It is time to rise

It is time, fellow white people.
In 200 years, all of Europe will be under total jew rule, and whites will become under the rule of Islam. We, white folk, are loosing our homelands to invaders.

The invaders are protected by the government, and we cannot fight back without being stomped on by the very structure of government we have created. How long until our future generations will be seen as pests, something you just kill because "its white"?

Its happened in Zimbabwe and its happening in South Africa. Europe is done for unless they fight back. In America, we can still vote for strong leadership and keep the masses of shitskins at bay.

As white Americans, we need to put ourselves on the line of politics. We need someone in each state to run for politics. This is the first step. People of this board, rise up and run for your town mayor. Run to be a governor, and we will have your back.

Just this small community alone, we cannot win in elections. If we make it known that we care and want to keep a country for all white man, we will be shut down by SJWs and communists. To make it in the senate, in the house, and even to our future presidency, we need to be subtle on how we present ourselves when running for office.

Planning is key. We need to focus on getting our future candidate through the normies, that we are not racist, but care for what our ancestors have built for us.

Throughout the ages, white man has built castles, cities, languages. We did this together, as visionaries to see the impossible become possible.

Not all of us are intelligent enough to defeat the enemies. Not all of us can become great. But that is why. We need to rally behind our brothers and sisters who can. We need to rally behind those who have ideas, that when made a reality, benefits our race and our culture.

I am terrible at speeches, and i am no poet. But what i can do is rally -not behind- but with our brothers and sisters, supporting those of us with greater intelligence and visions of our future as a race.

The first step.

Let us discuss our future together, and elect several candidates within our group to represent us all. Lets work together.

If you feel you would be good at dealing with deep state blackmail and threats, stand up. If you know you can take mad heat from the anti-white agenda, stand up. Run for office.

Other urls found in this thread:

liveleak embeds work now lad


Otherwise good thread, whites need to stand up to the system.

Half us are LARPers unfortunately. Remember to get /fit/ so you can bash some shitskins.

One of our agendas is to destroy the two party system. Our next president needs to be one of our own. If not, i fear the jews will have been victorious.

Trump is not the answer, but he did slow down the jewish embrace. Hillary would have us in death camps by now.

We need to get these things

1. Information on candidates who are looking to run

2. Information on our own people who would like to run

3. Create a leader who knows how to be persuasive, understands both left and right psychology and present themselves to gain the majority of a particular party and swing center votes and some of the other parties votes

4. Campaign with our candidate through memes

There is no straying away from the two party system as it is now. Our candidate must pick the weaker party (dem or rep) and identify as that candidate, despite not actually believing in half the shit.

Feel free to add information on what steps we need to take to gain a foothold in the political sphere

It happened before, and we took it back

Th Reconquista wasn't a war, it was a promise

Tell us how you really feel.

It happened because of our pride. In Todays world, our pride has split. We have white's who think cultural diversity is a blessing. We have whites who just dont care, and wouldnt mind seeing the world fall back a few centuries. We need to make them think "Fuck it" and vote our way, on a small gleaming hope that oneday we will have large cities on mars, to keep and preserve huge wildlife reserves for hunting and other outdoor activities across the globe.

This is more than enough.

You're at least 300 years too late there Nostradamus.

Brilliant idea singing chants at a game. Massive live televised event and they cant edit it out.

Shitskins, gibmedats, ghouls, they are all garbage when it comes to building, creating, enlightening our future. They will set us back centuries. They are the embodiment of natural selection - kill or be killed. They dont believe in the now or future. All they see is themselves. They dont even know what is in their best interest. They will never evolve past simple apes. We, whites, hold the key to our evolution. If we whites become the majority again in our own countries, we will rise to having luxurious orbital businesses. We will have the power to mine for resources on asteroids and other non habital planets through our inventions and creative minds.

The chance to elect a NatSoc leader died with George Lincoln Rockwell. Pierce recognized the takeover would have to be violent from that point on. Divest yourself from attempting to directly manipulate the current political system and focus on directly weakening it and substituting it with your own.

It's easier to shoot up a power-substation than elect a candidate anyways.

The look on those ladies faces at the end of the video was priceless.

