get them in 6 months after your payment clears." You can always try to file for a financial hardship waiver but then you must tell them why you want the documents and how the release will benefit others, not just you. Financial hardship waivers are usually denied. An example of an acceptable reason would be writing a textbook. "Exposing government corruption" would most likely be rejected.

t. Someone who's filed foia requests before

No, you're right. I'm sure sending FOIA requests about ayys will work this time.

no dub shall ever go unchecked
in this here thread, blessed by kek


Stop being a faggot.
praise kek


i assume the FBI may have some certain sorts of… connections
you don't have to request those parts

well now I know; i hadn't made any myself anywaypartially for my own safety
hopefully someone creative has a good idea

You mean that incident in… Uh. I think China?
There was some kind of conspiracy. Damn. I totally forgot it. Or at least, I think I did.

Not an argument, your words faggot.
Snark is not discourse my leftist lurker amigo.


I want to explode inside megumin while she explodes at the same time

Not asking about 9/11, Sandy hook shooting, and the utmost important question of all times ask about (((them))) and the sketchy relation with israel and Saudi arabia

I know that this is not how FOIA requests work and that asking for such things will get sideways glances and "wtf am I reading" responses, but fucking do it anyway. Flood the motherfuckers with all of it.

It would be a glorious flood.

Yes, let's seem insane to some clerk at a government agency. That will turn out well. If you like rubber rooms. The government isn't going to turn over jack shit about building 7, CIA child trafficking, or anything else. And flooding the government with quack shit about blood rituals will drown out important FOIA requests. I'd almost say this was the intent of the OP but I think he's just insane. If you want to file an FOIA great, but it should be specific, targeted and something they actually have to release. If you ask for ALL THE FILES ON SATANIC RITUALS!!! you won't get shit.


I'm gonna make a FOIA to ask if ayys are real

gotta get the rest of the 9/11 investigation

What about Tesla's notes? Aren't they supposed to have them?


No way jeb said that.

great FOIA request. "Who shot Kennedy. No, I mean really!"

It was during the Podesta email threads. I know, I was one of the anons bringing awareness to FOIA. But the requests you're asking to make are going to get denied on the spot because they're extremely vague and cover topics which the FBI wouldn't even begin to consider.



To Whom It May Concern:

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. I hereby request the following records:

[DESCRIBE YOUR RECORDS HERE. Describe as specifically as possible what the records you’re looking for are (titles, serial numbers, dates, authors). Anything that narrows down a request cuts down on search time and ensures you get something back.]

[If the individual is in the "Dead List"]
Proof of death is not required as this individual is listed as dead in the FBI's Dead List, which also confirms the existence of the file. Per FBI standards and regulations, an FBI file is acceptable proof of death. For your convenience, a copy of the list may be found at

[If the individual is NOT in the "Dead List"]
Proof of death is not required as his/her death was widely reported: [LINK OF OBITUARY FROM NEWS WEBSITE]

Please conduct a search of the Central Records System, including but not limited to the ELSUR Records System, the Microphone Surveillance (MISUR) Indices, the Physical Surveillance (FISUR) Indices, and the Technical Surveillance (TESUR) Indices, for both main-file records and cross-reference records at FBI Headquarters, all field offices, all resident agencies and all legal attaches for all relevant names, individuals, agencies and companies. If any potentially responsive records have been destroyed and/or transferred to NARA, then I request copies of the destruction or transfer slips as well as any other documentation relating to, mentioning or describing said transfer or destruction, to include but not be limited to confirmation that the Bureau has no other copies of said records. If previously released records are available, then I request a rolling release consisting of those records while additional records are located and processed for release.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires.


-As of March 2017, FBI no longer accepts FOIA requests by email. Requests must be sent by U.S Mail, fax, or their incredibly shitty and limited online FOIA portal. There is a loophole around this however; FOIA requests to the Department of Justice can be sent by email to the Mail Referral Unit and state in your request that they be routed to the FBI: ([email protected]/* */) Voice: (202) 616-3847 Fax:(202) 616-6695
-The FBI is slow as balls. Their current response time for a "complex" request (currently, any request that generates over 50 pages of responsive documents (down from 2,500 pages); this number is subject to change at the FBI's whim at any time) is 137 days, with a request denial rate.
-Always appeal your request. Even if you think you got what you wanted, appeal. Appeal the integrity of the search, exemptions cited, or other factors which you believe negatively impacted the information you received. Your request will then be kicked up to the Justice Department Office of Information Policy who will investigate your request and either agree with the FBI and close your request, or request that they perform an additional search.
-Always do some research before filing a request. FOIA is not really a "freedom of information" act, but an "open records" act. In order for requests to be really effective, you need to have knowledge of how documents are stored. In this case of law enforcement/intelligence/military agencies, this is challenging for obvious reasons. The FBI maintains a deliberately obtuse and complex records system so they do not have to completely search their records and yet claim they performed an "adequate" search.
-If requesting documents on a living person, you will need to obtain a signed and notarized Privacy Act waiver and include it with your request.

