



Other urls found in this thread:


www DOT bloomberg.com/politics/trackers/2017-05-09/trump-fires-fbi-director-james-comey-on-sessions-recommendation

web DOT archive.org/web/20170509215239/bloomberg.com/politics/trackers/2017-05-09/trump-fires-fbi-director-james-comey-on-sessions-recommendation


This needed to happen.
Thank you Trump.
Thank You Trump


FYI: You don't need to break links anymore.


I want her to do that on MUH DIK

what did Trump mean by this?


drain the swamp

If you can't do your job right, you are subject to dismissal.
This is a universal job rule

Is he going to lock her up?

is the zog a business

And may he never come back


Why the fuck did this take so long in the first place?

needs to be trending on twatter right now
No justice, no peace :^)


About fucking time.
James "I recommend no charges" Comey
James "I cannot discuss that matter" Comey
Good riddance.

But who do we want to replace him? Trey Gowdy? Sheriff Clarke?

user, with the way shit's set up, judicial processes take fucking forever. Plus it doesn't shock me that this happens right after the tax reforms. He probably wanted to deal with that shit as soon as possible.



its good for getting links. I did a search there for an older article user

The FBI needs to be destroyed flat out. This is the only way we can secure the destruction of Central Bank. You can't get to the king, until you get to the king's men.

Ledditors are so fucking stupid

Kek, they admit they have no actual proof that Trump has done anything like Hillary.

Reddit faggots have a really poor grasp of how our country works…

That would be fun. Lets hope that leftist filth memes hard enough.

Can normalfags not go two minutes without contextualizing something within the frame of shitty kosher entertainment media?

wtf I hate Trump now

These retards can vote.

They really need to decide whether they love or hate Comey, I'm getting whiplash.
These people are hopeless.

I just want more tears!!!

Trumps greatest achievement is the salt generation from leftist filth


Twitterniggers are collectively acting as if this is the end of the fucking. They can't actually articulate why and they spent the last few weeks bitching about him after Hillary threw him under the bus, but their instincts tell them they have to run around like chickens with their heads cut off for some reason.

It's just pure 100% contrarianism. Everything Trump does is bad because it's Trump doing it, regardless of how they actually feel about it.

You see this shit happen all the time in congress now. For instance, Trump is actually a centrist on most economic policies, so you'd expect it'd be easy for him to get enough votes for things when he can get people from both sides of the aisle to agree. Not so. Even though there are plenty of congressmen who will agree with whatever policy he's asking for, they'll still oppose it just because they don't want to give Trump any "wins". Plenty of examples so far of this.

Its awesome! Now if only they couldn't vote….

wait, there are people who use "Drumpf" unironically? I legitimately thought that the only people who ever use that term are unironic Holla Forums shitposters

Trump will never take down the banks.
It took Andrew Jackson 8 years to finally destroy them. Trump hasn't even acknowledged them as a problem, Jackson built his campaign around it.

Weird seeing it out in the open, it become sort of charming on Holla Forums, but seeing people actually using it is disgusting.

no. it was started by John Oliver and used non-ironically by leftists, including leddit.

Right, I know it was started by Current Year Man back in 2015. I remember that. But the whole thing was so stupid that I thought the unironic use of it quickly fizzled out after that, and the only people left all throughout 2016 and 2017 are shitposters using it ironically.

This is actually the first time in over a year that I've seen someone use "drumpf" unironically.


(((Schumer))) about to speak on the firing:



I don't even like Trump, but holy shit this is just getting pathetic.

Not same user but thanks for a point of view on that. Seriously it took long enough. Kushner and McMasterbator probably started going full backstab mode because Trump stopped draining the swamp.

No, thats why one of the best ways to shuffle a red pill IRL to a normalfaggot is turn their bullshit media memes around on them in odd ways. Things in ways they don't think like.



into the oven                              
                       john oliver,           

First good news we've had from the God Emperor in a while. Now if only he would fire Kushner, too, maybe I'd be back on the Trump Train.

