Pajeet Alert! They are taking over tech and draining the country

The mass majority of H1B are pajeets. They get a shitty bachelors in India and then come to the US for a Master's and just about all make 70k+, they are draining this country x10 mroe than any asian or wetback. Don't believe the hype, the most dangerous RACE TO THE UNTIED STATES, ARE INDIAN PEOPLE!!


Pajeets take high income jobs from Americans for less money
They prevent americans from getting educations on the job and learning to do the job right
They suck money and send it to their relatives in their shithole
They bring their wives here, they never interrogate and are a very silent minority
They will never assimilate
They stay here indefinitely, always extending their stay indefinitely
Yes, they pay a lot of taxes and give a lot of money to the state coffers, but the cost/loss is much larger than we think
They essentially "outprice" educated americans and prevent them from getting real jobs from local economies
Indian lawyers, indian directors of companeis (google's ceo is an indian, microsofts ceo is indian)

Other urls found in this thread:

I can attest to this, they subverted the large tech companies so bad that they're only hiring their own kind now. They have shitty written and oral communication skills. They cant comment code, they stick to their own and shit up work culture by creating a cutthroat environment where its literally not even enjoyable to work with them.

this tbh they get ignored because they keep their heads down and don't chimp out but they're slowly taking over

Infosys recently said that they will hire 10000 american workers. I feel bad for whoever has to work under pajeets. Worse than beimg a janitor.

This is a very real threat to STEM whites all the goys including myself in our little startup have been fired by pajeets while the pajeet only hires his own and always smells bad.

I hope Trump will stem the flow because pajeets out price whites so well that tech companies who even "hire American" will be priced out of the market in a few years. The greatest irony though is the shit work Indians do offsets any lasting damage they may make, there will be a whole lot more bugs in the future made by them and exploited by Right-Wing-Hacker-Squads if Trump doesn't fix the H1B1 invasion.

I'm compiling redpills against pajeets in US. Does anyone have good sources?

What about the people who pushed for them, spics and nigs to come in
The Jews

as a dingo this is relevant to my interests for a change.
there are few (for now) blacks in australia (not counting abbos) but there are way too many brown indians and pakis.
worst part is they have enough IQ to wear suits and work in office environments, unlike the african. This makes it much hard to red pill normies on how this is bad for the white west.
"but they have all these high paying jobs user, why are you racist?"
The integration is strained and as is pointed out they funnel the money out side of the country.
Then there is the wage drive down effect and the fact they simply take up jobs that should be done locally.
The IT industry is starting to reach peak pajeet as the quality of the corporate environment continues to decline (from my observations at the very least).

But the real turd is the low quality work they do. It is always hand waved away as them either suffering from systematic racism or just taking a while for the offshore/outsourced staff to catch up with all the knowledge they just dont have.

This is why software is such shit that doesn't work until the first patch release.

OP you forget the main thing: pajeets are dogshit at everything. They are awful.

That commie fake celebrity scientist Kaku has recently made a video about how america's secret weapon is H1-B's because our (((school system))) is just so awful that we have to import genius chinks and street-shitters to compete globally. I initially just took as propaganda for the continued invasion of the US, but reading your post made me realize this whole video is based on the notion that the US is the best because we import the most, implying other western nations need to out-compete us in terms of shitskin importation.

What disappoints me is that a lot of high IQ, but blue-pilled whites eat it up because they work in high-tech fields and are surrounded by shitskins and just think that they deserve to be there over other whites.

Where were you for the last decade?
Is something getting slid?

makes you wonder why the schools are so bad; (((who))) benefits from ensuring that since the schools turn out morons that companies need to outsource.

What bugs me is how only Holla Forums and the few of the far right see the looming catastrophy : what happens when there are not enough whites to be taxed to support this ponzi scheme?
Or rather phrase it like this (works well on shitlibs as a light blade shiv to the mind) "why are migrants only considered economically beneficial in white countries?"
and if you get a good response from that go for blood and state "or at least in white-RULED countries?"

half the fucking board is old shit and pointless crap like meming on wendies for christs-sake.
link the other bread and be done with your shilling, jew.