We're nowhere close to that. We're 30 years away at best

He was a step towards sanity, the next guy needs to be an even bigger step in the right direction, but don't expect him to be perfect either.

Europe is already under Jew control and Islam is a tool of the kikes. Lurk Moar faggot

This country will be unrecognizable in 30 years.

This. And understanding of the system is only necessary to identify it's weak points for attack, immersing yourself in the politics of it will just direct your attention away from the necessity of leaving it behind entirely.

That's unfortunate, but the reality is we're just not there yet among normal people. Nazi and fascist is still a pejorative, the Holocaust is still "real", and diversity is still "our strength". We have a LOT of work to do. Hopefully this process of stepping in the right direction slows the destruction so that we have the time we need.

Why not both? Having a political machine to foil jewish plots and funnel money and equipment to the wolves isn't that bad of an idea. Sure you can shoot transformers all the day long but who's going to rally the people when day 4 comes and they run out of food? They need someone they have seen, someone they can trust and not just a wild-eyed militia man with a swastika armband. Besides, overton window and all that.

The guys who were shooting the transformers are the ones who will rally the people since their constant action will inspire people who are tired of the political lethargy of democracy. That being said, of course components of this old system will be absorbed into the new ones. (cops will probably keep being cops, EPA will keep checking frog health, etc)

When you come rolling into town with the 18-wheeler with a mural of Hitler on the side and you're the only giving out food rations that'll change the town a lot quicker than any election ever could. The resources to elect one dude to the Senate could easily be spent isolating an entire region from power and communications.

Total jew rule has not happened yet. Be real. There are plenty of Europeans who are angry, but cannot do anything. when the jews have completely conquered Europe, Whites will either be non-existent or enslaved.

This is the first step of recognizing what we have and dont have. What the jews have, and what they dont have. The jews plan is to completely remove the white race so they will be ABSOLUTE. They wont stop until there are no more whites left. They have the power to continue shaping Europe. They dont have complete rule, as there is opposition.

In Australia the opposition party put out an "Australians first" ad the other day which was universally lambasted by media for having too many white people in it. That's right, too many white people in an ad for protecting jobs in a country which is maybe 85-90% white. You will not find a single media source or politician saying the ad was fine. Even the designated "bad goy" party, One Nation, saw no reason to comment on the content of it, instead making some dumb platitudes about how the drama doesn't fix anything.

But criticism isn't the enemy, it's silence. If some of us get a position as mayor, what change will that actually mean? A few more nice roads through the white suburbs? Well whatever happens there, how about those lucky few who actually go on to further political success and require the votes of normies whose only source of information is the news? Do you really think the media will give you the blessing of negatively spinning your policies and actions into 100% evil nazism? They won't, they'll just give you the silent treatment. The dumb heaving masses of normals might get better lives thanks to your politics, but they won't notice, and when the next election comes up they'll vote for the person promising free hamburgers and cummies that the press covers while the blackout on Holla Forums candidates continues. If (((they))) determine that you're a legitimate threat, they won't plaster your name across the billboards, they'll bury it and make sure nobody ever hears about you.

And before you say "but Trump" think about Ron Paul back in the land before Obama. Hell, even Bernie Sanders got stiffed by the establishment. Trump did well because he had money and a whole lifetime of media coverage. A humble polack running with sound doctrine and pure intentions will get dumped. Inb4 molyjeux but his presentation on the Fall of Rome is a great example of why you can't just run a few political movements and hope the whole culture changes. There are deeply rooted systemic problems in our societies and no amount of politics is going to change that, unless you're willing to get Hitler'd by the entire world, which will arguably make things worse for whites in the long run.

While that chance may have died, we need to create more chances. Even if thousands of us apply for political leadership positions, even as a chief of police, we will make ourselves known, giving people the opportunity they need to vote for someone new.

It may be easier to shoot rounds into people you disagree with, but you wont win the hearts of white men by becoming a degenerate. White men, by culture and evolutionary terms, will rally behind other men who vow to protect their loved ones. Stronger the candidate, better our chances.

No one will be perfect, but we need more white men to stand up and protect our nation, otherwise there will be no one to protect.

