How many people on Holla Forums are either vegetarian or vegan? I've been reading through a lot of philosophy lately, and I'm finding that all the greatest thinkers have at one point in their lives come to the conclusion that man, if he wishes to elevate himself, must abstain from the consumption of animal flesh. Schopenhauer, Da Vinci, Voltaire, Hitler, Tolstoy, etc. There are really countless incredible individuals who lived without meat, which brings us to the point that we don't eat meat to survive. And while I'm sure some will contest this fact, there are countless examples of human beings who lived their entire lives, healthfully, without ever eating meat. Desmond T. Doss is a famous example of that. Which brings me to the quote that prompted me to make this post:
So my question is, can one be a good man and eat meat? Its clear that the greatest of our species didn't think so. What do you think Holla Forums? I hope we can have a good discussion about the ethics of food, and not the health aspects. I've seen plenty of threads devolve into two people citing sources at eachother and flinging insults, lets leave that aside this time.
I don't know about the rest, but wasn't Hitler vegetarian for medical reasons?
Is it cruel to eat animals, and if so, why?
Ya-know plants can feel pain.
Nolan Powell
Plants do not feel pain in the same way animals do. They react to electronic stimuli, but they have no central nervous system as far as I know. And as to why it is cruel, I guess that's what I want to talk about. From a utilitarian perspective it is wrong because it causes unnecessary suffering, and there are also spiritual reasons for not eating flesh.
And the idea that Hitler had bowel problems, and he only went vegetarian because of that is easily proven to be a Jewish smear when you look at the Animal Welfare laws he pushed forward and the multiple accounts by various people, Josef Goebbels to his food tester, that he was doing it for ethical reasons.
Michael Lopez
I am vegetarian, not vegan. I don't claim moral superiority and I don't do it for ethical reasons. I prefer not to mention it to people, though it becomes a difficult choice as a dinner guest to either mention it up front and potentially cause difficulty for the host, or not to mention it and then they wonder why you don't eat much and avoid the entree.
Most surprising typically non-vegetarian things: marshmallows (gelatin) refried beans (lard) cesar salad dressing (anchovy) vegetable soup (chicken stock)
Anthony Gomez
Ethics of suffering is its own field and simple animal domestication is hardly cruel, especially when you consider that most farm animals couldn't survive on their own anyway.
Logan Kelly
Eating meat =/= being cruel to animals There is no hard evidence that Schopenhauer was a vegetarian.
Asher Morgan
Living is unnecessary suffering, unless done for a reason. I think being food for a superior creature is a good reason.
Josiah Williams
Hudson Howard
You don't need meat to survive. I addressed that in the OP.
Most factory farms aren't like your local family owned farms, though. The suffering in those facilities that nearly all fast food and super market meat comes from is immense.
Jonathan Anderson
Eli Phillips
At that time they lacked the proper supplements for decent vegetarianism so you can imagine most people who really were vegetarians had considerable health issues. What your correlation shows is a very emotional empathic side to those people, rather than truth or benefit to vegetarianism. They all adopt it much later in the lives. And science has so far proven it to be dangerous to child development at an early age. So please don't do dumb experiments on your kids unless you want potato sons and daughters.
Nathan Wilson
Give me one reason why I should spend a single ounce of mental energy on the poor animals when my survival is at steak here?
Jacob Rogers
I'm not shilling anything, I;m hoping to open up an interesting conversation about this topic because it's one that usually devolves into shitposting. I think that once we achieve our white ethno-states and begin to look towards the stars, we need to seriously re-evaluate how we live.
If you don't want to think about the consequences or implications of your habits and choices, there's really nothing I can say to you that will change your mind. If you wish to live as a nigger, so be it.
Connor Garcia
I'm 2.8% neanderthal. Neanderthals ate nothing but meat. You're not tricking me, merchant.
Easton Campbell
Vegetarian is okay, veganism is just pants on retarded. Until you guzzle b12 supplements like a crackfiend you will eventually turn into a madman/madwoman who will be perma angry 24/7 because the brain is putting you into "I MUST KILL AND FEAST ON FLESH RIGHTABOUT ONE YEAR AGO" mode.
Also, fat, animal fat. The brain is a fat organ. Fat makes you feel satisfied and gives energy without fucking your insulin levels.
That said, I eat mostly vegetarian, but I often put in a spoon of lard in it. Makes me feel satisfied longer.
Logan Gutierrez
This is false, and I already addressed that, Desmond Doss was a vegetarian his entire life and lived into old age with good health. But I don't want to derail the thread so Ill just leave you with a few links to several vegans from birth.
Hey, faggot, respond to me. How is killing an animal (ending its suffering) causing unnecessary suffering? What is an animal's life for if not to provide for something else? Even our own lives are to provide for the lives of our children.
Landon Martinez
why dont you go and starve your cat by trying to feed it grass or something?
John Allen
I like nuts but I don't have a gall bladder. I shit acid/bile sausage when I eat nuts. A spoonful of lard helps me through the day.
In general, I am starting to adopt more and more a diet of my WW2 grandma.