Jeb! will surprise you.

alternative facts.

Trumps uncle I think. Not sure what he did with them.

Not what I heard….

Jeb, Ben Garison, and Sarah Anderson are suppose to be doing a documentary together.

Are you saying we're on the wake of a Jeb! surge?


That or he's a well-meaning teenager. That's my guess.

You might be able to slip a FOIA request past the censors if you focus on something a little lower profile than any of the extremely broad topics suggested.

Here's a suggestion. Pick one or all of the child advocacy/adoption/whatever non-profits close enough for you to reasonably drive to. Go to your secretary of state website and look up the business for the registered agent and officers. Go to and pull the 990. Request any documents related to any investigation of the non-profits or named persons in the 990 or business registry. You will have better luck if you limit the dates or have an idea of specific document titles they might be mentioned in. Did you get any hits? See if those persons own other businesses (Sec State registry). Search county clerk records (usually online) for property owned by the persons or businesses (or Trusts they control). You can probably find records of improvements made to the property and sometimes even floor plans with building permits. Anything unusual? Is this person living in a multi-million dollar home on a modest salary? Extensive basement construction? If anything stands out, consider putting eyes on these locations (don't break the fucking law). Does anything seem obviously wrong? Just don't let yourself get carried away. Confirmation bias is dangerous, and most of what you're going to see is going to be boring.

Having a useful way to keep your records and notes is going to be necessary at some point. I don't know what the pros or autistes use, but giant PNGs you made with MSPaint will get unwieldy fast. I've found the learning curve with Python, Pandas and SQLite very forgiving in my own data collection. When you start seeing one to many coincidences, use your data to enrich weapons grade memetics for rapid dissemination to potential amplifiers (law enforcement, local news, city or county representatives, local radio, decent religious leaders).

My requests for comments:

Good luck, chums.


It is already agreed upon that there were multiple shooters and (((others))) were involved.

Nice work user.

Are you kidding? You don't remember that fiasco? Wolf Blitzer went nuts and slammed him on TV every night for a week!







Checked and keked.

FBI user himself said to look into three main things with regards to FOIA requests
Monsanto, GMO's, HRC
apologies for the cancer screenshot, not on my pc right now

wow. this is best timeline.

Best screencap I could make on this shitty computer with tiny screen (text is small).
But this post was too important to let disappear. I'll come back and do a better one later maybe.

Nothing is magic in this world, except magic. Which isn't real. The humans fulfilling these requests are humans, prone to error, mistakes, and oversight. They are subject to the same limitations that almost all other humans are. Look up videos on how to make FOIA requests, I'm sure the FBI have instructions on their website.

tl;dr: cast a broad net, and start digging when they deliver. law of probability, blah blah blah, keywords, blah blah, dates, blah blah blah projects, blah blah departments..

Kushner might work right? Maybe the human handling the request will be some drone who fully complies because he's part of Trump's (aka Hitler and ghengis khan combined) team.

We about to tear this wide the fuck open.


The broader the net, the less likely the FOIA request will return anything. Do you have any actual experience with FOIA requests?


You're bumping a sticky.

things with names and buzzwords so obviously encrypted are always false flags to drive autistes like us to a dead end or worse start linking us to cy op sites masquerading as conspiracy discussion boards like infowars most likely is where they can instantly figure out exactly who we are and get us moved up on the watch-list I guarantee every single one of us is already on. Keep it to the important shit boys don't risk your identity for something tedious chem trails , something false lizard people or something obvious that has ties to too many people in power Pizzagate and if it broke out would flood the whole town so is easily swept under the rug by the establishment, easily written off as conspiracy.

(praise check)

I am fully aware and consider the freemasons as very real but are so obvious and out there that the whole thing just stinks of a big red herring to throw us off the trail of ((())), spirit cookers, etc.

