Ok I'm dumping all of my info and redpills, they vary in size and range from the crusades to Israel so enjoy.
Also ITT: dump mega, PDFs and other redpoll shit
Ok I'm dumping all of my info and redpills, they vary in size and range from the crusades to Israel so enjoy.
Also ITT: dump mega, PDFs and other redpoll shit
Other urls found in this thread:
All of it is from 8/pol/ and /PDFs/ if you want samples just ask
I'm going to just dump a mix my of arguments/studies. You guys can sort through them yourselves because I'm a dick.
Giving that the environmental differences between Africans and Africans in the U.S. only produces a 14 point increase - that is going from Africa to the U.S. - how plausible is it that the environmental difference in the U.S. between Blacks and Whites would produce a 15 point gap? Is the difference between U.S. Africans and U.S. Europeans really so huge that they have the same effect as environmental factors in Africa?
Average IQ for
Whites: 103.4
Blacks: 87.7
Hispanics: 91.1
Asians: 106.1
WAIS-IV, WMS-IV, and ACS: Advanced Clinical Interpretation: books.google.ca
WAIS-IV Clinical Use and Interpretation by Weiss LG et al. (2010), Table 4.3, p. 118:
White, 103.21 (13.77), 1540
Black, 88.67 (13.68), 260
Hispanic, 91.63 (14.29), 289
Asian, 106.07 (15.01), 71
Other*, 98.93 (13.99), 40
IQ differences still present when SES, parental education, sex, religion, age and parents living in household are adjusted, WISC-IV Clinical Use and Interpretation: Scientist-practitioner Perspectives, p. 25-26:
"[A] review of 39 studies by the Clemson psychologist Philip Roth and colleagues that reports that Hispanic-American IQs average 89.2 points."
From using national SAT scores for IQ:
Blacks: 89
Whites: 110
Hispanics: 94
Asians: 118
According to National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) the gap between Hispanics and Whites are the following:
White Hispanic: (WH)
Non-ELL Hispanic: (ELL)
White Non-ELL Hispanic: (W)
4th Grade: 21(WH), 19 (ELL) and 14 (W)
8th Grade: 26 (WH), 34 (ELL) and 19 (W)
4th Grade: 25 (WH), 29 (ELL) and 19 (W)
8th Grade: 26 (WH), 39 (ELL) and 15 (W)
"[N]on-Western immigrants are more than 300 percent more likely to fail the Danish army’s intelligence test than native Danes: “19.3% of non-Western immigrants are not able to pass the Danish army’s intelligence test. In comparison, only 4.7% of applicants with Danish background do not pass.”
According to Insidehighered.com, SAT scores with three subsets, Critical Reading (CR), Mathematics (MM) and Writing (WT), for different ethnicities were the following: Black, 431 (CR), 428 (MM) and 418 (WT). Hispanic, 448 (CR), 457 (MM) and 438 (WT).
White, 529 (CR), 534 (MM) and 513 (WT).
Asian, 525 (CR), 598 (MM) and 531 (WT).
"Jones and Schneider (2010) write that a country’s average IQ score is a useful predictor of the wages that immigrants from that country earn in the U.S., whether or not one adjusts for immigrant education:" so basically what this means is that someone's average IQ of where they are from a better predictor of their SES than their actual education is, instead the other way around of a country's SES being a greater predictor of IQ.
Asian-white couples face distinct pregnancy risks, Stanford/Packard study finds. Asian women face more C-sections and gestational diabetes:
Mixed race couples (black/white) have intermediate stillbirths:
Size, strength of heart's right side differs by age, gender, race/ethnicity:
"Grim news for those who thought achieving equality between the sexes was merely a matter of time: A new study from the University of Maryland has found that young people are less supportive of power-sharing between the genders than they were 20 years ago, at least on the home front. The study looked at nationally representative longitudinal data about high-school seniors as part of a Gender and Millennials Online Symposium from the Council on Contemporary Families and found an increase in those who believed that families were better off if the men were "the achievers outside the home" and the women handled most of the family and domestic duties. In 1994, only 42% of high school seniors agreed with that statement. Twenty years later, that was the majority view at 58%."
"Boys Need Close Relationship with Mom," but effects girls as well…"Securely attached babies and toddlers cry out or become visibly upset when stressed and turn to a caregiver for comfort. They use the parent as a "secure base," a place for emotional repairs and confidence tune-ups before zooming back out to explore the world. This type of coping strategy is optimal for development, psychologists think."