Jacob Rogers
I didn't know that. I just knew that the ones in northern europe had 99% of the nitrate in their bones from animal sources. This makes sense since you have only like 5 edible plants native to northern europe.
Nicholas Wilson
You have an over-inflated sense of importance, m8. I'm not going to argue with your opinion. You claim being a superior being means you don't need to concern yourself with the suffering of lower beings. That's exactly how Jews justify raping, enslaving, and stealing from gentiles. You have a Jewish mind, I have no interest in arguing with a spiritual Jew.
Alexander Mitchell
You do know Plants "scream" chemically when you cut them, why do you think their is a smell for cut grass? It's a signal to the natural predators of those who'd be causing such damage to plants.
Look up the defense mechanisms of wild Tobacco, besides emitting nicotine to pests it also has sugary treats on its stems for caterpillars to eat which will make them smell for their predators to attack. Tobacco can even change the shape of its flowers on demand to prefer only humming birds when there has been an influx of moths to their area.
You shouldn't become a vegetarian because animal has feelings, plants have as similar mechanism to. You should look into the health benefits or not but if you look closely enough you'll find that our interation of hominid evolved to eat meat. And if you are of the European subspecies you especially are made to eat, hunt and cook this animal flesh.
That said the "modern" diet is contains to much meat and instead you should look into more medieval diets just up the portions so you aren't 5' 5''.
Cameron Russell
It's an interesting topic, I think people underestimate just how versatile humans, and our ancestors, can be and have been. I don't doubt that there are a wide range of diets, ranging form mainly meat, to mainly plant based that can be healthy, or that can be unhealthy. That's why I wanted to avoid talking about nutrition in this thread.
Chase Miller
I refuse to go to jewtube, but you're going to have to provide seriously rigorous evidence to back up your claim that human infants can survive without milk of any sort. Human milk isn't vegan.
Josiah Collins
I thought you wanted a philosophical discussion? Coward.
Lucas Sullivan
Do you care about the suffering of the poor blacks and muslims too? What about the institutional oppressions suffered by transpeople and dragon identified humans?
Dylan Powell
Since you seem to believe that grass has the same capacity to suffer as a cow or a pig (which, by the way, are smarter than dogs) I'll just explain to you that by raising animals to slaughter for meat, you are killing more plants than you would if you were just eating plants, because you have to feed the animals you want to raise.
Alexander Watson
Human milk is vegan. Human mothers do not suffer by breast feeding their children. I have no idea where you got the idea that human milk isn't vegan.
Aaron Butler
What amount of suffering is ok?
Robert Richardson
>I'm not shilling anything, I;m hoping to open up an interesting conversation about this topic Even your language is in the same vein as other shills.
That contradicts the point of discussing it now whereas it's important to make these changes now. Is it important now or later? You plausibly see it important to discuss now.
You realize we only have word from these people that they were vegans from birth? Post actual studies, not random videos from youtube nobodies. Here's one that is consistent with Veganism is so dangerous that it reintroduces nutritional disorders that haven't been seen in numbers that correspond to peasants and the poor hundreds of years ago such as scurvy, rickets and kwashiorkor. Snippet:
Christian Jones
Just look up Max Otto Bruker. Volksernährung at it's finest.
Ian Gonzalez
David Thompson
Christ, did you faggots not read OP's OP? He said he didn't want to have a thread about posting sources, because we've already had thousands of those. Fuck off.
If you're already deficient and a breastfeeding mother, you need to supplement heavily with b12 so your body spares some for the baby's milk. Your body will take that b12 and fix you first before it spends any on making that milk matter.
This is where veganism exposes itself as an ideology rather than something rooted in reality. Vegans can't make up their mind between eliminating animal products based on animal suffering versus animal-sourced products being written off and eliminated from the diet. Skipping the human as animal question entirely, you still have a doublethink prevalent in okaying human milk as a vegan food item.
Anthony Collins
What's this?
Daniel Williams
How do we know that a vegetarian who lived a long healthy life didn't live a long healthy life for a multitude of other reasons? Odds are if you're a vegetarian for health reasons, eating vegetarian food is not the only health conscious thing you do. Likewise, if you're not health conscious about your food, you're probably not health conscious about many other things.
Jason Bell
How fucking stupid are you? The reasons vegans don't drink cows milk is because cows have to be artificially inseminated to produce milk and their children are turned into veal. A human mother feeding her child while it grows is not in any way against vegan values.
Jackson Rivera
Have any of you faggots read the OP, this isn't a thread about nutrition.
Justin Walker
Where did you assume that backing your position up with facts and resources is never not allowed on Holla Forums? OP wants that so the question can become a matter of who makes the most pretentious argument based on "philosophy." Nutrtiion is based on science. Nutritional deficiencies are empirical evidence. OP wants to cheat his way out of defending vegetarianism and especially fallacious fad diets like veganism and say the matter is philosophical. It's not.
Connor Wilson
pigs and cows are perfectly fine to eat, dogs are retarded to eat because they are pretty carnivorous and you need a lot of more feed to get the same returns.
