Jordan Peterson on JRE talks Pepe, KEK, Meme Wars, Mythology and the Age of Chaos

Surprised nobody mentioned this yet…

University of Toronto psychologist Jordan Peterson made his 2nd appearance on the JRE podcast #958 on May 9th, 2017. He made some fascinating comments on archetypes, mythology, Pepe, KEK, and the age of chaos.

I built out some OC around the best part of his interview:

Aww, isn't he clumsy and adorable. I bet he has all the answers..

I'm guessing you didn't bother to watch the interview?

As usual for Peterson, starts getting close, decides he's done researching, and completely misses the point.

Someone once said he'd bitten off more than he could chew. In my opinion, he's the academic version of a namefag, with a reasonable mind blocked up by a massive sense of ego and pride.

In'shadilay? really?

As usual for fucking psychologists.

Jordan Peterson has a better understanding of the world that most academics. He does good work, you can’t really attack him for not having shitposted with us for 18 hours a day for the past few years, of course he will get some details wrong.


The moment he mentioned Kekistan he blew it. He's been mislead by a perversion.

While on the subject, there's also good reason why Kek favors imageboard culture above all else: It lacks the organization other systems have while functioning as an effective entity. It's a hivemind of chaotic thoughts.

Jordan really needs to lurk more on imageboards if he really wants to better understand Kekism.

Nobody has mentioned it because the Kekistan meme is the Kaposi's sarcoma of the internet. Jordan is probably feeling pretty high from all the attention he's getting just now, and I'm sure he'll make a good ethnic Kekistani one day.

Shit thread on a shit topic. Sage.

You really don't know how far you've gone into the rabbit hole until the normalfags try to explain what's going on

You know what 18 hours is?
Less time than you need to spend on a goddamn undergraduate thesis to get a good mark. Call it what it is: sloppy research done fast in order to have your name out there first.
Good on him.
Freud was a cocaine-sniffing quack who took out his psychoses onto the world and got titled the father of fakescience, doesn't make his research worth shit.

Not even primary goddamn sources.

this user has it

don't break an arm jerking yourself off

Clean your room right now

Anyone want to twit at Peterson that he needs to get his head out of his ass?
This man could be an asset if he wasn't such a shoddy representative for the world.

alternatively, [email protected]/* */, and use on of his current course codes in the subject to get past the filter.


You know what 18 hours a day is? Every waking moment of your life, you retard.

This is how you know those (((alt-right))) memes if normal fags like this are talking about them.

Yeah let's attack an academic that actually isn't a braindead leftist. Helping all academics that attack leftist bullshit will help us take back education.



Makes a better agreement, and makes a nice parallel between mythology and modern day kek, pre-kekistan faggotry.

he thinks that white nationalists are collectivized sjws practicing identity politics. it's a very left-libertarian perspective.
his solution is to become atomized individuals obsessed with muh western freedom values, rather to ally together with others of our people in order to defend our interests in competition with other groups. not /ourguy/.
vid related you can see him struggle with not being a racist. his problem is his age and being trapped in an ideological paradigm which is in the past. he has little use beyond being a gateway for the ignorant. i wouldn't even give him to normalfags.

People with the will to investigate the aberrant and completely alien at first glance are one in a hundred million. He likely distances himself on purpose, crippling his comprehension but at the same time saving himself from complete obsession and immersion in it. There is memetic power in old esotericism that can suck in the overly curious and never let them go. I imagine in the old days, before the more formal sciences and philosophies, the same sort of minds became shamans and priests.

At the very least, could someone please post proof about -stan being a co-opted meme to him. He is not a orbiter, will understand and should he mention how much of a sheep these people are it would be hilarious.

OP is the reason we should have Canadian flags.

We did talk about it. We had this thread already but it got bumplocked and confused a bunch of anons, including myself. The rationale is that Peterson threads are "e-celeb threads".
it kind of pissed me off

If a shill's thread gets bumped locked do they give up? Of course not!

Are we weaker than shills? If you have a legit topic, repost until mods relent. This is the way of the chan.