"Official: babies do best with mother… One of the longest and most detailed studies of UK childcare has concluded that young children who are looked after by their mothers do significantly better in developmental tests than those cared for in nurseries, by childminders or relatives."
"Bad news for dads: Babies 'should share mother's bed until age three' because it's good for their hearts (dailymail.co.uk
"Let me submit to you that the need for mother is as strong in a baby as the need for food, and that there is no substitute for a securely attached mother. When he’s tired, hurt, or upset, he needs his mother for comfort and security. True, he doesn’t need Mommy all the time, but when he does, he needs her now. If he scrapes his knee, or gets his feelings hurt, he can’t put his need on hold for two hours until Mommy is home, and the babysitter – or even Daddy – just won’t do as well as if Mommy was there. So, yes, this is what I’m saying: A mother shouldn’t leave her baby for an extended amount of time until about the age of 36 months, when he has developed some concept of time."
If the Irish are not White then:
How come the Scott-Irish were allowed to colonize the South just fine without needing to be specified/declared as 'free Scott-Irish' such as the Native Americans or Africans needed to?
How, or more of why, were Separate But Equal laws not applied to the Irish?
How come the Irish were allowed to become citizens, despite citizenship being of only "free White men" by the Naturalization Act of 1790?
How come Andrew Jackson was allowed to become president despite Jackson being of Scott-Irish decent? Were half Whites able to run for president?
How was there Irish signers of the Declaration of Independence, such as James Smith and Mathew Thornton, but not any other nonWhite signers?
How was there Irish signers of the Constitution, such as James McHenry, when the Irish were not White and why didn't they have Black signers then?
The Changing Relationship between Income and Crime Victimization by Steven D. Levitt:
1986-1995, Homicide per capita:
Whites Low Income: 3.5 per 100k
Blacks Low Income: 63.9 per 100k
Whites High Income: 2.9 per 100k
Blacks High Income: 10.0 per 100k
"A second fact worth noting is that there are substantial differences across neighborhoods within race. Homicide rates for whites in the most dangerous neighborhoods were more than six times greater than the median white in 1970 and three to four times higher in 1980 and 1990. The black residents most at risk faced homicide rates two to three times greater than the median black and almost one hundred times greater than the safest black residents. Homicide rates rose about 25 percent in Chicago over the time period examined, but a substantial part of this increase was due to an increase in the black population, rather than changes in per-capita victimization rates within race…..Table 6 presents homicide rates across neighborhoods ranked by median family income. Each figure in Table 6 corresponds to the same figure in Table 5, except that the homicide rate for these same neighborhoods is reported in place of the median family income. There is a strong correspondence between median family income and homicide rates in the early part of the sample. The poorest white neighborhoods experienced murder rates ten times greater than the richest white neighborhoods; for blacks, the corresponding ratio was almost twenty to one. It is striking, however, that the link between income and homicide weakened substantially over time. For whites, homicide rates were unrelated to income in the 1986-95 period. In fact, the very lowest homicide rates were reported in the poorest white neighborhoods. For blacks, the pattern was less pronounced. The worst black neighborhoods experienced higher homicide rates in later years, but the rise in homicides in these neighborhoods was much smaller than the proportionate increase in the richer black neighborhoods. Murder rates in the 75th to 90th income percentile more than quadrupled for blacks; rates for the highest 10 percent of blacks more than doubled."
PISA scores by race:
White Americans:
519 in Reading
528 in Science
506 in Math
Black Americans:
443 in Reading
449 in Science
421 in Math
Hispanic Americans:
478 in Reading
462 in Science
455 in Math
Racial ranking in PISA as compared to the world:
White Americans at:
Reading: 6th in the world, on par with Estonia
Science: 7th in the world, on par with Canada
Math: 15th in world, on par with Germany.
Black Americans at:
Reading: 47th in the world, on par with Cyprus
Science: 47th in the world, in between Chile and Greece.
Math: 53rd in the world, in between Chile and Turkey.
Hispanic Americans at:
Reading: 39th in the world, on par with Israel
Science: 44th in the world, in between Slovak Republic and Malta
Math: 45th in the world, on par with Greece
"They found that intelligence made a difference in gross domestic product. For each one-point increase in a country’s average IQ, the per capita GDP was $229 higher. It made an even bigger difference if the smartest 5 percent of the population got smarter; for every additional IQ point in that group, a country’s per capita GDP was $468 higher."