Also, dogs have a way greater utility and companion value than a pig. Pigs are pretty cool though, don't get me wrong.
But I will always eat a pig over a dog. Cows are intelligent, too. They're lovable creatures (in my opinion) but they turn something we can't digest (grass) into steaks. Which are delicious.
Sorry cow, but you will live a life without much worry until its time to sleep forever.
Nathan Mitchell
No, it's not. Human milk is an animal product. Just because *some* vegans define their diet based around the "ethics of minimizing suffering animals" does not exclude the definition:
Besides, using the retarded "suffering" definition means that, like Buddhists, vegans can eat meat, wear leather (or whatever) as long as their use of the product wasn't contributory to the "exploitation" of animals, and still remain consistent with their ethical framework.
Just to reiterate: mother's milk is an animal product and therefore not vegan.
Adrian Gomez
Have you been on Holla Forums for less than a year, we've had at least three dozen threads about veganism that devolved into faggots posting different studies, and derailing the whole thing. There are enough studies that point in both directions, that it's a waste of time.
Blake Wood
You're an idiot who doesn't know what veganism is.
Daniel Robinson
I tried having a philosophical conversation with OP, but he called me a jew and refused to respond.
This thread is shit.
Brody Cox
Plants are living things too, an0n.
Levi Barnes
Then buy organic milk. There's plenty of that in market stores nowadays. Better yet, skip the pasteurized milk and make friends with local farmers who are happy to sell raw milk. You help the farmers, you help communities.
Well at least you admit the fallacy is part of the intent.
Colton Gray
Organic farms still have to inseminate their cows. You do know that cows aren't milk machines, right?
Lucas Williams
I'm vegan for health reasons.
Eating animal products is terrible for your health.
Joshua Flores
no true vegan
Adam Gray
No, you're attempting to hijack the term "vegan" to force your retcon definition.
…I really think you did, though.
Zachary Carter
Im not a genius, so ill stick with my meat, so should you. Fagget.
Justin Cruz
Go find me a single vegan who says that human breast milk isn't vegan.
Brayden Evans
I've been slowly working towards vegetarianism for years. I was able to completely cut beef and pork from my diet, as well as most milk and milk-yogurt from my diet with no negative side-effects and several obvious benefits (more energy, easier digestion, lighter feeling, no muscle mass loss, especially from the beef)
I still eat fish, eggs, cheeses (though less cow milk cheese and more goat/sheep cheese) and chicken/turkey.I might enjoy a burger once a year. I would recommend to any anons interested to start by cutting out pork and beef and eating only chicken, turkey and fish. Don't go all out at once and shock your body. One step at a time.
You can balance things out with more healthy fats like butter, olive/chestnut oil etc…
Carson Fisher
You're going to tell a dairy farmer not to breed his livestock?
A balanced diet in general is all you really need.
Andrew Howard
No, I'm going to refuse to buy his products or take part in any action that supports him because I believe what he does is unethical. What the fuck do you think veganism is?
Xavier King
So you can tell me "no REAL vegan would do/think that" ;^)
Aiden Hernandez
I just eat all of them: eggs, meat, fish, nuts, and dairy. Also lots of veggies. But very little refined flour or sugar.
Jack James
And which of those studies are actually legitimate? You can't write off "studies" in general because you lack reading comprehension and the ability to comprehend information.
Andrew Cook
"Give me one reason why I should be a vegan"
Fuck off shill. Literally kill yourself.
Liam Anderson
Queue some feminist who rallies against breastfeeding boys, because they're "using" the mother.
Dominic Long
I've been a vegan and I assert human milk is not vegan, just as I would have asserted when I was practicing veganism. I reject your shitty "ethics based" redefinition of veganism. Veganism is defined as I cited above, from Merriam Webster—no animal products consumed. Human milk is an animal product.
Levi Thompson
Oh boy, here we go. A meme that people who think they REALLY get ethics fall for.
If humans did not want beef or milk, cows would go extinct. I consider that an objectively worse fate than continued suffering.
Angel Taylor
top fucking kek
An appeal to creating a new category in the darwin award through self-inflicted nutritional deficiencies. Spreading veganism is the same as spreading a poisonous ideology the jew favors. Addle the body, addle the brain, makes the jew's job much easier.
Isaiah Thomas
There are IDs on this board, you dense twat.
Angel Price
Apparently they don't help your reading comprehension. Getting enough B12?
Anthony Morales
See the difference?
John Carter
Liam Jones
You were never vegan, you're not fooling anyone. Going a day without fastfood doesn't mean you were once a vegan.
Jordan Clark
I would say the key thing here is how you kill the animals. Jews and arabs (semites in general) push the idea of butchering animals in the most cruel ways possible. Whereas white folk have always tried to make it as quick and painless as possible (admittedly mostly for practical reasons)
OPs picture depicts a jewish method of animal butchering.
Ian Turner
Uh oh! A stranger on the internet doesn't believe I was telling the truth, and is trying to save face after being caught looking like a synaptically deficient, malnourished person. Quick! You better activate damage control! Are you going to call me a kikenigger next?
