Russia considering a "small family tax"

A project of state legislation proposing an introduction of tax for small-child / childfree families was given to Putin for reviewing by the Institute of demographics and regional development.

The project contains measures of financial support for large families depending on the number of children, also packages of free services such as free vacations, gym subscription, theatre tickets, material support (musical instruments, sports gear, etc.) and housing priority. Also, the project proposes inclusion of time spent upbringing children into labor history (affects pension size), meaning in effect that a mother looking after children will be seen as being as productive as somebody working in a factory, moving young families to new apartment blocks with advanced infrastructure and compensating 20% of mortgage for each kid, starting from fourth.

The size of tax for small-child / childfree families is not yet defined. This project is merely in the stage of proposal and, if given green light by Putin, will still see a lot of edits and may not pass the Duma / Senate hearings.

Other urls found in this thread:

Brilliant move, finally a nation encouraging the family unit.

This works because they are largely homogeneous ethnically. Welfare in America is far more "generous", so replacing it with inclusion in SS would get my full support.

Very nice. All white countries should take similar measures.

hahah, This will result in Russians being disproportionaly taxed relative to Muslims and other shitskins. Top kek.

No they are fucking not they are 75% Russians and the rest primarily fertile Muslims.

Fun fact: there already was a tax for childlessness in the Soviet Union

Not really. Russia has been a multi-ethnic empire for centuries, which shouldn't be shocking when you consider all the turkic and asiatic peoples they conquered after uncucking themselves from the mongols.


wait, shoudn't they introduce a divorce tax instead?

Chechens are whiter than you, m8. Stay jelly.

Smart move. A while back Putin offered free land to euro immigrants if they were willing to farm it.

Hitler had a good solution.
Get a loan for a house, each baby you make reduces it by 25%.

Pretty much this.

you look at it from the context of the United States. Here is an important fact regarding Russia.

The distance between the western and the eastern borders of Russia is 9,000 km (from the Vistula Spit in Kaliningrad Bay to Cape Dezhnev in Chukotka); the easternmost point is Rotmanov Island in the Bering Strait. Thus, Russia's territory spans over 4,000 km from north to south, and almost 10,000 km from west to east.

The US Mexican border is 3000 km and is distinct in that to the south it is 100% spanish. Russia's southern border may be turkic peoples, chinese people, and european/slavic peoples, this being said Russia is largely, and by a vast percentage a White nation. in fact now, whiter than the United States.

fugggg :DDDDD

That's not true. Russia is like ~80% russian. There are fucktons of ethnic minorities in russia, most of them muslim. but it's not the same situation as in Europe, where it used to be 100% white and people let a flood of shitskins in. The russian shitskins were the ones indigenous to the area. The various turkic groups, chechens, etc.

And the problem with brute-force incentivization for having children in countries that have any significant minorities is that the minorities will be the ones who take advantage of it the most. Think "welfare queens" in America.


Divorce tax and childbirth-out-of-wedlock tax too

And there should be the same policy hitler implemented, where married couples can get a sizeable loan. And each child they have decreases the amount of the loan they need to pay back. Once you get to 4 kids, you don't need to repay it at all.



On one hand it's good that they encourage families and population growth but on the other hand

Not only Chechens live in Russia, the majority of Muslims in Russia are most likely from Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and other central Asiatic non-white Muslim countries

One might wonder why govs would introduce a 0/1 child tax if even paying for children (maternal capital) did not work out.
Russian population is dog-poor, taxing it for trying to deal with it won't help in ANY way.

It won't work and it won't even be introduced because this bullshit is ahead of ditatorship plans. First govs need to carry on elections and then all kinds of bullshit happen. They declined workless tax as well.

LMAO, so true.

So here it is, the bachelor tax.
Muh "career women" aren't productive and single men aren't driven with the whiplash tongue of a wife to bust their ball in 100 hour weeks.
Solution: the bachelor tax.


t. a guy from a country where muslims go to fight in syria and get killed by kadyrovs paramilitary

Actually the majority are from Russia. Tatarstan, Dagestan, Chechnya, Ossetia, Ingushetiya etc. About 30% of Russia are Muslim republics.
The migrants aren't actually citizens and only citizens benefit from gibs in Russia.

do you know what race chechens are?
also italians seem to be africans at this point

im just waiting for some shitposters fom halfchan and nulandistan to turn this thread into a shitstorm

They're turkic. Central asian.

Why not you know, instead of milking your own people even more, why don't we instead, I know this is crazy but, what if we REDUCE the taxes for people with families larger than 2 children instead of making it harder to live for everyone.

why is their skin tone so different?

Russia is dying economically. Most Russians have at least 2 jobs at this point, and sanctions have hit them hard. It will be a matter of time before their state collapses again and swings back to left.

Chechens have J2 haplogroup. They are Greek-Persian mix.

You might as well be reading tea leaves. It's much more accurate to look at autosomal plots


Daily reminder Chechnya is rounding up the fags. Telling their families to "get rid of them, or we will".

They supposedly have concentration camps for them now, kek.

The problem is that they might be more loyal to their faith, than their race.

You fucking retard, Chechens are literally Causcasian, not just racially but geographically.

Caucasian. Pardon the retarded typo. Still in the middle of my morning coffee.

Chechans are proto-Europeans with Persian admixture, according to any genetic study and historic overview of the area.
Red hair and blue eyes is the most common treat among Chechens.

No, they are actually very loyal to their race. The Chechen race. They consider everyone else weak and not worthy.

Harder to go anymore left when you're still a commie. And if you mean like western progressive left then I don't think that Russia will ever go like that over a short amount of time.
If anything there could be a regime change, my friends from Lithuania told me about it as late as a few months ago. They say Putin needs something to keep in power, and depending on it's success he might stay in charge for a little longer.

There is 0 threat to Putin's power. Although Russia needs someone more totalitarian and radical. There is a big chance that Putin won't run in the 2018 elections and names a successor instead. So far the candidates are Dyumin (military intelligence general) and Kadyrov.
I'm rooting for Kadyrov, he doesn't fuck around and both Saudi Arabia and Israel will be leveled 3 days into his presidency.

All of those are part of the Russian Federation, they're all citizens.

Ethnic Russians will never vote for a muslim Kadyrov, you shouldn't root for him either.

Russians will for for anyone they are told to. It's Putin who decides who's the next president, not the elections.

They are all white, except for Dagestan.

Kadyrom is gibsmedat governor. Builds a skyscrapper and then whines when federals are going to cut subsidies. AND his father called for russian jihad even though he backpedaled back then.

Chechyna gives back lots of natural resource tho.

It was a different Russia back then. The Chechens rebelled against the Jewish oligarchy in power.

Skyscrapper is not built from those natural resources.
Then why did not he say exactly that, calling to kill russians instead?

Actually they are. The oil, gas and rare earth minerals Russia is getting are worth more money than Checnya in receiving.
Maybe because the Jews always use their slaves to the dirty work? I don't remember any Jews fighting in Chechnya.

Russians haven't forgotten about the genocide of ethnic Russians in Chechnya. They're not some sheep herd, that'll elect any circumcised non-Russian scumbag. Look up the population numbers in Chechnya before Chechen wars and after, there was an ethnic cleansing.

Kadyrov and the Chechens have proven they loyalty many times over in the past decade. Right now there are Chechen volunteers fighting for the Russians in Ukraine and killing ISIS in Syria.

They're muslims first, citizens of Russian Federation second. They'll stop being loyal as soon as the gibs stop. There's plenty of Chechens fighting on the side of ISIS in Syria.

Then why is Chechnya subsidised?
So, how it is different from what Russia is now? Keep in mind that you will need to be really convincing to make insider believe that all problems I see are not real.

How many and why does it matter?

Because they are still "rebuilding".
In the 1990s Russia was owned and controlled by 7 Jewish oligarchs and no one was even hiding it, there was even a term "Semibankirschina" - "rule of 7 bankers". Now everything they owned is nationalized. Russia doesn't have a single Rotschild bank in it's borders anymore.
Russia has problems, but these problems came to be due to sanctions and machinations the Jew installed in revenge.
Total number unknown, since they aren't officially there, but it's at least 10,000 jihadis.
It matters because they sworn to fight for Russia and they do, on their own volition.

Dubs of eternity do not lie.

Are they rebuilding more than Omsk?
How is the dependency on oil export and imports a consequence of jewish deals? How exactly did personal sanctions introduced against specific govs and banks cause huge problems for Russia?
You will also need to exmplain why Putin did not fix it in 12 years (+4 Medvedev years).
I guess you can find a whole lot of muslims in your country who are supportive of your country, does it make Islam literature different?

The whole thing was established in the 90s. Jacob Rotschild through Hodorkovsky even tried to privatize all Russian oil and gas, while other oligarchs completely ruined the manufacturing industry. Not a single factory was left standing.
It's not easy to rebuild the whole thing from the ground up and make it competitive on the international market.

What? There is a total trade embargo against Russia. The only thing traded are the natural resources, because EU is dependent on them.
Because Russians are thieves. Every company with government contracts and every government official, no matter how little are stealing from the government.
The majority of Russians aren't even paying taxes and are working illegally.
That's why someone like Kadyrov is needed.

There is nothing wrong with Islamic literature per say, only with it's interpretation. Islam fused with Orthodoxy is just the thing Russia needs to protect itself from degeneracy.

Country does not need to compete internationally to let it's people live well, it needs to produce more things which people consume. "Rebuilding from ground" seems like a communism argument: you give people loans, good attitude and good basic education and they start making everything themselves.
Wikipedia is fine because the topic which we discuss is totally public. The only embargo initiated from outside is about weapons. What is "total trade embargo" you are talking about?
Sure! The tsar is faithful, the boyars are liars, and there is nothing tsar can do about this.
Oh maybe it's because they are piss poor?

