Is this Anarcho-Primitivist even worth listening to?

Is this Anarcho-Primitivist even worth listening to?

I am still subscribed to him. I guess his vlog about living in Iraq or Pagan Asmr was nice enough, but his actual ideology is pretty bat.

Believing that 80% of people living in Europe are going to die in a gignatic collapse, that will also get rid of technology and make us revert to primitive technology is not really that anyone should take seriously.

I really hope you guys don't do this.

Other urls found in this thread:

As an American I like him a lot for exposing that a lot of "American" culture is just kike programming rather the actual independent/self reliant American culture. It's good to hear from someone who genuinely hates the U.S. for well explained reasons, not just the autistics that post here in bad faith.

tbh you guys are basically a bizarro version of Europe

I'd put it at 50/50 that such a devastating collapse is inevitable at this point. I don't quite think primitivism of such a degree is the only path to rebuilding a healthy folk. Industrial scale organization may be possible before the curses of urban lifestyles become too great, but post-industrial urban lifestyles are completely untenable. Pastoral communities and tribal socialism are the ideal conditions for people.



Most 'Murricans think Europe is just Faggy 'Murrica with No FREEDOM and no FUNZ.

Whites ally or they die to the races that ally themselves against them. Pretty simple.
You have different flavors of Asian/Mongol, Mestizo, Semite, African (though they are inconsequential overall), and European/White.
Russia will invade Europe and turn it into a superstate for itself or Semites will invade Europe and turn it into a super state for itself.
The Chinese seem to prefer just staying where they are. Japs are too neutered.
Atomizing the white race is a good way to help them be genocided while other groups behave ethnically.

The only thing stopping Europeans from coming together is the perception that there's anti-European/anti-white shit going on. Semites control the media, so they're trying they're hardest to ensure whites never perceive that happening. All it takes is one martyr.

Kikes are fully-aggressive in their attempt to destroy any perceived martyrs for the white race. Of course, they are Semites, so they compete against non-Semitic Europeans and help Semitic Asians.

this is basically the essence of what Europe is or at least should be

Europe is comfy.

also pic related, my uncle and aunt live in a small village in the south of Germany and everyone there leave their doors unlocked

people regulerly just come in uninvited, maybe to drop something off they baked or just to talk

I never appreciated it as a kid, but it was comfy.

Fuck off nigger.

Was the first one actually created? For some reason when I create threads it doesn't redirect anymore.

Was it the same OP?

it's gonna be bloody when the public services collapse

'Murrica has funz.
Because it has Injuns. And niggers.
So gotta have the funz. Because Injuns. And niggers.

Sounds like that comfy got alittle too comfy, and jewish, and now you got Mudslims. And niggers. Better get your funz back quick, and tell your aunty to lock her doors, before Muhammed and his boys get feisty. Just a suggestion, one White fella to another.


they live in a village of just like 100 people

Varg often gets misconstrued. English isn't his first language, and he has no tact because of his autism. He is definitely worth listening to.

fuck. off.

He's exaggerating a bit (sensationalism makes for more exposure) but he's still right where it counts.

You want as much autonomy and sovereignity as possible.
Invest in tools, every single tool helps, even if you suck with it.

This can be as primitive as needle and thread or a good shovel, or something as involved as a stick welding kit (yes, I know MIG performs "better" but you need gas for it and you can't really use it outside if its windy, whereas stick got its own inert stick covering. Only real disadvantage is the smoke, breathe as little as it as possible (aka, don't stick your nose up to the weld ))

A crowbar.
A vise.
Saws, shovels, screws, needles, threads, axes, knives, drills.

I fixed a shitty lock on my own yesterday and sewed a torn pocket back together.
I'm not good at this but I have a secure shed again as well as a pocket I can midnlessly put something back in again without it falling out by the time I remember/notice that I put it in the bad pocket.

That's literally what it is. You can get arrested for uttering the word "nigger" or quoting from the Bible, and you can't own any guns that are actually useful in a war scenario, or even self-defense one.

Varg is a murdering savage that hates nationalism. LARPagans are the same as him, and think anyone with light hair/eyes is a fucking germanic. I'm quite tired of German/Nordiboos. They've invented nothing of lasting value for their entire existence.

A few shekels for the good goy. Your whole post reeks of jew sewage.


case in point

And I'm tired of alt-kike shill faggots like yourself who secretly hate the white race and love the kiked-to-the core concepts of America.

This thread yet again.

I've never understood the appeal of Anarcho Primitivism. The only reason the white man was ever at the top of the world was because he was able to better harness and create technology than any other race on the planet could ever really hope to.

Primitive doesn't mean without tools, though.

The impression I got out of most descriptions of the ideology seemed to indicate living in a tribal tier village with roughly the equivalent of Iron Age technology. Something that in this kind of world is just us begging to be destroyed by a society that embraces technology like the Chinese.

Yeah, but we're not there yet.
Maybe we will be old when it happens, but when something substantial happens, it will happen to many nations.

I think he talks about a no choice scenario, that's why he praised "leftist hippie chicks" the other video, because they have a head start on living frugally and being okay with it.
(Trustfund babies nonwithstanding, but there ARE people who live in old vans or backpacks on a bike)

That's why I personally advocate for investing in tools, not something like gold.
What are you gonna do with the gold?
Pay someone with tools to fix your shit or buy something they produced from them.