Also, you get bonus points for doubling down on the "no true vegan".
Samuel Ross
He's a jew, and knows we hate jews, and is trying to steer us away from high quantities of animal protein by equating our diets with jew evil to make us easier to conquer.
Andrew Gutierrez
Do you think going to Church for a month without having read the bible means that you were once a Christian? You didn't know what veganism actually was, it isn't a diet.
Luke Hernandez
Jordan Stewart
Nigger, Jews entirely run the meat and dairy industry in America along with most fast food chains. If they wanted you to go vegan they could easily switch everything in their stores and get rid of the subsidies on meat and dairy which make what would be 25 dollar hamburgers cost only 99 cents.
Michael Russell
Per your attempted retcon of the term. I refer you again to the dictionary which is ipso facto proof of the dietary-based definition despite the attempts to hijack it by the deranged PETA types.
Brody Richardson
So you believe that only whites can be racist as well? That privilege + power is the only way to be racist?
Josiah Torres
You're telling me that jews wouldn't invest in something as essential as meat and diary and eventually try to control it?
Andrew Perez
There's nothing wrong with eating meat, hunting or having farms but slaughterhouses and the like are inhumane
Jeremiah Baker
This. Vegetarian people are usually healthy because they tend to live a healthy lifestyle. Have them eat meat without changing anything else and watch. That's why most "vegetarians vs non-vegetarians" studies are utter bullshit unless they take lifestyle into account (sports, smoking, etc).
Daniel Ramirez
This veganism as defined by the man who invented the term:
"…a way of living that seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing and any other purpose."
There is no exploitation in a woman breast feeding her child.
Connor Perry
Are you out of non-fallacious arguments, or do you want to try again? This time, without the false analogies though.
You are really going to have a tough time disproving the dietary definition of veganism, even though you wish your ethics-based redefinition of the term were the sole interpretation.
Parker Nguyen
uh huh
Austin Perry
Ugh! Shitlord! Women are not your feedbags!!!!!
Thomas Thompson
Veganism isn't a diet. You're an idiot. Plant Based Diet is an entirely different thing than veganism.
Camden Williams
Farmfag here, what's with all the vegan threads lately? Gonna clear up the air a bit No it fucking doesn't, they feel relieved. Try carrying 30 or more kilos of liquid on your belly all day and see how it feels. Modern dairy breeds produce so much milk that calf could never drink it all and if left to suckle its mother freely, it would go down with diarrhea pretty fast, while cow would suffer from heavy mastitis from all the milk that remains in the udder. No. Uncomfortable- yes, painful- no. Letting cows do it freely with a bull, as is common with beef catyle, is much more dangerous, as it can result in traumas for everyone involved. Beef cattle raising is more debateable, but I think it largely depends on the means of slaughter. Veal farms really are cruel, though, and we never sell our male dairy calves to those. Generally, animals in small farms get treated much better, but the small farm is under attack from every single jewy instance in existence. Go figure.
Levi Price
Sure it is. It's the ethics-based interpretation of the term that's the retcon/alternative definition.
Colton Bennett
Oh i agree. Mass farming like that IS cruel and im more than willing to pay more for meat in general but the majority of people prefer cheap hormone laden shit.
Sadly the whole field of animal activism is filled with irrational lefties who don't get shit done.
Leo Green
Veganism is anti-white
Milk = white Meat = white Beer = white Bread = white
Ethan Roberts
Oh, they get plenty done. It's just all terrible, and obstructing.
Carson Kelly
First off, thanks for doing what you do.
Veganism is a class of slide threads that gets posted more and more ever since freech rejects found a way to turn it into bait threads on boards like Holla Forums and Holla Forums. They stole it from /fit/ which ironically memed "vegan gains" because literally a handful of vegan bodybuilders exist and so the bait is that those 3-4 bodybuidlers is proof veganism works. Then actual vegans get pissed because they want the bait to be true to reality. Freechfags noticed, and here we are, slide threads pop up on Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and Holla Forums every so often but idiots like OP think it's a legit point to debate - it's not.
Benjamin Moore
Further north you go, the shorter the growing seasons are. In the north people had to hunt, and eat animals. After the harvest food had to be stored, preserved and its use had to be planned. You could not be a picky eater, and you could not just grab a banana from the tree. Meat eating is part of white peoples diet(actually i am a "mongolian") Nowadays people can eat bananas all year long, but i for one would not forsake my heritage just get "points" from the hippies.
Most western people could manage by eating less meat, but that doesn't mean you have to go full vegan. Hitler wasn't a vegan either. Later stages of his life he abstained from meat eating.
Whats considered animal cruelty today compared to its historical meaning is completely different. If you told to people who saw others die of hunger, how animals are treated today, they would not bat an eye. Vegans consider even honey to be unethical.
Yeah there's a war going on, white people might not exist after 50 years and people are worried about bacon rights.
Ryan Myers
So if I knock out a pig, never saw it coming and just went cold out, then slaughter it it is vegan? Awesome, so I can claim to vegan now, too.