A shitload of christians are nominal. The fuse is a lie.
Russian church is a bunch of police-protected crybabies. Did you hear that teen who hunted for pokemons in church is asked to be placed in a jail for 3,5 years after Vasilyeva was released less than a year after sentence?

The claim about majority of russians working illegally was true two decades ago, not anymore.

You obviously aren't Russian. You give people education and loans, they move the loans through the offshore accounts and declare bankruptcy. Or just plane take the loan and move overseas.

The key words are "dual-use goods and technology" and "controls on export of equipment for the oil industry, and a restriction on the issuance of and trade in certain bonds, equity or similar financial instruments".
Pretty much any electronics and heavy machinery is banned under this act.

Russians are actually richer than Americans on average.

Oh, we have a libtard fedora edgelord here. The whole argument is discarded.

BS, you're talking about Tsarist Russia and the USSR. The Asiatic republics were cut off after the fall of the Soviet Union. That they're only 75% white atm is due to illegal immigration which Putin supports wholeheartedly.

For fuck's sake, look at the following video. Guy was fired for mentioning the truth.


Of course they are working illegally. I myself have a small construction company and am employing 30 people. 3 legally, 15 illegally and 12 are Tajik illegal migrants I'm keeping in a trailer.
Not one is checking on that and I'm not an idiot to waste a shitload of money on social security and taxes for all my workers.
That's exactly why we need Kadyrov.

Let me tell you something Holla Forums.

People don't make a lot of children not only because world becoming more degenerate or anything. In russia its because there's literally nothing to eat and allow yourself even one child is a luxury even for working families. Taxing for having one child or less means even less money for rising that one child. And people who will try to escape tax by making more babies will treat those babies like garbage.
Russians will just end up treating those children like niggers do, and won't care about anything other than getting away from taxation.

That's the reality.

Here is his genuine position on this issue but this video is unfortunately in Russian, so you need to find someone who can translate it for you.

Why does Putin cuck himself over Stalin and shitskins? He doesn't have to be Hitler 2.0, but why do the Russian people cuck themselves over a big commie faggot that killed 60 million of them? Why do Russian women fuck so many shitskins?

Stalin is one of the great leaders in history. Stay mad, western pig.

I'm afraid MSM portrays Russia too good. Russia has been fucked by years of Communism and the Russian people pride themselves on it. It's a flawed country, Good thing Ukraine and Belarus got out.

Lmao, the Germans tried to liberate you from Stalin's sadism, but you retardeds killed all your people to get Germany just to fall 40 years later. Hitler did nothing wrong.

Because they're fucking retarded alcoholics who'd rather shoot up Krokodil and give each other AIDS than ensure their people's survival.

Even more shit people in even shittier deluded position about their lives. Ukraine relies of foreign help like a disabled country. And people there even more deluded about jews and their own government.

Ukraine doesn't exist. It's a jewish artificial construct. I wish Putin had enough balls to genocide these cockroaches. Kadyrov just might.

"liberate" us from what? everyone was content under Stalin. And maybe Hitler shouldn't have broken the treaty and attacked us.

Hungary already has tax breaks for large families, iirc.

Rather be poor than idealolgically cucked.

To the majority of Russians, ww2 wasn't about ideology as much as it was about Germany against Russia. You're probably an American so it would be hard to grasp the ethnic tensions that existed, and still to some degree do, in many parts of Europe. While Hitler despised communism and that was his main motive for the invasion of Russia, you would have to be delusional to think he was fond of the Russians. Most Germans hated the Russians and most Russians hated the Germans, it had to do with many previous wars and conflicts over the control of Eastern Europe. Just take this quote by Dönitz, it illustrates the situation well.

There's nothing weird with Russians praising their leaders who defend their country against Hitler, even if they were filthy commies. It's perfectly understandable.

There isn't a single ukrainian in the ukie government, all Jews and foreigners. As I said, they deserve genocide.

Caesar Slav Augustus, Emperor of Venetis.


Which is ideologically cucked? Orthodox totalitarian state full of crazed religious freaks or jewish totalitarians state that fools goyim in believing they live in nationalism? Its like those arabians states that are fully dominated by the jews, but pretending to be islamic (like ISIS). Its just same shit applied to nationalism.

The only good thing about ukraine its that its fully white unlike russia. But that's for now, until they will agree to accept refugees because of their financial position. They already making gay parades.

Russia doesn't exist. It's rightfully Mongolian clay.

Stay mad. You move your troops at night to the border like cowards. Then you got you shit kicked in and the Allies saved your ass.

I hope you get another Stalin.

Ukraine doesn't exist. It's a jewish artificial construct. I wish Putin had enough balls to genocide these cockroaches. Kadyrov just might.
You are the reason why the US won the cold war, slavs like you can not unify. You are no better than a nigger.

You know what? Stalin was right, Russians deserved to be genocide. 60 million more, they're all trash. Homos like you should die in a gulag
>>>Holla Forums

What the fuck is wrong with Holla Forums these days? Look Russia is far from a fucking white mans paradise but it's not anywhere near as bad as any of these shills/retards make it out to be. Either way this is only a good thing, if it gets passed, 1 of 2 things will happen.
There is literally no way this could backfire.

They are called snow-niggers for a reason.
Communism, NOT EVEN ONCE

Do not speak of Mongolians in vain. They are based as fuck.

Need mo rubels fo dem retirement fund schemes

Here in Finland we had a higher tax for single women and men or childless couples up until 1975. Still don't get why it was removed.

The reason why the Ukraine is better is that you can mold it into any country you want, that's why Jews and Nationalists like Azov and Right Sektor are fighting against each other for power


I cannot believe that I am talking with a communist on Holla Forums.
Gonna snip that one now! Take a loan from a bank, leave my house, leave my job, take all my relatives as well - seems easy!
… "intended for military use or a military end user", not "dual use". It's retarded to think that any significant part of export is for military user.
Is there any viable comparison which confirms it? Direct conversion of wage and spendings from RUR to USD will destroy this claim, you need something more complex.
It's funny that you discarded your argument with that very line, not mine. If being able to read laws and constitution is lbtarding from your POV (ever heard of classical liberalism before slapping a meme on me?) then there is literally nothing useful you can say to me.

Pure gold.

Your personal preference is no the reason for islam expansion, it's the reason for actually improving economy, taxation and government spending efficiency.

Being a leader does not prevent from being a savage. Nice strawman.

Only if making a child is cheaper than tax itself! If it's not, they would find another way about it! Again, it's ahead of plan to introduce this bullshit now, it is not irreversible communism yet here.

Here is the translation of original BBC quote.

You obviously can't understand Russians. We don't give a single fuck about the West or "whites". We only care about Russians and Russian allies.
We gladly watch you all die, because the faster you die the faster we will take over.
We don't care about your Hitler larping either, because Hitler tried to kill us and Stalin saved us.

It's pretty fucking bad over there actually. The flow of shitskins from Central Asia has gone out of control and degeneracy is rampant. While they're based on pushing back faggotry and promoting christian values, there's another type of degeneracy in Russia that seems impossible to stop, the very genetical degeneration of the people. I think that sadly the damage inflicted by communism, ww1, ww2 and the civil war is irreedemable. You must visit Russia to truly understand this.

Liberals stopped having kids and wanted the burden put on the ones doing all the work.

And it was worth it, and it will always be worth it.

I would gladly pay a bachelor tax rather than put up with a roastie.

By whose standards? "liberties" and "rights" are western inventions. Russia never had these and they don't work here. "democrat" is an insult in Russia and always was.

Oh, I understand Russians very well. The problem with you is that you equate Russians with commies.

You don't use the word Russians in your legislation, but the term "Rossiyani" which means Russian citizens. Furthermore you have minority rights for other ethnicities. Guess what is missing and not even mentioned? ETHNIC FUCKING RUSSIANS.

stay mad monkey

Russians nationalists are massive autists.

Nice to know you're a traitor to the white race. Russia is going to fail AGAIN if you retards think niggers and likes cod be allies with you.
Gulags aren't considered saving.
Again I really hope you get Stalin again so you can die of work.

Stalin lost a whole lot of resources and time because of his faith in Hitler and his ignorance for spied data.
It was not Stalin who saved us, people saved the country. A whole lot of military experts were returned from repression because of war.
Staling killed a whole lot of us. It is as correct to say that Staling saved us as to say that fate saved us.

There were many other things in Soviet Union which were important too.


"Leader" and "savage" are orthogonal things, one can be both, any or neither.
wow I love islam now!
Is that why officials use it whenever they feel their hat burning.

A country with lots of angry peasants who can't feed their families is a huge threat to anyone in power. And rightfully so.
Totalitarian? No. Radical? Maybe. taking peoples freedoms has never resulted in anything good and totalitarianism is tantamount to centralization and centralization is tantamount to another decade of underdeveloped infrastructure and cities which are falling apart, if all of the oblasts had to actually take care of themselves and direct their own fund to that then perhaps anywhere outside of moscow wouldn't be an utter shithole.

by who? you and a handful of other NEETs on chinese imageboards?

Not all, watch the following video. The last part is very well done.

By anyone who has seen a russian in person. Put aside the facade and propaganda, visit with you fucks at home? Niggers. Each and every one of you.


Russians don't give a fuck about politics, right or left. It's only about the guy in charge.
We has communism in the 80s, anarcho-capitalism in the 90s, oligarchy in 00s, we have fascist economy now and might as well have can have Sharia law tomorrow and technocracy a decade after that, it's all business as usual. I don't know why do you care about ideologies so much.

There is really hard to find criteria for such a thing. We are all mixed. I'm part Finn myself.
We are multinational like Chinese, who aren't a single ethnicity either, but they are all Chinese to you.

Actually they are. If he sent more people there, we wouldn't be facing many problems we are facing now.

