I don't know what to say this time around.

Other urls found in this thread:

Matt on suicide watch. Where's the original.


In this timeline, the edits are better than the original.

Furie could have milked Pepe and gang for millions, all while giving lip service that he does not support the more 'radical elements', but he's too much of a dude weed degenerate to have good business sense.

Ben's a pro-Israel cuck and pepe is a jewish meme. Sorry just had to say it.

It's even more funny if you watch the Styx video where it talks about Bens comeback after embracing the memes. Now he's making fun of another cartoonist who failed to follow in his foot steps.

The world is getting better with each passing day.

gas yourself.



You'd think Ben "hate speech isn't free speech" Garrison of all people would take Matt's side on this one.


At times like this I think, if I went back in time to 2014 and tried to explain the future to my old self, how would he react?

Ben better not be cheating on us with cuckchan.



Benny started as a pro immigration WeeedLMAO leftist democrat.

Holla Forums turned him into a low key fascist.

As we warp reality with meme magic, reality becomes harder to believe. But let's keep warping it and see what happens.




It's ok, he just does it for marketing. He got banned from 4chan and posted here after that, plus drew Hotwheels in a comic and depicted moot as a cucked duck.

Take all of his characters from him,

It's to throw the normies off our scent user and into the piss pool.

Maybe according to the TRSodomite definition of fascist, but he's a pro-Israel, so-called "right-wing" lolberg.

we've all seen it kikeio

weeeew lads.

I like where this is going

It's hard to forgive Ben for joining forces with the OHPI.

The fuck were you still doing on 4chan in 2014?

It would be the greatest shit if this happened and we just ended up with a fash as fuck Boy's Club that completely took precedence over the original in any related conversation/totally erased Matt Furie being the original creator of any of them.

Hahahaha, greatly memed. I strive for the day when I am in the position of that Pepe, ordering the execution of those who foolishly considered me their "comrad" as they spit in the face of my people. I'll only shed tears of joy though.

Aww, Ben. At least he shows us some respect.


Next Ben draws a cartoon with himself killing kikes. Then he will be complete.

that Zylkon Garrison labeling is spot on

It'd be great to do that, but you'd damn well better emphasize each as their own loveable character in their own different ways for the strongest memeing potential possible.


Kinda wish it didn't have the clover but whatever, i rather have them be the scapegoat every time.

We came here at the end of 2014, user.


Landwolf would be breddy gud for dropping greenpills, if you're into that kind of thing.

fresh meme off the machine

You forgot to change the clover to an infinity sign.

No need, the diamond is already a reference to 8ch.


landwolf the greenpill - smokes a lot of weed and swears vengance on Saturn for fucking pepe/kek over thousands of years ago
andy the ancap - gets bullied by the rest of them but still vehemently hates kikes
brett the esoteric hitlerist - very detirmined to end Kali Yuga, blue like lightning. probably was in the Thule Society but nobody knows for sure, old enough to miss Hitler.
pepe - an unlikely frog who one day became a God.

boys club reclaimed.

Subtle but effective.


Checked. Let it be so.

Wew, checked

Not argue with your digits but I think we just need to make them more average and not internet genre people. A pot head libretarian is good. One should be an average conservative, christian like but doesn't have to be spouting religious stuff. One could also be a more liberal character who is on the verge of being red pilled by the others.

Best thing to do is not "make" them anything at all other than racist and anti-semitic, of course. After all, its not like we planned on the boys club frog turning into a giant poop joke and then into facebook cancer and then into an actual fucking god who uses internet sorcery to spread fascism.

Landwolf could be Wepwawet.

Agreed, the natural progression of oc is best.


It's better that way, we don't want the attention.

It's perfect.

Nope, Ben started as a libertarian and still is one, just less dude weed lmao and more muh constitution.

Hey Holla Forums, what's he gassing?


his creator

alright here

way ahead of you, champ.

Put your name out there in public and declare you're anti-Israel. See how long you'll last.

Good point. Can't argue with those dubs.

the trips have it!



