Imagine being cucked over and over again by actual kikes
That is what cuckchan 2.0 aka FreemasonChan aka where you are now has become.
Imagine being cucked over and over again by actual kikes
That is what cuckchan 2.0 aka FreemasonChan aka where you are now has become.
Imagine bumping a thread on a Freemason Chan
Imagine actual kikes will come in and call me the kike
The FBI is coming, shill-chan!
I'm not telling you to go anywhere. Meguca, , NNTPchan, , a-echan idgaf just leave corrupt chan
That's pretty good fam tbh
I dig Meguca occasionally myself.
ip harvester, honeypot
Run by goons and is constantly spammed with anti white propaganda.
probably a dead goon honeypot
Full of dipshits that think Hitler tried to kill off the white race. Also run by goons.
The fact you need to shill here makes you no better than TRS, the_donald, et al the other cancer.
There is no excuse
Anyone who thinks this site isn't shit belongs here, quite frankly. It's been mentioned in the media far too much recently as well, and /r/T_D has been showing up and just making themselves at home as if they are anything remotely like us in worldview or culture. This is an ongoing outreach phase but it's not going to last forever. It's not like anybody suffers any delusions of saving 4/pol/ from the shitskins and the mods at this point - white flight applies to the internet too.
All good things eventually come to an END
No, but Rod Rosenstein made the call
Yes. There's a ton of great places out there find them.
That's a meme kikey started fam. The techfags behind End are actually brilliant and the board is probably the fastest / most response of all. Meguca is decent too tbh.
ImKikey created the T_D faggot alliance. He sucks their cocks in discords
Yeah I'm sure he's behind SA and Holla Forums as well.
Fucking dipshit goonscum.
Also is owned by a Polish admin, and Holla Forums is ran by an American (2 of them) BO.
You fags can't ever pick an enemy. That's how kikey gets you to stay, create a nonexistent enemy all the time and you fall for it
Lol which is it? How about it just being a National Socialist who wants to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children and end this literal honeypot of a datamining website from killing you to fight another day
Plus I just like to trigger kikey's shitskin faggot ass
lol comey is out faggot you cant stop it now
It's always amusing when shills call every other board
When it's been proven that's what this is 100% w/ sunshine and IP leaks. How stupid do you think your userbase is?