Coup the EU?

Instead of trying to destroy the EU, perhaps it would be better to take it over. Think of it, turning the Askenazim pet project into a Eugenicist Empire Europa.

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Get out, faggot.


I think I'm going to leave this place now. It's starting to eat it's own like Saturn.

Get out, faggot.

Wait. You're saying that we shouldn't turn EU into Holla ForumsEU?

We want to have individual countries.
We are fighting globalism as much as we are fighting corruption and progressivism.


Didn't mean to sage.


Why should we French or Germans be obeying the will of people in other countries?

It's a noble idea, but do you know how much it would take to dislodge corrupt globalists from the EU? Regardless of what you think about the idea, it's completely impossible. Look at fucked European elections are. Lots of really fucked up "elections" going on, like that one that was so fucked they had to redo it.

You're not couping the EU. It's designed so the people in power stay in power, it's not even a democracy.

Since we're one and the same?
You act so overly dramatic. It is like you want history to repeat itself.

French culture is different from German or Croatian or Spanish or Greek culture. Mixing them all together would be a tragedy. And I know that Greeks see the world differently from English or Norwegians. Forcing us all together might not be a good idea. It might create fratricidal violence and not peace.

Holla Forums has always been a White Imperialist board, not WN, that's for TRS.

Since when has any board on any chan ever been a cohesive organism with a single point of view. Instead of posting here how about you go and do something that you'd be better at
like killing yourself you fucking cunt

Nice. Thanks for contributing. :)

Why don't you kill yourself? :^)

After all, Holla Forums is one person.


For the advancement of science, politics and evolution, we should rather have separate people with different ideologies.
There is no need for a fuckhuge organisation that rules the world. Bureaucracy would slow everything to a crawl, just like democracy does today.

Opposition and competition is good for us, it keeps the mind fresh and it has an idealistic value to it, which is what people crave.
War is to an extent inevitable when it comes to differing ideologies, but it's important that the superior ideology wins. We weren't so lucky the last century.

If it's the alliance for purpose of exterminating all non-europeans then ok.

When that's over we can start exterminating each other.

Nice dubs. Have a free shoah

That's the most retarded shit I've heard yet.

Also, we can't just give everything back to the countries. If these EU fucks had something right was European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC or Euratom). Surely, we can think of better options, but many countries today who oppose EU expansionism and bureaucracy want to return to the days of the European Economic Community, while giving political power back to the countries.

like it or not different countries still have different DNA/gene structures. The Romans and the Germanics didn't look exactly the same either.
Don't let the "white" buzzword deceive you, although we fall into pretty much the same category, there is still a major difference.

Trade will still continue whether we have the EU or not. We can just start discussing again, hopefully without Jews running the place.

There is no point on making a fuss about the minor differences between a people who over the past decades have shown to be more related to each other than it was thought. That is, unless, you want more blood shed and senseless conflict.

And I did not say that trade will not happen. Trade has happened before WW1, in between, during WW2 and after on, whether people trade with pebbles or salt for salary, trade will always happen. What I was pointing out was the rationale behind Euratom and the ECSC: the idea where coal and steel were no longer solely in the hands of the countries in which they lay, but rather the unification of these industries. If you want to make it sound more dramatic, it basically neutered countries from exploiting solely from these resources for a potential war program.

In the case of the Coal and Steel Community, you usually have Germany and France. Neither of them would be willing to attack each other since they would be basically attacking their own assets. As they put it: "making war not only unthinkable but materially impossible."

I keep sageing like a faggot. Wth is wrong with me.

You seriously sound like a leftie to me.
This is what lefties say about race.
Sure we can have steel trade, it's stupid to say that we will be materially incapable on our own though.

Denying the natural hierarchy among white people is funny. It's like "we don't believe in equality, it's literally communism", but when it's about white people you all go full commie a la "we're all equal". Fuck that shit. Germans are obviously better at organizing things and the Third Reich would have created conditions where everybody would have been happy with all the freedoms they would ever wanted. They would have liberated you from your central banks against your will, but it would have been for the greated good.

We only have to gain about 30% control over the EU to finish it off.