Michael Ward
But won't its family miss it? Dear god, the suffering!
Brayden Lewis
Vegans confirmed for Elfs. AROUND ELVES WATCH YOURSELVES
Thomas Cooper
that's retarded. beekeeping can be extremely helpful to the bee population (wild and private) and the pollination of wild plants. keeping them safe inside their own specially designed homes keeps the hive flourish away from danger with the added safety of a beekeeper watching over their safety.
Owen Morgan
and for the first person who immediatly dislikes this comment,
green goblin, we know it's you. Your trapqueen has allready submitted to to our phallic, meaty /fit/izen sticks
you filthy leaf, did you think after getting btfo'ed off /fit/ you can start all over at Holla Forums?
we are the same userbase, dipshit
Owen Powell
Actually we don't need the hormones to reach the mass amounts of meat we have. The jews just made it seem that way, like with pasteurization. Raw milk has tons of essential amino acids that get burnt away with pasteurization. Pasteurization isn't necessary if the cow is healthy. Fun fact: pasteurization is literally just heating the milk up to a certain point.
Unfortunately this is true. It's funny to think that lefties were righteously autistic enough to push for widespread organic foods because of their anti-corporate mindset but then when it comes to diets like veganism they fall right back into the jew's trap. Veganism becomes a combination of innovating their anti-corporate stance and merging it with virtue-signaling. If they stuck to pushing for organic meats we would have tons of momentum getting the jews off our meats. At this point we have a decent amount of organic milk farms which paved the way for raw milk farms.
Jason James
Yes, the ethics-based definition of veganism is fraught. Just like Buddhist monks can eat meat as long as the animal wasn't specifically killed for them (c.f. ), one can trivially construct scenarios where it's consistent within the ethics-based definition of "veganism" for a vegan to eat a cow burger or wear real leather.
There's probably a market niche being exploited right now by some "ethics-based vegan" who makes leather clothes from roadkilled deer he finds or something. My guess is that there would be tiers of ethical purity, with the "best" being some dead animal dragged from a bog and carbon dated to be hundreds of years old, thus proving it wasn't an exploitation or derangement of a local ecosystem to source the material.
Jack Robinson
What the hell is wrong with that guy in the pic? I can't put my finger on it, but he looks wrong for some reason.
Noah Butler
"dude, like wtf you can't just kill something to feed on it, how barbaric and cruel are you?? Like don't you know they don't want to die??? fucking bigot"
vegans are literally too retarded to comprehend the basics of biology and ecology. They will tell you dead-eyed that a steak will literally decrease your lifespan by 10 years if consumed and cite (((studies))) and (((professors))) by which official conclusion the Inuit which live meat/fishbased since the dawn of their civilization should go extinct in matter of months
Isaac Fisher
By that definition cows milk isnt vegan because cows possess a natural urge to be Milked once induced to lactate. Eggs are just a byproduct of chickens ovulating. It's not murder to eat an omelette because the cock didn't fertilize it in the first place
Dylan Brown
Kek you fuckwit, it would make more sense to continue eating the larger pig and cow, as more meat can be obtained from each 'life'.
One fish can give a couple of fillets, one pig can give over 100lbs of meat.
By changing to fish/chicken you're actually killing many more individual animals.
Zachary Myers
He's a nigger.
Alexander Bailey
He auditioned for the "leek" alien from Gantz.
Jason Brooks
Milk is an addictive opiate, amirite? Animal husbandry is "rape of another species." Whites "can't expect to be allowed their freedom (because we should beg the Kikes, not forcibly take it) so long as we keep farm animals" amirite? Fuck off Sinead, no one likes you. Video related.
Dominic Lewis
this guy was our treasured /fit/ lolcow
he recorded the heartattack of his own grandfather while laughing his ass off and telling him stuff like "this is what you get from eating meat!" and wondered why he was ostracized by his family and (white) single-mother afterwards. He quickly took down that video.
also he says he does martial arts, is a professional photographer, wanted to fight with e-celebs but bitched out afterwards
he was catfished by a pretty obvious trap whom he wanted to marry after playing cod for 3 months and messaging over facebook; then he flew to belgium where the trap lives and got roasted pretty hard when he spend like a couple grand on her including paperwork to get to belgium as a leaf etc. and she declined him, saying he was not "spiritual enough"
he made a video back in cucknada then, red-eyed, constantly saying that he wasn't totally btfo'ed by her but he wasn't "spiritual enough" for her and that's why things went into the shitter and it was just so hilarious
like he was standing there in the cold-weather, his face twitching uncontrollably and getting anger-rushes and passive-aggressively mutters this "not spiritual enough??? wtf I did shrooms! I am enlightened! I am open!"
haven't kept up on that fucker tho
Gavin Price
No, that's not it. I'm talking his general physique. Maybe, I'm retarded but the muscle just doesn't look right.