"A new study of Chinese-Caucasian, Filipino-Caucasian, Japanese-Caucasian and Vietnamese-Caucasian individuals concludes that biracial Asian Americans are twice as likely as monoracial Asian Americans to be diagnosed with a psychological disorder."
"The Mexican racial breakdown is officially presented as 9 percent white, 60 percent mestizo (Indigenous-European hybrid), 30 percent Indigenous, and 1 percent other."
By more than two-to-one (62% to 27%), whites prefer a smaller government that provides fewer services. A majority of blacks (59%) – and an even larger share of Hispanics (71%) – favor a larger government with more services.
75 Percent of White People Don’t Have Any Nonwhite Friends
Black men were more than six times as likely as white men to be incarcerated in federal and state prisons, and local jails in 2010, the last year complete data are available, according to a Pew Research Center analysis. That is an increase from 1960, when black men were five times as likely as whites to be incarcerated.
"A study, published in the March 2016 edition of the Race and Social Problems journal, found that poor black males were nearly four times more likely to commit crime than poor white males, and that poor Hispanics were not far behind. The results showed, said the paper, that the “chances of incarceration in America are always higher for blacks than for whites or Hispanics, regardless of their level of wealth.”
"Our estimate of average IQ converges with the finding that national IQs of sub-Saharan African countries as predicted from several international studies of student achievement are around 82."
"Wicherts, Dolan, and van der Maas (2009) contend that the average IQ of sub-Saharan Africans is about 80. A critical evaluation of the studies presented by WDM shows that many of these are based on unrepresentative elite samples. We show that studies of 29 acceptably representative samples on tests other than the Progressive Matrices give a sub-Saharan Africa IQ of 69; studies of the most satisfactory representative samples on the Standard Progressive Matrices give an IQ of 66; studies of 23 acceptably representative samples on the Colored Progressive Matrices give an IQ of 71. The international studies of mathematics, science, and reading give a sub-Saharan African IQ of 66. The four data sets can be averaged to give an IQ of 68 as the best reading of the IQ in sub-Saharan Africa."
Different Black and White intelligence means were found in preschoolers even when controlled for parental education: "The present study explored the nature of differences in performance on the 3rd revision of the Stanford-Binet for groups and white preschoolers matched for parental education in two independent experiments. Large mean differences, favoring the white children, were found in both experiments. In addition, significant race × items interactions at level III, in both experiments, and level III-6, in Experiment 2, indicated that the differences in performance between blacks and whites were much larger on some items relative to others. Results were further examined by contrasting items on which black and white performance was not significantly different with items which showed large significant differences in performance."
"Prejudice and discrimination are at the center of many modern social issues. Schools give tests and interview potential faculty to try to weed out those whose prejudices might be detrimental… However, a new problem is then raised: do people lie to appear unprejudiced? If people are aware of the undesirable stigmas attached to being prejudiced, might they then hide their prejudices to get that teaching job or stay on the jury panel?… These results provide strong evidence of the validity of the PC scale because they show that people are more likely to lie to appear unprejudiced when there is situational pressure to do so and less likely to lie to appear unprejudiced when there is pressure to tell the truth."
"Key findings are as follows. First, there are notable differences in levels of homicide and violent index crime across race/ethnic groups. The first three columns of Table 1 indicate that Blacks have the highest homicide and violent index crime rates (rates per 100,000 of 15.81and 1311.48, respectively), followed by Hispanics (6.39 and 505.63) and then Whites (2.85 and 331.52). Hispanic crime rates tend to fall between the relatively low levels of Whites and the higher rates of blacks, though they are closer to the White than the Black rates."
"[N]ew research from the University of Washington suggests that reported acceptance of interracial marriage masks deeper feelings of discomfort—even disgust—that some feel about mixed-race couples. Published online in July in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology and co-authored by UW postdoctoral researcher Caitlin Hudac, the study found that bias against interracial couples is associated with disgust that in turn leads interracial couples to be dehumanized…… During the implicit association test, the two groups were tasked with categorizing photographs of same-race and interracial couples and silhouettes of humans and animals. They were first instructed to press one computer key if the image showed an animal silhouette or a mixed-race couple, and another key if it was a human silhouette or a same-race couple. Then the combinations were switched—participants were told to hit one key if the image was an animal silhouette or a same-race couple, and the other key if it was a human silhouette or mixed-race couple. Participants were quicker to associate interracial couples with non-human animals and same-race couples with humans. That suggests that interracial couples are more likely to be dehumanized than same-race couples, the researchers write, and previous studies have shown that people tend to exhibit more antisocial behavior and are more likely to use aggression and even violence toward dehumanized targets."