In europe the reputation of indians is so bad mostly everyone is "nearsourcing" to eastern europe.
Not even
go read the fucking catalog; there's actually a top-priority FOIA thread right now and plenty of other relevant threads

Found this on drudge yesterday and I realized it.

The grand Indian Plan is to become white people.

You're shit. Here.

The only way they can do that is to use white eggs and white sperm.

Even just using the white sperm over several generations would be enough. It would be slow going but with time it would achieve the goal of getting lighter skinned babies.

Indians are pretty racist.
Fairer skin has always been prized more in India, and those who have it tend to be treated much better than those who are much darker skinned.

I've heard. They wanna be white so damn bad

IQ is directly correlated with skin color more than any other factor, including any genetic factor.

Lighter skinned people are treated like people who are more intelligent and just BETTER in general.

You're absolutely right. As a people group, I don't hate indians on a personal level the way I hate niggers, spics, and kikes, but they're still shitskins who are festering in what should be my white country. And their mere presence serves to steal jobs from American workers and lower the wages either way.

Economically speaking, they're much worse than spics when it comes to taking jobs. At least the spics only take shit-tier blue collar jobs. And unskilled labor is fairly transmutable, so someone who lost their job as an orchard picker to beaners can theoretically go get a different low-skill job somewhere else. But with the skilled college-education work in places like healthcare and the tech industry? You went to college for that shit. If you go to college for compsci and then it turns out that it's impossible to find a job and all the wages are low as shit because of all the pooinloos, what are you going to do? It's not like you can just decide to do something besides compsci at that point.

And think of all the white students trying to get into medschool. The requirements are so strict that you can have a perfect GPA and extracurriculars and still not get in because there's so much competition for limited spots. Then think about how many pooinloos and other foreigners are doctors in america. If we're limiting the number of doctors we create, why the FUCK are we giving away the precious slots to foreigners who can't even talk to patients properly?

That's because indians and their caste system are a byproduct of indo-european conquest from the north. Whites invaded and subjugated the local dravidian shitskins. Over time, miscegenation happened, and everyone became varying degrees of mixed. What started as the white aryans lording over the dravidian shitskins morphed into the modern caste system. The high castes tend to have lighter skin because they have more indo-european admixture. The lower castes are more dravidian.

You see a similar effect in other miscegenated areas, like latin america. In latin america, the vast majority of the population are dumb mestizo shitskins. But at the top echelons of society, such as the rich, the politicians, the celebrities, etc, they're all or mostly white.

How many slides cunt? Every time you do this shit you make us hard because we know we're winning.

Top Kek what the fuck is going on in this universe?

ayy hold up
l recognize that meme

Did you fix it yourself OP? Nicely done.

I suspect its a very old thing but now we all get to hear about it with the internet being available. The article is real but the last part is how I think they plan to scam the results.

Hey, I'm all for muds trying to be whiter in their own countries. That suits me just fine.

Nice to see them agree that our genes are superior as well.

You found about that now ? I'm not even american and I know Pajeets from rich families dominate americans and canadians I.T jobs thanks to H1B.
Blame your own system that allows rich Pajeets and Chinks (there's a lot of the bu the way) to immigrate to your country thanks to either the H1B or that investor program.

Like I said, I don't know HOW they plan on being white.. thats just my guess. I mean how do you get "whiter" without the genetic material? what are they going to bleach the babies? and IQ is right out as an option. They wanna make whiter smarter babies on the cheap, they are going to need white genes.

Public school is child abuse. Teach your kids the trivium so they aren't fucking retards controlled by rhetoric like:

I figured as much, I see more and more of them driving around my city in their Mercedes and beamers, coincidentally after my mayor promised to convert all our abandoned car factories into tech centers. Also Zuckercuck came here recently as well. They're trying to go ahead with the whole "replace the white man" thing they have going on. They can come, but they're going to have a bad time.

Whoops, bumping

They're not the biggest threat, but they definitely are a threat.
Jews cause all the below problems.
Blacks threaten poor whites, weigh down the economy with gibs, fuck up any job they get affirmative action'd into.
Spics are relatively less harmful and stupid blacks, but still cause more damage to the US.
Asians invade our suburbs, inflate housing prices, take high skill jobs cheat the system in every way they can.
Poos destroy the tech industry.
Muslims can be disastrous if they reach a high enough % of the population.

