NJ Gubernatorial Primary Debates


Potential governor's for my shithole of a state are debating right now. Two things to know.

1. Phil Murphy is the Democrat frontrunner. He was Obama's former ambassador to Germany and is literally Jon Corzine 2.0

2. Kim Guandango the GOP front runner. She is the Lt. Governor for Christie and is a massive Never Trumper

New Jersey is fucked

Pay attention to Phil Murphy. He is the front runner for the Democrats currently. He cannot be allowed to become governor. At all costs he must be stopped. If he wins, my state will become Nu-California

Why the fuck don't you guys elect your governor on a normal even number year like the rest of us?

Because the GOP leaders in our state are basically RINO's who will never allow someone like Trump get far. The Democrats are the worst though, as the last two Democratic governor's we had, Corzine and McGreevy, are both corrupt. Corzine for purposely tanking MF Global and McGreevey for cheating on his wife with a male.

While I take this to be true and I appreciate the high instance of dubs in this thread, that doesn't really answer my question.

Our last GOP governor before Christie was Christine Todd Whitman. Let that sink in for a moment.

Also Guandango is running as your typical "fiscal conservative" aka a cuckservative RINO to appeal to the moderates. So we either get another shady Democrat or a RINO. I fucking hate this state, I really do.

The current New Jersey constitution went into effect in 1947. That's why. Also Mississippi, Louisiana and Virginia are odd numbers as well

That makes sense. I remembered Christie being elected while I was in the middle of high school but I thought that couldn't be right because that wasn't the midterm or when Obongo got elected so I thought I was experiencing the Mandela effect.

Hey it's not so bad, at least you're not Delaware.

But Delaware is comfy though, even if Democrats run that state. Its quiet, its not crowded, and your gun laws aren't a clusterfuck like my state is.

I still, still, still don't believe anyone here is from Jew Jersey.

It's comfy if I pretend everything's fine but then I remember that Democrats run politics at 100% at every level in my part.

I was thinking a few weeks ago that in a similar way that California should be broken up, the state of Delmarva should be a thing for electoral college purposes. Maryland would never go red because of Baltimore but it has a fuck ton of red counties that could offset (((New Castle County))). I did the math and in the last election if you add all of eastern Maryland including all of Cecil County to Delaware, and peninsular Virginia which really is fuck all either way so it could stay if it wants, it only just barely stays blue. But add Hartford county and the new state become a R+4 state with about 5 electoral votes.

I'm proof of that though sadly. The New Jersey you're thinking of is North Jersey. Do not associate us South Jersey residents with those libtards.

Jew Jersian here. New Jersey is a Jewish run shit hole. Anyway why are you including the never trumper part? Trump
s a Zio shill anyway so its not like that matters.

North Jersey in the house. I still want to have an Nj meet up and talk about kikes and stuff

Please don't remind me of the kikes here. We had a lot of Trump supporters down in South Jersey, also in Northwest Jersey as well. The problem is that (((they))) are rampant in the blue areas. Which are also home to niggers, pajeets, muslims and illegals.

I think there's apparently a disproportionate amount of anons from New Jersey which the running theory is because they have to deal with hordes of kikes and jews in their state. I would believe it.

Right around this area. I don't get the whole crumbling industry thing though since my town is actually pretty decent/

Fucking kikes are mostly scum from NYC who live down here.

Only good thing right now is that there's a good chance the GOP can flip Menendez's seat since no one's gonna vote for a corrupt piece of shit like him.

Back when we had NJ general threads, it was blatantly obvious that NJ repped the most anons here.
This state, Jew Jersey, is literally filled to the brim with Jews. The only place in the world where there is a higher concentration of Jews is Israel. Never ever move here ever. It is a containment state.

I would say Jew York City has a higher concentration but no state itself can compare. White New Jerseyans are basically Palestinians as far as I'm concerned.

That map is inaccurate as fuck

Yeah its really bad, a lot of Jews in my town.

Lol i didn't make meme mateys

To anyone who didn't' watch the debate: Phil Murphy, aka Obama's ambassador to Germany, got annihilated by Wisniewski aka Le Weed Man.

He's basically the Bernie Sanders of NJ.


Is… Is mercer county blue?



With the way the Trump administration has been playing out thus far, I'm not sure I want to hold that against her. Reminder that her boss put Kushner's kike faggot dad in prison and it cost him a job in Trumpstein's admin.

>implying it could be saved somehow besides through an exterminatus order in current year + 2.
user, I…

South Jersey is best Jersey.

The crazy thing about Jersey is that there are some extremely wealthy white communities, then drive 10 minutes on the freeway and you're in Newark or Elizabeth.