"So peer review is a flawed process, full of easily identified defects with little evidence that it works. Nevertheless, it is likely to remain central to science and journals because there is no obvious alternative, and scientists and editors have a continuing belief in peer review. How odd that science should be rooted in belief."
Racial segregation:
All about merit immigrants and 1-HB
Race can be determined via brain scans:
Stay-at-home moms are much more happy than women who work part- or even fulltime: Vanderkam, L. (z.d). Stay-at-Home Moms by the Numbers. Consulted on 11-10-2016 via redbookmag.com
+Whites from families with incomes of less than $10,000 had a mean SAT score of 993. This is 129 points higher than the national mean for all blacks.
+Whites from families with incomes below $10,000 had a mean SAT test score that was 61 points higher than blacks whose families had incomes of between $80,000 and $100,000.
+Blacks from families with incomes of more than $100,000 had a mean SAT score that was 85 points below the mean score for whites from all income levels, 139 points below the mean score of whites from families at the same income level, and 10 points below the average score of white students from families whose income was less than $10,000.
Blacks from families with incomes of more than $100,000 had a mean SAT score that was 85 points below the mean score for whites from all income levels, 139 points below the mean score of whites from families at the same income level, and 10 points below the average score of white students from families whose income was less than $10,000.
Genetic influences on brain morphology and IQ are well studied. A variety of sophisticated brain-mapping approaches relating genetic influences on brain structure and intelligence establishes a regional distribution for this relationship that is consistent with behavioral studies. We highlight those studies that illustrate the complex cortical patterns associated with measures of cognitive ability. A measure of cognitive ability, known as g, has been shown highly heritable across many studies. We argue that these genetic links are partly mediated by brain structure that is likewise under strong genetic control. Other factors, such as the environment, obviously play a role, but the predominant determinant appears to genetic.
The genealogy of taste perception:
Along with environmental and cultural factors affecting our food choices, there is evidence that genetic makeup influences how we experience taste. The basic tastes of sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami are detected when chemicals that produce those tastes bind with certain receptors on our tongues. We all have different amounts of these various receptors, depending on our DNA, and research has shown that sensitivity to one particular bitter compound (which is easy to measure, and is a marker of overall taste sensitivity) varies wildly between different countries. In some parts of Asia, South America and Africa, as much as 85% of native populations are highly sensitive tasters. Ethnic Europeans sit at the lower end of the scale.
All about racial differences - from alleles to Jews being a race, to personality.
This paper examines the distribution of national personality dimensions in geographical space. The relationship between geographical location and aggregate personality in a wide range of nations is quantified using spatial autocorrelation, and it is found that the personalities of nations that are geographical neighbours are more similar than those that are far apart. The five factors of both the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) and the Big Five Inventory (BFI), all show a significant degree of spatial organization. The personality factors most strongly associated with geographical location are NEO-PI-R extraversion and BFI conscientiousness; both vary with position around the globe about as much as the physical climate. These findings support previous research suggesting associations between aggregate personality and geography, and imply that the sources of variation in national personality are themselves geographically organized.
Besides establishing national IQ levels, Richard Lynn also started and inspired studies attempting to find out regularities behind the national differences in personality. Recent large-scale collaborative projects involving hundreds of psychologists from about 50 countries allowed for determination of the aggregate national scores of personality for the most popular personality models, including the Big Five. These studies have already revealed several universal and geographically regular patterns in the global personality trait distributions. The area of the study of national differences in personality has arguably matured to a level where it can start to help solving fundamental problems such as the relationship between genes, culture, and personality.
Racial differences in personality, behavior, and family environment of lower elementary school children were examined in a sample of 433 black and 897 white children. Numerous significant differences in scores on scales of the Missouri Children's Picture Series, the Missouri Children's Behavior Checklist, and the Family Environment Scale persisted after adjustment for socioeconomic status.
Trusting neighbors and strangers in a racially diverse society: Insights from survey data in South Africa, Dorrit Posel and Tim Hinks - University of KwaZulu-Natal and University of the West England, is a study of trust in South Africa and trust among strangers vs neighbors. When asked 'who do you trust more to return a lost wallet, a neighbor or stranger?' both Blacks and Whites report the same number of trust within their neighbors when adjusted for socioeconomic status, but, in conclusion "[If a stranger is assumed to be Black, then our results suggest that Black South Africans are more trusting than Whites of other Blacks, a finding that would be consistent with in-group bias.]"