First day on Holla Forums? Buckle up. тусовка

Such faith like preparing for war with Germany in the near future before Hitler learned of it and decided he didn't want the Soviets to mobilize first and organized a preemptive attack?
If Dzhugashvili erased Trotsky think of all the other history he erased too.

This is true, I'd rather have the Golden Horde as neighbors than Russia.


Do you live in Karelia/Ingria? gib back.

I heard the throat singers suck the best cock.

"people" don't save shit unless you force them to. Hitler would have won if some pussy like Nikolay II was in charge.
He didn't kill enough, seriously. Look how all these rats came out hiding in the 80s. They should all be dead.

If russians are niggers, why don't we call american rednecks white niggers too then? SJWs already calling them "white trash". There's literally no ideological difference between "white trash" and "white nigger".
Fuck, lets think only rich whites are not niggers, everyone who doesn't live like a jew is a white nigger.

1) ive seen russian tourists and they acted alot better than american hipsters and fatasses

2) im not russian

3) >implications

not an argument

Finland is rightful Russian clay. Come back to the Empire.

i bet youre more related to the golden horde than russians

We do. Act like niggers and you get called on it. Rednecks and white trash has been used long before sjws hit the scene.

You have to go back.

No, it was a statement Tyroneski.

So what do you even want for the future of Russia? A new mixed race Eurasian? Ethnic Russians at the top ruling over their vast empire of minorities?

Probably would've remained if you didn't sperg out into communism and then invaded us, now all Finns hate Russians which is sad, we should all be brothers in the north.


Too bad then, that those rednecks and country living american whites voted trump in power. Because you are ungrateful peace of shit.

There wouldn't have been a war but an alliance against ZOG like against Napoleon.

statement of what? that you can use google translate? do you want a clap, or some candy?

You are a special kind of idiot.

He did well against the Austrians and Germs the first time around, although it was a back and forth, the eventual revolution knocked the ruskies out of the first, not Nikolai.

Literally kill yourself, Russia is best off being actually split up because it seems like it's already too large to govern itself.

I'll have you know that my country was never defeated by them or raped unlike All of Kievan Rus, Plotsk and Novgorod

tyranny, they'll essentially be paying for other people's kids.

1) napoleon wanted to centralise his monetary institutions under the goverment

2) the eternal anglo and the french were just as fond of trying to get rid of stalin as they were of hitler, which is why they let hitler rise to power, hoping he would first attack the ussr, and they could just stab germany in the back when he takes moscow
tough the mol-rib pact threw shit at the fan as hitler attacked the frogs and anglos*

Don't need translate when you know Russians. Just gave my friend a soviet molnija for his 40th. Nigger liked his bling.

no, i guess they voted for bernie and cruz

Same argument libs try and use here to get out f paying for schools when they don't have kids.

well it was raped and conquered by some other force. so status quo

That doesn't make any sense, by that logic they wouldn't have declared war on Hortler when he was taking over Poland as it would have been impossible for him to invade the cummies otherwise without already having a border with them.

The Empire was neck-deep in Jewish debt. The cuck Tzar even entered WW1 because of the debts. Revolution didn't occur because of the commies, they revolted against the Temporary Government, Nikolay was dethroned before that.
It would've been pretty much the same except Russia would be a republic and Russia would lose WW2.

A union of ethnostates with power being assumed by the strongest at the moment. Seems logical.

Russia must include at least all of Eastern Europe, Alaska and Scandinavia.

what was the statement i ask you

No, you made that retarded "not an argument" retort to which I replied. This is why you fucks are nigger-tier. You can't follow simple conversations, get confused, and begin chimping out.

I would suggest re-reading the thread and if you need to, draw a diagram so you can follow along, and start pushing those few remaining neurons.

Russia is barely holding onto Siberia against the Chinese, overextending into Alaska would be foolish.

The only ones who let Hitler rise to power were the German people. On the other hand, the USSR would have never succeeded with their industrialization without the Western powers. Should make you think, moron.

Stalin hoped Germany would fight against France and England and fatigue itself, so he could roll over Europe.

Germany did this pact because they wanted to take Poland together with the USSR. It would have been impossible for the UK and France to declare war on Germany without also declaring war on the USSR. But Stalin betrayed Germany and stalled his attack so the UK and France could declare him neutral.

And give me a break with breaking the pact. The USSR had similar pacts with other nations which Stalin broke one after another. Do you think Germany was stupid?

Debts that somehow forced him to defend Serbia?
How do you suggest Nikolai lost the throne to the temporary government? Not revolution? The temporary government didn't even sign the peace though, they kept on unsuccessfully fighting the Germs until they lost so bad the cummies took over who were forced into signing Brest-Litovsk later.
I don't see how this is an argument for the Tsar being a cuck though, he still did pretty well. If the Germs didn't keep pushing the liberal agenda to make Russia collapse, even more so if Russia hadn't been in a famine at the time, the Tsar would have held out

Didn't even read the rest, gomen

Even though I would not, it is not a terrible exageration to say "snowniggers", centuries of authoritarian regime left a whole lot of impact on culture and genes too probably, it results in reduced social cooperation and higher risks of criminality. I think it's reversible though.

fuck fuck fuck communist in Holla Forums my sides

Such faith that he did not even manage to mobilize army to defend the border and did not even rebase aviation (a whole lot of new planes stored in open air was destroyed during first days of war).
Such faith that he did not do jackshit to return military officers before the shtf.

Argue yourself clearer or stfu.

Aren't rednecks a rural population?

It's called federation for a reason. Is it effective or not is different problem.

There were two of them you Stalin cock loving faggit.


Fugg I'm tired, sorry my senapis

France threatened to make Russia default if he didn't enter the war.
Come on now, Duma dethroned him, then asked Great Duke Alexander to assume the throne, which he refused and temporary republican government was formed, which lasted for a while until the commies started the revolution. All they did was filling the power vacuum.


t. Magomed Magomedov from Makhachkala.

The measure itself is good but considering how many shitskins and asians there are in Russia this will backfire hard in the long run.

I agree. Russia had huge cultural impact on the west, the one europeans don't even realize, best men in classical music and greatest painters and writers came from russia. Since communism it all gone, no writers, no painters, no musicians, even movies are shit. Slavs so far only good at making fucking video games, because you shoot people in them.

wtf I love communism now

Stalin was preparing for attack and Hitler caught him right in the process of switching for attack but not fully getting ready. Why do you think Stalin amassed such a big army at the border without any defenses (by moving his troops mostly at night)? His mobilization to the border was the biggest army movement in the history of mankind.

You literally pulled that out of your ass. Stalin wasn't amassing troops at the border.

Violent or not, a revolution did occur as the Tsar was dethroned although the stuff about Alexander is new to me, as I know it the liberals forced the Tsar to step down and established a new "democratic" government as they were moderate socialists and not full on commies.

Is this a fucking joke? Gtfo leftypol.


Talking about amassing tropps at borders. If that's what it takes to get ready for war, then we were at brink of it.

That's a famous local nutjob, Alex Jones-tier.

He will answer you that Rezun is a traitor for fleeing a commie shithole. Because he should have stayed and get shot for telling the truth.

Furthermore there are other sources besides Rezun.

I'll take your word for it Ivan

Solzhenitsyn and Viktor Suvorov are also all alex jones tier?

It's just the first thing that popped up after I googled it for proofs

Russian TV…

That's a good question. Who would you rather live among? "Based" le jew fears the samurai's or whites who follow sharia law?

crap had nothing to do with mongolians or chechens, dumbass. fuck off to 4chna if you cant do anything besides shitposting

Suvorov yes. Him and Rezun are the kind of people who's soft-cover books are sold in yellow press kiosks at the train stations, between "100 top fart jokes" and "sudoku for the whole family"

Hey sorry about the fucktards in your country, slavbro. Hope you fix shit.

This is some dope cover.

Where its sold really doesn't matter, what matters is it's validity , and claiming it's invalid just because it's sold outside of a bookstore is just dumb.
Plus they don't really sell books in kiosks anymore, at least in what little kiosks are even left.

You're actually right, you people are so retarded that if there was less of you it would be an actual improvement to Russia. Also thanks for supporting the mongrelization of ethnic Russians. Civic nationalist cuck.

Here's more than enough info to one and for all close the myth that Stalin didn't want to attack. I suppose you can read Russian, if not, it's for other Russian fags. If you need more info, search the blog. I can't read Russian, but a friend said it swayed his opinion.

Make sure to archive, user.

I never get this autism about archiving, I understand you do it for popular news outlets but there's no point in doing it for niche links.

how deluded are you?

the western powers sent expeditionary forces against the bolsheviks in the 10s and 20s, and after stalin took power counted on germany taking him out.
when stalin wanted to make an alliance against hitler before the war, the west just pulled the shit with Locarno treaties again.
that left the USSR to get buff or wait and get steamrolled.

he offered alliance to the allies, but they turned the other cheek


the whole point of pre-war politics was for the west to let the two "ebil diktators" killeachother and wait them out.
ever heard of that chamberlin goy and his "treties"?


i said the pact threw out the window the hopes of the anglo. i said nothing about germany breaking the pact. read more carefully.

so did the germans, so did the allies,the japanese etc.

This could never work in Amerilard, we have more blacks alone than Russia has non-whites, not to mention the tens of millions of beaners. Doubly sad because even Russia's non-whites look whiter than most Americans.

sorry but i think you replied to the wrong post

because any dumbass knew its better to be safe than sorry? the ussr still provided tonnes of wheat and oil to germany in 1941

It's even more important for niche links. It would be incredibly easy to register a site, link it, and gather IP addresses of Holla Forumsacks.


i heard this one other guy talking about putting chemicals in the water that make the frogs gay. thats good enough for me

where do you live?