Finally, something to really be smug about

So how long until Spicer is fired, with that logic?



Best part is, the girl behind orgasmed just from rubbing her thighs together while watching the backside swaying and bouncing in front of her.


The god damn FBI needs to be broken the fuck up, all executive leadership needs to be purged, arrests need to be made for wide spread TREASON and ANTI-AMERICAN activities


The difference is that The Spice doesn't call for press conferences for a specific topic and then refuses to discuss the topic that he called a press conference for.




I don't trust those CNN faggots at all.

sheriff joe arpaio

I see that also and suspect it's the only effective way to counter Obama setting up the same corrupt foundation criminal enterprise. Going after Clinton has to be done while they are spawning the next version of it using Obama. If you look back a lot of what has happened has happened as a result of Obama attempting to move forward.

Twitter is a forced meme, anyway. It's useless for anything other than trolling normies.

oh hillary !! HILLARY!!! where are you ? Obongo Obongo!!!! come out come out wherever you are.Emails, illegal wiretaps and corruption oh my.Here nigger nigger nigger!!! IT'S GAS TIME!!


Actually Trump is Batman, thinking this system is somehow saveable. We are Bane instead for a reason.


Defcons go from 5 downwards, the lower the number the bigger it is.


Tracking Comey's flight from LAX:

So speaking of immature lefty memes…

I came across this after looking up Comey and off topic but that fucker is apparently 6'8"? That's like superhuman height.






Dubs for Hillary getting v& next.


Had to happen. The guy was playing both sides from day one. Now we need a real pedo-slayer in that job.



For the user from the sticky before it filled up: here's my lazy attempt.


Looks like we found the same flight, good:

Is this the designated smugposting thread?


Here's a copy of a diversity speech he gave last april, no doubt the now cancelled one follows it quite closely

On a tangential note - this news about Comey made me nostalgic for the FBI user threads, and look what I managed to dig up (pic related).
A huge PDF containing all of his posts with beautiful formatting. Figured I would share in case others want to read or help archive this.


Not yet. Not at least until Pizzagate gets a good flame roaring now, putting pedowood and the CF in hot waters.

He's 40K ft atm


Hopefully enough to call for the dismantling of the entire FBI

How do you know he was allowed on that plane?

Why would non-employee's be given free passage?

has Comey boarded yet?

Fox showed him boarding it and it taking off.

One way trip to Alcatraz


Donald Trump is fucking shitting the hell out of us. No fucking way. Not unless the White House has been infiltrated by autistic virgins.


I kek'd when the news followed his motorcade

Me again. Disregard my faggotry. Got a little over-excited there. Sorry.

I forget if I have the post or not, but it was proven he lurks, even answered on twitter to a request from an user to prove he lurks here. But the Don said it would be his only time of actually posting.

We have ID's, new mate.

This post from the last thread made me think I can't be the only one who thinks that the Koniggratzer marsch sounds like the Route 1 Kanto Theme.

youtube.com/watch?v=uXv7DjdasHI for comparison


Fixed your typo friend.

And the CF quietly shut down right after the election. Must have been a warm bonfire, all those incriminating records showing Gulf Oil money flowing between slave owners in Qatar, terrorists in ISIS, Jews in Mossad, and pedofuckers in Clinton's circle.

The Clinton Foundation was operating in North Africa while the Arab Spring was toppling non-Sunni and -Jew approved governments.

no survivors

Shamefully, I'm not even new. Just stupid. But what are you doing warning a potential newfag about IDs?

Thanks. Much more succinct.

Holy fuck user checked


I wonder which FBI will be leaking?

ZOG FBI? Or user-FBI?

I'm hoping latter since Comey puppet is gone.


Because of the potential fun that can ensue if they are completely alien to imageboards and only heard word via their boss or some shit.

Hillary has already sent her people to Comey's home


Nailgun suicide imminent


Comey was an embarrassment to rank and file career agents. I don't think there will be many ready to avenge his firing. Besides, if the political ones had dirt they would have already leaked it.