Where trust is high, crime is low:
Increase in Social Capital Decreases Crime:
[PDF]Social Capital, Crime, and Human Nature - LSE
"A study has found [in the U.K.] that an increase in “diversity” makes existing residents of a area feel unhappier and more socially isolated, while those leaving for more homogenous areas populated by their own ethic group often get happier."
Average IQ for
Whites: 103.4
Blacks: 87.7
Hispanics: 91.1
Asians: 106.1
WAIS-IV, WMS-IV, and ACS: Advanced Clinical Interpretation: books.google.ca
WAIS-IV Clinical Use and Interpretation by Weiss LG et al. (2010), Table 4.3, p. 118:
White, 103.21 (13.77), 1540
Black, 88.67 (13.68), 260
Hispanic, 91.63 (14.29), 289
Asian, 106.07 (15.01), 71
Other*, 98.93 (13.99), 40
According to National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) the gap between Hispanics and Whites are the following:
White Hispanic: (WH)
Non-ELL Hispanic: (ELL)
White Non-ELL Hispanic: (W)
4th Grade: 21(WH), 19 (ELL) and 14 (W)
8th Grade: 26 (WH), 34 (ELL) and 19 (W)
4th Grade: 25 (WH), 29 (ELL) and 19 (W)
8th Grade: 26 (WH), 39 (ELL) and 15 (W)
"[N]on-Western immigrants are more than 300 percent more likely to fail the Danish army’s intelligence test than native Danes: “19.3% of non-Western immigrants are not able to pass the Danish army’s intelligence test. In comparison, only 4.7% of applicants with Danish background do not pass.”
According to Insidehighered.com, SAT scores with three subsets, Critical Reading (CR), Mathematics (MM) and Writing (WT), for different ethnicities were the following: Black, 431 (CR), 428 (MM) and 418 (WT). Hispanic, 448 (CR), 457 (MM) and 438 (WT).
White, 529 (CR), 534 (MM) and 513 (WT).
Asian, 525 (CR), 598 (MM) and 531 (WT).
According to Garrett Jones, Economist at George Mason University Economic Department, your nation's (average) IQ matters more than your own: "The book’s primary and most important contribution is to document the following empirical regularity: Suppose you could a) improve your own IQ by 10 points, or b) improve the IQs of your countrymen (but not your own) by 10 points. Which would do more to increase your income? The answer is (b), and it’s not even close. The latter choice improves your income by about 6 times more than the former choice," Tim Groseclose, holder of Adam Smith Chair at the Mercatus Center, an American non-profit think tank.
"A one-point increase in IQ is associated with a 4% increase in welfare growth for the average country. Our results support the view that national IQ is an important determinant of cross-country differences in economic activity and welfare."
If the idea behind transitioning is for an individual with Gender Dysphoria to overcome anxiety and or depression, I would like to point out that transformation has ambigous effects and "[It should therefore come as no surprise that studies have found high rates of depression,[9] and low quality of life[16], [25] also after sex reassignment]:
41% of Transgender'd people have attempted suicide in their life, 3x higher than the population's mean:
To put it into prospective, according to allaboutdepression.com, 15% of those clinically depressed commit suicide; according the the Center for Disease Control, adults between 18-25 years old have the highest rate of attempted suicide at 7.4% and according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) the age-adjusted suicide rate is 13.26 per 100k.
So, to adjust these, transgender people are 2.73x more likely to attempt suicide than the depressed are to commit suicide; they are 5.54x more likely to attempt suicide than the highest category of attempties and they are 3.09x more likely to attempt suicide than those who commit suicide.
Now, one may claim this is due to factors of environment towards trans, but according to studies, 54.3% of transsexuals have little to no experience in family rejection. 31.3% reported moderate rejection and 14.3% reported high rejection.
So for the sake of the argument, we will combine moderate and high rejection together, coming to a rejection percentage of 45.6%. When taking out 41, the percentage is moved to 18.696% of transsexuals attempting suicide due to nonenvironmental reasons involving family.
To further demonstrate the case of environmental factors, we will use "[One of the biggest studies on the experiences of transgender people was the 2011 National Transgender Discrimination Survey (NTDS). It found that in the U.S., 41 percent of transgender and gender non-conforming people had attempted suicide, compared to a national average of just 4.6 percent……A brand new study from Canada confirms this effect. There, the suicide attempt rate for transgender people was similar to what other studies have found: about 18 times higher than the general population. But the study found that some factors greatly reduced the attempt rate. For example, when transgender people had affirming parents, the rate dropped by 57 percent. Access to legal documentation consistent with their gender identity dropped rates by 44 percent. Trans people who experienced low levels of anti-trans hate were 66 percent less likely to attempt suicide.]"