It won't help. Child free families aren't the problem. Unmarried women are the problem. Heavy financial incentives for motherhood without enforced marriage will mean lots of single mothers with one child and single men paying punishment taxes for being childless.

Of all the things to discredit Alex Jones, the most popular one is something that's actually true, however ridiculous it sounds.

Read a book, nigger.

Good, they are useless anyways, either they pop out 3+ white babies with a wife, they become cannon-fodder, or they need to be taxed like cattle, choose one.

Stalin's "alliance" proposal to UK/France in 1939 was that UK/France would let Stalin invade Poland and then maybe invade Germany as well. What does that get you? Same outcome as 1945 just quicker and cheaper for the commies.

Yeah because wives are just lining the shelves.

Women prefer to have zero to however many are required kids with a handful of extremely attractive men, that they then raise alone, than marry one man of equivalent attractiveness to themselves.

So was in Fascist Italy.

None of this garuentees white families, this could be a nigger with a white women producing halfling monkeys.

If you can't find a wife it's your job to become cannon fodder or become a vassal of some larger group, donating all your resources for the greater good. Frankly single men should be heavily taxed and the money given directly to white families with many kids. If you can't find a wife you're a genetic dud and should be thankful you're even allowed to live.

Even today Russia is cucked. Putin's VIctory Day speech was all about how Russia saved the world from Race Realism.

What Russia is is stuck in a 1950s timewarp courtesy of the USSR. It also has to care more about practical matters like not getting invaded because it's not a superpower.

Russia is better but its still ideologically cucked.

Which is what cucks do - they become cannon fodder for the ruling group in our society which is SJWs/commies. Virgins are almost always feminists.

To make marriage work you need social enforcement which means society has to be in favour of marriage.

There's more ways of honoring your nation then just charging into combat and having children.

You don't have any idea about reality. You watch too many movies.

How new are you?

It's getting boring discussing with you things you have no clue about. I don't care. If you want to believe that a jew-infested murderous commie state was the good guy and Germany was the enemy, go on and suck their dick for another generation.

Duh, that's why Amerilardistan is perma-fucked. You seem to think every other country is 15% negroid and 25% beaner though.

nothing is ever free from outside factors but Hitlers rise to power was primarily domestic.
Then why did they stop halfway? Why did they abandon the policy of appeasement, why did they flip and decide, well, now we're going to take out Hitler firster than Stalin.
To begin with they had reasons to refuse. And secondly did this even happen? France wouldn't have backed out on such an offer as it was gearing it's foreign policy against Germany the whole time and only lightened up during Stressemann.
The whole reason of interwar politics was to rebuild after the most devastating war the world had ever seen and prevent another one from happening.

I used to live in Lithuania.

You know that the US has more White people than Russia, right?


By numbers, and only barely. By percentage, no.

Russia is 20% shitskins, explain to me why they don't remove non-white

You can't understand WWII unless you realise there were four factions that were not allied to one another:


(Japan and China was a sideshow that didn't matter and no one would remember except for wounding Amerifat pride and being the demo target for nukes)

The France/UK faction was NOT inherently anti-fascist. It had been willing to ally with Italy. It was as worried about the USSR as it was about Germany - the USSR was just further away.

The UK/France faction was destroyed in 1940. It ceased to exist, France surrendering to Germany and the UK surrendering to the USA.

The USA and the USSR then made an alliance. None of the European powers wanted a real alliance with the USSR. It was a purely American idea driven by the commie-leaning Democrats of the time wanting to replace Britain with the Soviets as Europe's kapo.

I will forever be perplexed by this fact.

The US has 160-190 mio. Whites (not Hispanics). Russia has 115 mio. Is this considered barely?

There are always men destined to be cannon-fodder and who will not reproduce, looking at genetic studies throughout our history many men didn't. The important thing is that we milk the subhumans who can't reproduce for our cause. And it needs to be drilled into them that they are lucky they are even alive, they would have died at childbirth for being weaklings or died as cannon fodder at any other point in history.

The sad thing is that even the shitskins of russia look whiter than most Amerilards, and all those shitskins combined are dwarfed by Americas beaners and negroids. Amerilards are royally fucked every way you can imagine, if millions of chechens were shipped to the US it'd actually whiten them which is pathetic.

And it's funny how it's still ten times less of a shit hole than Russia.

Right, I'd shoot you for that.
Look man, no one is obliged to anything, no organization, no goal, or anything else for that matter, especially if it external. Plus, single men have most likely brought more to the world than any married man, see Newton or Tesla for example. Just because you see life in a certain way that doesn't mean other do or should be obliged to see it in yours.

In a sexual free for all, all the women will try to reproduce with a handful of men.

Problem: a handful of men can't support a large number of children.

If you want to enslave the men who don't get to reproduce to provide for the children (which is basically what a childlessness tax does) then you very probably cannot rely on those men to be loyal to society. The last thing you will want to do is give them guns.

What happens in our society is that men are expected to take care of their own biological children, but we still have a sexual free for all, which means all the women are trying to have children with a handful of men who are trying to avoid impregnating them at all costs.

Hence birth rate implosion.

Gtfo Ramzan, I thought Russia blocked 8ch.

You sound like a gross chechnyian. Burgerland will always fuck over you retards and I will laugh.

H e's ban evading. Report him.

Amerilard is multiple times shittier because it has multiple times the shitskins. The 44th president was the result of a white women and a black men. A fraction of Amerilard babies are even born with blue eyes nowadays. Did you fail math class subape?

Wow tough guy, you're a bitter virgin loser who can't find a white wife, stop acting like a tryhard on the internet lol

Libertardian cuckold

Loser on the net threatening to shoot me thinks he is the next Tesla, lol. You are delusional as fuck it's sad.

You know this, yes?
In any case you couldn't really keep this up for any longer than a few years at most because the people would chop your head off pretty fast.
I've got an idea, why don't we let people think what they want? I know it's a bit crazy but do consider it.

Another problem is that in a sexual free for all the men who reproduce are by no means "the best men". They're not the most cooperative with their fellow man or the most productive. Harem mating selects for nigger traits. Organised warfare - which is impossible without monogamy guaranteeing a wife to the troops, because otherwise they won't fight - is what selects for white traits.

This guy sounds like he knows nothing about what he is talking about. He talks like a single person larping so hard it it's kind of amusing.

Why does this even matter?
Jesus died to make men holy boi, and I will die to make them free.
smh tbh famalam

Not like I have anything better to do, and it's not like I'm bothered by it.

Russia needs to sell its gas for commodities and precious metals. These metals have to minted into coins for the population and the domestic economy will be independent of the Western world. Now, for once, Russians can start saving because atm they don't have any incentive because they'll lose everything if the oil price collapses again.

Iran could do this too and it would negate any US sanctions and crush the dollar. But they can't because they are weak militarily. Russia would stand a good chance. Luckily they inherited a huge stockpile of nuclear waepons.

Jesus also told you to go forth and reproduce you autistic weirdo.

You're equating yourself with Tesla because you're too much of a loser to find a wife, lol. How deluded do you have to be to think you're contributing to the cause? When you're such a failure you looked up famous childless virgins of history to feel better about yourself? Even jesus thinks you're a failure.

Jesus also told you to go forth and reproduce you autistic weirdo.

You're equating yourself with Tesla because you're too much of a loser to find a wife, lol. How deluded do you have to be to think you're contributing to the cause? When you're such a failure you looked up famous childless virgins of history to feel better about yourself? Even Jesus thinks you're a failure. SAD!

Even the mudshit minorities aside, Russians are an accumulation of several dozen different slavic tribes, which have subdued and assimilated many finnic and uralic peoples over the centuries. While the majority of Russians are mostly white, they are hadly what could be described as ethnically homogenous. The population is 1) large; 2) geographically spread out and 3) a mix of a shitton of relatively distant founding populations, even if they are for the most part 100% white. This is not an issue that cannot be overcome, but it does result in lower probability of altruistic behaviour, for example, than most western European nations before the mudshits and niggers flooded in, anyway. This makes running a nation more difficult.

Sage for off-topic

The last thing we need to do is make excuses for men who can't reproduce. The problem will sort itself out quickly enough with a war that drafts single men.

i take it you mean the same history books that tell us about the purity of allied victory and the holocaust

except that the anglo didnt want to waste its men in an european war. it was german men that were to be wasted

not an argument. or so? what movie mentions what i described?

been here longer than you diaspora.
*things YOU have no clue about

i dont beleive it. the problem is you beleive there are only two narratives ever written down, and its simply A or B


But they have those, in abundance even. It's richest people are in the mining industry and it's third in the world by gold production. It also sits on nearly half of the worlds natural resources.
So there would be monopolies on all goods by several domestic companies, stifling any sort of competition, driving down the quality of the products while keeping or increasing the price, and luxury goods would be in deficit if the public could even afford it? Not one would invest in Russian business which would also stifle creative growth in the whole country.The people would suffer for that and it's infrastructure which is at least 20 years behind could not keep up.
What actually prevents Russia from progressing is it's inefficient centralized bureaucracy.

I didn't really argue against reproducing boi, I'm merely arguing that you should stop telling me what to do before I violently remove you from my property.
I'm using Tesla as an argument, much like Newton or any other single man, I'm no Tesla, in fact I hate all that nerd bullshit, it's pretty gay.
What cause?


I swear to gob I just can't focus today

European people who convert (or their ancestors did) to pisslam are race traitors and deserve the rope

Time to go to a nursing home you senile boomer, no wife or kids to support you after all.


And the same argument republicans use about healthcare.

Fucking this.

Why are people supporting this, imagine if this was implemented on any white country. You would just get more shitskins reproducing for less taxation while still obtaining mass welfare,fucking debacle tbh.

Country living!=acting like a nigger
It wasn't the white niggers on gibs that voted for Trump.

No, but what you're describing is happening at the moment in Russia.