You should add the sealed documents regarding George Pattons death to the list of FOIA requests
Exposing that the kikes killed a war hero who just months before fought for the kikes in WWII is a decent way to redpill the normalfags. Especially considering how often Trump brought him up during the campaign

find out the jews. can you ask which politicians have traveled to israel, in an official capacity or otherwise?


I say we cut off the snake's head and go for Kushner. I'm not a legal fag, but it looks like the people may have some private citizen restrictions. So instead, look into the businesses Kushner owns:
Kushner Companies (ask about its loans from Bank Hapoalim, larges bank in Israel)
Observer Media

Do not go for Cadre, Kushner only has a share in that company. Also, look into his father as well, look into any relations with Soros or the Saudis. Not sure, just something that could lead to the character assassination of the Kushners.

I've also checked wikileaks for any juicy kushner stuff, looks like there's nothing. Maybe I'm wrong.

Re: Kushner, I won't say don't do it because what the hell do I know, but I don't think it's necessary to go after someone Trump has under his thumb. He could be Trump's main player.

If we're able to find something good, Kushner could retreat back to his Jewpit along with neocon kike gang. This could allow Bannon to retake control of the administration and steer Trump towards our goals.

Seth rich

Kikes in Florida think they're nuggets s, especially when running for office


Fuck it. Doing it live!

But Trump could be using ally as a key player because of the fact that he is Jewish and all of his ties etc.
The only thing that I know for sure is that every time Trump has outsmarted me so far during this whole process, and I don't say that lightly as I hold myself in pretty high regard
yeah I know how that comes off
I don't think it's possible that Trump is getting duped by some young kid

*Could be using Kushner
Also I could be wrong.

When did he get into this?

So literally every single one?

There are no good masonists

sieg heil

is lavrov really hearing about the firing right there and then?


The broader the net the less likely YOU will find anything alone while you tilt at ayy lmao windmills. When the net returns a big haul, you need a distributed network of open source intelligence experts to earn their fucking badges and start digging.

MKULTRA was found because it was one of the least damning pieces of evidence and it wasn't shredded in time. Similar things can and have happened through FOIA.

How about a FOIA for all those Clinton-connected people who mysteriously died? If death records are automatically kept by the FBI, that might be a good place to look.

take your fucking meds and use a vpn, or even tor since apparently you are poor.

Otherwise I agree with everything else you said.

No, the broader your request the less likely it is that it will be fulfilled. That's how FOIA requests work. If you're asking for something very specific, you can often get it. If you're asking for something broad, they'll tell you to fuck off.

You're net was too autistic, and what they would call "overly broad and lacking any form of defining characteristic"

A FOIA a day keep corruption at bay!

bumping a sticky, I know for answers to your questions, and godspeed, user

"Requesting info on the synagogue of Satan please, specifically notable pharasees and ashkenazim. Need information on the DEN OF VIPERS to ROOT OUT!"

Also, moon landing.

I can't believe this shit is stickied

Autopsy reports of people on the Clinton kill list

Haiti human trafficking

Lawfag here.
Mods, please edit this into the OP.
This is important, but goddamn is OP a faggot who has no idea what he's doing.

this is post-hack Holla Forums, my friend. What did you expect? I suggest moving to the bunkers while keeping an eye on this Holla Forums. My conclusion after trump's strike on syria is that this website is now the new cuckchan's Holla Forums.

Check the images on the lower right, for fuck's sake. This board is a joke now. A controlled, dangerous joke.

The only new pol I saved during the hack is down, my usual irc is down, wut is goin on.

Wasn't he hit by a military vehicle, in the LEAST LIKELY PLACE POSSIBLE?

Ok I know most of the other ones but what's this one?

As I'm presuming non-burgers can file FOIA requests, can I request any Holla Forumsacks to add a few small requests I have to theirs?

First one is a FOIA request on sealed U.S. military operations during their involvement of Korean War (that's still technically ongoing) of June 1950 – 27 July 1953. From what can be found online, only a fraction were released publicly. If we need to be more specific, the FOIA request is for joint operations involving non-U.S. citizens, especially with American allies like South Koreans and Filipinos.