For this we will focus on "Trans people who experienced low levels of anti-trans hate were 66 percent less likely to attempt suicide" since it can be used as an umbrella factor for negative environmental impacts and has the greatest impact generally overall.
66% of 41% comes out to 13.94% of transsexuals committing or attempting suicide due non-environmental factors, which is 3.03 times the national average's rate of 4.6.
Now, would you not say that if your solution to a problem resulted in a significant proportion of your patients attempting suicide, than that method is a failure? This is why I am of the opinion that we should seek treatment through other means, preferably like any other disorder - through a combination of therapy and medication.
Anti-Poverty Problems; Social Welfare.
Using current definition of poverty by the Untied States' Census Bureau, the current definition of poverty has been "[developed in the mid 1960s.]"
+In 1959, poverty was at 27.3%
+Poverty until 1965 had been in a decline about 1% per year, reaching downwards of 21.0%.
+Poverty met its lowest peak in 1969, at 14.0%
+ Poverty then increased to 15.1% the following year, 1970.
+Poverty since has continued to flex, reaching its highest peak since 1960 at 22.7% in 1993.
+Since 1993, poverty's lowest peak has been set at 16.2% in 2000; poverty's highest point at 22.0% in 2010.
+As of currently, poverty sits at 19.7% as of 2015.
"With private social welfare spending included, the grand total for social welfare expenditures reached $181.6 billion in fiscal year 1969"
"These programs spent $361 billion and $373 billion in 2015 and 2016, respectively."
A more accurate measurement of poverty has been used by the Census Bureau, called S.P.M. (Supplementary Poverty Measure). With this new measurement, for 2012, poverty increased from 15.1% to 16.0%.
Well, you may explain the new amount of spending on population growth. More people means you would be more inclined to spend a greater amount of money, but in 1969 the U.S. population was 202,676,946 people. In 2010, 310,232,863. So, about a little over a 57%, give or take, increase of population with about a 100% or near double amount of spending in Anti-Poverty Programs.
From this data, we must conclude that Social Welfare programs is not as originally intended working as a means to end poverty, as poverty has not been eliminated as planned. We must too conclude that welfare, in its current form, is neither a safety net too for those financially devastated seeing from the rates of poverty still present. In order to drive out poverty we must seek other solutions as Welfare and Anti-Poverty programs, as demonstrated are not a means to the end of poverty or work as a safety net.
"Lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth were significantly more likely to attempt suicide in the previous 12 months, compared with heterosexuals (21.5% vs 4.2%). Among lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth, the risk of attempting suicide was 20% greater in unsupportive environments compared to supportive environments."
"The CDC’s 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, released again in 2013 with new analysis, reports in its first-ever study focusing on victimization by sexual orientation that the lifetime prevalence of rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner was 43.8 percent for lesbians, 61.1 percent for bisexual women, and 35 percent for heterosexual women, while it was 26 percent for gay men, 37.3 percent for bisexual men, and 29 percent for heterosexual men (this study did not include gender identity or expression).
The National Violence Against Women survey found that 21.5 percent of men and 35.4 percent of women living with a same-sex partner experienced intimate-partner physical violence in their lifetimes, compared with 7.1 percent and 20.4 percent for men and women, respectively, with a history of only opposite-sex cohabitation. Transgender respondents had an incidence of 34.6 percent over a lifetime according to a Massachusetts survey."
Traditional Gender Roles make Men and Women Happier:
Couples who share the housework are more likely to divorce, study finds:
Stay-at-home mothers are happier than "independent" girls obsessed with career like men:
According to the Center for Immigration Studies, "In 2012, 51 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal or illegal) reported that they used at least one welfare program during the year, compared to 30 percent of native households. Welfare in this study includes Medicaid and cash, food, and housing programs……Welfare use is high for both new arrivals and well-established immigrants. Of households headed by immigrants who have been in the country for more than two decades, 48 percent access welfare. "
Breaking this down to orgin of immigrantion, the C.I.S. says, "Welfare use varies among immigrant groups. Households headed by immigrants from Central America and Mexico (73 percent), the Caribbean (51 percent), and Africa (48 percent) have the highest overall welfare use. Those from East Asia (32 percent), Europe (26 percent), and South Asia (17 percent) have the lowest."