Mason Thompson
totally forgot that he said he was obducted by aliens once under a different youtubeaccount and he sterilized himself, saying that he was proud for not crowding up the earth much further
oh my, those heartily nostalgiakeks
Nathaniel Turner
The "ethics based" vegans then reflex to the PETA argument, which is that those animals are still being exploited because they exist on a farm. Their rationale is the animals shouldn't exist at all. They also equate consumption that encourages the market to replace the "exploited" animal-derived product to be transitively equivalent to exploitation.
However, within this framework there are loopholes. Contrive a scenario where a restaurant makes too many burgers, has thrown the stock of prepared & wrapped excess burgers away at closing time, and has set the sealed plastic trash bag filled with nothing but excess burgers out at the curbside to be taken to a landfill. At this stage, eating the meat cannot be construed to have contributed to the "exploitation" of the cows. Eating a burger from the garbage does not encourage the restaurant to make more burgers in the future. Extracting the burger from a sealed plastic bag destined for the landfill implies that one did not deprive another animal of food or disrupt an ecosystem. Tweak the scenario as desired, but it's obvious that an "ethics based" vegan could eat this meat and remain consistent within their framework.
James Morris
For fuck sake, shills, don't you have any other shill topics in your book?
Joshua Ramirez
Tyler Sullivan
I have a legit prediction:
Jews will try to create a movement, soon, they need to work gradually for this, their biggest opponent is mass resistance. Think about interracial relationships, or homosexuality, people hated it, so they need to work gradually for making people more mallible.
The prediction? A campaign painting "meat eaters" as highly immoral, and creation of estrogene, sperm-reducing, vaccinated artificial science meat. The first ones to go along is ofcourse the "intellectual" liberal who will suck down insects and consider themselves superior.
The jews always push the limits to see how far they can mutilate, corrupt and destroy people, if people eat insects, well, make the image up yourself. Obedient goys eating insects.
They also do this, in hope to make us weak, fragile or even insane (lack of protein fucks up your brain).
Also, keep eyes for the whole Global Warming angle.
I like the stockmarket, Peabody Coal was a great company for more than 100 years, that got destroyed in 8 years after Obongo used EPA to destroy it legally through regulations.
How long until our farmers get impossible regulations, which destroys the meat & farming industry? Make no mistake, we are playing a game of chess against the devil.
Matthew Watson
It's not cruel to hunt, kill and eat wild animals. That's nature, and fair. If you can catch it you can eat it. It IS cruel to intensively farm animals, feed them chemical gruel and never even let them see daylight. That's anti-nature. I need meat not to survive, but to be strong enough to protect my people and family. Vegetarianism is survivable but it turns me into a weak and scrawny man- I tried it for 6 months and it was impossible to eat enough calories and plant protein to grow big and strong. Also a lot of things with plant protein also have oestrogens in them.
Given that the hunting big game is illegal in my country and factory farming is perfectly legal, I have no choice but to eat meat that was reared and killed unfairly and at least somewhat cruelly. Just another downside of living in the ZOG empire. I would be the first to ban farming and legalise hunting.
Dylan Roberts
OP literally copypasted this thread after getting BTFO on Holla Forums once it was clear he was intellectually dishonest. He specifically demands everyone not use sources in order to prevent veganism from being questioned as unhealthy.
Hitler lost the war because he had low-T due to the vegetarian diet he adhered to in the last few years of the Reich.
Don't be a loser like late stage Hitler. Be a winner like early stage Hitler.
Noah Jackson
Lincoln Gonzalez
William Wright
This. Hitler abstained from meat because his doctor told him to, not because he was a cuckold.
Lucas Long
You do know that you have to cut world population down to 10% to make what you propose possible right?
Joseph Ramirez
Fuck, 10% might still be too many. more like the world should only have 100 millions people. Then hunting just might provide every family with meat.
Nathan Anderson
Owen Robinson
You need protein and high quality fats for proper brain function. No doubt eventually synthetic food will be sufficient but not yet. Vegetarianism is cucking your brain for virtue signaling points.
Dylan Garcia
What a ridiculously shit-tier argument. Is this the next level of evolution for humanitarians? Instead of shilling for MUH AFRICAN KANGZ, you will now shill for animals?
I do not find it ethical for a person to deny himself something in the name of anonymous "solidarity"; I do not find it ethical to donate billions to niggers in Africa just because someone decided "HURR WE ARE ALL THE SAME SPECIES SO WE HAVE TO HELP EACH OTHER". The belief that we are all part of the same "team" just on the basis of species is ridiculous – if I were given a button that, upon pressing, would award me a dollar and at the same time kill a random person in Zambia, I'd make pressing it a hobby of mine. Now you seek to expand this already overinflated cathegory to contain animals as well. Preposterous! Would I consider eating my own pet immoral? Definitely – I have high emotional attachment to it and seeing it die would hurt me greatly. Would I consider some random cow getting slaughtered for meat immoral? Hell no! I have zero attachment to it and don't care about it past whether it tastes good or not.
Sebastian Kelly
Apples to oranges.
Have you not been paying attention they've been doing this for years with the entire loljocks are bad lolweightlifters are dumb idiots.
People do eat insects.