Literally what? NJ was California before California.

Newark, New Jersey here.

We've got corruption. Endless corruption. New Jersey's strength is in the average citizen that doesn't buy any of that leftist bullshit. There are a lot of them but they get covered up because they're in trouble for offending the liberal snowflakes or surrounded by liberal snowflakes all over the place. Some of the worst liberal snowflakes I ever saw were actually from out of state…even Texas believe it or not.

From my side of things we've been fucked ever since the niggers destroyed Newark. Newark was our main hub, our Manhattan, our money producer, our big city. Imagine the revenue and cash we could have brought to this state and even the entire nation if we had a NYC 2.0 that Newark used to be. Now it's a democrap shithole because the nigs flood the place and they will continue to vote democrap.

Newark is a Satanic Jewish shithole. Rothschild Genie Energy company headquarters is there and there's Black Freemason lounge Prince hall.

No wonder this place has that "feeling". The deeper you go in Newark the lower your mood gets. As if some demonic force is in the atmosphere all around you. Well that and the large numbers of nogs too of course.

You're both descendants of relatively recent immigrants and prone to crime, you're just mad the jews out-crimed you

Why did I go back to this thread to reply to this faggot
I'm neither from New Jersey, nor am I Italian, I'm ethnically German.

You know what I think I recognize one of the filthy niggers in that crowd. The one with the beard and shades. He was some racist cunt professor that no one in my class liked. A condescending blame it all piece of shit. Fuck that cock-sucker. Glad to know however that his bullshit is due to him being a Freemason though.

Actually it was Newark that was full of Italians. The towns next over were actually full of Germans. Yeah the southern Italians had a fuckton of criminals, but damn the industry they promoted was excellent.

I think South Jersey itself had a lot of German heritage.

You mean the nigger in pic related? That's Cornell West. He's one of the worst pieces of anti-white kike owned nigger "intellectual" scum on the planet right now.

I see at least 5 niggers with beards and shades but I'm guessing you mean

I'm from Jersey and Newark is literally the lowest hell on the face of the earth. Even driving through Camden and Irvington doesn't give me that same feeling of depression when I drive through Newark. It's like I have to take a shower after passing through it.

He looked like Cornell West, but he was a professor I remember. Maybe I'm mistaken because these two motherfuckers were basically twins (skunk beard and everything), but this professor was anti-everything. Anyone who stood against being a bleeding heart cuckold he blamed and hated. Couldn't stand that motherfucker!

Yeah guys for real I know exactly what you mean. I went their once and my Jew sense was going crazy the whole time, and that was before I knew anything about it. Driving in everything just started looking run down and grayer and the mood just dropped. It felt like we were crossing over into hell or something. Anyway real bad vibes there man. I was actually thinking about doing a greentext story of my trip there on Holla Forums back when I went their like a year or 2 ago.

Like I said here , there's some sort of "Principality" that rules over the area there. Many people I talked to from there say the same thing. This may belong in /x/, but there is a feeling where I can imagine as if you walked in a haunted house and there was presence of evil about. Where as one would cause fear this feeling causes you despair.

In Newark the niggers there are like a zombie apocalypse movie. Anyone who lives in Newark will turn into a nigger hater fast, I don't care how liberal they may have been before. I have zero trust for black people all together. They're literally cockroaches.

And of course Prince hall is right next to Synagogue lel. everytime

This is so perfectly describes what I feel when there, that "haunted house" feeling, but not in a good fun or even intriguing way. Almost in a dirty way. There's always certain shade of gray and brown in Newark, both literally and figuratively, there's a like a gray / brown haze to the air and the buildings and a glum broken down feeling presiding over it. The "principality" you described is quite intriguing, I wonder if there is any way to dig deeper on that.

And there is a difference with Newark I should stress, there are areas of Camden and Irvington that are even more abandoned and dangerous, but I'm always a bit intrigued to see it, kind of like a kid at the zoo, seeing nigger infestation is like watching a science experiment. It's sad but a learning experience, for Newark I just almost feel physically ill.

There's a weirdly large amount of us here lad
Send help

Well to state the /christian/ or /x/ version of it, supposedly the more a place is prone to black magic, spells, demonic invocation, blood letting (gang violence), etc, the more a place can become vexed with a general spirit. In Newark's case it's the whole city.

The Prince Hall Freemasonry is clearly a mysticism cult that has prominence in the city. Then there's the Rothschild link another user found in this thread. In the occult, the more blood you spill, the more a demon will manifest. We got plenty of murder and the Freemason HQ and Rothschild link is most certainly a main push.

A Principality is basically a lead demon that rules over the dominion of a place similar to a pantheon god from Mythology.