According to Pew Research, in 2014 the percentage for receiving welfare income for Hispanics was 3.9%, African American 5.0% and Whites 2.0%.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Commerce:
percent of welfare recipients who are white/caucasian: 16.8 %
Percent of welfare recipients who are black: 39.6%
Percent of welfare recipients who are Hispanic: 21.2%
For reference, Social Capital is defined as, "the networks of relationships among people who live and work in a particular society, enabling that society to function effectively."
As Diversity Increases, Social Capital Decreases, R. Putnum: [neighborhood residents…tend to 'hunkerdown] and [trust…community cooperation and fewer friends] are had.
Sandra Susan Smith, Department of Socialogy, University of California, Berkeley, California:
"Conclusion: Race is most important determination of trust. This review of the literature is an effort to explicate why. Although the research includes qualitative and quantitative research on Blacks, Whites, Lations, and Asians, the bulk of the review focus on Blacks and Whites, the trust gap is starkest, and the black-white trust gap cannot be easily accounted for such factors as class. Instead, a careful review of literature highlights the roles of historical contemporary discrimination, neighborhood context, and enthnoracial socialization to explain enthnoracial differences in generalized trust, and the differences in the extent of embeddedness in structures of trust worthiness help us to understand ethnoracial difference in strategic trust."
66% of Americans believe that immigrants should required to learn English.
77% say it is essential:
Even higher for Canadians at 78%.
Not once in the last 51 years have the majority agreed we should increase the percentage of immigration. The consensus is Majority wishes for either Present Level or Decreased Immigration. With Non-Hispanics Whites wanting Decreased immigrants at 42% and Present Level at 36% as of Jun-July, 2016.
Whites, upon learning that they would be a minority by 2050, become increasingly against multiculturalism, a bases for Integrated Threat Theory?
The “Obama Effect”? Priming Contemporary Racial Milestones Increases Implicit Racial Bias among Whites
According to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll, “Two-thirds of whites say that immigrants should give up some important aspects of their culture to blend in; only about four in ten Hispanics, and an equal number of blacks, agree with that view."
I'm done.
There's some good stuff in this thread at >>>/pdfs/3388
I'll scavenge some good stuff to post if the mods don't shoah this thread.
The economic manifesto which held influence on the N.S.D.A.P. and on Adolf Hitler himself; over-viewing everything from the Nationalsozialistische's desire to end usury, to nationalization of the banking system and the core economic foundation of National Soc-ialism itself, a must read to understanding the inner workings of Germany's economic successes.
The offic-ial positions and manifesto of the N.S.D.A.P., discussing the issues of property rights and land ownership, to the issues of unemployment and religion, and the 25 Points of National Soc-ialism itself.
The complete and only offic-ial authorized English translation of Mein Kampf and the first book of Adolf Hitler, the German Chancellor who had brought the National Soc-ialist German Workers' Party's ideals to the forefront of the world; covering everything from Hitler's views on nation and race, to the ideal Völkisch State and the struggle with the Reds for power in the German Revolution of 1918. A must-read for any National Soc-ialist and those curious about the history of National Soc-ialism's ideological bases.
Originally intended for members of the S.S. from the ethnic German communities in the south of Europe, these guidelines highlight the importance of the German Volk - from the origin of German-Nordic race, to the significance of marriage selection and the eugenics practiced under German Law, all questions one could have about Germany's policies regarding genetics is answered in this one guide.
Questions for and answered by Dr. Goebbels, the Reich Minister of Propaganda, overlaying everything from the 10 Commandments for National Soc-ialist, to the class-struggle and the one party state, and rather the fate of Germany lays in a republic or monarchy laid out all in one book.
The N.S.D.A.P.'s book of virtues describing the qualities and morality that is to be upheld by the Hitler Youth, covering from the nobility of law, justice and the need for courage, to the necessarily of German Soc-ialism and the meaning of what it means to furfill one's duty.
i forgot to add the header at the top of the post
Does anybody have any books/info about the work of Ahnenerbe and Thule?
I'll have to look around for anything specific but this book was responsible for it's foundation, I believe.
Lolwut. 13% of the normal population does not attempt suicide.
The annual age-adjusted suicide rate is 13.26 per 100,000 individuals.
Found an interesting documentary for those interested.
Looking for pills to put into video format. Been editing for a long time
Bump since there's not really any good threads going on right now.
bump, we've got some good shit going keep it up guys
anyone got redpills on white birthrates?
good thread
you failed at your jewish attempt at engineering a hitlerian sextet. kek will not be mocked, shitposting faggots.