I used to think we could rationalize with people but that time has passed. If I have to explain to another person why exterminating whites isn't a "good thing" then it only proves just how far gone these people are. People engrained with elitist attitudes will never see it our way.

We stand a much better chance uniting in a part of the country and pushing those local governments/laws to our favor. Learn a few vocational skills, and fight this diversity bullshit until our last dying breath. Southern US seems like the logical spot so long as people are helping them, not pushing civic national bullshit.

I don't disagree with any of this. I think the midwest may also be at a turning point where they are moving hard right and there could also be many opportunities for political consolidation in places like PA, Wisconsin, Ohio, Iowa, etc. The south is also a very good choice.

I don't follow your logic. White men of good character would welcome this development. The lemmings will side with whoever wins. A few Robin-hood robberies benefiting rural whites (destroying their mortgage papers, etc) and they'll love you. All these "radical candidates" just defuse the high-agency people's anger.

You're still stuck in the kike paradigm of "candidates", like as if the only way to change the system is by running within the rotted system's rules. You're right about strength, but you failed the final part of your analysis by assuming they want a strong "candidate" and not just a powerful strong leader.

Think about a hard drive that you need to defragment. Sure, one or two files moved around wont change much, but over time, everything starts to change.

The masses need different people to look up to as well. Hollywood is full of sellouts who buy into shitty cultures and even religions such as scientology. We need to get promising people in positions of power to change the way our future children think and behave.

It happened a long time ago and now they're in the process of showing us who's boss by trying to break our will.

You can be much more powerful just by ignoring the system's rules. Why waste the effort to be a city-councilman when you could just become a firefighter as cover and moonlight as a Moonman-esque vigilante?

Trump was the last, very last, shoot-off of a chance at using the system to enable white ethnic centered behaviors and comfy environments where we can dominate in our own countries. It's not happening. He's putting Israel first.

The only other solution now is the final one. You can't win in the system which uses money as a base for its power. Kikes have all the cash. Banks and kikes. They control the system. And economic nationalism is no longer an option because there's going to be a bunch of shitskins shitting up the future with ethnic conflict.

In the process of getting my crap together so I can move there soon. The beauty of that place is I don’t have to spent a single second convincing white people our side of the story.

The masses will shun killing "muh minorities". We will never be able to gain a position of real power if 200+ million people hate us.

Fight fire with fire. Use the jews own system against them. Defeating the jews on their own terms will make them show their child inside. Jews are alot like preteens, trying to gain power over their parents. When the preteen wins, they have all their friends with them. When the parent spanks their ass, they become little good goys until they see a chance to rise again.

Wouldn’t be that difficult if you have the numbers. That's exactly how liberals have taken over cities. Flood it with people, then change the vote. I see no reason why that can't work in our favor.

As a city councilman, you can change the budget, and hire more firefighters

The issue with the jews owning most of the worlds cash is bribery. If one of our own become elected, and a jew says "Shekel for good goy"… What happens when our elected official declines? Does the jew hire an assassin to remove our guy from office?

What does happen is we reduce the value of their shekels.

Why would you unnecessarily waste bullets on 'muh minorities'? Is that the only characterization you have of a rebel?

The USA has declared white people as enemies/slaves of the state, so there's no reason for white people to accept its rule. Do you shoot up African countries because kikes at home are trying to force you to cuck yourself? No.

Try 2 years.

Holla Forums self improvement is a common theme and I'd guess that 99% of the people who come here are committed to being virtuous, fit, and having lots of morally healthy children. This alone is a massive change from the previous generations approach to life. Just remember that it took the jew decades to break us down to this point, and it's much easier and quicker to destroy than to build up. This can't be fixed through a few good policies. You can be an awesome and enviable public figure, but you can't escape the fact that there are people who earn more than any of us simply because they exist and publicise their lives - that wouldn't happen if the masses weren't interested in pursuing hollow, pointless materialism. They obviously love what they're being sold more than they love the idea of giving up their creature comforts to live a virtuous life. There's heroes all around but they get a 2 minute story in the press before moving on. The best thing you can do is prepare yourself and your kids for a hard existence surrounded by hedonism and decay.