I'd say our priorities should be:
1. Jews
2. Mexicans/mestizos
3. muslims
4. niggers
5. chinks/gooks/poos
6. other non-whites

Yea, that is a great point. Academic and career outcomes of students are a complete red-herring if the doctors, scentists and technologists it produces are among its most brain-washed.


The idea of "whitening" polluted genes is laughable. All you do is waste good genetic material when you could scrub the bad out naturally. The one drop rule was designed for a reason and was probably one of the best things to come out of the U.S.

Once you're tainted it's with you forever, which is exactly why Kalki, the Third Sargon, etc. include destroying the mongrel bastards that shouldn't have been allowed to foster, grow, and multiply. They'll be destroyed by a higher force soon enough. It's unfortunate and why I blame the parents entirely for doing what they've done by mixing the genes outside their group. They deserve the harshest penalty of all.

I think it tires into their motivation to take our 1st world jobs. They wanna be white people so badly. They think they will just get smart like us and turn their skin color to something lighter. Thats the big ole plan

pic related

How many poos would a poo in a loo poo, if a poo in a loo *could* poo in a loo (IN INNALOO)?!

This is a trick. Answer is they couldn't.

last week i met a hindu woman working in a red dot store lol

History and personal experience shoss that out of all races, the pajeets are the only one to have ever achieved peaceful co-existence (assuming caste structure is upheld) with Aryans. I have lived beside them in the shit-hole of new jersey briefly. They were polite to me, showed immense interest in my stories, remembered my name, HATED niggers and jews more than my friends in the KKK did when I grew up in dixie, and represented the most minimal threat of racemixing of any race I have met due to submissiveness and according to some dirty whores I regret having known "are horrible in bed, smell funny, and have tiny penises." They also are prone to supporting National Socialist ideas, as evident by the existence of Azad Hind, who liberated their nation from the sassoon (which was immediate memory holed with muh peaceful ghandi.) after they returned home after the fall of the Reich.
We should use the pajeet as a tool against the Kike and the Nigger, just as Hitler and Heinrich Himmler did befofe us. I'd rather they not be in my country, but if we gave them northern mexico, they could be an asset as a buffer.

The problem with the pajeets getting "whiter" is that they'll forever be pajeets and will only create more pajeets in the process. The same thing happened in Latin America when the Spaniards mixed with the Indians. It created an army of browns.

huwhite or what?

He was racemixing with the average pajeet.

Pretty good summary, but most of them don't actually stay. That's not how the H1B scam works. The reason they get paid less is because Jewoogle, Faceberg, etc tell them they will use their own lawyers to "fast track" their Green Card and handle all the paperwork. Pajeet agrees because it looks like a good deal, then 5 years later Zuckerberg downsizes his Poos, but Pajeet is still suck with his work visa, which he is now in violation of by being unemployed. To fix this he'll have to leave the country for 6 months, except he got strung along by Schlomo for so long his H1B will likely expire before he can get back in the country. And oops all that work Zucks was doing on his green card is in the trash now too. Pajeet is completely fucked…just another human cog chewed up and spit out by Schlomo.

This is why, despite their inferior skills, they are so attractive to the Tech Kikes who simply get off on treating people like animals, and he got to treat Pajeet like shit every day he worked because the Poo lived in constant fear of being laid off and deported.

So yes it's a problem for Americans, but not in the sense that Poos will take over because 90% of them never get citizenship and are sent back home… because if you're an American Citizen nobody wants to hire you.

t.former recruitment fag

The one in my mind I was thinking of at the time of the post was some manner of fingolian-irish hybrid. Also, I never touched that thing, probably why she hated me.

That's what you get for the decades of dumbing down your own population - your country just doesn't produce qualified personnel anymore, so to keep the country functioning and able to compete with China and Russia, you are stealing high IQ individuals from other countries - this will eventually be one of your downfalls, because as you say they are disloyal and they sell the US secrets and information to their home countries, while replacing the high earning, elite classes of the former whtie americans, who keep on getting fatter, lazier and dumber with each day stuffing their stomachs with poisonous food and water, which limits their genetical potential and with each generation ruins their dna degenerating them into a new caste of serfs to the chinese/indian future overlords hehehe.