Requesting friendly zombie diet threads
Here guys, I completely forgot a wrote this argument a while back:
"In 2012, there were 3.2 million farmers, ranchers and other agricultural managers and an estimated 757,900 agricultural workers were legally employed in the US. Animal breeders accounted for 11,500 of those workers with the rest categorized as miscellaneous agricultural workers. The median pay was $9.12 per hour or $18,970 per year."
So, let's say we took all agricultural workers who work for $9.12 an hour and decided to raise their wage to $15 an hour.
$15 - $9.12 = $5.88
$5.88 an hour times the hours per year comes out to a $12,230.4 increase per worker.
Now times the number of workers in ALL of agriculture, 3,957,900, comes out to $48,406,700,160 per year in higher wage cost.
Now, $48,406,700,160 divided by the U.S. population comes out to $151.79 a year in extra food prices per individual or $607.16 per four person family.
Keep in mind, this was with 3.2 million farmers (not ranch hands), ranchers and mangers factored in. Let's try just workers this time, yeah?
$5.88 × 2,080h × 757,900 workers = 9,269,420,160 a year in food.
Now, divided by the population, the new prices are 29.0668553151 extra per individual now.
So, food would only rise $29.06 dollars a year or $116.36 for a four person family.
To further explain this, according to PewHispanic, only 4% of illegals work in agriculture:
With 11 million illegals in the U.S. with only 4% in agriculture, that's 440,000 workers total.
For shit and giggles, let's say illegals make $1 an hour and if we hired American we paid the medium wage of $9.12 an hour. That's a 800.12% increase in wages.
So, $8.12 x 2,080h = 16,889.6 a year in higher wages per worker.
16,889.6 x 440,000 = 7,431,424,000
7,431,424,000 ÷ 318.9 million = $23.30 per individual or an increase of $93.2 a year in food prices.
Let's do a more realistic wage now and say illegal immigrants get $4 an hour in wages.
Let's only an increase of $14.69 a year per individual or $58.77 a year per 4 person family.
More on illegals:
According to the Congress of the Untied States, Congressional Budget Office, "[the tax revenue that unauthorized immigrants generate for state and local governments do not offset the total cost of service provided to those immigrants.]"
For example:
"Revenues Versus Spending
The available estimates of the budgetary impact of unauthorized immigrants vary greatly in their timing and scope. Most of the studies that include both revenues and
costs for multiple programs show that state and local governments spend more on unauthorized immigrants than
they collect in revenues from that population. For example: Recent estimates indicate that annual costs for unauthorized immigrants in Colorado were between $217 million and $225 million for education, Medicaid, and corrections. By comparison, taxes collected from unauthorized immigrants at both the state and local levels amounted to an estimated $159 million to $194 million annually."
I wrote this a while back to counter faggots who said 'lol civil will won't matter you'll lose.'
Why Small Numbers Matter:
Now, you may claim 'well, there's only a small amount of separatist, nationalist, racist and so on,' and I'm forced to agree, since I have yet to see a poll or static giving us a real number of how many there really are. You may continue on in your statement with 'so there's really no reason to even worry about these people because of how small their numbers really are,' which I am inclined to disagree upon looking at the history of uprisings and revolutions.
For three (3) examples I give you:
+The American Revolution
Which had 6.5% of the population participate in the war effort at the height of the war.
+The Yugoslavia Civil War.
Now this is a tremendous war. For sake of narrowing it down, we will focus on beginning of the conflict, the Ten-Day War. During the rise of the conflict, Slovenia had wished for succession from the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, in which Yugoslavia responded with militaril action. Slovenia responded with its own, being made of 45, 200 armed personal. To run the numbers, with Slovenia's population being 1,913,355 in 1991, this concludes 2.36% of Slovenia's population participated in this war, a war that would kickstart the fall and separation of the whole Socialist Federation.
+Russian Civil War
In it, 2,400,000 White Russians and 3,000,000 Red Russians had fought for power over the Russian Empire's fate. The Population of Russia being at the time was 184.6 million in 1917, this means at the time, 2.3% of the population fought in the Civil War leading the rise of Soviet Union.
So, giving that in these three (3) scenarios, you have an uprising and or revolution of between 2-7% of the population, would it be safe to say that even a small minority of the population feeling tension, in any significant way, is possibly dangerous to that society's wellbeing, rather the outcome of said revolution is complete regime change or escalation of tension?