Yes, I was implying nothing would change because the extraction of precious metals was already what was happening now.

It's the same as with the abortion argument in the US.

Paying for the education and betterment of a nation's future isn't the same as being forced to pay for coalburner's/sheboon's keeds or babby murders. Perhaps if we were able to separate the wheat from the chaff, society could afford to be more altruistic in regards to BASIC healthcare.

Liberals always try and make personal responsibility someone else's problem. This in turn makes it more expensive for the rest.

What if Russia stops playing along with (((globalist banks))) and makes a self sufficient economy

Do you read the same ones that tell the "heroicness" of the Soviets?

No one is still obliged to pay for anyone else though, if you want something you need to take care of it yourself.
In any case the whole educational system these days is a sham. And I've been thinking of an idea to replace it, so far I came up with something like a system where the government requires the students to pass 3 separate exams in several subjects of their choice with a few compulsory subjects past a certain age, the first exam could be taken past the age of 12, the other one past the age of 15 or 16 and the last one past the age of 18, students could chose to do all the exams in the same year too. The key here is that students would be allowed to chose the most convenient study method for them and prepare for this exam in whatever way they wish, whether it's actually going to school, homeschooling or whatever else they think up. We could also replace the school as a whole with several small scale independent options, where the teacher chooses how to teach the things a students selected curriculum, meaning a teacher could take up students much like disciples, this would create a market for all the teachers who would no longer be employed in public schools, allow for a large selection of teachers of varying qualities and would also allow the parents more direct control over the schooling of their child, a bit like sophists in Greece. It would also encourage the growth of independent character instead of chopping heads of anyone who's different in school, and virtually eliminate bullying or any stratification caused by larger groups within schools.
As for higher education, there could be several research centers or libraries where said sophists could rent a room and teach the subject they are licensed to pass on to others based on their previously gotten degree, all the information would be made cheaply available to most average people and it would also serve as a library to the general public offering any other service willing to set up inside


Limit it to ethnic Russians, put in place the reverse for non-ethnic Russians/mudslime immigrants, and

Define "ethnic Russians"

It's still not going to work because having a whore and dependent children is still more expensive than the tax.
Taxation is never the answer

It doesn't matter. Islam must be eradicated. Anyone who harbours anything less than hostility and hate for it is a race traitor.

I though it was the Jews you're trying to eradicate.
And besides no one will be touching our Muslims. If you try, you will get a whole lot of angry Russians on their side.


The question is how is this tax being implemented. It really could work regionally or just within an oblast, so that any capital city posing as a degenerate Little Moskau supports the surroundings better. Which it already should, but doesn't, because muh modernity.

Against who? Both sides would just implode because wait a minute, what am I doing here?!

WWII worked because practically everybody had its maid at home - or just took one going to Berlin. On both sides and across the globe.

Oh, how cute. The little roach thinks it's a person and people care about it. The Russians hate Chechens (at least the uncucked Russians), no matter what kind of bullshit propaganda your village elder is telling you.

Nah, during the war you can rape anyone as long as it's an enemy. That's how my grandpa raped his way to Berlin and I probably now have hundreds of quarter-sibling running around eastern Europe.


You're grandpa is a disgusting shit skin who aided in the degradation of a bloodline.i hope your grandpa died in the negligent care of apathetic staff.

forgot to tag in the first post

What kind of cuck would be defending our muslims? Literally no one here likes them, and at best are "tolerating" them.

no i read the ones that show everyone on top as a bunch of manipulative opportunists and everyone on the bottom as a bunch of naive cannonfodder

What if i told you, that Bogatyr (a powerful warrior), like the ones appearing in the painting "three bogatyrs", actually came into russian from mongolian language? It was honorable nickname for special military merits in the army from the time of Genghis Khan and Tamerlane.

Nah, he died at home, respected and loved by his friends and family.
You better be ready, because as a rule of thumb the Russian command normally gives 24 hours to rape and loot after taking a city and the rules would still apply in the world war. You have to motivate the soldiers to fight, you know.

Where is "here"?


i take it you have some good graphs and statistics, nigger

As long as you lose a quarter of your population and afterwards collapse your country while everybody becomes rich and stable again, do it again, be my guest. Your siblings got all aborted btw or thrown into the trash. Your grandpa is rotting in hell now, so rejoice.

Holla Forums only protects syria because israel is fighting with it, to probably get their territories for the "great israel" project. Enemy of our enemy is our friend, so Holla Forums ended up liking Assad, He also doesn't believe in six gorrilion so it made him even more likable.
If Assad will be removed syria has no value to us.

Now that's what I call "impotent rage". Probably a Balt too. Only they are so butthurt.

id finish school before browsing pol if i were you kid


If you want white people to have more kids then you should ban people from owning pets unless there's an actual good reason to. Without pets, white women will be a lot more inclined to have children because they won't be able to use animals to direct their maternal instincts.

Just google "pets replacing children" on google and you'll find out.

It started as enemy of my enemy is my friend, but as I've looked further into Assad, I've actually grown to seriously admire him, regardless of the fact that he's opposed to ZOG. Really good genuine guy, cares for his people, etc. I see no reason why we can't admire/like people from other races so long as they know their place and do their own thing in their own country.

Didn't Putin block 8ch? Look out, he'll put you into Gulags for hate crime.

No cats for unmarried people.

That shit makes me fucking rage. Pets are great, but these cat ladies and "career women" who pull the "lol I couldn't possibly bring a child into this world, I'd make a terrible mother, oh btw look at my 4 cats and 2 dogs they're so cuuute! my furbabies!" shit need to be gassed.

Having said that, I don't think banning pets until people have kids is the way to go about this. The #1 issue is birth control. People talk all day about abortion, but far more white babies are prevented from even being conceived by The Pill than ever get aborted and killed. Without birth control, so many problems would be fixed. Slut culture and these young women in their teens and 20s fucking new guys every week would dry up almost immediately. Long term couples wouldn't be able to prevent pregancies forever. People would either have to be less loose with their sex, or they'd have to settle down and have kids. A win-win.

He looks like a fucking retard who can't stop ordering one more beer.

im not from russia. i just the taste of butthurt tears.

post your picture

As far as I know Chechnya is still considered Russia.

Bullshit. Hate to break it for you - höhöhö - but if a man decides nope, the woman never gets fertilized. And no, don't come with some bullshit index, a wall is a wall and probability is on another page. You stick it in, if there is latex, no babbies are formed. You know why condoms aren't that safe? Because guys get unbelievably inebriated, when all they have to do is fill up a chick instead of themselves. Being stupidly drunk makes it impossible to achieve 100%. Say thank you to alcohol to preserve some relic race, but if a couple says no, in general nothing happens.
It works the other way. Peer pressure, as almost everything does with women. And if the man actually has a say and can provide.


People who treat their pets like children need to be gassed. They raise poor habits and are generally shit animals.

im from central europe. nice try. stay mad nomad monkey

Are you a so-called Russian German?

No. Women with pets are simply women who want to raise children but are told by the media that that is a bad thing. The TV intentionally creates the image that it is unfashionable to have children and women want to be fashionable even more than men do. Once the TV stops spewing anti-White shit, these same women you want to gas will be the most dedicated mothers.

I'm not talking about Asiatic soviet states you stupid mongrel. I'm talking about the massive portion of Russia that sits in Asia. The original boundaries of the Russian kingdom didn't extend beyond eastern Europe, yet the majority of modern Russia is lands that were taken from the Mongols. Who the fuck do you think lived in the Mongol Empire before the Russians took it? It's not like they just up and left.

I am trying my best to understand what you have written here. Is something getting lost in translation?

western kekolds that spend something like 1000 years trying to destroy russia (especially lately) getting mad at russia for refusing to play their autistic 'far away mysterious home i have never been to in case of things here going to shit beyond repair'
nah, yall retards need to pay your debts first, before you get to have a clean credit
where was this 'white brotherhood' when russians bled? nowhere, it didnt exist when we needed it, you fucks supported turks, stopped us from taking constantinople, destabilizing ukraine, pushing for muslim kosovo, you fucks all need to die or pay your debts

enjoy memes about our culture/muslim problems, when around here none of the muslims are considered citizens, they all just clean sewers and our special forces use them for live target practice once they get uppity, that's the truth of it, fuck off and goodbye
go back to studying your feminism studies and getting ruled/raped by niggers/muslims, we are not friends till you pay your debts and NATO warcrimes

I fucking hate all you american russian larpers so much

You clearly don't know these people. Their house smells like dog piss and cat shit. Their furniture is chewed. Everything covered in a film of animal hair. You cannot sit anywhere without the fucking fur getting on you.

Stop making excuses.

I have to comment again because you are so retarded. Putins Russia is on the verge of a civil war. He is weak

No I am proud and hopeful of Russia. I hope this works out for the best, I just really couldn't understand.

The SS was a white brotherhood against Bolshevism. And don't even start blaming the cold war shit and today's problems on Europeans, you are the sole culprit that this whole mess wasn't solved in `45.

If the US wanted to it could crush them financially without a problem. But Russia is good at being used to D&C Europe and to create excuses for globalism.

Eveytime I read a Russian thread im reminded of a few Patton quotes and I know you mongolian savages are not really white.

The Russians are mongols. They are Slaves and a lot of them used to be ruled by ancient Byzantium. From Genghis Kahn to Stalin. they have not changed. They never will and we will never learn, at least , not until it is too late.

The difficulty in understanding the Russians we do not take cognizance of the fact he is not a European, but an asiatic therefore thinks deviously. We can no more understand a Russian than Chinese or a Jepanese. From what I have seen of them I have no particular desire to understand them except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them.In addition to his other amiable characteristics, the Russians have no regard for human life and they are all out son of bitches,barbarians and chronic drunks.