Churchill was a kike and he sold the British Empire out to create Israel you newfag.
Lurk the fuck moar

The masses also used to shun niggers and jews en masse. Whoever is in power dictates the thinking of the masses. To tailor your message to the current brainwashed masses it the ultimate PRcuck move.

Why not just shoot them? Will anyone REALLY bemoan the loss of a pornographer or a corporate lawyer or a Soros-esque figure? Why do we constantly have to bend over backwards to be the "bigger men" when we can just shoot them in the face and win? Why do we have to win the right way? How did fighting the right way turn out for Hitler? He could've just chemical-gassed Britain into submission by 1942.

And it took the liberals 100+ years to get where they are now. There is no time.

This can't be fixed through a few good policies

Especially since the courts all favor them and the constitution has been whittled down to a former shell of itself.

They know a way around every trick in the book. Simply ignore the book.

Yes they will. Muh nazi book burning is a perfect example of this, the natsocs were immolating pure trash, basically the mental equivalent of porn magazines, and people think book burning was a horrible crime and destruction of knowledge. Oh if only they knew what was going onto the pyre…

That's not a solution, that's just cool sounding words. Saying "throw out the book" doesn't mean anything practically, so what are you actually advocating?

I know your feelings. The world does seem bleek, but the jews have not completely won yet. If they have won, then why do we have this board? Why do these imageboards still exist? If jews have won, they would have removed all of our communication. They want us to be like you. To admit defeat. Dont give up.

The Jews created the system over a hundred years, if not more. They play by their own rules, that they have created. We can also play by their rules, change the thoughts of the masses.

If we dont play the right way, we will be shut down fast. A bunch of gun toting white men, shooting whoever they dont like, will lead to our destruction even faster. Our right to bear arms will be completely destroyed. We will become like france, having a globalist shill in the lead while we have no guns to protect ourselves.

This is how our world works. If we dont play by the rules, we will all die, and our future generations will never see freedom again.

This is why we need to "defragment" politics. By electing our own people into office, we can uphold the constitution and turn the courts into our favor.

Rise up, get our people in office, save our nation. Take it back from the jews, destroy their system, and create a new system for white men to prosper.

There's some pretty cool guys in the Ukraine.

Those are very good points user. However, that is not enough. That can sustain, but cannot conquer.

What we want is to take the system back from the jews. If the jews have taken the system from us, who is to say we cant take it back? Niggers? SJW's and feminists? They have all been brainwashed.

We need to teach not just our own children, but everyones children. Take back our schools and promote healthy learning environments that give the students free will to think, to observe and judge on their own, to not become slaves to mass media

The German people welcomed the destruction of the Weimar mindset. 60% of women were whores during Weimar. They welcomed the book burning with open arms. The German people identified with and loyally devoted themselves to bringing about Hitler's vision for Germany. Nobody except kikes complained about the book burnings.

You seem to be unable to separate kike fiction from fact and as such I do not think your tactical advice is valuable or worth heeding.

No. There is absolutely no reason to play by the kike's rules. You have yet to provide me with any examples of how "playing by the rules" will advance the cause of white survival. It's easier, more effective and more efficient to ignore their rules and carefully crafted acceptable social conventions. It makes 0 sense to fight an enemy and intentionally cater to their strength. It's like choosing a dueling weapon that your opponent is a master at and you're a novice at. You stand to gain nothing and lose everything.

Are you the same idiot who was getting mad in the Civil War thread that people were ok with shooting niggers and spic women and kids? I get the feeling you're just too much of a coward to actually dedicate yourself to anything outside your comfort bubble. Your obnoxious avatar-fagging leads me to believe you are the same guy. Stop shitting up these threads and counter-signaling everyone who doesn't want to directly integrate themselves into ZOG.

Go ask some modern Weimar dwellers (aka normies) what they think of the book burnings. Don't come back here until you find one that thinks they were a great idea. The Weimar republic degeneracy was hyperkike acceleration, not 50 years of slow acclimatisation to the poz. Believe it or not, Hitler had a relatively easy time of it compared to what you'd face today.

The kikes have influence over our police and the army. The kikes have millions of liberal scum, shitty little antifa "armies" under their belts.

