What happened to /leftyweebpol/?

What happened to /leftyweebpol/?

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anime is trash tbh


you are trash tbh

its still there, its just slow as fuck. get moar ppl


Who is this semen demon?

It says e0001 when I click that link.

Holla Forums is having some issues right now, it might be just a temporary problem

who's she?


Well, she could be one of eight female archetypes.

You guys already post all your weebshit here. It's your own fault its dead

It was deleted.

Fuck off to an anime board then weeaboo faggot. We don't want you're stupid drawfag posts.

Remember to do your duty and post anime to keep out the [despised outgroup members]

/leftyweebpol/ was pretty redundant tbh

Holla Forums is already an anime board

what anime is that

Fuck it.
If weebs can post there chinese cartoon semen demons, I can post colorful, Flash 8, horses


>user's will never understand your love for Fluttershy's pussy

Can't argue with that logic.


Whatever the hell this is.


also, anti-sage



Anti-saged again! Get rekt you nerd.

So are you fresh from halfchan, or what?

I've been posting on fullchan since 1997 dude XDDD

it's lit

We should make a discord chat.

The fire?

Stop the Autism is showing.

I'd be down for this

That's not very nice, tbh.

The truth isn't always nice.

There is no objective truth except that which I experience.

Just start posting more on the board. Just one post a day from people would make a huge difference.


then niceness is subjective and I think it's nice to tell you the truth.