Everytime someone comes to exterminate you a western euro nation saves your ass. But not this time, I look forward to killing you retards by the hundreads in the next war.

Trying to imply Russians = Communism is flat out disingenuous.
And I have seen Russians do this too, as communism was rather effective at ripping the roots out of the people.
But even as effective as communism was at that, the clannish behavior of slavs held them together, fucked up as they are from it, they survived.

no, no, no
YOU marched into our villages, and torched the peasants that never did anything to you
spare me your bullshit, i am from eastern europe therefore know my great grandparents, which is probably weird to your immigration culture + not knowing who is your father culture, but we actually know our great grandparents

to cut the long story short:
YOU bastards started killing perfectly peaceful slavic peasants who just grew their cabbage and whatnot
YOU started the war
YOU drew the first blood
YOU alienated us
YOU owe us a debt for your warcrimes

austrians had artillery exercises on the serb border for months, and (((out of pure coincidence))) a shell would land in a serbian village every other week
then they started border skirmishes and raids

the eternal western kekold is no friend, so glad you lost your space access to fund faggotry studies, and that your pentagons now issue orders for your soldiers to march in heels………

With whom? No civil war is possible in Russia. Anyone who tries protesting violently will be killed and 0 fucks will be given. Just like it happened in 1993, the corpses were so many the trucks were getting them out of Moscow for 3 days straight.

This isn't some pussy arab country where protests would force the government to step down. Seriously the ones thinking they can topple Putin deserve everything that's coming to them.

I think you're thinking of hoarders. I am the son of a hoarder. So I speak from experience when I tell you that these people do what they do because there is a great emptiness inside of them that they try to fill with things. They are the final stage of materialistic individualism in a society devoid of any higher ideals. They crave something to live for and finding noting in our hyper individualized society and having no community of their own (due to the religion of White self hatred), they seek solace in hoarding stuff. They're clinging onto what society tells them is valuable.

The solution to these people is not to kill them but to give them something worth living for and a White community to live in.

Um are you unaware of the massive ethnic unrest in Russia? Face it. Russia is a multicultural empire. Such things never last. Once Putin is gone, Russia will descend into civil war again.

It is nothing. If it turns our to be something serious, Putin will just run them over with tanks. Really, that's how it works in Russia. The tanks are being rolled out on purpose, to run over the protestors. It happened twice in the 90s.

This is what non jew run countries due when birth rate drops.

Sorry, but for the scorched earth policy only your people are to blame. Go on youtube and you surely will find the old black and white footage of Wehrmacht soldiers running around and helping Russian peasants extinguish the fires.

There were no roots to begin with. Communism gave Russians pride and heritage.
You are really forgetting that the majority of Russia were slaves just shortly before the revolution and most of the nobles and free burghers fled the country or were killed during the civil war.
These former slaves, who built the USSR had no pride, history or heritage. So USSR gave everything to them.

I am always reminded of when they got sick of fuckery from the chechens, they just stepped back and bombarded them with Ballistic Missiles

No it didnt. It took everything and left them slaves. Now they are confused and lost without chains.

You seem extremely asshurt

Oh, you're a jew

slavs are the most successful tribe on this planet, that hold the best lands, the most uranium, and all other metrics
and the only reason we arent friends, is because YOU alienated US

teutons, karolus, napoleon, hitler, doesnt matter who, we win every time, and we have been pushing you other tribes westwards for two thousand years now
spare me from bullshit, spare me from economy, spare me from all trivial shit, slavs win in the only arena that matters, and no matter how much your misunderstanding of what "slav" even mean changes that (we gave ourselves that name before we even heard any english, we named ourselves, we werent named by you)

basically as the arctic melts we will rule the world because arctic route from asia is 40% shorter and global economy will be dominated by us now
a warm water port at last
and because we are the only tribe to endure the torture of this magnitude, i am fairly certain we will exterminate all others, we never stooped as low as you people, we never tolerated faggotry, not even during our leftist times, our leftism was more right wing than your current far right movements (which are all pathetic)

we dont care about your 'whiteness', our women are far prettier, about your culture or science, you no longer even have space launch capacity, you are the smug liberal of the globe, the disgusting and degenerate cancer, and you are not entitled to anything from us

There was nothing to take. That's the reason the unrest in the country started years before the revolution. That's the reason Bloody Sunday of 1905 happened, that's the reason for the total police state by 1916 and that's the reason the Tzar was dethroned by the government.

It's true. The slaves had no roots, no heritage and no history. There were bought, sold and moved around. Considering the normality of rape of the slave girls, any heritage would be impossible to trace to begin with.

retarded american, history happened long before wehrmacht soldiers ran around "saving" us from ourselves

just keep rotting your degenerate selves further, with your female firefighters that cant pull bodies out of fire, just keep sacrificing lives on the altar of western degeneracy
soon enough, police no-go zones will hold more ground than your government, and then we strike

Get supporting this in West! Immediately!

Your country is used like Africa. It's cheaper to buy your resources than to take it by force. Europe should simply stop giving you the newest technologies for gas and simply wait.

Tbh the Russians in this thread are downright embarrassing. Please don't consider this representative of all Russians.
To the Rusposters: get your fucking heads out of your asses and go help Amur gain power.
Or go back to dvach. I'm sure they'd love your pseudo-libertarian/pseudo-commie bullshit there.

t. Russian

You have the same problems as Europe, but you don't have any sort of alternative media on the internet that could report about it because your people are sheeps. While your president is attents every single one of the Formula One races and plays hockey, the drug use of your youth increased a whopping 60% and you have an AIDS epidemic.


'no', we had a national identity some 2 thousand years before your identityless immigration nation rootless drifters existed

i hope you do realize we have scientific institutions superior to yours, missile technology superior to yours, and that half of your shit, including mendeleev periodic table are all russian
all of the relevant space achievements are russian as well:
first man in space, relevant today, russian
first satellite, relevant today, russian
international space station today, 90% russian, with plans for us to dismantle our 90% of it and build a 100% russian one

list of trivial, irrelevant space achievements: moon landing, boo hoo, who cares, russians already claimed everything of technical and scientific relevance

It's the synthetic lore and culture of communism, as cancerous as the plastic "americanism" post US Civil War

You are probably a Navalny supporter and a nation traitor. Gulag soon, liberal scum.

You do realize the slavic tribes they belonged to are long gone, along with their cultures, language, religion and tradition and they are just as related to you as the modern Syrians are to Syrian governor Marcus Licinius Crassus?

please tell me more about my country
go back to your cia/nsa concentration camp, with north korea tier passport ownership, 'freedumb' shouting retard from the world's prison state

enjoy hormonal milk and diabetes meat while talking about quality of life

You got a single fact to back that up, patriotarded ZOGbot? Yabloko is trash.
Nigger, do you even know what Great Russia is???

Then why do some people on Holla Forums get butthurt when we call the Russians our enemies? The Russians can call us their enemies and hate Adolf Hitler and we're supposed to grin and pretend they're our friends? Fuck that, if they're our enemies then they're our enemies!

That's the point.
multiCULTuralism can only survive for the short period that the central government can suppress the various nationalistic aspirations of the varying subject races. Putin will not last forever and if whoever replaces him isn't a brutal tyrant, Russia will Yugoslavia faster than you will believe.

It has already happened many times

The video was a Hollywood production then, right?

Mongols and Stalin-tier types are not much better.

Stop being silly, we all owe our rocketry to Dornberger and Von Braun.

Yes, the R-7 is a beautiful and effective piece of work, and i think Korolev deserves more recognition than he gets.
But fucking hell, man, you owe those krauts as much as we do, and we both cheated them and pissed away the future they offered us.

Ohhh, you are a Maltsev-bot? That's still retarded as fuck. Stop larping a nazi please.

Are you doing this on purpose?

Russian nationalism is retarded, because Russia isn't an ethnostate an it never was, Russia is an empire and if the non-Russian provinces leave it will be a disaster both for Russia and for the rest of the world. Imagine 20 small states armed with hundreds of nuclear warheads.

at least russians will always have the ever larger, nuke armed russia of infinite natural resources (which cant crush like fake economies), brave men, and beautiful women to fall back on

meanwhile jealous degenerate western kekolds have nothing, their faith being ethnically cleansed by shitskins who wont be able to maintain NATO 15 years from now

I know what I'm talking about. This history relates to the Russian castes that were obliterated during the civil war.
Ask him if his great-grandpa was a noble. The chances are his great-grandpa was a serf with no heritage, like everyone else's.

Yes it will be a disaster. A horrible disaster. However I can't come up with a good reason why nationalism (desiring the best thing for your own people first) is at all retarded. That's the most basic element of human evolution.

I researched Navalny for a bit some time ago and I couldn't find any evidence that he is corrupted. I only heard that he visited the American embassy one, but if you look how many of the Americans visit the Russian embassy also in the US without being Russian agents, I don't know man, looks fucking primitive to think that way.

Really funny was Navalny's video about Medwedew though. Medewed's Instagram shit is really cringe-worthy.

The Soviet Union said similar things. Really Funny.

Because ethnonationalism doesn't work in empires. It's as simple as that. The only way for an empire to function is a union of ethnic republics, and Russians shouldn't be sperging out about how they want to be in charge of Russia and drive everyone else out.

Russia will never have it's own people because it doesn't exist. It's not a purely slavic state like Poland, Croatia, or Ukraine. It's a melting pot just like the US. That's why ethno nationalism will never work in both countries.

YFW in the past only 1/17 men ever reproduced.

Empires don't work in general. So either man up and find a solution or go down like every other empire in human history.

YFW you remember the number of times the Quran calls muhammed "white".

YFW when you know only 1/17 males used to reproduce when he was around.

YFW you remember the number of times the Quran calls muhammed "white".