It's a shame she burns coal.

Anderson Cooper got so asshurt interviewing Kellyanne Conway about the firing he couldn't even hide it.



i'm convinced my diet of only Vietnamese sandwiches for the last 3 months has graced us with this good fortune


He's no longer on the flight plan

Thread theme

Lain blessed dubs dubs dubs checked

And it's about time.

Baseless slander.

impossible, his ass gapes like a train tunnel

Have some OC on this festive occasion.



If the American legal system was prompt then the country would've become 98% black immediately after WW2.

(Seig Heil)
How large do you think the amount of documents will be? The size of the Soros leaks or the Bradley Foundation's leaks?


Seeing how pissed the media is about this just makes this all the more delicious a move by Trump.

Yup it's a whole clusterfuck of degeneracy and corruption.
Be interesting to see if anything comes of this now that Comey has been deported.

I heard both will be leaking.


Are you retarded? I'm talking about how the government planned demographic shift took as long as it did and how that's indicative of their workpace.

Haha what the fuck, it doesn't even look like his eyes are rolling back, it looks like they're PUSHING back into his head in fear of what he has seen, followed by his head reaching a critically high temperature, dislodging from his neck and reaching Alpha Centauri.

Only one gets to stay on Trumps aircraft.

Jewt on now.


This is probably how it went down.

It's not just the media. Leftycunts, blue pills, and normalfags are freaking the absolute fuck out to the same extent as they did on fucking election night over something pretty god damn mundane and predictable. Seriously, I don't everyone completely understands just how severely they're losing their fucking minds.

It's beyond hilarious.

I win

Fucking wat?

It took as long as it did because if they just started shipping them in at current year levels good old boys would have went hunting.

That got disproven the same fucking day kikes claimed it, you dull fuck


Forgot my pic to prove my point.





Did the plane take off without him?

Holy shit, Comey already got raped, no need to keep raping the corpse

About damn time

No, he was on it

I'm no fan of the 4D chess meme, but you cannot deny that this is was a savagely brilliant coup de grace.

I'd love a word from FBIanon right about now

He quite literally wasn't on the flight plan



So now the question is will they shoot him before throwing him out?

As much as I love the salt, Ann has a point. We're going to find out really soon if a lot of this slow-down fulfilling the immigration campaign promises was because he was flushing out the rats. Once the big rats are gone we'll see where the President stands on nuking DACA. I want to see a mass illegal meltdown.

My Salt stocks are so devalued right now. There's just so much of it now. I hope we get 8 years of this.




So what. Fox News did a live feed of him boarding and taking off.

The market is so flooded that we are going to have to shift to a salt removal based industry

That actually is a good point. We know Trump is a 4D chess wizard. But this means he may be using 4D chess against not just the media/establishment, but against us too
Are there any other events that are happening recently that Trump might be trying to slide? Not trying to concern troll, but it's important to keep in mind.

Great eye user.


It's called the RWDS, slowpoke.

This is great.

Spicer circle jerk was earlier. Thread is over here:

Is there anything better than poorly aged tweets?

I was longing for the smug and it has once more returned.

Terrible form user, watch the press briefing from 5/2/17 then promptly neck yourself

i'm getting really tired of these people who operate under the paradigm that things just magically happen because someone wants them to happen, or that everything is easy for people in power.
the process has started. he hasn't even chosen a design yet. there's infrastructure for construction, security, and land issues to deal with, and it's all going to be done.
this isn't starbucks. you're going to actually have to wait a bit for this to get done.



no fun allowed

That must have been an absolute spaghetti-fest. Kek willing the video will surface. It must've been a true spectacle.