The start of evil began when the French slaughtered their nobility in the name of "liberty" and "egalitarianism."

Lolbergs are deluded shitlibs who think a robust economic system will make up for the failures of placing the desires of the individual above the needs of the state.

And their economic system isn't even good. I never hear any Lolbergs talking about banning or outlawing usuery.

Fuck it, time to rock



Most certainly not. Years ago back when he had his job as a political cartoonist for some newspaper he used to deny he was an anti-semite, but he never said anything positive about Israel, and after he got fired for the Jew edits of his works, he's only been getting more and more based. He's just a couple years away from openly naming the Jew in his comics.

Lol @ how scrawny Matt is depicted.


I'll bet ya 100 ReichBux that he will name the jew by Aug 28th

nah. landwolf is that guy everyone knows thats super into EDM and fancies himself a 'dj' and comes off as a pot-adled hippy but somehow still has a shit ton of conservative values hidden underneath.

If you are gonna meme use your imagination

Pepe will never die.

better edit, includes the pink carnation

But that led to him being somewhat red pilled remember Josh Goldberg?

He has bad memory or he's an overcompensating noobfug.


It's cool, you'll start to chill out in a few months and the red hate will become pure and icy.

The nazi guerrila was called Wehrwölfe, this hairy ball of hate turns into a werewolf, coincidence? I think not!
Someone shop that guy into this picture. bonus points for the werewolf rune.

I uploaded the wrong pic
Let's meme wepwawet

you are not loved here, and nowhere else

Matt Furie confirmed for being a scrawny faggot that doesn't even lift or eat bacon.

Extreme libertarians support competiting currencies instead of a state-mandated monopoly. Under a libertarian society it is up to the private individual to create usury-free currencies. The number one biggest mistake libertarians make is it requires a population that is homogeneous, intelligent, generous, and moral. Without a shared value system and the appropriate genetics it collapses into the war of all against all.

It's a lesson we've been taught since children in row row your boat life is but a dream and memes are the chisel we sculp it with


So this made me think - surely he associates pepe primarily with Holla Forums, as do most people nowadays. And surely he remembers how Holla Forums used to, and still does, edit his comics by including the kikes. But I don't recall him raising any fuss about it since Holla Forumsharbour. Did he finally come to terms with being a natsoc mascot? When did it happen? Is he finally unironically /ourguy/?

He came to Holla Forums a while ago and then made a post on his site about how he enjoyed talking to us. He drew a pic of Hotwheels and later had some fundraising thing that he worked on with Hotwheels.

Let's make matt furie the next ben garrison


Has it been 3 days?

I thought Sarah Anderson was the next BG.

I think we might have co-opted all of the Ds
2 3 and 4.

Shut the fuck up

No kike cuck shills like you are the ones who are not wanted here.


How is this guy paid to know so little about internet culture?

His job description is literally the directive given to newfags, and he fails to do even that.

that is the winner right there

That's triple dubs broseph.

antifa beating up a trashcan?!


This kills the /k/ommando

Kek would know who kikes are…

I klnew he was a lost casue when he turned against the chessmaster.
This is just the iceing on the cake.

I prefer the edit.

It's becoming harder to tell between the two lately.


I didn't even think of 4chan. I saw it as a symbol of the luck of dubs.

It's the halfchan's symbol; no way around it.

Is your name Moishe, or do you work for ShareBlue? How much are they paying you?

Only shills hide behind three layers of shill-naming.

Oi vey, shut it down /s

He knows not to mention Holla Forums. He's just following rules one and two.

You can never hide, Schlomo. In some sense, you're Eternal.

Fuck off plebbit.



That is, hands down, my favorite Ben Garrison comic ever.

Dammit, Ben!


Ever noticed that you can't swallow the greenpill without first swallowing the redpill? Bluepilled "greenpilled" people are useless and never post anything of value. Redpilled posters who also took the greenpill have an innate sense of filtering out all the bullshit and giving you what knowledge you need.

Subitly at it's finest.

Interesting observation… yes, rings true in my book.