Got talking to this neckbeard today...

Got talking to this neckbeard today. He was going on and fucking on about how "confirmative assent" laws violate due process because the accused aren't allowed to enter "evidence" and how they're apparently "automatically" found guilty and jailed. Pointed out Brock Turner but he said "he was innocent." Was going on how girls "shouldn't get drunk or get into those situtations in the first place" when I brought up date rape. He went on and on about how freshman rape courses don't make sense because we "don't have classes on not stealing." Pointed out that stealing isn't the same because there's a perceived problem that a lot of male students don't see rape as a problem (case in point). He said "most rapes are commited by women."

My girlfriend was raped and didn't report it because her Greek system sorority sisters told her "not to cause drama" when she was in college.

Took all of my restraint to not flip on him. I used to be against gulags but every day I become more and more enraged by the existence of these people.

Other urls found in this thread:

Those consent laws aren't really targeted at rapists. They're targeted at beta dudes whom feminist sluts regret having sex with.

There is a level on which many feminists actually desire to be raped, it is this conflict that arises from this which sparks the obsession and the hunt for scapegoats.

It was Holla Forums tier and it was on Holla Forums

I know it sounds alien and that you're going to need an enormous amount of empathy to understand it, but I can tell you from theory and experience that it's true.


Why do you try? People (outside of an intellectual context) don't change their minds on issues like this from conversations like yours.

With regards to 'confirmative assent', the idea that criminalization changes behavior on any major scale is a myth.
A founding myth of the liberal state sure, but nonetheless a myth.

It always amuses me how reactionary opinions need to be based on mind-reading akin to freudian psychoanalysis, rather than anything tangible.

no thanks, I have sci-hub. Fuck off.

top kek

"Affirmative consent" is pure ideology and utter bullshit. /r/ing the zizek webm.

that said, the guy does sound like a dumb neckbeard.

that said, you're an oversensitive cunt.


It's not really mindreading when girls admit that they have been raped, desire to be raped, feel disgusted by both and at the same time lash out guys that have nothing to do with this.

Just put your ideology on hold for a moment and think of the "Holla Forums are actually cucks because they talk about cucking all the time" meme. Then realize that the only difference between that logic and the logic that I used is that you consider feminists to be on your team.

Conflict arising from a contradiction between desire and ideology resulting in projection isn't pop-psychology anymore than general relativity being pop physics.

It's not psychoanalysis, psychoanalysis takes weeks and intracate thought. It's just user projecting and deluding himself into thinking his blogspot tier beliefs have anything to do with science.

PROTIP: You get the data and then arrive at your conclusion, not the other way around.

No thanks, I have sci-hub. Fuck off.

Individuals admit this. Not groups of people. For generalizations you need
1. Stronger evidence
2. Actual generalizable evidence, like statistics.

No, god what the fuck are you saying.
The difference is that we don't fucking base policy or world view on a meme.
Also, feminists aren't on my """team""". I just happen to think that they're a whole lot less retarded than the people making fun of them.

do you actually support this bullshit?

Tell that to half this website.

Do you think people seriously think "lol Holla Forums are cucks because they say cucks all the time"??
Do you not realize this is just a shitty attempt at making fun of Holla Forumstards in a way that might provoke some self-awareness? (Like you're lacking like now?)

We don't think that you're cucks, because we don't think calling anybody a 'cuck' bears any meaning.
We call you, and think you are, fucking reactionaries.

Psycho-analysis is fashion, always has been, ever adapting to the ideological fashion of the day, out with penis envy, in with colonial-blabla. Everything being about sexually repression is still cool in the "everything is oppreshun" augustinian feminist worldview, except when it is extended to their own idee fixé's and ideology.

Where did I claim to be practicing science?

Having deep emotional conversations might seem like rocket science to you but I don't really see it that way.

You're so deep in Science! faggotry by seeing this as matter of statistics that you fell right through it's bottom.


feels > reals

"Neckbeard" is a classist slur, normie.


Nice backpedaling BTW


Where did I generalize about the critics? I only generalized about Holla Forums.

It's not about science, it's about simple fucking argumentation.

Oops, didn't mean to imply that Holla Forums are not critical of mainstream feminism.


I think you missed the point of what user was saying.

I've seen no evidence that the reality of the feminist psyche matches their claims regarding their intentions. I have however, observed the contrary and have gained predictive power through my observations that allowed me see what was really going on with a feminist that was causing drama in my social circle. She's doing a lot better now. This gives me no rational reason to believe feminists on their word regarding their rape obsession.

You're free to provide me with the statistics that prove your position though, and the pie charts and even the mathematical proof.

Yeah, sorry. They actually aren't.


No thanks, I have sci-hub. Fuck off.

Then don't give me "that's not science!" non-arguments.

It's not science. It's not voodoo. It's not theology. It's not knitting.

Individuality is a stupid meme anyway. Not even mad/10

I think he's being ridiculous, but that's a pretty uncharitable reading of his comment.
I think the user you're responding to means to say that "affirmative consent" laws gives individuals (and in user's opinion women especially) the ability to have sex with people in a way where they do not give explicit consent, only implicit consent (That would be sufficient evidence in most western countries currently), and then get the person criminally charged.
Which definitely is a danger of affirmative consent laws, that decreases the legal security of sexually active citizens.

The words coming out of their mouth don't count for evidence?

Your position is now back from super-intellectual psychoanalysis emotional judgment into social science again? Can you fucking decide on what it is?
Nobody here has taken any position do provide evidence for either, were just making fun of you.