What the genetic standard of Europia?

Every nation should be allowed to govern itself. It doesn't matter if they run themselves into the ground and are taken over by one run better, only that they are allowed to chose this destiny for themselves. A nation governing itself also requires it to be governed by the nation - that is with all of their leaders being of the culture, ethnicity, and religion of their nation as it was founded.

Individual countries are fine in times of peace. In times of strife, the similar minded must band together to fight the greater threat, or else they will get picked off one by one. The Greeks wouldn't have been able to hold off the Persians if they all decided to do their own thing.

I agree with what you are saying. Germans are best at some things. French are better at other things. French are very creative, Germans very industrious, etc. And we should keep the unique cultures separate and give control over the various countries to the people who reside there. However we must never adopt the notion that Germans have the right to rule over French or Slavs or what have you. We are not all the same. But we are still kin. We should always remember that.

Not saying that's what you were saying. I just want to nip some imperialistic ideas in the bud before they end up killing us. Europe for Europeans. Germany for Germans, France for French, Hungary for Hungarians, Croatia for Croats, etc.

Fuck off Ami

This is what I say about Europeans. Branding me a leftie for being a WN is overtly stupid. You literally want to get populations to argue and enter in conflict once again like "the good old days". A German in France can become a Frenchman while a nigger in France will not.

There have been problems with European migration, there's no denying in that. Greek refugees from Turkish territories have caused a lot of problems to the Greece, Italian and Irish immigration brought new types of organized crime into the U.S., but guess fucking what? They still managed to assimilate are are under no circumstances fatally distinguishable from the rest of the population. Niggers and asians, on the other hand, will never fit in.

Oh and countries may be competent for a couple of decades when it comes to steel trade, but can you guarantee that further generations will not develop territorial aspirations? You can see countries like Hungary wanting to get rid of what they perceive as a blight called the Treaty of Trianon and try to regain lost territories by force. You can see attempts being made by Hungarian ethnics in order to get autonomy on Romanian soil. How can you guarantee for a conflict to not be avoided?

Because emulation?
Let's say you happen to have pride in your family, would you let your siblings acting like little shits? You know it will ultimately reflect badly on you and everything related to your name. Nah, you'd rather raise them right and improve.
Same goes for a country. You want to be proud of your country and reward excellence and breakthroughs; you want the most brilliant people to be ambassadors of your nation and show how "you too can do it" (or do it better), you want to compete with other countries, you want to drive society forward.
When you put everyone in the same big boat, individuals have little to no identity, personal stakes, or need for self-esteem and morale.

Nice idea. But the EU is the institutions. The people in the institutions will never cooperate. If you fire them all, you've abolished the EU. Maybe you can make a new EU-like organisation with different people. But you can also do that without taking over the existing EU.

I like how the EU claims that they are the reason why Europe rebuilt itself after WW2 and why we live in prosperity.

Please. It was the will and the efficiency of the European people that they managed to haul themselves back up from the dirt, not a bunch of institutions filled with weasel eyed bureaucrats.

The EU is pozzed to its roots. To create a Imperium Europa and destroying the EU is the same anyways. An european confederancy or imperium would only be possible once most of the EU institutions and elements are replaced/changed drastically.

Because we aren't burgers without any identity.

Oh sure, and what would've happened with the French under German occupation? (srs question, no implications)

We're not. Take your commie universialism somewhere else.

Want to know? Fucking lurk moar.

I like my property private and my people white. I argue in favour of White European hegemony over all, so no universalism here.

The answer: nothing really, other than the groups who posed a threat to the Germans, the partisans. Other than that, they would have to comply with the policies coming from Germany, basically Hegemony over Europe.

Also, "lurk moar" barely makes any sense since most threads are more about contemporary issues and less about history and revisionism (which is something that I'm not really complaining about). Sage for double posting.

We aren't one and the same. Once this is over we are going to kill the frogs and retake Elsass-Lotringen and then genocide Poles over Danzig.
Anyone pro-EU must be indiscriminately killed.

Saged and reported.

Semites aren't welcome on Holla Forums.

Hear hear! No more brother wars!