YFW when you know only 1/17 males used to reproduce when he was around.

there's at least 20 hardy ethnic russians behind urals for every squinty eyed short uygyurdyur tribesman with a spear
chechens and southern muslim flee bitten hordes carried out 100 wars and infinite terrorist attacks since the first rus took their mountains, and they lost all 100 of those wars

you are more likely to have secession and instability problem, western patriots have to fight their own governments…………

you probably dont know that ~50% of all the greatest scientists were russians, that the finest works of literature are russian as well, russian ballet, russian academy of arts, russian opera, etc etc

russians have a legitimate, authentic culture that matured over 2000 years, and we do not feel the need to obsess with ethnicity (since we have the most blue eyed and blond haired people anyway)

hard to explain to 'ooga booga freeom fries' cultureless savage but oh well, guess they teach you getting shot at your schools…………

Well, both he's recent protests were funded by Open Russia Foundation (sister foundation to Open Societies of Soros). That's reason enough.

Maybe if you hadn't poured all your resources into neighboring third-world countries to build them up to later lose them anyways and being hated also for all the good stuff you did to them, you should have invested in your white population to push them to 300 million. Then your variety of ethnicities would have been maybe 2% of the population, hence you would have been practically homogenous.

This is terrible.
Russia is a fucking mafia-run third-world shithole economically and now you HAVE to raise even more kids there NOT to pay shit?
Only a total fucking retard would think that's a good idea.

Yes. Boo hoo. Just because Empires are unnatural aberrations doesn't mean human behavior will conform to what the government or the Jews want. Maybe if they chant "Diversity is your strength" long enough, the Chechans will agree.
You should know better than expect human behavior to conform to an aberration.

The "melting pot" is a meme.

I live in Russia and I am Единая Россия party member.
Please, stop larping, you getting dangerously close to "Russians are aryans from hyperborea" line.

You have to be either a shill or blind to not understand that Navalny is a typical pro-western globalist liberal agent. All that he does hints on it, all the information about him hits on ot, like recieving money from NED.
Even the fact that he is still alive and not in jail hints on some powers behind him.
You people need to become woke and unterstand that both that both Navalniy and his liberasts and Putin with his vatniks will lead us into a total disaster. Both of the groups of people who support either side are a total cancer and a reason why we can't have nice things.

Holy shit as an actual Russian let me tell you you are fucking retarded.
In fact, 90% of Holla Forums is always retarded about Russia despite seeming adequate on many other issues. I'm fucking dumbfounded.

You are answering to me, I am an actual Russian.

Seriously, who do you think has been presented as hero and a strong leader since 2014?
Начинай любить чеченцев, потому что по внутренней информации Кадыров скорее всего будет преемником :^)

You realize that it's the Government doing the stealing, right?

Внутренней информации от кого? :^)

yes, it is true that we do not have safety nets and welfares
but this is a good thing
in russia, worthless people get put in their rightful place
you are projection your unculture onto the whole world, no one does this shit outside of westerners………
border hoppers get no citizenship here
how can a nation of the most prestigious scientific achievements, of finest literature, ballet, opera and high culture be cultureless?
we are even blonder than you, you who voraciously procreate with literal niggers
when you need actors for nazis and vikings, you cast slavs………..

conclusion: we are better than you, prettier, more cultured, richer in natural resources, and better in every way, and the future belongs to us

I am not a proponent of Navalny. But I like his videos where he exposes hook-nosed oligarchs and stupid people like Medwedew. It's quite funny.

Have you seen many chechen around you, cuck?
Most I've seen in my life look like hairy black-haired apes. They are literally an inbreed mix of whatever shit was inhabited Caucaus over ages.

You would know if you lived in Russia, retard. Of course our "tolerant" government would not make any official surveys.

Well in some way it's good when these faggots expose each other.

партийная птичка на хвосте принeсла :^)
Just watch the news, you will see the signs. His normalization campaign started a while ago. It will go into full effect after this summer.

The problem is, Navalny and Putin are both shit for somewhat dimatetrically opposed reasons.
The only leader capable of moving Russia forward is a proponent of an actual capitalistic society (good economy, infrastructure, actual BUSINESSES because Russia has none and is basically a govt-run commie state masquarading as a 'free market') AND strong borders/military/identity/etc.

Both of them are leaning towards only one of the two kinda, and that's why it's shit.
Under Putin, Russia will survive, but will be living through and excrutiating suffering slog.
Under Navalny, it'll just collapse immediately. Even if this 'rotation of power' meme turns out to be good for the country, the country won't even surive one term under Navalny before getting to its next President.

So what Russia needs is neither, and I don't know if there is such a person out there.

Someone like Trump would non-ironically be perfect, since he is focused on both

checks out
the world is fundamentally undemocractic, if you cant climb the stairs without farting your opinion automatically doesnt matter, americans should be ip range banned

I don't know man. When I'm looking at your media and especially your political talkshows you have more jews there than the US.

Tajiks got the same working rights as Russian citizens.

Thanks to your Germanic tsars they brought at least a little bit of culture to the east.

You don't want to go there… See the video to the left.

And he's Assyrian, not Arab

wew, really made me thing with your 3 minute autism tier presentation and production value

yes, you show an interracial couple to an average russian, hes reaction is either ridicule or violent disapproval
meanwhile miscegenation is your highest virtue over there, the pinnacle of your unculture

but then again you 'people' do not even have your language
nor a specific ethnic traits you can tell each other by
nor any history
you are all just a bunch of people squatting in the same place, not a true nation, so you can take your opinions about nations with you..

You're a funny guy.

The hero we need, but not the one we deserve.

tyrone go back to dem projects pls

He's a kike. Never trust a kike.

Switched to the computer. Phoneposting is terrible.

Nigger, where do you think you are? I bet you've also never read Archaeofuturism.

Are you retarded? Do you want to reference maps of East Francia and compare them to the Teutonic Order? Do you even know about the Sorbs and Wends? Do you know that Berlin is a Slavic placename? We have literally only pushed back in the recent several centuries.
Jew-tier whining.
Interesting, I seem to remember Lenin decriminalizing faggotry and free love in the 20's. Stalin had to damage control that situation later on. But, please, go on about how the USSR was based and redpilled and didn't have to literally re-invent the wheel in developing "Socialist patriotism" and the like.
Why. are. you. here.

Oh, I see. You're a D&C troll. Well played.

This thread is being shilled. Don't take these idiots as representative of Russians.

It was, at one point, at a position to become so through force of majoritarian will. However, Great Russian population started declining since WWI as a percentage of Imperial/USSR population, and hasn't stopped. And now the problem is affecting even the RF.
Potentially a problem, but this didn't happen the first time with Ukraine, the Stans and such. Although the butthurt might now prevent such a possibility.

Navalny is also a huge liberal cuckold. The fact that he is against corruption means jack fucking shit if he's just going to be another ZOGbot.

Why the fuck not? We did it with the Mongols, we can do it again. Once north-central Siberia starts to un-freeze, it will become virgin land ready for settlement. If we play our cards right, we could have a Holla Forums colony set up in the next 100 years.

I would say there is a Russian ethnicity. It is a mix of Scandinavian, East Slav, and Finno-Ugric phenotypes with a tiny drop of Mongol rape baby blood (less than 1%, which is less than many in Europe have from Arab rape/Americans have from natives/niggers).

Jesus Christ, we have a live one
What the fuck? Have you heard of Doggerbank? Are you on this board at all?


There is more chance Russians will accept resurrected Ghengis Khan as a president rather than Kadyrov.

He is not in any way, but there is a big smear campaign on him from both sides because of him actually exposing them.


What are his views? Does he stand for Putin's multiculturalism?

checks out
the world is fundamentally uncommunistic, if you cant exist without sucking cock for crack money opinion automatically doesnt matter, russians should be ip range banned

Putin already blocked them. They're using a VPN.

expert. ru/2015/02/27/borodaj-strelkov-po-faktu-uzhe-voyuet-na-storone-protivnika/
Google Translated Quote:

Video to the left…

Oh yeah, wasn't on some shit like "racial/political extremism"?

He WAS for strong borders and against illegals afaik.
He's still potentially disastrous, though.

Back on the phone, trying the Oroborous app

Мудак? Чеченец? Оба?

I don't quite think that's fully the solution. Unrestricted laissez-faire is shit too, just look at America. Jewed beyond belief.
I think diversification is definitely needed, though. Reliance on natural resources is fucking Arab/nigger tier. We need to restart the factories.

He's an American-style liberal/libertarian, more or less. Part of that whole "reformist" meme. Kinda speaks for itself.

Navalny will follow whatever is fashionable in the West. I wouldn't put it past him to go full-EU.

I bet your an anglo who has never been to Russia. Post somthing in your mother tongue if you are A proud Russia

Nah, he's a Maltsev supporter and Chudinov followers. One of these nutjobs.

I don't think that he's a country.

You were ruled by mongols for about 350 years and Russia has the worst drug problem in the world. Last time I went to St Petersburg I fuck a few of your women that were crawling all over my dick after they saw my western passport. They also hate Russian men because you are short dark haired and look like mongols.

Says the multicultural United Russia party member shilling a radical Muslim Chechen

Nice. Russians girls LOOVVEE Western men. They think we're all cowboys. I know because I dated one and ocelots are proud creatures after all .

Not multicultural, I prefer the term "imperial". And someone like Kadyrov is truly needed in these times. Putin is someone who is too half-assed and tries to win by playing the game of the western elites on their board and by their rules.
Someone like Kadyrov would never leave Donbass to it's fate and lick Merkel's ass in an attempt to get the sanctions lifted. You know he would march right to Kiev, and then to Berlin if need be. Kadyrov has a huge potential and he has support of everyone in the government, who realizes that. If you stopped thinking in terms of "we wuz hyperboreans and shiet" and started truly thinking about you country, you would realize that too.