Works even for food.

As in, it doesn't matter if China is stronger, if the place you live in goes belly up for some reason.
China being stronger is a less immediate concern in that case.

The guy still uses public service like ambulances and medicine, but speaks of scenarios where they stop working.

He will be much less worse off if that happens (because he's already living in a more primitive way) than some 100% urbanite who has perhaps a little bit of milk in the small apartment because he lives outside and requires others to feed or do tasks for him in exchange for money.

More like the entire electrical grid goes down everywhere because of total nuclear war. Var's less of a primitivist and more of a survivalist

it could happen, but varg seems to want it to happen which is pretty retarded
we should obviously try to stop the fall of western civilization

I dunno, man.

I have had the notion of "autodomestication" way before I realized that Varg isn't the total faggot I thought he was.

Just look at women, civilization has made men more redundant because a woman can just pay people to feed and dress her, and she gets sex for pretty much free anyway.

You want as litte dependence on the state as possible.
Also, your worth skyrockets in a SHTF situation (hell even in a normal situation people are grateful to have a handyman as a friend).

If it doesn't happen then he's fucked his family over for nothing. The shitskins living in the slums will be more capable of survival than his children. And they really don't stand a chance against something organized like the Jews. His strategy is so backwards thinking it's like he had a mental breakdown or he has serious issues with admitting he's wrong.

Nah, they already are.

I live in a village and the turkroaches are "tending" to gardens (yes, we still have gardens) of lazy whites, plant their beans and shit there and feed their entire family while the garden owner has to run to the grocery store all the time.

He's an artist. That means he'll occasionally say something worth hearing, but he'll always follow that up with something bumfuck retarded. Artist's are unreliable.


He's a retarded LARPagan who doesn't know what he's talking about. But I like his history and Burzum videos.

Does this look like a fucked over, unhappy family to you?

What are you even talking about?
I said lazy, not incapable.
Although the latter is a direct result of the former.

Or do you think I'm lying that there is a single turkroach family going to three gardens here to plant their shit so that the actual owner doesn't have to weed and mow a lawn?
Is that so far fetched to be true sounding?

4/4 would store my set of knives in his chest then go burn some churches.

I won't deny that at all, Varg is not lazy though and therefore his children will be more prepared then shitskins

He inspired me to be more interested in survivalism and what said. Other than that I think he is just a contrarian, cringey larpagan looking for attention as he fades into irrelevancy.

Stop acting like Americans aren't punished for "hate crimes" because of racist shit they posted online. That Jewery is meant to affect ALL white people. You're not an exception, especially in the place that enables it and Jewish distributes propaganda worldwide.

Go have a picnic in the forest, not the park.

If this faggot was in the US he'd be called out for what he is, a fed and D&C shill.
Take your e-celeb bullshit and fuck off.

If he wants to practice a Norse religion he can go back to his own country and practice it :^)

He is in his own country, though. ;^)
Still, its great being out. Does all of us good.

I have to look up on German law (which is extremely strict, I know that much) when it comes to grabbing wood, even if it's dead wood from a forest.

I wanna learn ornamental carving and I don't wanna be some suppliers bitch.

Enough with this shitty "what does think of X thread" All (((eceleb))) threads should be nuked.

France is named after Germans.

Why is it so strict? Just chop wood on your own property, user. What do you plan on putting your carvings on?

Why does a primitivist spend his free time arguing in the comments section on YouTube?

This Varg is a piece of shit. There's even a Holla Forums thread right now going about how great he is.

because hes a proud germanic(tm)

German autism.

Also, I like my trees, they're healthy.
And for practice purposes any wood, really.
Hell, I should probably start with soap, or something.

What's the alternative? Brain implants to suppress the bad thoughts and racism that might hinder the plans for a NWO?

And then the jews harnessed us.

or a revolt of some kind stops the downfall
or it goes the way of brasil and south africa, with pockets of civilization here and there surrounded by hordes of brown

I know it's just a (1) but.
What's the alternative?

this is burger bait, waiting for "god" here

Do you want (((public education)))?
Also, have you seen his house?

I seriously doubt the first will happen doesn't mean we shouldn't keep fighting though and the second is pretty much what I said already.

Here in Croatia you can't even chop wood from your own forest without permission

Same, even your own garden/yard can get you into trouble, it seems.

The autism and strictness has some upsides, though.
When I go outside and I take a big big snort of air it is clean, fresh and sweet.

I would not be as willing to do the same in china, for example, where they seem to have no concept of nature/soil > a quick buck.

Shut the fuck up you colonial trash.



Why do mods leave these trash eceleb threads untouched,
yet anchor insightful threads that include Jordan B Peterson. Really makes you think.


He's interesting but it's a pretty obvious example of larping. I mean the guy makes some of his living through making up larping games.

The left has its utopian fantasies, as does the right. 'The inevitable collapse' is one of the most common fantasies on the far right. While it may be true that the collapse will come, it could take centuries before that happens and we'll all be trans-niggers by then.

What a sober way of thinking.

Thanks for playing.