A second FOIA request is for military intelligence gathered on the Philippines during the Marcos regime, between December 30, 1965 – February 25, 1986. More specifically, the FOIA requests is for U.S. military operations in Mindanao (Southern Philippines) against the insurgent forces such as the CPP-NPA and the MILF during those years, most of which were also sealed and remained unreleased from public view.

Lastly, a FOIA request on the War on Drugs, specifically any sealed reports on the movements of monitored and identified drug cartels (specifically cartels belonging to hispanic/latino and chinese ethnicities) between South America & Southeast Asia (The Golden Triangle of the West& The Golden Triangle of the East), between the years of January 1986 – December 2009.

Although these requests may appear to have nothing to do with what Holla Forums is after (the silver bullet to take out Jared "The Jewish Antichrist" Kushner), I am after the extent of the U.S. intelligence agencies' influence in certain parts of the world, and confirmation on (((who))) are directing their actions regardless on the people who are in charge at the time. I suppose FOIA requests on clandestine operations in the Vietnam War, the Marcos family and their network and connections with the U.S. establishment, and/or reports on the flow of U.S. arms and drug sales in South America would also be possibles, but these are too obvious choices that I'm certain someone else might have already filed FOIA requests on those subjects, so I left them out. Also, this may be to satisfy my curiousity, but there may be clues in the past to help decipher the nonsense going on in the present. I and other anons who may be thinking on similar lines would be grateful if any Holla Forumsack would pick up any or all of these requests.

The fuck am I watching?
Glam Thrash Metal Revival?

We must meme this.

We also should look into what immunities Clinton Acquired.

Satan, child sacrifice, fallen nephilim, aliens and UFOs?

Sadly, Holla Forums is mostly retarded. It's a mix of Alex Jones and Christianity. Why do people belief such BS? We need more rational people.

Pinned too… Lol.

tbqh I wanted a follow up on the see ayy eyy's telekinesis research. What the fuck did the remote viewer who was more than 100% accurate do? What about the other power to disrupt electronics at a distance? And most importantly how to train it? That was the dankest shit I've ever seen in any documents ever, besides the zero point bs from the clinton/pedosta emails.



r/ing more Jebler.


Checked and heiled. Hitler dubs confirm.

Did we get duped out of a new Hitler? When the fuck did Jeb go from neocon to naming the Jew? Kek. This fucking timeline.

They're fake, retard.



No shit nigger, get some fucking social skills and detect a joke.


That's my criticism of OP's suggestions.

all information about the actual fucking population of gays, estimated gays, and trannies in america and worldwide.

Like, I refuse to believe they actually don't record MTF's in a database somewhere when they get their shit changed in government register.


Like I said before also ask for 9/11, sandyhook, and (((them))) also Rothchild connection

I don't think that's at all how FOI works man.

You have to ask for specific documents, or at the very least ask for specific sets of documents within a certain date range.


My god, it's… it's beautiful! Praise Kek, he has clearly blessed this idea.

They call it "PedoGate," and it's an active investigation. You won't get a thing relating to it until after all arrests have been made in the network. pics related.

Weiner's Life Insurance.

Lolita Island is where rich men get laid.

Neocons have always been quasi-hitlerian. They are self hating jews whose sole task in life is to further the state of Isreal. Why? To collect all the Jews in one place to wipe them out. That's why they're allied with the Muslims. The quotes you're seeing from ¡Jeb! are from private conversations.
Also: The Earth is Flat

Ugly bird

Thank you.

That's fine, I've got to make some corrections anyway. "ELSUR Records System" should be "Electronic Surveillance (ELSUR) Indices". Besides, that letter's tailored to FBI, so please read the link at the top of the screencap because that's a more comprehensive guide.

As a side note, here's an example of how a sentence requesting records should look:

Bad request: "All records relating to martial law plans.: (This request would be rejected for vagueness.)

Good request: "A copy of HQ 66-19018, titled "Defense Plans – Mobilization Plan D-Minus". Enclosed for your convenience is an excerpt of a previous FOIA release confirming the existence of this file." (This request would be accepted for being informative and direct.)

Death records are, if you'll excuse the pun, "semi-automatically" kept. It's best to include an obituary with your request. And remember, despite popular myth, the FBI does not keep records on everyone, so you may turn up empty-handed.

Yes, you are correct! Anyone can file a FOIA request, even foreign nationals.

For your first request, I'd suggest directing your request to the National Archives. If you know the name of the operation, that would be extremely helpful. The American perspective of the Korean War is very skewed; the popular consciousness (when it remembers we fought in Korea in the first place) forgets the non-American contribution to the war effort. It was a UN intervention, after all.