I didn't use the word science, you did. I just told you that to be convincing in your claim you need fucking evidence of some kind.
I'll even retract that.
Just any fucking argumentation would be nice.


Which is literally the single use of affirmative consent laws, as we all know.

That comic is cancer. There are legitimate reasons to despise neckbeards. It's more than just physical characteristics that define a neckbeard.

Nothing pisses me off more than a right wing, socially stunted neckbeard who transparently hates women just because they can't get laid.

that is what your comment implies, yes

You hate them for being socially stunted or "autistic". If they conformed to neurotypical social norms an physical standards, you wouldn't hate them.

I'm not that guy but no? How the fuck do you read that out of it?

That comics gets it wrong though.

You don't have to literally look like a neckbeard to be a neckbeard.

Milo is a neckbeard

Yes I would.


I've posted no documented evidence because video taping the conversations I've had with rape obsessed feminists and posting them here would be a really shitty thing to do.

Not in the literal sense.

Here for dummies, explained by a person you have sympathy for to ease the cognitive dissonance.

You lack reading comprehension and the ability to recognize explanatory devices.

By pretending to be retarded. I see.

Neckbeard confirmed


Reminds me of this video:

Alt-rightists will say terrible things about women and will employ ad hominems all the time, but as soon as you make fun of their smelly, sexless base they get TRIGGERED beyond repair.

you people are really no different

I'm not conflating appearance with behavior at all.

With neckbeards a large reason they've never been laid is that they're disgusting people with retrograde views on women. Loads of ugly fucks get laid all of the time. Being a neckbeard is a matter of behavior and values.

Also, is this you?

Milo is not alt-right. You have a point there though, they do mirror the feminists they most despise. Both are based in conflict between ideology and sexuality, and the resulting victim narrative.

Being smelly isn't to do with appearance. Neither is being sexless, mostly.

Milo explicitly identifies as an alt-righter doesn't he? He's written articles on how they're "young and intelligent." Pretty ironic considering Milo seems like a fucking idiot who failed to get a degree twice despite his bourgeois upbringing affording him every advantage.

He has a point with his neckbeard-SJW alliance, both stand for the triumph of the pathetic.

Yes, and your problem with them is their failure to conform to neurotypical behavior and social norms.

No, it's their woman hateric world outlook based on their anger at rejection by women (even though the rejection was because they were shit fucking humans nobody wanted to be around See: Elliot Rodger) and also their racist "orcs v. humans"-tier outlook on politics in general.

Oh also I fucking hate people who base their politics on fucking video games.

i.e Gamergaters

Milo has made it clear that he doesn't really believe in anything, except perhaps south-park libertarianism pure ideology. To him it's a device for "rebellion", for (blunt) edge, it's essentially leftist-romanticism taken further up the spectacle, the notion that being rebellious has value in itself, that's it's a complete worldview even.

So he's basically an edge lord?

kek when reactionaries think they're rebellious just by spouting nonsense that pisses people off.

if appearance didn't matter to you, then you wouldn't keep mentioning it and using the word "neckbeard", retard.

No one wanted to be around them because they failed at confrming to neurotypical social norms and physical standards. You really think people like this are rejected for their political views?

I don't have an anime girl smug enough

When did I say anything reactionary?

So hating Elliot Rodgers isn't justified ?

His fame is the living proof that you leftists have won so greatly, that what passes as a leading right-wing figure is now walking away with your triumph.

Milo's essential argument is that leftists have gotten stale, paternalistic, conservative even, that they're not leftist enough and that he has therefor taken it upon himself to carry their banner.

Well that's just shit analysis.

The only basis for his views are that saying now most people think explicit racism is bad. So he just spouts madly racist shit to get a reaction.

That isn't the "left" going stale, that's just certain "right" views being, in this Zeitgeist, retrograde and discarded.

I brought up Elliot Rodger as an example of an individual who deserved not getting any attention from women.

The "everybody is a special snowflake so you can't criticize" is liberal bullshit akin to "well that's just like your opinion, man"

Also Neoliberalism is the dominant trend of the day. We live in a right wing world.

Milo supports the status quo entirely. His views align pretty well with the old rich fuckheads he'd share a gulag with if papa joe came back.

You can criticize someone based on their values, but you are basing your criticism on a person's mental ability to successfully socially interact which is ableist.

Starting to realize you've been baiting me, famalam

when you talk to your waifu pillow and the normalfags give you that look and you see the patriachy in their eyes

His entire argument is that leftists have lost their edge and are now a bunch of boring conservatives who can't handle his fabulously offensive ass. That's all there is too it, that leftism has grown of it's youthful conception of coolness. His alleged conservatism is only a device to gain this sense of antithetical coolness.

Elliot was incapable of having the most basic conversation with women. He's the typical autist who bangs his head against the wall all day and speaks in grunts, he only had the added misfortune of half-realizing it.

You implying ableism doesn't exist or is a bullshit issue?

Being a chode isn't much of a disability.


This whole college rape hysteria is based on a single flawed survey that had a ridiculously conflated definition of what supposedly constitutes rape.

That's how it is these days. Some ideologue pays some think tank to make a bogus "study" which is then published by the MSM for the express purpose of pushing whatever the narrative of the week is, and then that disinfo is lapped up unquestionably by the masses.

There's that buzzword again

OP, do you realize that supporting measures based on bogus statistics, supporting false accusers and the abolishment of due process actually ends up hurting real rape victims? Because it's weakens the legitimacy of the claims and the whole process? Please think about it.

Just because something is used as a buzzword doesn't mean it can't be used properly.

Literal just world fallacy.


no further comments necessary your honor