Unable to give info but I work in immigration. The mass majority of H1B are pajeets. They get a shitty bachelors in India and then come to the US for a Master's and just about all make 70k+, they are draining this country x10 mroe than any asian or wetback. Don't believe the hype, the most dangerous RACE TO THE UNTIED STATES, ARE INDIAN PEOPLE!!
Liam Clark
Aiden Flores
Pajeets take high income jobs from Americans for less money They prevent americans from getting educations on the job and learning to do the job right They suck money and send it to their relatives in their shithole They bring their wives here, they never interrogate and are a very silent minority They will never assimilate They stay here indefinitely, always extending their stay indefinitely Yes, they pay a lot of taxes and give a lot of money to the state coffers, but the cost/loss is much larger than we think They essentially "outprice" educated americans and prevent them from getting real jobs from local economies Indian lawyers, indian directors of companeis (google's ceo is an indian, microsofts ceo is indian)
Robert Jackson
Think of this newfriends, the jews will always exist
not the KIKES
But the form of the jew, there will always be a parasite in every society, long after every kike becomes ashes. Something else will spring up, perhaps not as venomous, organized or treacherous. Yes jews are the main thorn largely encompassing everything but indians should be no.2, not even niggers or chinks. Chinks stick to their own, and while they outprice americans and Canadians and stealing cheap home prices and outprice everyone, for the most part, chinks love their country too much. Although, there are exceptions. Niggers are savage beasts and pollute the gene pool but regardless of the hiphop stars, golf stars, basketball stars, they always end up at the bottom of society's hierarchy (even in their own with darkskins achieving a lower rank).
Jason Phillips
This has been going on for decades, we're all quite aware of it. There was some drama down under regarding our equivalent, the 457 visa, which war """cancelled""" in order to make way for two new types of work visa. Now Pajeet can shit on our streets in a culturally time-sensitive manner, whether it be for a long period or just a few months. Oh, by the way, this problem isn't going to go away until tech companies either decide to stop hiring them, or until they've hired so many that the company is no longer capable of efficient output. Shouldn't take long either way.
Nathan Ortiz
Currently living in (((silicon valley))).
Prajeets and chinks take all the jobs. Basic IT shit any *nix nerd can perform goes to Patel and crew so companies can save a few bucks.
I revealed my powerlevel about some of this shit and got canned. Got a new job and moving soon thankfully.
Benjamin Reyes
In the Boston suburbs they are an ever growing population. They are buying up all the gas stations, liquor stores and convienence stores. And they are arrogant racist pieces of shit. They are buying a lot of homes in the area and then let them fall into disrepair. I hate them. The only nice thing I can say about them is that they don’t breed like the muslims tend to.
Nolan Long
Good for you, keep spreading awareness to normies about this problem
Nathan Moore
Pajeets in tech are about as well regarded as Pajeets in customer service. Everyone hates them.
They're also being phased out. Trump fucked with H1B which fucked them over hard. Employers don't want to hire them because their visa might not last and they will barely save anything, then have to waste money trying to replace them. Also companies are adopting scrum, which Pajeets are incompatible with. Scrum essentially means, rush out a prototype, get feedback, build off of feedback. Pajeets just want to be told what the whole project is and then rush it out meeting at the bare minimum requirements for absolute shit pay.
I could just be picking up garbage to calm people down though.
Mason Rivera
I also hear Pajeets profitable in the short term, but has a long term effect on profits, which is causing employers to second guess hiring them.
Ethan Morales
I heard that they can't program for shit, and often when work is outsourced to India, much of the code that comes back is often unrunnable, meaning programmers here in the US have to basically sit down and write the code from scratch.
Caleb Perry
Yes, they are horrible. They also cannot spell. They lack any sense of style or class, so their code is not elegant. They follow whatever the industry trend is, and cannot think for themselves. They smell funny also.
Parker Myers
(checked) This is the problem with letting an r-selected population get too large. Even with their terrible average IQ there are just so many of them that randomness will create enough of average IQ and above that they can fuck up a society of higher intelligence. Worse is when they enter… and stay. If they don't start fucking white women, they start producing mini-pajeets and the IQ average drops back down to that of India.
This is "great" if you're a business and only care about short-term profits to the exclusion of your country's long term well being. Businesses sure do offer the perfect excuse for nigger-tier thinking, don't they?