I want larping idiots to leave. Maybe you should actually read some natsoc literature or god forbid hitlers literature and notice they too detested your filthy kike globalism.
Individual countries united under nationalsocialism. Not your brand of EU.

Richard "Tactical Trannies" Spencer is pushing this fucking retarded "global white party/empire". It's the fucking dumbest shit ever, and basically parrots Alexandr Dugin. Niggers don't have ethnicities. They never say "Ayyo Imma Nigerian nigga." They all identify as black because their niggers, and Europeans mixed and mashed various African ethnicities when they came.

I don't want to be a nigger. The countries of Europe have deep, rich and unique cultures and histories and I'll be damned if some "White EU" faggot wants to have some "national ist globalism".

It is not a new concept, and I am aware of Adolf Hitler's rejection of pan-Europeanism, but times were different back then and many people had in their mind the image of a pre-WW I Europe with specific geo-political trends. Welp, if you want to stick with your absolutes, fine. Don't whine when others won't follow you due to your inflexibility.

You lot remind me of those britfags who instead of going for the shitskins they went after the poles instead.

There is no such thing as "white". It's a term mongrel burgers invented, because they have no other metric to differentiate themselves by.

We are only allied with other native Europeans to defeat the Jew, but once the Jew is gone it will be survival of the fittest until the last nation standing.

TRS fags and Spencer need to burn in hell.

I am an ethnonationalist. It's a grotesque tragedy that I and most white Americans have to identify as "white" because we're Euromutts. I wouldn't wish a United States of Europe on anyone.

Any form of an EU is globalism you fags from TRS pushing for a "united white race" don't get what Hitler or the great nationalists of u=our time wanted. They wanted peace and European solidarity, but not unity.

I would rather the European nations have competition/conflict and preserve their ethnic, cultural, and historical nations than stagnate under an eternal united and homogenized peace.

What's the point of celebrating the beautiful diversity of the European man, from the Nord to the Mediterranean, if we have some white Super State?

Go home Dick

Anyway, you couldn't coup the EU if you tried. It's a literal plutocracy. The Commission is appointed, not elected. And it's not a United States of Europe yet, so even if you were successful somehow in overthrowing the Commission, you'll be faced by 27 hostile governments.

This is, without question, the dumbest thread I have seen on Holla Forums in quite a while.


Honestly, this. I hate to say it, but globalistic tendencies are the wave of the future, the next step in human evolution. As society grows more advanced and connected, we will quickly find that isolated nationalism will no longer be able to serve our purposes as well as an integrated system designed to serve the greater citizenry.

All of that said, the system currently being pushed is improperly designed and only being forced onto the public as a means to abuse the citizens to empower the (((chosen ones))) to gather more money and power, as are a great many systems currently being forced.

That does NOT mean that globalism as a concept is bad, it simply means that (((the wrong people))) are in charge of making policy to achieve these ends, and are only doing so to ensure their own selfish interests are served, rather than the needs of the public.

Realistically speaking, the US has the technology to move to a safe and effective non-physical system of currency by the end of the year.

The REAL problem with doing this is not the lack of technological advancement, it's the people. On one end, you have a bunch of greedy globalist faggots who only want to make money and don't give a flying fuck about safety, security, the possibility or consequences of widespread fraud; on the other end, you have a bunch of rural back-woods hicks and average every-day people who would resist the changes as long as they live. Between the two, it's impossible to force a system that doesn't work for everybody on people who wouldn't accept the changes anyway, because you'll get too many millions of discrepancies and errors that will enrage far more than just the vocal minority.

A well-designed system of globalism works and could very well be necessary when our society begins to make the leap into space travel and colonization. (((This version))) of globalism will only work for the richest and most powerful, and will ALWAYS hold us back.

Kys, kike. Everyone here wants to revert to 1970s in everyday technology and concentrate on space conquest instead.
Banning internet and smartphones should be the first thing done.

We don't even need a successful coup. All destabilization of the EU leads to Nationalist uprisings.

EU was the American coup. What do you think WW1&2 was about? By 'American' I mean Jewish, of course.

Globalist shills must die.

Nationalism is the only way forward.