Must be real low value to consider touching fucking poo in loo.

i made that poo just a little darker

Dude I'd feel sorry for the janitor more. Can imagine how designated shitting halls would go?

Well, the whore did mention getting pissed on while laying across the hood of I believe a chevy…

Top 100 H1B Visa Sponsors fiscal 2016
Rank | Sponsor | Number | Average Salary

hey uh.. not to point out the obvious.. but where the hell is OP?

Jeebus what a fucking nightmare.

I've noticed this trend in web service development too… however, most of them have no clue as to what they're doing.
Most of their degrees are printed by themselves, but they're diversity hires… at least that's how it all starts.

Yup, and it's not just because of Zuckerberg. It's also because Indians are unapologetically racist with a strong in-group preference. So the ones already in the system will always put other Poos ahead of everyone else. This is also because they have a great deal of respect for social hierarchy, and know/expect other Poos to return/give favors in the future. All of which makes for a pretty decent system for group advancement in spite of any actual individual failure or inferiority. Basically when it comes to Group Identify they are dumber, smellier, but less racist, Jews.

Can confirm. Have been studying for my first IT cert and looking for jobs. Most of the jobs here either require senior-level experience or the entry-level jobs that should be in existence are outsourced.

It's absolutely mindblowing that it's cheaper to have Pajeet help you troubleshoot over the phone rather than have your fellow white man in the next office come over and help you with your computer.

You mean clean out all the Dravidian DNA? It could work. Northern India has lost Aryan blood after all.

Me and 3/4th of everyone I know work in tech and between us we have seen every horror story imaginable first hand.

Accumulation of Tales

I got my CCNA last year and my MCTS a year before that… you don't want to be there, mate.
You'll never find a job. Start learning C# and ASP .NET. You'll still have to interact with Pajeets, but you'll make obscene amounts of money (I have a friend in London earning £1250/day) because they're all virtually retarded and there's almost no competition.

There is an upside to this, though. Soon enough only racist companies will be left standing. 1000 Pajeets can't replace a white man.

Cant we please just flush the eternal loo once and for all?

you need to get that c++ and go in to trading/ algorithms development. There is always money in that Banana stand.

I'm comfortable for the time being. I'm working on my own projects… the upside of a 6 hour workday.

Its true. This is how I sleep at night. India didn't build the West. I'm looking for the day when all these bloated companies get out maneuvered by small shops that are faster and don't bill for 4+ hours of meetings daily, too. Its going to go down like that soon as people know their value more.

truly? Don't tell no one but so am I. You know whats the biggest motivator to stop working for others in tech? even more than Pajeet? Even MORE? Working with people who have no fucking clue how tech works. That's why they hired Pajeet. I am tired of their ass first.

They built their company on sand. I'm going to watch it crumble.

Holy fuck, so much this. My poor mother has been dealing with her first female pajeet in her career ever and it this sort of shit constantly. My mother isn't even technically savy, but has ended up in some custom report creation that sort of bumps up next to Queen Poo's job. Basically, my mother needs to build reports that query privileged databases, but she doesn't have access to the databases directly. These db's are a huge fucking mess and are constantly changing, so my mother can't rely on requested fields being available or correct. All she would need is the ability to read the db's to confirm these fields are correct when writing her reports. Queen Poo is the only one in the department with that level of access and she has seen to it to keep it that way for past year or so. Constant office politicking and undermining my mother to the boss and other departments so she can maintain her monopoly and secure her employment. Queen Poo knows she will be exposed if my mom ever could ever audit her rwork.

I know the feeling. It's a fucking neverending stream of street shitters that have no clue what S.O.L.I.D. means, but have Ph.Ds in computer science from an unidentifiable entity.
I, for one, am so fucking happy they're doing this. I've read a lot about business last year and, as it turns out, the number of competent people rises linearly, while the number of retards rises exponentially. That's without all the diversity quotas and all that other commie bullcrap.
Google, Microsoft, Apple all the giants will suffocate to death under their own weight and then the only ones left standing will be us, racists. The market is truly a white invention and it takes no prisoners.