Your second request should be readily fulfilled by the Defense Intelligence Agency. File similar requests with the individual military intelligence services (Office of Naval Intelligence, Army INSCOM, Air Force ISR Agency, Marine Corps Intelligence) for maximum coverage.

Your third request is incredibly broad. Try breaking it down by specifics (region, cartel, smaller date ranges). File individual requests with the Defense Intelligence Agency, CIA, DEA and the State Department. The State Department may seem like an odd choice at first, but drug trafficking is a topic of diplomatic interest (not to mention that overseas diplomatic posts are home to all sorts of covert operations) and you should get back cable traffic, reports and memos easily.

muh dik is bigger

right numbers wrong order

man if jeb really said that.. he probably would have won in a spicy guac way

What in the absolute fuck, all these repeating digits!
We must be on to something boys, let's get to it!

Thanks for your assistance and for informing fellow anons.

can you start a thread with how someone who has never done this before will get started.
I know you touched on it here but you might be able to reach more eyes if your thread is strictly related to FOIA's and accompanying ways we can use their system against them.
I have never done this before and I still have questions, A thread devoted strictly to this can also be a Q&A with noobs and vets.
mayb kek be with you my son.

Stop being a fucking retard.

Not an Americuck so don't know much about FOIA, but can we get this one with enough pressure? Be good to help Assange out a bit.

Aaaaand it's a disinfo shill thread.

No own is going to force you to write a tinfoil FOIA. Come up with your own list.

It's pretty clear that the purpose of this list is to associate legitimate concerns like pedogate with bullshit like ayy lmaos and Christcuckoldry ("wicked").

oh voy

I just hope that the FBI won´t name McCabe (Clinton Foundation dosh) for anything else top and stops this investigation again.



And then there was Julian Two Times. We called him that because he said everything two times.

Go outside and kys.

Did the FBI leak podesta's emails?

That might explain Assange's position here.



It's oy vey you fucking newfag teenager

nvm, you probably meant to say "oh boy"

I'm curious, if I'm trying to find out about the existence of nephilim, would mentioning Nimrod, Enoch, Noah's Flood yield anything? Six fingers?

Don't forget about them, OP.

Request from a non-burger

Can someone file an FOIA request about the muslim brotherhoods 100 year plan for the islamisation of america? It has been used as evidence in a case against funders of terrorism so noone can write it off as bollocks. Id be astonished if they dont have files pertaining to it.

I'll second this. Ask for things like Ethiopian religious manuscript translations, or dig into the names behind the book of Enoch like Andy McCracken, a Freemason who released a translation in the 70s or info on the group of Freemasons who brought the original book back from Ethiopia in the 1700s.

Like pottery

just checking this sick ass Hitler dubs + quads

top wew

I did one for Seth Rich in November of last year but their goy detector musta caught me and they shut it down.

Interesting you mention FOIA requests. Good idea. When Comey did his last grilling before congress, some of the congress members asked him questions about how the FBI handles FOIA requests. Seemed to be a sore spot for them. They are scared. Very scared. Time to hit them where it hurts.

How do we properly organize a mass FOIA request?


you forgot

Break it up into smaller procedural parts. Everyone can do a thing.

Get a pastebin going.

Make a list of good topics to FOIA request.

Start with the juciest topics first.

Accumulate evidence/supporting documents/correct names/obituaries/etc.

Figure out references to the correct laws/procedures/titles to aid in the information inquiry. See what an user posted above

Write the FOIA request.

Proofread the FOIA request.

Figure out how much it costs to submit one of these.

If we get good info back on something then it will encourage us to keep going as well.

roll for it?
posts ending in xx-yy make request on Z and so on

thread made me lol

This thread is super autism on steroids.

I don't even started to read the thread and just LOST EVERYTHING!

I feel like whatever the FBI leaks is just another psyop to distract the masses from the critical issues as to whats really going on.

I bet they are scared shitless of a Laughing Man.
A stand-alone-complex is completely unstopabble in this day and age, it's mostly luck that has gotten this shit this far.

Its already happening, its been happening why do you think being have going fucking crazy for the last two decades

Ment for



kek works in mysterious ways

i'm interested in the involvement of Academi (as owned by Monsanto) in events in Odessa after Maidan.
Any ideas on how to phrase that for a request?