Very true COMPLETE proteins which you can really only get from meat(yes there are other sources but meat is the best source) are necessary for brain function.
Been working it since the 90's.
They've been doing this for years. The worst part is the farmers all went along with it in the 80's thinking what the government was doing was a good thing and then were put out of business by factory farms.
You're not wrong but everything you are mentioning has been happening for years now we can't be vigilante we need to actively fight it.
Robert Ross
Killing does not necessarily constitute cruelty. Also, we have different duties to different animals–we rightly look down on "people" who eat dogs, because we have a very particular sort of relationship with dogs formed by millennia of coevolution. Casually killing them for their meat is a betrayal of that relationship, and shows a man who does it to either have defective moral instincts or to be too willing to ignore those moral instincts. We don't have the same deep connection to the cows or chickens or the other animals we typically eat, but it is possible to behave in ways that betray or undermine the relationship we have with them (factory farmed chickens spending their whole lives in tiny cages is a good example).
Utilitarianism is retarded. What are they?
It's possible to raise livestock without modern factory farming techniques, you know. You wouldn't be able to support the world's current population that way, but that's fine–anyone who thinks a less densely populated Earth would be some kind of great tragedy is a fool or a kike.
Landon Edwards
Forgoing calorically dense animal products and eating solely plant based foods is a luxury
Ethan Harris
Beware, OP is a well poisoning moralist that you were warned about. If you want to end up like TRS go fallow him.
Elijah Brooks
Animals are pretty reliable source of protein, and most plants, despite lack nervous system, are sentinent enough even if not as much as animals, specially fully grown trees, they show signs of pain and stress despite lacking nervous syatem, they are just better designed than zoological beings, botonical beings also consume flesh sometimes, insectivore plants for example, also eat small mammals, etc.
Anthony Phillips
true enough user, Kobe Beef for example in japan is best beef in world, classic techniques, well raised live stocks, slaughtered humane, kept away from abuse, tastes like fucking heaven.
Lucas Allen
if you don't eat meat you're a weak energy pussy besides large brains evolved after hunting was invented, respect the meat
Brayden James
…and OP (2e696a) switched IPs so that he could sockpuppet via 518ba5. Here's the cutover:
OP did indeed exhibit TRS levels of faggotry. However, he seems to have either ragequit or fulfilled his shitposting quota, because he's gone.
Sage to not bump bizarre D&C threads.
Michael Jackson
never understood this stupid fucking movement. humans were eating meat for over 200,000 years, you're a moron if you don't, case closed.
Luis Murphy
true! no meat = skinny faggot literally only meat = fat faggot
be a human, an omnivore, learn the shit up from bear and eat both, i like my greek kebabs with some onions and tomatoes and peta bread to go with it.
Daniel Wilson
Ian Cooper
Jackson Peterson
problem is not eating meat, its same as eating chips, burgers, soft drinks, alcohol, people over do it and then the food gets the blame, retards should take responsibility for there actions, not the meat, even animals from lions to dogs knows how much meat its body can handle.
Landon Jones
Well insects have protein, so that wouldn't work. They'd be much better off to keep pushing the pure vegetarian/vegan fedora-tipping angle like they've been doing. I still remember the "fat is bad, causes high cholesterol" meme they invented in the 80's, and I fell for that one. They even had MDs spreading their disinfo. I never got fat, since I exercised very heavily and pretty much always avoided sugar anyway, but my brain probably took a hit from lack of fats. I was still eating meat though at least. Anyway I'll never fall for their bullshit memes again.
Cameron Howard
come to think of it, Eragon Elves were all Vegetarian, but ate unfertilized eggs collected from forest (same as humans, but healthier and not mass produced so cant hurt animals), honey and stuff as such, would eat meat but only when offered by other clans, the tribe itself never hunted in land of elves.
Lucas Walker
What he fuck is going on in this thread? What are you people trying to do?
Ethan Cox
back to tumble faggot.
Caleb Young
Whatever that abomination is, it's not English breakfast. The English breakfast is a dish that's balanced around having enough calories to last you until mid afternoon (though portions have been getting smaller in urban areas where most people have desk jobs). That was why when I first got to bongland, I was pretty confused by people getting rabbit for lunch, compared to where I came from where people had at least one plate of rice/grain with roasted meats for breakfast, a full meal for both lunch and dinner (But then again, most people had laborer backgrounds where I came from. One of my friend's late grandfather for example, used to have the equivalent of about 2 cups of rice a night for his staple dinner).
Parker Jenkins
Oh wait, I'll go back to bed. Clearly too tired to be reading threads.
Anthony Long
Wrong. Those videos of them lifting the cow by one leg or whatever are sadistic, yes, but not a necessary part of actually producing the product. I would obviously prefer if my food was acquired in as humane a fashion as possible, but given that I'm not prone to emotional manipulation I'm not about to rule out something as foundational as meat from my diet because some sadist somewhere is treating cows poorly.