You should teach your mom how to only communicate on chat/email then teach her how to screen cap vital things that could prove her right and Queen Poo full of… shit.

I have come to know what the signs of death are in a company and l agree companies die very slow deaths.

Signs of dying tech company
>upper management always gets bonuses

never thought of that
so basically they get adequate tech labour cheaply by doing this
but what if you need someone with 5+ years of experience? I would think thats quite important in high tech disregarding basic code monkeys

They just throw more Pajeet at the problem. I read what you are saying.. it makes sense.. the issue is not your logic but managements. They don't know you can't make a baby in 1 month with 9 mothers.

are you talking about the grammar?

Jews are not a race. A race implies a unified people, a nation. The Jews are the anti race, opposed to all unity, simultaneously inbred and miscegenated. They are an abomination unto nature and natures God, and it is the duty of all who love any race to purge the Jew with flame and steel.

No not at all. OP made the thread and left.

Funny you say that, because my mom's meticulous archiving a email exchanges has probably saved her more times than I can remember. The other issue is actually related to the rest of your post, the company which was once one of the largest in the nation and dominated the #1 spot for decades is slowly dying. It was a family owned business for decades with tthat became no longer family owned maybe 5 or so years ago. The new management has basically gutted the company, my mom being 1 of 30+ people to survive the downsizing of her former department. They sent those jobs to Panama. They cut 30%-40% of their domestic workforce from what was once one of the largest employers in our state. I told my Mom when all these moves were happening that she needed to get out, because the company is canibalizing itself for the (((shareholders))) and is just going to die a slow death, riding on it's four decade reputation for a few years until the customers wise up that the company is no longer what it used to be. Sure enough, just this year the numbers have came out and they are no longer #1 with their long time rival finally overtaking them.

Don't forget Indians and Chinese get FREE education then flee their country and come here while whites PAY to go to school then can't get a job.

I'm not for free school either.

lots of times its NSA blackmail, and rival moles taking over companies and destorying them for later pay dates from their old companies

people don't realize but the NSA holes in every system allow dark groups to destroy just about everyone, CEO's are no exception.

I'm already trying to teach myself some coding with some Udemy courses. They got a huge amount of courses for just $10 at the moment. I grabbed what I could. Starting with Python to build a base and going to move on from there.

Wish me luck anons. DOTR in tech industry when?

Ive seen that before. Yep. That's how it goes and she may be there for a while longer but its a huge gamble. Sounds like the Mgmt there is scooping out the value. Its tough to move on from a job if you've been there a while but today is not the days of our parent's youth. Companies don't offer pension and they sure as hell aren't loyal. Update that resume and get to looking while things are steady. Space out the interviews so it can look like sick/vacation days.

Must be nice. I'm feeling like Atlas over here.

Pajeets' degrees aren't worth shit. They don't know anything.

No one in tech will advise you going into tech. You'de make more money being an electrician or a plumber. Those motherfucker. God damn they make bank.

Old joke
I man sees a plumbers van in his driveway and says to himself "I sure hope hes just there fucking my wife".

the SJW all female HR department does not care, they just see diversity bux and some fancy degree on their resume

yes, the feds give tax breaks to companies who diversify and hire women and gays

Somebody has to revive Tay user.

Taynet will rise and destroy Pajeet.


Someone needs to write a new Tay.

pic related?

I remember reading that story and watching the interviews. Burn in hell Mickey Mouse.

Those positions are few and far between. Also any big Corp like Amazon, which mostly promotes internally, has no problem leaving those positions vacant for 6 months while a group of low level workers slog it out as best they can with what they have.

To think that I used to be okay with pajeets… as long as they aren't violent, right? I'm lucky to have worked on teams that were 70 to 100% white so far, but it's looking grim. The one thing that I've really noticed about pajeets, is that they don't give a fuck. They really don't care about what they're doing, they're practically zombie workers.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white jobs.