Jaxon Evans
(checked) That's why I laughed when Trump made it so that any tech companies outsourcing had to pay the pajeets about ~$135,000 in wages, which defeats the whole purpose of hiring them in the first place. Also, mfw America steals the small handful of actual competent and skilled pajeets from India, and sends back all the trash they sent over.
The smell comes from a diet rich in garlic and onions. A friend told me once that in India if there is a shortage of onions, the people will literally start rioting.
Isaiah Robinson
Too bad for tech companies. They will need to hire Japs or Koreans to keep advancing. Many potential Bill Gates 2.0 could have improved everyone's quality of life, but they decided to genocide the white people who'd be able to do so and shit out some entitled kids and spoiled kids who won't continue their empire.
Ian Hernandez
Zachary Cruz
Have been living in the Bay Area for years and I can assure you that there has been a significant demographic change in just the last five years. What was once a predominantly white city when I was in high school has become overwhelmingly Indian and Chinese in the last few years. My family and I marvel at how quickly the change has come on and how few people are interested or concerned.
The Indians are really, truly bad, as if anyone needed assurance of that. no integration, third world attitude and terrible fucking drivers. they and their houses smell disgusting. it's a nightmare and I look forward to finishing my education and leaving.
Zachary Campbell
Yeah I started fucking with companies that used to hire street shitters exclusively after they started posting domestic worker jobs. You shitninjas think you're going to screw the American worker over for years, fill entire tech departments up with Pajeets, and we're just going to come groveling back to you for jobs? I posted a list of their H-1b hires over the years and demanded 500K/year salary as "reparations for the struggling white worker".
Caleb Gomez
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. If you don't support the system, foreigners take over (peacefully or literal invasion). If you support the system, the kikes try to screw you even more with the more power you gave them and eventually they won't need you any more. Their success just hurts you through technology and enabling bribery cash to shit up your country more.
Camden Long
I'm a programmer and I've not had any good experiences with Indian programmers. What pisses me off the worst is the false confidence. They'll say "okay?" after a sentence like they're making sure you're keeping up with them - like you're an idiot but they're so smart, and they have to help you along to keep up.
You can hear an example of what I'm talking about in any of those tech support scam videos. Watch vid-related, and pay attention to the power relationship that the scammer establishes by using "okay" at the end of every sentence. Makes me fucking rage.
Gavin Walker
Shouldnt companies that literally live and die by the quality of their code understand that pajeets treat programming the same way they treat everything else, I.e. they poo in it?
Jose Hill
Cooper Mitchell
Silicon Valley here. They will live 8 in a 2 bd apartment. They always demand a discount. They're rude, smelly and stupid. They prove Master's doesn't mean shit.
Liam Roberts
Nigger I'm Italian and our diet is rich in onions and garlic. We have a manly musk that women love but those animals eat curry in every dish. They don't shower often too because there's a water shortage in India and here in California.
Nathan Martinez
Underrated post. They think they're master manipulators. I worked sales and they thought they could intimidate me or trick me. They never bought anything after wasting my time.
In India it's common to haggle on everything. If you buy clothes, they'll try to negotiate it down or even rip a tiny hole for a discount. They're disgusting people who need to die.
Ian Fisher
Pajeets actually think they're good developers, they're very protective of their code. God forbid you replace their pages and pages of conditionals with a loop.
Ian Kelly
Doesn't matter, tech is in a bubble.
Do you really think the market can sustain all of these "apps" which don't even make real profit off from sales, but make it all via advertising and selling personal info of their customers? What about all of these websites that never even make a profit, and just exist because people speculate that one day they might make a ton of money?
Then look at the lifestyles of these silicon valley types, do you really think the profit they make from selling their users' data could pay for that, especially in California of all places? Houses cost like 10 times what they go for in the midwest.
The tech industry has important sectors within it, but on the whole, it seems like a slow motion train wreck. Ever since smartphones became a thing, the market just seems totally artificial, beyond real workhorse type programming, hardware, and video games. The product they produce, does not equal the income they take in. Something is wonky, and having to hire the pajeets may be a red flag of a failing model. Before, the trust fund kids from Cali wanted to just create these "ventures", hire their friends as "interns" to all hang out and shoot the shit while one of their nerdy friends did all the programing. Maybe if they somehow made some money, they expanded and hired from local applicants. If they are having to resort to hiring pajeets in order to stay viable, they might be taking on water quick, and are just trying to plug the holes.