Solutions to the "Genetic Difficulties" of the USA
(without being explicitly racist)

-Single parents are mostly Coloreds

-Coloreds are less likely to be earning more than Whites

-Whites are more likely to be married than coloreds

-Most abortions kill Colored babies

-Whites tend to be more socially conscious

Remember, the science of Evolutionary Biology shows that even small selection forces can have large affects after just a few generations!
But of course if we can be explicitly racist, we can be much more effective. The key is to understand what policies to support while pushing for race realism so that more radical action can be taken.

Stop speaking for the Russians you fucking moron. You have to go back.

Nice. What's "imperial" about being ruled over by a Muslim foreigner?
Also, consider the Romans. Where are they now? They were "imperial". Now they don't exist (inb4 Lombards in Rome = Roman). Empires always cuck the founding race in the name of empire in a vain attempt to maintain their disintegrating grip on power. By the time the empire collapses, all that's left is a fancy name.
Dumb. Kill fellow Europeans for a Muslim Chechen, goy!
Are you a Chechen yourself?

everyday i wish i was born into Amish or Mennonite familys

modern and postmodern civilisation has destroyed us

damn that woman is gorgeous

The other important thing I mentioned is that we need to actually become, you know, a federation.
Especially if we're insisting on staying multicultural.

*forgot to mention I mean
Fuck I need sleep.

Yeah and everyone would be getting vanned for every little thing written or spoken, much more so than now.

Jewish cancer.
>people actually defending tax increases

Don't get so butthurt, we love Russians.

It seems like he's literally Hitler. Can some Russians translate some of the quotes that are towards the end of the video? The youtube translation function draws him as quite based. He would literally go to prison in the EU for his words.

It's govt propaganda against him, which is quite laughable.
Obviously it's not his video lol.

(by that I mean don't take anything in the vid seriosly, the guy is quite liberal)

Do they quote his words at the end of the video or have they made it all up? It's an easy question, why do you try to avoid it…

I am not 100% sure (I recognize only a couple of moments), but by the shoddines of it it's either made up or taken way out of context.
It's basically 'The Sun'-tier reporting.

Um, there are pretty monstrous taxes on childlessness in the US too. They are the taxes for schools, welfare, and every other bullshit service from which only people with children garner any benefit. Single people get fucked on taxes already, thanks.

Mennonites are fucking retards.

Its the same in principle, I shouldn't need to pay for somebody else's personal choices.

The state shall ensure the continued existence of the nation that founded the state

did you not read the OP? mortgage reimbursement of 20% for each child…

where do you hear that?? housing can be dirt cheap in many places

But the corrupt officials will be the first to go. You know, everything has 2 sides.
Remember the "Ivan Topor" joke that's floating around since 2014? It's about Kadyrov.

They aren't. They're full of sand nigger, central asians, etc.

TFW Nazi methodes worked.

Only downside I can see to this that white ttrash will spawn even more larvas and the average women/women with higher eucation still will give birth at the same rate.

Still that is something all Europen/white countries should do (yea yeah I know I am being silly and its a bad idea as the muds would fuck even more and like always abuse the system so in the end of the day it backfires)

Also something like a divorce tax would be great so that women dont just fuck over men with divorce after having 4 children.

Genghis Khan disagrees :^)

Nobody talks about China.

This is why you don't hand out free gibs, but do tax breaks, so people who work get more of their money, but neets and niggers don't.

He should tax non white family for having more than one child and offer them free one fat gib to get themselves sterilized. Tax breaks for the White Russian family with more than 4 kids but no free gibs because it increases degeneracy. Make the antimony and divorce illegal so the women will stop suck off the men like the leeches.

Divorces are fine, lots of crazy partners you just need to get away from.
In this cases divorce is ok, make it so that divorce isnt a instand lottery win for the women + no gibz for children that are not yours and see the divorce rate drop by 90%.

Remove child support and alimony.

meant for

And yet the word has ancient indo-european roots and is foreign to turkic languages.

Navalnyi's main audience are Russia(self) hating 5th-columnists and globalists who wish western policies(gay rights, open borders, tolerance) to be implemented in Russia. Their dream is for Russia to join the (((international community))) and relinquish it's sovereignty and national interests in favor of following (((international law))). The whole "let's stop feeding chechnia" is just a sham he is using to get the nationalist vote.

Good move of him playing them like a fiddle. Realpolitik, bro.

Do you really think higher-ups from his teip are gonna be less corrupt? That's laughable.

Jew 99.9% of the population - nobody has shekels to start families but gangsters and high IQ IT dudes - punish them for not producing more slaves.

Jewish news obviously, but having been to Russia, I consider my observation to be accurate.

Russian manufacturing - competitive - topekek.

Their engineering was always garbage.

There is also too much dysgenics going on thanks to ((communism)) so most of the population these days consists out of gopniks, low IQ drunkards and muh shiny bling gangsters.

The only ones being played are the retarded nationalists who think he's any better than putin. Navalnyi is the biggest zog whore you can find.

Fuck off muslim scum. Russia is for Russians.

Nations are unions of tribes. You're an idiot. And yes, the syrians actually do claim the ancient Assyrians to be their ancestors and consider it part of their history. The Greeks consider byzantium which was an extention of Rome that conquered them as part of their history.

Retarded idea. Tax breaks for bigger families provided they're properly managed are understandable, but additional taxation of single people will only lead to growing unrest and tensions.

im neither russian or german, nor do i live in that country

it was apart of the operation to take out the next biggest military threat to germany. the ideological crap that the command used to justify it is irrelevant.

It's not self-depreciation, it's the reality of the situation.
I am thief too, I am stealing from the government, like everyone else, because I'm allowed to and it's profitable and if I don't steal someone else will.
The first step to solving a problem is admitting that the problem exists.

im sure you got some good graphs and shit to back it up.
unlike other empires russia has been consolidating itslef on literally its backyard for centuries.
its a bit different than some britbongs trying to rule in oggabooga land or some burgers marching in the desert for the (((chosen people)))


got sauce?


a certainly constructive argument

I'd rather be ruled over by a nigger than Stalin.

so you went to russia because your girl left you for tyrone again?

during ww2?
oh right, youre america. the guys that hide behind two oceans untill everything almost ends and then jump out and pretend you saved the day.


The only thing he did wrong was not killing enough Russians.

The bachelor tax didn't save Rome it won't help Russia either.

You're a dumb ass shill, pushing an agenda of a false dichotomy in order to promote navalniy. According to this thread it's either zogboy navalniy or kebab kadyrov, and anyone who attacks either position is obviously supporting the other which is not the case.
Either way the real problem with russia is people like you who just wave flags without really understanding what they mean. Stop following cults of personality and realize that the real issue with russia are russians themselves who enable such politicians and powers to exist in the first place either through corruption or stupidity.

Rome was saved by the Germans that conquered it.

I guess pajeets are a superpower now. This is only evidence that Russia itself cannot provide jobs for them.
Not really that important. The US also has similar tech that Russia doesn't, such as railguns and stealth jets. Again not really that big of a deal.
In the end your post and the argument of the dude you're arguing with is just a pointless dick size contest for street cred and not at all a productive conversation.

Pretty much this. People don't want to have families in Russia because of the sorry state Russian society is in. Degeneracy is rampant and the youth has no interest in getting marries instead opting to get shitfaced in drug fueled orgies. Unless this behavior is culled there is no salvation for russia.

There are 1000s of examples. One of the is Germany wasting a billion to build submarines to fight Great Britain who were financed by the US. This alone would have been enough to throw you behind the Urals. So say thank you and shut the fuck up. Muh 27 million, RLM, Russian Lives Matter.

by that logic germany was saved by the "liberators"

>we just dont make them because we spend it all on the mentioned barely flying trashcan
the only part i agree with is that this is a pointless conversation, since its irrelevant to the thread.
so SAGE i guess

1) im not russian
2) doesent change the point i made

it's a long way to go. It was refreshing to see that USA had some of russian domestic problems almost copied (ineffective spending, fucktards in power, police is not ideal, huge violence by niggers (migrants are violent in Russia as well), illegal immigration (i seriously was not aware of it until I read half/pol/), rust belt etc) but we do not have competition for voter in Russia (too many people drinking TV koolaid and too many people not giving a fuck about elections) and that changes everything. Russia is authoritarian bureaucracy and there is no way we can break out of it in anything less than two decades unless Putin fuck shit up to the Maduro level.

Mark my words.


Is a Down syndrome Asian still smarter than a nigger?

Yeast is smarter than a nigger.

"Russian" imageboard admin
Nickname: Abu
Name: Nariman Namazow

Remember this

what i remember is trump saying hillary will go to jail, that he will stay out of syria and that NATO will be getting budget cuts.
so far hes gone in the opposite direction

check em

im meming america to collapse

That faggot?

Go fuck youself, Hitler is better that him.
The Russian propaganda is very stupid, so I didn't take it serious.

Can't be helped. The swamp was much deeper than imagined. Also, Ivanka is a dumbshit.

ant thats why trump only had support in europe till he beat that cunt in the elections. everyone knew hes just a lesser evil, nothing more

Nigger what the fuck are you on about, even eastern Europe was dishing out shitloads of propaganda about how fucking bigoted and shitlorded he is


how retarded are you?

Sadly most people are normies and do actually listen to media, there were those for but there were far more against, your average schmuck largely didn't care though.

Russia needs to outlaw abortion. It will get their birthrate up.

They'll just go to neighboring countries to do it or kick the stomachs like how the poles do it.


This is why when someone asks about why a school district has shitty grades, I just say that it is an idiocracy problem.

In addition, vasectomies would have to be outlawed, and medical tourism would have to be outlawed at the same time.

This is how you breed more shitskins & niggers.

Good job putin. Shooting yourself in the foot.

Hail, son of Finngis Khan.