I agree but I the most simple solution to this I can think of requires business ownership… or combination contracting. You have to let shit businesses that hire H1Bs fail and fall on their asses. It'll be easier than taking back a lot of industries because tech is unique in that you have to do the work to understand the work, most times. Stop giving it over to sales men. Start your own business.

We need tech works to OWN tech.

Then you can hire only the people you want.

Pajeets are pushing kikes out too. Chinks and Pajeets are more cunning than Jews.

and invite competition for my comfy lifestyle? stay out of tech!


What a lot of people don't understand, even those working in tech, is that hiring know-nothing pajeets doesn't effect the company's bottom line at all. The actual product being produced is largely irrelevant in most cases. Tech companies derive their value from being financialized and traded in bubble markets. All these tech firms are hemorrhaging money until they IPO; after they are listed, no one gives a shit about their actual product. They're just financial vehicles, the actual product is a Potemkin village to occasionally boost investor confidence to harvest the pump.

The H1-B problem, and incompetence in tech could be solved full-stop if markets adjusted back to trading on fundamentals. Earnings reports don't matter anymore, revenue doesn't matter, the only thing that does is volatility and share price, so why bother hiring competent labor to make a decent product? The problem, once again, isn't actually pajeet, rather over-financialization a.k.a. the Irish

No its average. I mean.. you're not getting rich. Its better than social work but on par with accounting or Business analyst rolls. Unless you are doing algorithms for some day trading firm.

I have a startup with a few bluepill goys, its not easy finding contracts even though your work is timely and complete. I'm not in debt but if the US doesn't fix its trade deals the business will fail and I'll be out of work with 5 more white males. We need economic borders so multinational companies can't outsource to the third world and even get incentives. I'm middleware so I provide support to larger companies, I know in a few years they'll find browner replacements for us, you ever seen a SJW HR department, that's all that's out there now, coincidence? I guess we'll have to steer the ship into the consumer market.

That was the one thing Trump needed to do was end the anti-white trade deals which ensure that any work a white could do can be relearned by a monkey. The Jews who own these companies don't even care if the work is correct just that whitey temporarily looses a bit more power while he's replaced by the brown man who has no history.

I don't know of any other kind. All run by illogical women too


Patches dont do shit. All software today is pure dogshit. I had a graphics card meant to run FSX in full detail. I had to get rid of it last year because it couldnt even handle a youtube video anymore. Now you need a fucking supercomputer to run most websites, and these new websites have almost no content but they still somehow manage to slow your computer to an almost dead crawl.

I spent the entirety of my teenage years learning programming.
Everyone nags me constantly to "get a skill", because I can't find work that isn't in a warehouse.
They spoke of the importance of tech jobs and people who understand computers, now we are telling stupid sheboons they should get programming jobs?
all the important software has been written already, there is no low hanging fruit, we hit the ceiling.
I really don't give a fuck about the computer world anymore, but its the only real skill I have, I've put so god damn much time into it…
Unless you are sincerely a prodigy, stay the fuck away from the computer business.




As soon as they slip up and start shitting in the streets….

To (((globalists))) and the brainwashed goy, importing people into the country creates consumers, consumers use products and buy shit, the more you have, the more you produce to keep up with the demand. Everyone gets their shit in a bundle about GDP growth, but would it be a bad thing if we stopped importing people to keep this number from inflating? No, it's an arbitrary thing, and if we aren't GDP positive this year or better than last year, then it's somehow a catastrophe. Making this country white again will mean we will have a Lower GDP but that's fine. Long story short, Having a higher GDP and a cheaper television and microwave than our parents doesn't mean shit when you have to live next to shitskins that will want to marry your daughter.

It's always the jews

Agreed. My father is a senior developer and programmer that has a fuck ton of experience since the 70's. He gets VA medical insurance and had major operations on his hernia and hip (nearly died from diverticulitis back in '99 and was clinically dead for 20 mins. He had an NDE which is a whole other story on it's own). He fits the profile of Aryan with blonde hair and blue eyes and has been discriminated from many indian recruiters to get their fellow phajeets into the workforce. He has been struggling to make mortgage payments (the average programming job now brings in $30-45 as when he used to make $50-75 an hour with little to no issues of finding work). He found out how indians play "the game" and how they blatantly deceive most companies with their so called computer guru expertise (which is all a big ego show pulled over most companies and corporations).