Reminder that the Kikes at H3H3 are in support of this guy, that should probably tell you enough about how kosher he is

This is the entire reasoning for an initiation process. You don't do dabs with a baby.


You are stupid.

If you think I'm going to watch a webm of a nigger, you've got another thing coming, cuck.

You missed out on a nigger getting called inferior and then slapped.

No he's saying rather than jumping straight into an ideology, we need to become strong individuals first. You need to confront the evil inside you, sort your life out, find meaning and purpose, and become a moral human being. If you do that, you can fight the same fight, but better, instead of being a weak human being finding shelter within an ideology, you'll be a fully actualised human being capable of thinking and acting independently, and morally fighting for a just cause.

Most of antifa are mindless ideologues, they were weak and lost people, they were fed lies and propaganda, and that gave them shelter from their own nihilism. Now they are mindless drones incapable of rational thought or individual action. The same can happen on the right, to us. Peterson just does not want ideologues, they are weak and corrupt and can turn evil very easily.

He's so romantic about Chaos it screams CIA. Operation Chaos was when they officially went full 1984 against US citizens. He's also very ignorant and repetitive like they put together this act in a room and he doesn't actually care about any of this outside of that.

e-celeb BS (he works hard for fame and dollars; harder than any other e-celeb in existence), but since it's Peterson, the mods will probably allow it?

Not sure why he gets a pass, since he is less aligned with us than others who still don't get a pass.

Peterson is a tricky case, because he's actually mixing in a lot of interesting topics into what he's talking about, and especially with his rhetoric about preserving Western civilization, he is a magnetic person in this age for saying what many are thinking.

But those are usually the most dangerous, the ones that lure you in with a bit of truth, or taboo topics, and then they just introduce you to another layer of the kosher onion, while thinking you've escaped.

I think you're exactly right.

Peterson isn't perfect and no man is, but we shouldn't be so quick to discount him because what he has to say is incredibly valuable. You think you've plumbed the depths of chaos for truth and found all there is that you need to know? Think again. I thought I had, but I was wrong. If others here don't see that yourselves I think you just aren't giving him fair enough consideration.

Yes, of course, let's not give him a pass. But let's not give ourselves a pass either. There should always be room to rethink things even in the utmost certainty.

well this is fucking it, watch the incoming of lower beings than T_D. full blown normsami

correct him before twit alt-right gets him =/= destroy him

attached might help you out a bit bud

Yes, never understood this.

No there shouldn't. This is a NS board with no room for relativistic inaction. If you don't like it find another board. At least the SJW give normies a stark choice.

In'shadilay, my brother. Kekahu akbar.

Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan Discuss Kekistan (video)

he's entertaining, but blue pilled as fuck, believes in gas chambers etc, look at the latest jewtube vid, pretty interesting scientifically

Entry level esoterics.
He puts Nazi Germany on level with communism every time either comes up. Refuses to dig past 'established truths'.

Do whatever it is you think you have to do. I'm not standing in your way.

Why are all psychologists like this?
They barely scratch the surface of an issue and think they've got it all figured out.
Psychologists should leave esotericism alone before they hurt themselves.

Then why make the comment?
[Passive aggressive fedora tipping intensive]


What the fuck kind of comment is that? Are you some sort of faggot or something?

a dumb fuck who never got past "muh feels" of the lies spouted by the kikes, thinking they still have somekind of moral superiority, someone who thinks that by his centrism alone that makes him good, when in fact he is just a dumb fuck.

Go back to facebook.

I think he is some sort of trap or being teased by CIA. He studies all these tropes and mythology but can't see the narrative woven in front of him, or pretends so. He's assembling all the pieces to this play but leaves out the writer/director. He should have seen them by now. He's probably met them by now, being politically involved and teaching at Harvard.

He is 54 and has spent a large portion of his life in the Canadian education system. The idea that you need a conspiracy to explain his world view is retarded.

The whole e-celeb thing is strange. I understand somebody who only sits in his room, making shitty vlogs being an e-celeb, but somebody like Peterson actually goes out there and lets leftists yell at him for two hours while he's trying to give a speech.
And he's not somebody who got to where he is because of the internet either.

Where does being an e-celeb start and end these days?