Can you give me some actual evidence that socialist/marxist theories actually works?

can you give me some actual evidence that socialist/marxist theories actually works?


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Elaborate, what do you mean by "evidence", which theories are you talking about(shit's varied), what about those economic models which never had a chance of implementation?

Could you explain a bit more?

Define "actually works", especially considering that a lot of it is methods of analysis and can't be shown to "work"

Can you give us any evidence that feudalism works?

Can you give us any evidence that capitalism works?

Can you give us any evidence that communism works?

Also, reminder of all the failed attempts at progressing said socio-economic systems. Capitalism took around ~200-300 years (dependent on which historian you ask) to take a stabil foothold.

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I like not being exploited so it works

It's been proven that humans perform creative and heuristic tasks worse when given financial incentive
That proves full communism would work to me (society post remunerated work)

Old people in all the ex socialist countries miss the security of socialized housing, medicine, etc




( ( ( Friedman ) ) )

Spain (catalonia), Rojava, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Cuba, The USSR, Pre Pinochet Chile, Chiapas, the honduran campesino movements, Korea (not north Korea, anarchist Korea, learn a little history), The list really does go on and on.

Now in exchange can you show me successful capitalism?

Hard mode, no 'corporatism'

Von Mises

forgot to flag

How about you show how capitalism actually works, you mong

Not to mention all the land grabbing performed by feudal and capitalist governments that made capitalism possible.

Depends on your definition of "work". Technically any economic system "works".



we already did

workers don't like being exploited (unlike they are classcucks like you) so it works

No matter how you split it, capitalism is an abysmal failure that has negatively impacted the lives of millions of people. A critique of capitalism has given us the reason for its failures in terms that even a child could understand. Inasfar as socialism is simply capitalism without these elements that are known to cause systemic failure, it is a superiour system, QED.



Fun's over sunny Jim. It's time to let the workers or robots call the shots. Shit's fucked up enough as it is.

Breddy Muge.

the team is still getting a financial incentive, not just the top performing employees

Also, your statement contradicts the evidence from my distribution center I work at. When we removed pay incentives and fixed everyone's income to the previous incentive pay ceiling. Productivity decreased 25-30% after this.

Don't be a sectarian faggot, I like democratic input, but the USSR was a great success in many regards.

Literacy rates skyrocketed, Hitler was defeated, became the worlds second largest super power and became the backbone of the global revolution.

Communism was never achieved, but consider the global backlash against communism by the entrenched global power. Just because an ideal does not succeed does not make it incorrect.

Ever slave rebellion that was instantly crushed was correct in intention. Their mistake was simply bad organisation. 'Democratic' Centralism is a ludicrous way to organise. No less ludicrous than capitalism however.

You have to understand that for the most part the proletariat of Russia were happy with the arrangement AND for those that lived through both, what they had was preferable to what they have now.

To follow that, what the USSR gave Russia was a system far better than it was before.

No, it didn't create perfect communism but it did do a lot of other extremely impressive things.

A) Nobody takes anecdotal evidence seriously.

B) There is nothing about socialism that precludes financial incentives to people who work hard or at more difficult/dangerous jobs.