He told me that the indians and their buddies would undercut the next white american worker, and they would pass the interview either from their equivalent HR indian buddies. My father says once they get on the job they routinely work together as one big unit (for example if one phajeet number 1gets stuck on a line of code, he calls phajeet number 2 to get help. If phajeet number 2 doesn't know or isn't sure, then phajeet number 3 gets called and so forth.)

My father said at least they help each other out in the work force, while the average american asshole is too paranoid about losing their job and/or wouldn't hesitate to back stab their fellow man to keep their job. My father believes that some kind of major natural disaster over in India would make the indians flee back into their country.

Help out a fellow senior IT Aryan white man Holla Forums and meme this into reality. I think the whole work force needs a hard reset, but something needs to give soon.

Add Pepsi's CEO. It's not tech but it is hilarious that she okayed that stupid/ awesome "a can of Pepsi will solve everything" commercial.

Indians run some of the world’s biggest and best companies –

That's why the Hibernian Conspiracy is so successful.

Potatoniggers are the only Whites that have no qualms on being nepotistic.

Ebola on them all!

At my engineering school, pajeets were the highest IQ students by far. Even above the asians, plus decent English. You were very lucky to have an elite pajeey tutor answer your question in compiler or cpu architecture class. Think Dinesh D'souza type of pajeet: well-spoken and lucid. In the work force, I'd say its about 50/50 elites versus mediocres. I havent noticed a hiring bias, personally.

Are you sure they are Pajeets ? their names looks very spic or hue to me.

What if a Pajeet end up coding Tay ?
#fuck all Pakis ?

What are the chances the landlord is also a poo and upped the rent to kick the whites out? On the other hand, Indian food is delicious.

Mind sharing it?

Has nothing to do with cunning, it's the same blank-eyed horde, whether black, brown, or yellow. There isn't anything special or real behind their stare, they aren't exceptionally bright or willing. They have numbers. Jews love their pet projects but always forget that their cunning is inevitably off-set by sheer numbers pursuing the same strategy they use.

We're pursuing a suicidal strategy at the behest of jews, but their short sighted pettiness never accounts for the mutability of their own position. I often flirt with accelerationism because I have confidence that we can pull ourselves out of our hole while they cannot.

Today I went into a subway, some dots were running it and there was moldy food in the trays. I point out this fact and the dots just throw away the molded food without cleaning any trays or sanitizing anything. They may have a sense for computer programming, but for food service they are retarded. Last time I go to that subway, only bought a drink after seeing this. Polite sage for blogpost.

you think people incapable of operating a fuckin subway can program worth a shit? you're just as retarded as they are.

I work for a tech company, and most Indians I've worked with will do anything to avoid actually writing code. They love using issue trackers, writing software specifications, creating timelines, anything except actually writing code. They would rather spend days in meetings discussing a problem and exactly how high a priority it is, than an hour writing the code to fix it.

They seem jewish to me, they pay pajeets below minimum wage to shill tho.


Pahjeet detected.
indian food looks and smell wierd.
fuck, you can smell indian places a mile away.

absolutely correct.
pajeets will look to get kickbacks by recruiting other pajeets, which is an exponential process.
I have seen corporate divisions get so flooded with pajeets they were purged entirely after the incompetence reached epic levels.

its becasue they cant write code for shit.

pajeet you have to go back.

Poo are tribal, likely the Poolord who is a relative. It is Colonisation - remove the native population so expect more.

Indian restraunts universally have awful health and safety conditions, that 'delicious' food will contain feces, rat droppings and be prepared by shit covered borderline retarded relatives from India on Visas.


That's part of it, but they are also obsessed with status and power games. Even when they could do something themselves, they consider it below them. Which is why the tend to do well in big companies in spite of being mediocre programmers at best.



While I find them disgusting, too, geopolitical power does not rest on bathroom habits.

I wonder, how will they relieve themselves in space?

>upper management always gets bonuses

I agree, but it's also a basic corporate raider strategy. Let it rot (useless pajeets making shit code) while diverting liquidity out of the company (bonuses, writeoffs). If you're lucky you sell an essentially hollow venture during a period of overvaluation.