No, not at all. Have you ever gambled at a casino? If you get mad, and punch, kick, or break a game, you get kicked out and have to pay for it, and go to jail. If you try to rob the machine, you go to jail. If you shoot the very shitskins the jews are protecting to destroy the white race, that makes the jews think "We can use this to abolish the second amendment… she… she she she…" They have the power. We need to take back the power through their own political system.
What is dangerous about that is most white liberals who control a good portion of the jew votes, would gladly accept to take away our guns.

We need to secure our politics so we can enforce immigration laws, kick out illegals, and get the masses on our side by improving white schools and creating a white pride culture across the globe. By that time, we wont be worried about shitskins. they will all be living in their third world countries fighting eachother over who gets to eat the cow shit. They are dumber than animals, they are empowered because of our politics.

I think we stand a much better chance getting a senator (someone like Steve King) elected vs a president. If we could move to a few states instead of being spread out then we're off to the races.

Look at what UKIP managed to accomplish. Once Farage had a seat at the table in the EU they couldn’t shut him up. Passing youtube clips around made him a sensation.

These are not the same governments we created. These governments are shells of what our people created, and these shells are filled to the brim with semitic infestation. There is literally no reason to vote anymore, the whole system is infested with kikes. Why bother playing the game by their rules? Our people have always done better using the old fashioned rules anyway.
Get fucked. We all need to be motivated to take action into our own hands.
Don't spread your plans, just do them. Even if you have to bash in a lot of yiddish skulls in broad daylight. Do it, but don't tell, and for fuck's sake wear a mask or a hood or something.


Meaning, duking it out in the court systems isn't a solution. Separating ourselves from their system as much as possible will benefit us the most.

Small business owned by us. Use only those business
Home schooling
Volunteer to help ourselves
Set up our own local radio stations, internet channels (local news)
Loan money to each other

Begin to create our own communities. That's how we win. Never forget they need us to capitulate and remain subservient for the entire cog to work.

Hey everybody!

So far, i understand we need people in these positions

1. Schools. Teachers, administrators, everything up the chain. - we need our future white babies to be free thinkers. We need them to understand the world they live in, how propaganda effects the masses. They are our future, our hope.

2. Local Governments such as mayor, chief of police, judges, and other positions. Better roads, stronger money management, better local economies, and proper judgement. - We need our white men to take these positions so the people of our towns can see the difference between a nigger, a women, and any other shitskin compared to whites.

3. Senators, Representatives

4. President

Stand up against the Jew World Order. Take back our power through politics. After we get control of our own policies and politics, and only after, can we truly succeed. Save our white race. If you think you would be a good leader, stand up. We have your back.

Ever since the whole "Feminist rally" "Gay pride parades" rallies, i have a dislike in rallies or marches. They seem stupid. And some of them are, well most.

Perhaps, what we need, is a white pride rally. A white pride march. Yes, it is stupid, but so are the masses. We need to let normies and other white folk to understand that we are proud of being white. We have a culture, and that culture is building, creating, inventing. Pushing mankind to the future.

If we organize, and have a white pride rally, perhaps we can push a new narrative to the masses. Being a white man is a good thing. We are proud of our race. We need the masses to understand that being white is not racist, homophobic, or whatever bullshit the jews want them to believe.

We white people ARE being oppressed. If we dont do what the jews say, we are a plague amongst all humans. That is what they are achieving.

If we start a movement, we can show the world that white men are not people you can just fuck with. We are people who created civilizations. Without us white men, where would the world be? Living in mud huts swatting misquitos with sticks and stones? Exactly.

This rally should not just be a "Im white and im proud!" gay bullshit. This rally can be an anchor for our movement, to promote future politicians, inventors, and future technologies. It will be a rally where speakers will stand up and talk about statistics, politics, the environment such as fishing and wildlife habitats.

If you have something you want to promote, to show the world what you have discovered and/or believe in, create a presentation.

Up on the stage, several hours of our brothers and sisters presenting projects, cheering on their inventions and helping our people with the proper tools and resources to make their dreams be more than just dreams. Im not saying let any old faggot up on stage and talk about niggers with aids. I am saying start a convention where white people can connect and unite, help eachother as a community. If a white brother presents their project, a project that can turn homeless white men into successful people who contribute to society, lets make that happen.

