Its over Trump is finished

Mike Pence who has been 100% behind Trump ever since he appointed him the Vice President
and after praising and supporting him thru everything is going to turn on him.

Trump is finished guise our nothingburger investigation that turned up nothing(firing letter has Comey telling Trump 3 times its nothing) is going to be the end of him.

Democrats who lost Congress, Senate, Presidency, Supreme Court, CIA and now FBI are going to impeach him.

Believe me.

Obvious bait but I'll leave this question.

If Trump were to be removed from office, do you think that would break our spirit or enrage us even further?

By all means please remove him from office.




Go ahead, civil war 2.0 coming up. Or is that American revolution 2.0…?

Exactly what are they going to impeach him over? See impeach is a formal charge. What pray tell will legislators charge him with? Me thinks OP doesn't know how impeachment works.

Did you honestly think that you could come around here and shill on my board? Not so fast. You're fired. Just because of this one little awful post (and it's awful, just look at it) I am going to take it up by myself to have your Internet ddonged. There's nothing you can do about it, it's over. I win. Go ahead, call the FBI and see what they can do for you.


I just ate man what the fuck.
sage this shit thread


user, ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

They still haven't realized we've moved on a long time ago. Trump was the "we tried" moment.

They still don't realize the jews in charge love trump.

See that wall? You can climb it

Are shillings making their own threads now to spam?
Do you cucks get paid post?

Trying to get a certain magic number maybe?


Why can't you people stay on 4chan? I'm sick of this fucker and all you retards who couldn't make an original, interesting thread if their lives depended on it. I'm not American. I couldn't give a toss. The guy has singlehandedly ruined every imageboard on the web.
You murdered a thread for this nonsense.
I want my old board back.

Sorry yuropoor, we elected the meme president during the most stratified political climate in american history. At least you'll get to have fun shitposting during civil war 2 electric boogaloo.

I could honestly not wish for anything else aside from a brutal American civil war 2.0. Your American empire of degenerate cultural tripe has destroyed my innocent little nation. I cannot go anywhere, IRL or internet without being reminded of you people anymore. Everyone is trying to act American, eat American, look American, dress American, etc. etc..

We aren't some sort of replaceable or disposable Nigger tribe to be conquered by a colonial power. I am a proud white haplessly watching my country get turned into an obedient little American puppet-clone.

Maybe you think this is a victory for you, a little 1-up or something. I'll remember that as I watch the creeping Jewish subversions you happily profess against.

You sound like a whiny faggot, probably French. You kikes deserve it for unleashing socialism on everyone, ggnore.

And you sound like a typical American half-breed mongrel, head so full of 60 year old stale patriotism, terrified of the possibility that maybe he isn't the absolute authority on everything or perhaps doesn't deserve carte blanche to fuck over any country he pleases that he exists on reposting fucking Pepe may-mays and Trump worship to hide the realisation that his little American Empire is a few decades past it's prime and just screwing the world over at this point.

And no. I hate the French.

You're on an English-speaking image board so unless your little nation is in Great Britain, you have no casus belli against Trump posters. And if you do, then you have your own backwards culture to contend with that is also represented. America dominates foreign policy globally, and has for the better part of a decade, throwing a tantrum about it really just reflects poorly on your innocent little nation.

america also wanted hitler gone.

I have plenty of gripe with Americans. Trump especially because his rise has lead to vast hordes of obnoxious teenager/20-somethings shitting up the board with their inane 1-upping circlejerk.
I am on an English speaking imageboard because there is no alternative.
America dominates foreign policy globally is a fact. I'm just saying that you're screwing us over because of it. Surely that's not too hard to comprehend? Have to get past that little American superiority complex first.

Ah, those feels when you aren't a superpower.

Wait, which is it? America dominates you, or America has an unwarranted superiority complex?

Hm, seems like your countrymen are aping America, rather than it being forced on you.

Seems like your people aren't as culturally adherent to their own identity as you wish, and they'd rather emulate success. I'm not even a proponent of exporting American culture, but your impotent rage as you rant about the subject amuses me.

I just reread what you wrote, your arrogance is incredible.
I didn't realise only my glorious Anglo-Jew cultural overlords were permitted to express themselves on Holla Forums. This is an English-speaking image board, not one dedicated to Anglo self-grooming. If you want to autofellate with only Anglos then there are plenty of other places for you to do that.

Did I say superiority complex was unwarranted? America has achieved amazing things throughout the years- but that time is over, replaced by twisted, creeping sickness.
I just said it was unbelievably obnoxious, screws people over and leads people like you to entirely ignore and disregard any and all warranted criticisms. Just like this:

Or perhaps that your clumsy interventions led to my countrymen becoming slowly subverted by the same people that subverted you? You bring your fast food, cheap clothes and instant gratification to seize and keep the population in a chokehold.

Emulate success? This isn't 50 years ago. All we're emulating now is your degenerate liberal nonsense.

Yes you are. Stop lying to yourself. If you weren't a proponent thereof you wouldn't be writing what you are writing. And for the record, I'm glad your little Goyim slave provided you with some entertainment.

You people are nauseatingly hypocritical. You prattle on about the importance of national and cultural identity (esp. in European nations) and when it's pointed out that everyone is being melted down into a little American clone you just suck your own dick and go ":^) Weeeeeeeeeeeell sounds like they'd rather emulate success. BOOM. AMERICA. FUCK YEAH."
You harp on about the importance of self improvement and adherence to various nationalist principles and ideals, but sweep under the rug the fact that clinical addictions to instant gratification, fast food and various other unhealthy activities that subvert a population come directly from you.

Can't you see this hypocrisy? It is as plain as day.