There is literally nothing wrong with national communism
There is literally nothing wrong with national communism
walk into oncoming traffic
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You're right, there is nothing wrong with it.
When the Manifesto says that the workers 'have no country', this refers to the bourgeois national state, not to nationality in the ethnical sense. The workers 'have no country' because according to Marx and Engels, they must regard the bourgeois national state as a machinery for their oppression-and after they have achieved power they will likewise have 'no country' in the political sense, inasmuch as the separate socialist national states will be only a transitional stage on the way to the classless and stateless society of the future, since the construction of such a society is possibly only on the international scale.
pic unrelated
That makes only sense if you don't have a washing machine.
bourg detected
Great Allies
D-al naibii, da era o pizdă
But don't romanians absolutely despise the lad?
You're wrongggg!
But caucescu however ya spell it so cute. Romanians are so cute!
eating out of saucepan is definitely patrician you're right user I agree!!!! Stupid culture.
mfw quints get wasted on worthless ancap bait
Is this some high-level Holla ForumsINTELPRO? Dumb fucking tankie. You belong with the ancaps.
Talk to any romanian,they absolutely despise the cunt.
They really do.
Shit, I certainly would.
Is there any former Communist European country where Communist leaders are warmly remembered except Russia and the Yugoslav nations?
Wasn't he loved, or at least tolerated as a lesser evil, by the west until 88/89/90? Remember reading about it somewhere(I think it was some Ludo Martens book).
Vorbind ca Român, polițiile lu Ceașcă erau dezastruase pe fiecare nivel - ca exemplu, faptul că a illegalizat contracepția doar a creat o generație întreagă de orfani și a împins nenumărate femei spre avorturi periculoase făcute pe negru. Astea nu sunt polițiile unui om inteligent; adevărul e că era un prost mai prost decât cel mai prost reacționar care l-ai vedea aici - ce se poate aștepta de la un om care a numit scrabble o decadență burgheză? Faptul că fiercare aparat de stat inclusiv securitatea era construit în așa fel încât să satisfacă dorințele acestui om e de ce socialismul Românesc sa dus de râpă. Nu mă miră că era așa prieten cu Gaddafi și Mobutu, că era acelaș fel de dictator, care a fost pupat în cur așa de mult de nu-și înțelege limitările și chiar incepe să se creadă geniu, cam ca George Lucas - de fapt, l-aș chema pe Ceaușescu George Lucasul comunismului.
Ca un aside, mi se pare că sunt niște similarități distincte intre comportarea aparatcicilor Români inainte de revoluție și comportarea apartcicilor Americani acuma - complet fără contact cu nevoile oamenilor de rând. Poate nu există un alternativ care e dominant în restul lumii și care să fie împins de afară, dar dorința e clar acolo.
Oricum, mersi pentru a citii, chiar dacă nu ințelegeți limba. Vă mulțumesc.
Dumb tankie.
Not necessarily the leaders, but Ostalgie is a thing for some Germans.
No, he was just viewed as a pussywhipped retard by everyone. Everyone knew that Elena was the one really running the show anyway.
He was loved for a period for telling Russia to go fuck itself and moving the country towards a more non-aligned position, but that didn't last long as he (and more his wife) went full crazy.
Well, Alexander Dubček in former Czechoslovakia and Imre Nagy in Hungary, but these guys were overthrown by the Soviet Union pretty quickly.
"Before the sentences were carried out, Elena Ceaușescu screamed, "You motherfuckers!" while being led up against the wall; at the same time Nicolae Ceaușescu sang "The Internationale".[24] After the shooting, the bodies were covered with canvas. The hasty trial and the images of the dead Ceaușescus were videotaped and the footage promptly released in numerous western countries two days after the execution.[25] Later that day, it was also shown on Romanian television.[25] The Ceaușescus were the last people to be executed in Romania before the abolition of capital punishment on 7 January 1990."
Judging by the parliamentary elections Czechs and Moldovans seem not to mind.
Was it Dubcek who after the collapse of the Eastern Bloc who came out to hundreds of thousands of people cheering him and said "Now we can do Socialism correctly, Socialism for the people!" and then was booed off stage and had shit thrown at him or was it Nagy?
Nagy was executed by the Soviets in the 1950s. That does sound like something Dubček would say, but I haven't heard of such a thing happening.
Ah okay, then it was Dubeck. I think it's in that BBC documentary Lost world of Communism, the one where they interview people in the 1970s and 1980s, then revisit them in the 2000s to see how their lives have gone after the collapse of the USSR/Eastern Bloc (tl;dw depressingly shit).
It's actually a pretty balanced look at the Eastern Bloc for something from the BBC.
hell yeah comrad