This sounds like LARPing, i know. We need to do this though, for our future. It wont be larping if we get this shit rolling. Sure, a bunch of shitty projects may be presented, but it will be fun. Stupid little speeches, bad comedians, it will be terrible. But a good terrible. It will be grand. More than grand.

No, this not correct. It might become more obvious, the more Trump is forced to cuck to the Neocons, military industrial complex, and international financial oligarchy. Government is already international. It has been for several decades. That was the price of WW2 and the resulting world order: all nations around the world were subverted. We're already fighting guerrilla warfare on several levels of conflict; if you live somewhere where this conversation is permitted, but taboo, not permitted to be mainstream, then you live under occupation. You should adjust your thinking accordingly.

He has everything to lose, we dont. Trump has family and a fortune he can lose. The jews can touch his testicles, grab them, and crush them. We wont have anything to lose, since we are already loosing what little we have left.

We need to change the world while we still can. Gain back what we lost, and more. As long as we can reproduce, we have soldiers who can fight as experts in politics, science, psychology and in everything in existence.

The Jews will not keep us down. We will rise.

If the time comes for us to raise our weapons, we shall do it with pride. But the majority of whites wont, not today. Not tomorrow. The white men of the masses will support someone who supports them. That is what they need. And we need to give them someone who will protect their future offspring.

It's called a renaissance festival.. Those would be easy enough to fully coopt if you want somewhere to start.

try 30-50.

there is no such thing
people need to start kicking off when they hear this
we are a global minority
are you saying there are "too many nigerians" in nigeria?
are there "too many jews" in israel? obviously anything >0 jews is too many


We could start by spamming/Twitter-bombing Richard Spencer to run for Zinke's seat like he suggested, or at least ask for an update.

There are too many niggers in the South. There are states in the Northwest that are high-90's white, and they already have a website:

Exactly and having us flood the place will change that. The south is also in a prime location with far better weather (year round food). Military recruits are also primarily from the southern states.

1. Richard Spencer offered to run for Zinke's seat (Secretary of the Interior)

I don't think there are enough Nazis in America to flood the South and outnumber the tens of millions of Africans that live there. Why not go to states that are already high-90's white and are organized: True Cascadia and the Northwest Front?

the same police and Army that won't even prevent known terrorists from entering the country or deport illegals? (local cops not ICE) I don't see any benefit to attempting to play a long game against the kikes. It's like agreeing to fight Muhammad Ali in the ring on principle when you could've just challenged him to a chess match. You're setting yourself up to fail for no reason other than the cucked conservative "we have to be better than our enemy" mindset. You don't need to defeat your enemy in a moral victory, you just have to shoot him in the face.The system is going to collapse imminently, there's no reason to invest resources and divert attention to it. It's a chess piece to be interacted with, not an end goal.

You can make up whatever moral story you want after you win and your children are safe.



Funded by jews, EU, USA and the other internationalist puppet states.

Everything is funded by Jews. This is the turbo Talmud timeline.

Emissary from Japan, giving you our best regards in your battle against the subhuman horde.

維新断行 七生國報

How the fuck do you elect candidates on an anonymous message board?

Hello my rayan friend.


policegoys will still stop you. They'll all follow orders.

Stay based, Japan. Keep removing kebab and bagels
Also, you might want to build some nukes. You're gonna need them.

Why are you afraid of being called "racist"

The universe is racist. The truth is racist.

The Jews are already victorious, you live in a Zionist occupied country. Our goal is to overthrow the Jews completely and free our people.

Making the American people aware that Israel did 9/11 will initiate the true Shoah.

There is no slowing the destruction, just like there is no slowing rot. It needs to die to be reborn first.

I really doubt it. There really has been no proof. Anglin is a pro-Russian nationalist, but look at him. He's a pedo who loves fucking little gook boys. No doubt he's controlled by CIA on a well known WN site, but an obscure East Euro Battalion that has youth groups? I doubt it.

Use the mudslimes against the Jews

Betray and kill nigs, leave mudslimes that don't mind living with whites

Kill rapists and kiddy diddlers instantly

Damage control complete