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Very nice, hopefully none of the organizers get caught up in racism accusations.
Good to see some resistance there.
They'll get (((shut down))) pretty quick. Niggers can get away with whatever they like, because antagonised kaffirs aren't able to threaten any sort of substantial economic collapse. But if all the whites in SA got mad and left, within 5 years there would be no country to fleece the wealth from. That's why stopping whites from organising is higher priority than stopping terrorism, leftist mobs, drugs, or niggers.
My heart wants to believe it's resistance but my brain tells me that S.African white farmers are low IQ and this is a kike false flag to rush the extermination process of the ongoing white genocide.
We really are living in liberal dystopia
Those posters are too well made for this to be kike false flag.
These are the real deal.
Black pill subhuman, go to a wall to await your execution.
South Africa is fucking hardcore. No surprise, they are backed into a corner.
Mate it's gotta be some well off user who fell to deep into the memes and now wants to save his people. I don't think false flaggers would spend this much money.
Vergas jouself, jood.
You cannot fart in ZA without some worthless kaffir accusing you of racism.
Agreed. Jew false flags are exaggerated, basic and obvious.
Daily reminder that the jewish vermin destroyed South Africa.
How about Botha's proposed constitution?
do posters like even that work?
we need to hijack mainstream mainstream media, I mean, after this, jews will not only undo this sign of resistance but they will demonize it, and the white normalfags will stay on the blue pill
Jou poes jood.
The existence of these posters worked the moment they were printed. Amazingly, the kikes still haven't figured out that Lenin was right when he said: "In revolution, it is not action that wins, but reaction."
InB4 "quoting Lenin on Holla Forums!"
Sometimes it's worth the effort just to whack the hornets' nest and see what happens. Rattle the fuckers who thought they had it all sewn up, and that songs like "Kill the Boers" would never provoke a reaction.
It's real, real good to see SA whites organizing. After this open, public movement gets mercilessly crushed, maybe they'll reactivate the Broederbund and fuck some shit up with an eye toward permanent restoration of white power.
Watch out for those black-magic lightning bolts though – I have it on a reliable source that authentic nigger curses are srs.
I desperately need some OC for Afrikaners
Niggers are unable to enforce the law though in South Africa. If the police has a genuine chance of getting shot at, they won't bother because they are unwilling to risk their lives.
The real problem with whites taking over in South Africa is the kiekbased US congress. It's fully BLOATED with Jewishness that put sanctions on South Africa ever since after the world war 2 and forced European countries to follow suite. The CIA was also pushing for a civil war between niggers and whites there so that South Africa could be a nigger paradise. So much for USA's freedumb.
Whites don't even need to do anything. The extensive welfare system and AIDS-ridden population mean that if a civil war starts it will mostly be niggers racing against time to kill the whites before they all drop dead of starvation or disease, since they wholly rely on the whites for survival. Black South Africa is a rotten tree, a powerful wind would be enough to fell them.
Think they're pagan? Most christian nationalists don't use the rune, and the boers are practically an ethno-religious group from what I've seen.
How good is Addio Africa?
Solid documentary. English dub is a bit weird, haven't seen the subbed version yet. Not much about South Africa
Fuck off brit scum
Thanks I'm going to watch it now.
sage for derailing
I like that flag. As a symbol, Algiz has a gentle strength about it that conveys the more life giving qualities of nationhood. Even though I like the buddhist windmill of tolerance, Algiz has a lot less baggage while conveying a similar message.
I highly recommend it. One of the most interesting parts about it is that it shows a lot of things colonization did right, and how giving these countries back to the blacks fucked everything up.
Close mein dude
Well fuck me that was even more incredibly depressing than I thought it might be.
Looks like someone needs some reeducation
Dumping some Rhodesian Selous Scouts images. These guys would paint their faces black with shoe polish and then drive right into the center of black combatant camps undetected, then slaughter hundreds in a short span of time.
They used helicopters with devastating effectiveness. They would hunt down stray surviving blacks for days through the jungle: In an area they had decided to control, they left none alive.
I believe the 3rd scout is Robert "Schulie" Schollenberg. The most decorated scout of all time. A South African who joined and insisted on working alone in the field, eventually he was paired with an African and he changed his views, but an amazing story behind the man nonetheless. You can find more info in Top Secret War written by Col. Ron Reid Daly + Peter Stiff. You won't be wasting your money. Hopefully you can still find a copy.
It should read Stellenbos if the user was Afrikaans. Still I give it a 9/10. This is a proper Paul Rooser here or someone of that calibre. They don't give 2 fucks, it's a student town.
Very nice to see this. I'm glad there are others out there.
I'm close to Joburg and I've been hoping to network with people, but it's damn hard to find anybody.
He's right though, the modern day Boers are intermixed with blacks and have been for generations. The first Boer settlers on the fucking continent had to mix with blacks because of lack of European women.
Modern Boers have less European DNA than fucking Jews.
How are you guys holding out in SA?
I'd say the race war started years ago and we're just in a period of low mobilisation at the moment. The situation is really bad, but I'd say we still have a fighting chance.
What about the race riots that happened recently? Some boers killed a 16-year-old black burglar?
I haven't experienced any direct consequences of that but racial tensions have definitely been rapidly increasing lately. That's just one of many proofs.
Why whites are still hanging around is insanity.
South Africa is like an example when the Jews let the niggers go on a rampage. Completely destroy the Jew and their offspring. Sterilize the niggers and most of the world's problems would be solved.
I think that comes from some Jew trying to force the "Boers are Brown". My family comes from literal first generation Europeans, my Grandmother came from Zeeland.
Go fuck yourself and your Jewish academic.
For the most port we are holding out very good actually.
Maybe so, but if they want to defend land that is rightfully theirs then they have my support. Niggers aren't indigenous to south africa I believe, not that they would even need that justification to kill them