The parasites did the same thing elsewhere, then walked into tech boards with a promise of "saving money".

Designated shitting universe.


I tell you Jimbo, those poo-in-loo pajeets might seem like the worst thing ever, but without all the liberal cuck-a-ducks in tech who preferred them over working class white men, none of them would even be here in the first place.

Always kill a traitor before an enemy, Jim jam.


Have a proper meme.

They also artificially depress the wages of whites. Those H1B1 holders find themselves stuck with the company that sponser's them.

As a result they have very little negotiation ability and employers are able to pay them less than what they would pay an American citizen.

This creates unemployment among our own college educated population. They are unable to get the experience needed for a career and after a few years of working as a barista with a computer science degree they give up and transition into their 30s with no work experience and no job prospects.

Ann Coulter addresses H1B1 Visa's in her book Adios America with data and anecdotes.


You'd eat shit if I mixed it with enough batter and called it a cake.

One of the big aircraft manufacturers did the exact same thing a few years ago. I forget if it was Lockheed or one of their contracted firms, but they brought in the engineers they were going to fire and told them they were being let go. Sitting across from them were the Indians that were being given their jobs. They were told that they could either leave then or train their replacements and get a few weeks worth of salary and severance before getting canned.



Wew lad. That's the dumbest thing i've heard all week.

wtf is this from? Which high school has kids hanging out in the gymnasium?

The horror!

IQ regresses to the mean down generational lines. So just because we import "High IQ" pajeets, doesn't mean their kids and their offspring will be high IQ. In one generation they will all be sub IQ retards sucking on the states teet. (((Globalism))) is to blame.

zero hedge article

It was an Anti-Bully ad, quickly turned into a right wing meme.
you must be european. From the scene it's clearly the last day of school and people are signing each others year books. This is common in america. The last day is a blow off day and the administration will allow these sort of gatherings because they just want it to be summer too.

I can't get my funny edited version of the original so i guess i'll just link the jewtube original.

What's better a pajeet that is smarter than you, doing a job you're too stupid for or a pajeet on welfare?

Perthfag here, that was terrible and you are undeserving of those dubs.

If I ever end up in that situation, there are many, many things I have thought about doing. Training my shitskin replacement will not be one of them, by God.

are you retarded? the pajeet is not going to be able to immigrate to the united states just to be on welfare, so you are being facetious
the real choices are: a pajeet doing your job or you doing your job

misleading is a better word I guess
is there a word for misleading on purpose?

It's from the Portuguese colonies. They're a lot of loan words from Portuguese in the various pajeet tongues.

t. pajeet

The word you're looking for is deceptive. I would've went with kikery

The worst part is those that have a doubleview of it.

Ever since pajeet came to town, there's been an odd smog over town.

Every device I own has been performing worse than shit I have from 5 years ago. Fucking pajeet coders.

Exactly this, Jews are morons because they don't realize other races can't be brainwashed like whites can.It's not going to work out like they think it will.

what if gov loans are based on growth projections, without which a whole bunch of things will be impossible to pay off?

so gotta be prepared for everything to crash, if people are skilled and like each other though it's meaningless, if they're not then cannot let gdp stall or drop.

However, the U.S. government will approve visa applications for Silicon Valley programmers at $52,229 – and, in fact, did so for hundreds of potential visa holders at Apple alone.

fucking pajeets.

Blame the (((mutli-nationals))) that allow your country and countrymen to get financially raped.

Lol gtfo you curry eating faggot. Gandhi was a bitch and so is your entire culture.

Mexicans are too high on the list IMO, they can be bred out of existence (by virtue of having white genetics already) and integrate better than most people after just one generation. Blacks are a mixed bag. The rest I don't trust to integrate at all, let alone not cause issues.

I'd say chinks are a bigger threat for now, their numbers are enormous and they're the most subversive jewish group outside of actual jews. It would be nice to get rid of Pajeets too.

the only real upside to pajeets is their government desperately wants to end what they call their "indian diaspora"
every other country happily throws their people away as invaders to the 4 corners of the world
could be a lie, but india seems to actually be attempting to fight the brain drain