Colbert audience cheers Comey firing, before he corrects them

Just listen to these fucking sheep.

We have always been at war with Eastasia you stupid goyim :^)

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Oy Vey Goyim, don't cheer for that!

It can't be any different than that one guy on bill maer's show who went
"We shouldn't spend money on other countries!"
*Audience cheers*
Maer: "What about Israel"
"Who cares about Israel"
*Audience boos*

This was already in the Coney threads, but whatever.



The guest is Michael Scheuer

It was different than I remember. I don't know how but the audience went from


That man is truly great.

A decade of intense zogbot propaganda and high fructose corn syrup has brainwashed the America

That will be their downfall. Drones who can't think for themselves with a rule book that changes on a daily basis.

More like high fructose pre-developmental mercury injections

makes you sick, doesn't it?

They didn't get the update on the current truth.

I think that had more to do with the fact that schuer made a confusing statement. Even I couldn't make sense of it.
He should've just stuck to what he said earlier.
"Good for them, but that doesn't mean we should spend American money or our sons on them; they can get by by themselves" would've worked fine.
Maher just took advantage of a slip-up.
On a less relevant note, people on this board need to think critically rather than just blindly following anyone who says they don't like/support the kikes; it doesn't mean they're infallible, and what's more it seems monumentally easy to attract a cult-like following from this place if one does just that.


The conditioning is breaking. All the golem are confused.


Of course they're fucking confused, ever since the election the media has been saying it's Comeys fault. So the general public was under the impression that Comey wasn't literally the only reason she wasn't in jail.

Lol the parrots went off script! Must have been because they had no time to prep the audience's bull.

How many of the audience members got put on a list after this?

These people make up the world, they just need someone to follow.
Don't shit on them because one day they will follow us!!

Hillary blames Comey for losing the election a week before Trump shitcans the guy and the only argument leftists have is
>You can't prove Trump isn't a Russian agent!

This is glorious.

proles aren't the kind of people who go to these shows. it's mostly well-to-do college kids and friends/family of the production crew.


people should have stayed on the fire colbert bandwagon, we could have tied this in somehow and forced him to acknowledge it

Just shows how stupid the goyim are that they have to be told whats good and bad because they're unable to do any critical thinking whatsoever.


My sides appreciate you, wherever they are now.

They are going to try and make Comey out as some kind of courageous whistleblower that Drumps fired out of fear. Or some shit. Hillary's statements about losing the election need to be blasted everywhere.

He is starting to use a hackneyed impression of Trump. It doesn't sound like him, it sounds like Alec Baldwin's version of him, but even worse. Ever since he left the show that forced him to work hard his brain has turned to jelly


the guy seriously looks like he aged a decade since the Anita interview. must not be getting his goy blood fix.


It wasn't confusing at all.
That's unfortunate. Maybe the Fox News forums would be more your speed.
It wasn't a "slip-up". It was a short, to-the-point refutation of the entire propaganda foundation of postwar Weimerica's foreign policy rationale. It really doesn't matter one wit if jungle niggers in Burundi ever vote. America and Americans will exist unaffected by it.

And now he's like every other "comedian". 24/7 "FUCK DRUMPF AM I RITE???" Don't people get tired of the same old commentary? Every leftists on twitter has a non-stop feed of "fuck drumpf" too. It's getting so old.


Just another positive thing from my childhood taken away from me and turned into jewish propaganda.

They're not even sheep. They're puppets.

Is there even a 'Aha, I was right' scenario we have anymore? Israel could nuke us and I feel like people would still say we deserved it for getting rid of our debt.

It was pretty funny seeing people on cuckchan point out how confused the commies on twitter were over Comey being fired. Someone literally said "liberals will be less confused in 3 hours 20 minutes when Colbert tells them what to think.

The saddest part is it always was jewish propaganda we just grew up enough to see it.

Most of the media from my childhood, I realize, was not full blown jewish pozz, but a primer for it.
Perfect example being Bill Nye. The kikes got a generation to admire "science" and idolize this man. Now they're using that pre-established connection as lube to unload the degeneracy.
Same with Star Wars, same with fucking ANY IP that has existed over the generations. It was always jewish, it was always subversive, but before it was decent enough to be enjoyable.
Now, I can't watch TV or movies anymore. Everything is just propaganda.

Not so fast user, not everythimg. Maybe 80-90% currently, but (((they))) always blow it and end up doing the digging for us when they autisticly screech about how a movie or TV show is too racist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic or some other laughable buzzword that should never be used uniroinicly. When it happens, you know. They can't help but panic and tell everyone about it and all that it does is alienate more normies towards us and give us leads on who we should throw a financial bone to (if we haven't already noticed)

Here are a few examples of Holla Forums approved movies.

Most of those are pre-2000
There aren't any good films produced recently. Almost all of them are garbage and marxists propaganda.

Vidyas and anime are the only relatively unpozzed media to consume today.

i still watch it just for propaganda so i can point out to people that it is indeed propaganda and its good to get a perspective on what they want and don't want you to know '''
LAST SHOW I ACTUALLY STARTED TO WATCH AND LIKE WAS BLACK SAILS on Starz i was going in to it with a mind set of its a pirate show cool i hope it doesn't suck long story short season 1 fucking cool i liked it season 2 (((THEY))) FUCKED IT UP MADE THE MAIN SUPER BAD AS PIRATE OF THE SHOW INTO A HOMO and everything that they were seting into motion from season 1 was just because the pirates butt buddy had a dream for Nassau Bahamas and got killed and other bullshit that didn't need to be in a pirate show And season 3 GUESS WHAT its their last season THEY DON'T KNOW when TO Quit AND LOST THEIR FAN BASE SERVES THEM RIGHT


Am I the only one that was immediately reminded of this:

user, I…

How can someone be so fucking unfunny. It's unfunny to the point that it's cringy. How in the fuck do people watch this shit. Why ?

Oooooooooooy Veeeeeeeeeeeeeèeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey

german fakenewspaper is now calling president trump a "kotzbrocken".



so why aren't people still working to troll his followers and get him fired?

More than any other enteratainer people have been conditioned to follow this guy since they were teenagers. They are now entering their late 20s and early 30s. You realize we are at a pivotal moment and if he doesn't go soon we will have to deal with him for the rest of our lives. Talk about dropping the fucking ball.


I don't even want to watch that. This spineless bootlicker disgusts me so.