Jim is an ex military Freemason kike who lied to all of his users and datamined them for alphabet agencies. Leave.
Why Are Niggers Still Here?
You're from leftypol and endchan is for kikes. Jim also hasn't been in masonry for 20 years. Longer than you've been alive.
All of these are memes imkikey has pushed from multiple IPs to d&c and contain the base. There is zero evidence of a honeypot anywhere but here. Here is 100% confirmed.
Pick one faggot. Your obligatory cock sucking doesn't work. You expect a promotion or something?
Typical tricks schlomo
Fuck off to Bunkerchan leftist scum.
Shut the fuck up Jim
Name one Holla Forums clone that's neither a graveyard nor a complete cancer wasteland
Or whatever gay shit kikey says
because there are no good alternatives.
top kek
Plebbit tier cringe.
Meguca, Endchan, AE-Chan, NNTPChan, NextChan, soon BlazeChan pick one faggot
All quality and zero fags like you
Nice graveyards retard
And who owns those sites?
Not kike freemasons like here. That's for sure. Old /baph/ and Holla Forumsfags who have mastered lynx and infinitynext to the point of perfectionn
I'd rather have only 50 actual national socialists than 200 Plebbit and cuckchan faggots like you
More like 5 you sad spastic. Enjoy your slow-mo circlejerks and being so desperate you need to specifically wait until the mod faggots here fuck off to bed to come shill your wastelands.
Typical D&C tricks schlomo. The only board you posted that is worthwhile isn't even done yet. Don't forget your sage anons.
Hi Meguca, slow tonight?
Have you ever thought that 99% of the users here aren't actual organic users but paid users? Put here to steer the direction of the new right wing. Have you even seen the mainstream rightwing now? Its 100% pro Israel, anti islam. I got wise after I voted for trump and saw his subsequent actions. It was obvious the memes were used against us. Now I'm more in the hole and isolated than ever.
I don't accept babylon.
i don't really mind if (((they))) have my information. i want (((them))) to know everything i say and how shitty i think (((they))) are, and how traps totally aren't gay.
Seems legit.
Okay okay I'm leaving, you can have your jewish propaganda platform back.
This is the end.
where is a better place to go?
sometimes i check out .pl
I just want to be more like Hitler and gas all the jews
IPs are hashed in the database now you can shut the fuck up, your attack vector has no more effect.
Gas yourself, faggot.
Don't go… ;_;
There are still some real anons left.
I dunno. /polk/ is better than here like late 2015/early 2016 Holla Forums but it's still on 8ch.net and I do not trust Jim for a goddamn nanosecond.
And honestly, I think anonymous imageboards are instantly compromised nowadays. (((They))) have a solid M.O. to infiltrate and steer opinions fairly quickly as has been demonstrated here over the past 6-7 months. We got too high on their radar last year. Namefagging is a solution, so you can know whose posts you trust, but that has significant downfalls as well and I don't know any decent communities. Twitter is good, but the community is an order of magnitude more cucky and not a place for longform discussion.
Where to mr shill? Cuckchan?
kill yourself
it is pretty obvious when someone is trying to steer the discussion in a non nationalist socialist way.
I don't trust that fag Jim either.