Someone please elaborate on this? What documents are referenced?

What's past 100%, making stuff up?

My grandfather is a free mason, says they just sit around and smoke cigar and drink. Only topics that cant be discussed are religion and politics

Low level free masons are know nothings. You don't get illuminated until the 33rd degree

(((They))) are the Freemasons. That's their spiritual branch, the crypto rituals they do are all Masonic.

It's easy. We've been affecting global happening with memes and you ask how do you fuck with an electronic device remotely? The same exact way.

Freemasons aren't a red herring. They are a recruitment network. You go there to have philosophic discussions, get to know people, do charity work and play around with gematria and sacred geometry.
While you do that, you're being measured, and if (((they))) find your measure satisfactory, you will be uplifted and initiated.
It looks like am old dude liking you and offering you to help with your career or act as an angel investor in you business, at the same time they take you through the masonic steps.
At some point you find yourself in a position, that you are immensely successful and your success completely depends on your brothers pulling strings here and there, at the same time you're getting bound by more and more oaths as you move through the steps.
Finally you get invited into other-but-the-same societies like Knights Templar or Kadosh Knights and are being put into a position to influence the world with your actions - CEO/politician/partner in the big finance etc, and although you have the power and the connections you lack the free will, as you completely become a small gear in the machine of the brotherhood.

By the way ideologically dedicated and subversive Holla Forumsacks would be exactly the people they want, but in the end you'll lose all sovereignty of action and will be forced to act against everything you believe in.

did Seth Rich leak any information associated with the DNC Wikileaks in the first place? I am not asking what kind of information may have been leaked, but whether it had occurred or not in any positive non-zero amount
Did Jennifer Palmieri(twitter link to her profile) kill Seth Rich who worked for the DNC?

also ask specifically about other suspects(people who left the DNC around the time Seth Rich was killed) specifically about whether or not they killed Seth Rich, and also specifically type kill instead of murder unless murder somehow does not automatically include killing
also use one suspect per applicable question

please be sure to make FOIA requests for those questions


I'm not kidding when i say this. But people that don't appreciate these glorious dubs should get gassed..

I lack words for this beauty. Dubs + Quads. It's just too much for me.

and any research they have done relating to >>>/pdfs/5907

Are you fucking stupid or larping

Probably both

They created two golems to rule the world. And we want them together to crush their jew masters.

Assange seems pretty confident letting the cat out of the bag on this one?

Too much intrique. I feel like something big is happening.

Someone ask Comey memos of Obama/Clinton/Pedosta conversations!

Don't forget to request all the info they have on Atlantis

Jeb really went off the deep end into esoteric Hitlerism after losing the election.

He isn't coming back.


Have you received your copy of The Golden Thread?

Typical tricks

This. Fienstein and Graham have already asked for all Comey's Obeezy memos.

Has Jared Kushner made a deal to betray President Trump and deliver him to Netanyahu for satanic sacrifice while he's in Israel? com/watch?v=_hZsg8edxkw

Jared Kushner is Lucifer and Bibi is Satan




wtf i hate trump now

Holy shit, Stop fucking deleting people's posts, you shit-for-brains mods. At least leave them up and have a "user was banned for this post" tag put up. It honestly baffles me how such a total fucking moron with an iq barely above room temperature like you, Kampfy, manages to hold onto a mod position. You're such utter shit in every way. Learn to moderate instead of forcing discussion into what you deem acceptable, you dirty yid. And before you ban me for "ban evasion", here's proof that I'm not even the poster of the post that was deleted. I just fucking hate you.

Why is this even allowed to continue? I'm afraid to become a regular poster on here and just lurk for the most part because I have no idea what could trigger the schizophrenic mods on here to ban me like they do to the rest of the userbase.

Most of it was filled with that assholes and elbows faggot.

pic unrelated.

A wise decision friend, believe me. In regards to your question, it's one of two things: ideological agenda, or money. In the case of Jim, it's definitely money. As for what goes on here, who can say? But at the very least even the dumbest, least observant people here can understand that things are askew, badly.

maybe trump bucks are still flowing around

This is the reason why I still have Browsec. I can't post on here without having 4 other VPNs on hand because literally anything can set this turkroach off, depending on whether or not this schizophrenic saracen of a mod is on their meds. It doesn't help that there's an offchance that they most certainly might be Rachposter or not.

I watched the whole video - awesome