And while it is possible to live life without meat, it would also be possible to "live" on nutrient paste. I certainly wouldn't say there is any virtue to abstaining from meat, but rather abstinence from meat shows a degree of discipline that is in common with being a good person. Living the none-meat life is more difficult, when I mention this to vegans they try to explain how I'm wrong and then lay out just how much time in the week they dedicate to preparing food and carefully monitoring their diet.
The reason its such a heated debate is because its one of those things all humans have to do that involves real ethics. I'm sure you could pitch the argument that breathing through your mouth 24/7 is better for the environment, and in 10 years you'd see people debating the merits of nostril vs oral breathing.
Dominic Young
If you've ever been to a small farm, you'd soon realize that chickens would instantly get fucked in the wild. They are slow and, obviously, very nutritious to any predator. But instead, they get to live comfy lives free of worry, with free range of food and water, and then get slaughtered quickly when the time comes. It is a life of ease with the most humane end.
Eli Long
The sad truth is that something must suffer for another to live. Plants suffer and die so a cow can live, the cow suffers and dies so humans can live. Humans suffer and die so the Jews can live ;^)
I think about this a lot though. The suffering of life. We have to accept the harsh reality of living. We can at least cut down on meat I suppose, we don't need to eat so much of it every day of the week.
Ian Rodriguez
Jayden Fisher
Not really true because grass evolved to be eaten by herbivores (it grows from the base rather than the tip) and all fruits are "intended" to be eaten.
Robert Morris
Just to add, even seeds which you might expect that a plant wouldn't "want" to be eaten, form part of a carefully designed/evolved strategy. Take oak trees for instance, they "purposefully" keep their blooms to a low number for most years, to starve the squirrel population (otherwise it would rise too high and all of the acorns would be eaten) then every 5 years or so the oak produces a boom crop of acorns, far too many for the (controlled) squirrel population to eat, so the squirrels bury them far and wide, then forget where they hid them or get predated and never come back for the nuts, in effect they have planted new oak trees for the oak. So not only does the oak's reproductive strategy involve keeping squirrels on starvation rations, it is predicated upon its own fruit being largely eaten by "predators" (symbiotes.)
Gavin Jenkins
It depends what you mean by "literally". If you said "literally" and ironically intended it to mean "not literally", then perhaps. However, if one eats *literally* only meat then one certainly will *not* get fat. For example, rabbit starvation is a thing:
In fact, if you eat a diet that is literally only meat (with sufficient fat, e.g. 50% by mass), then that's going to induce fat loss in the body via nutritional ketosis. If you consume no carbohydrates, then that will suppress your insulin and inhibit lipogenesis (fat creation). Fun fact: your body can make fat from dietary carbohydrates, but effectively cannot do so with dietary fat. inb4 the glycerol backbone of triglycerides
tl;dr: if you restrict your carb intake sufficiently you can eat all the meat you want and you won't get fat.
Isaac Stewart
Chasing the keto dragon right here, fam.
Lincoln Sanchez
In walks the moralistic vegan faggot. The great men in history nearly all ate meat. What the fuck are you talking about, you dumb, estrogen laden vegan faggot? I bet using a mouse tires your frail, limp little arm out.
Jeremiah Martin
I've been a vegan for a few years, though I'll potentially eat something with dairy in it if I'm at a restaurant with folks because it can just be unavoidable. But at home I shop and eat vegan. While I believe some meats may be acceptable for consumption, and believe that a number of our culinary traditions and holidays are centered around meat-based dishes. The issue is that most meats in stores now are toxic. Factory farms that exist to make meat as cheap as possible have only permitted the increased consumption of meat across the nation, contributing to the rapid spread of obesity. These products are full of ultimately harmful chemicals that can weaken the immune system if the risk of heart disease doesn't do you in. I think eating fast food or cheap, factory-made meat is something only a negro should be caught doing, and is absolutely below a white man. I consider it dishonorable and crude for a white man to feed his family with factories' refuse.
I am a strong proponent of deurbanization, and would instead prefer people lived in close-knit communities of smallholdings and were fed by healthily grown crops and grass fed cattle or whatever they please. My issue with eating meat has more to do with my issue with factory farming. I'll admit it does stem from a love of animals but I can't make a valid argument out of that, and it is only a personal aspect of it.
Andrew Jenkins
Shh, or OP will create another sockpuppet to claim that you aren't a vegan unless you abide by his retarded definition of veganism that is solely about ethics and not diet. He'll then reiterate his counterfactual claim that human milk is vegan.
Jackson Ross
Grains make you fat. Bread. You know, the thing they feed pigs to fatten them up for slaughter?
Meat is energy in-efficient to digest. The fatty acids just get used up by your muscles; and you'll 'gain weight' no matter what diet you're on if you eat like a fucking pig.
Don't believe me? Do the experiment for yourself; go buy a bunch of eggs, chicken, beef, ham, etc. and eat that for a week. No bread, no gluten, no sugar; just protein and fat. See how much weight you lose. if you can even stomach down all that meat; bread might take up more room in the stomach, but it's soft and easily digested. Meat is hard and sits like a rock when you've eaten too much making it impossible to over-eat without immediately puking