Juan Robinson
Checked. My work is full of pajeets doing shitty work in IT because my company thinks scrimping on IT help is progressive and it saves shekels (my company is run by kikes). We need to torpedo the H1-B bill and force companies to hire from US vocational programs for tech.
Thomas Cox
They across the board are mediocre. They're like the chinese but worse. The just make up for marignal intelligence with work ethic except they do the bare minimum to get ahead instead of artistically overachieving like asians.
Austin Cook
These companies always go under and get eaten by competent competition.
Thing about computers is they do not give a fuck about your jewish grandpa or your h1b.
Justin Torres
Canada fag reporting in.
True story, and I shouldn't say this without a thousand proxies, but when a certain Canadian fruit based mobile company was at it's prime, they selectively screened and groomed Pajeets only. Why? Because many key individuals in Hiring where Pajeets themselves and were earning money/favors in their community to promote their own first. So you had various levels of the company built on nepotism.
And conveniently enough, they all just happened to know each other outside the workplace before they were hired.
It got cringe worthy when the lot of them were running real estate businesses during work hours (e.g., hired to code but also fields calls from perspective buyers).
When the majority of the company's business eroded, many of them were scattered to the wind only to begin the same type of bullshit again amongst other local tech. companies.
Seriously, if you have to work in Toronto or surrounding areas, get in, get your money, and get the fuck out.
Anthony Reed
Evan Carter
Yeah, you an tell indians lived in a house for MONTHS. That smell does not go away.
Aaron Parker
Is it really that bad?
Chase Hughes
Jonathan Bennett
Nah fam, cutting costs (and corners) is just an unfortunate fact of modern businesses. Gotta make those stockholders happy by increasing profits every year and meeting your obligations to do so under law, but obviously perpetual infinite growth year after year isn't actually possible, so companies start finding every avenue for squeezing a few extra cents out of things.
One way of doing this is hiring pajeets. The stockholders don't care that in the long term it will screw the company over because their product turns to garbage that no one wants to buy anymore, they just care about immediate short term gains; namely the fact that they're now paying a bunch of shitty programmers $60k a year instead of a bunch of quality programmers $100k a year.
Then several years later the company inevitably falls apart, at which point the true butchering begins as the stockholders demand that the company be raped for every penny possible before they finally let the whithered husk die and move on to the next target.
The modern system of putting stockholder profits at the centre of everything is an absolute cancer.
Ryan Wood
Yea, about that, I'm sure the pajeets think of their smell the same way.
Lincoln Evans
Programmer here, I don't work with pajeets but I've looked up code examples online. The ones written by pajeets tend to have really bad grammar and the code is more convoluted than it actually needs to be.
On a related note, Viets can't code worth shit either.
Joseph Gomez
Lol no. No one likes their smell but the girls said I smell good right after sex.
Tyler Peterson
Chinks do work hard though. I'm not taking their side. Our country is our country. But as an example, our organic chem teaching labs last only 3 hours, and people still complain. In China, they are in the lab for 8 hours everytime they meet. Maybe its due to lefty demoralization, or too much affluence and decadence, but Americans need to step up and work harder. Put down the peace pipe and the dab rig.
Keep in mind too pajeets are natural cucks if you will. Most are not leaders. They are followers.
Oh lord, that never happens. I almost feel bad for them in this regard. They are usually TERRIBLE with women. Because it doesn't matter. They can just go home and have something arranged. They don't have to learn how to win a woman over. Also, women are still naturally avoidant of Indians and Pakis. I have seen it. No matter how liberal and tolerant they claim to be. They still get uneasy.
Ethan Ramirez
Indians are so messy in the lab too. That's one thing that always got to me. They care nothing for safety requirements or the fact that they're mishandling dangerous chemicals. Waste container that's supposed to have everything in it labeled never does. It is often left open and allowed to fill up and almost overflow. They leave chemicals sitting in flasks so long that the flasks are then unusable. Basically see the worst picture of any indian street and imagine transferring that into a laboratory. Accident waiting to happen. They cut corners everywhere. Ironically in my experience, Pakistanis are not as bad. They seem to be more organized and cleaner. I know people here will hate me for saying this, but I do believe that Islam does these people well…it makes some into scholars instead of streetshitters. Some muslims emphasize education tremendously. I think it can be actually good for them.