-Not getting the wall funding.
-Not rescinding DACA.
-Stating we're going to treat DACA "with heart".
Late on Obamacare repeal, but they eventually got it, so no move needed there. Only possible cover I can think of for something recent would be his appointment of something like 10 new federal immigration judges. May not want that on the front page. Would be nice if he was planning to snap the trap shut all at once after he has the necessary people in place and the travel ban is resolved. Regardless, we MUST keep an eye on DACA, and we can't let the cucks try to sweep that promise under the rug if Trump tries to bail on it.

my sides can't handle it

You can bet this was intentional too.
Trump is really a fucking terrifying guy to piss off



About fucking time. Should have been fired on day 1 and prosecuted for not doing his fucking him WRT Hillary day 2.

Shows that being a cuck knows no bounds

Does this mean the shills will fuck off for a while? They've been getting shit on this past week.


top kek

Now, fire the fucking 9th circuit and every fucking Israeli from the State Dept near east dept. and the DOD

US-RUS alliance confirmed
Constantinople soon

Like pottery.

No, I said recent things. As in something very recent, not weeks ago.




Collective media exlposion in…

Hillary's cackling now, saying to herself and Huma "Now's my chance."

We Federation now.


Your first post made you seem just misinformed, now you are clearly a shill. The wall is getting funded, and in fact we get 2 walls, one for now and one for now and one for later. The former is already being built as we speak. You call everything propaganda except the shit Ecelebs spew no matter what the facts of the matter are. Either you need to lurk for 2 years, or look around your office and realize just how pitiful your shill job is just before you jump out of a window

Toppest of Keks. The media is already pushing the muh Russia narrative again. Now Trump can actually meet and negotiate with Russia without Comey breathing down his neck


[muffled sounds of Hillary and Louise Mensch pulling out their hair in the distance]


Trump's the kind of guy that powerlevels taunt and diplomacy.

Is /ourguy/ back? Has he finally turned the tables on the jews with this power play? Will chess cucks be redeemed? Find out next week

Kek. Chuck's finished.


I wish I had the foresight at the time to keep a list of every pissed off politician who was shitting themselves in solidarity with Hillary when Comey reopened the investigation and he was an unperson to them.


I knew when I saw those doj and other inside papers that they would attacking libs for their shitty doublethink.


lord have mercy, this is the smuggiest i've felt since the super bowl

The top bantz master is back with a vengeance!

Isn't the appointment of new federal immigration judges recent or is that already done?


The senate still needs to confirm them. Trump also has about 130 more judges to appoint.

good chain check my negro

Not going to lie, today really restored my squad morale. Looking forward to Hillary being prosecuted and the wall built.

Making those reddit faggots eat their own genitals may not be normal, but it sure is fucking desireable right now.

I'll believe it when I see it. That's not shilling that called not sucking cock. Trump doesn't trust the people he hires, and I don't trust him. I trust results. Talk is cheap. Results are what we need.


The gloves are off and he's back to campaign Trump mode.

Buckle up lads.

Not just muh Russia, muh Nixon

Then if he's throwing a a timed distraction it's probably related to the judges. Keep the media busy until it's too late.

Didn't people tell them not to play with meme magic?

You know something, all it'd really take to blow the russia narrative out of the fucking water is just by countering and bringing up that the Russia connection is fucking nothing, and the leaks came from a DNC chairman who was promptly shot by a "mugger" when the mugger didn't take anything and is still at large.



It's god damn insulting for them to bring up the past when they're actively working to destroy the work of those who built our civilization.

We've had a rough month, but I want you to really soak this feeling in. This smugness. This joy. This positivity. Embrace it and suffuse your soul with it.

We stand on the cusp of a great change and we are seeing the potential to lay the groundwork for a future where were are not controlled by the kikes or the mentally defective liberals. We can turn this around and we can
But we cannot allow ourselves to get mired in negativity and defeatism, nor can we waste our time with shills and LARPers pretending to be our allies.




it was a different time

what a cuck, hopefully Trump appoints someone with a backbone AND balls

fucking priceless. i laughed for a solid minute.

i can't wait to hear them cry about him being unpresidential as he shitposts as president

Fucking amazing.

They wouldnt believe any amount of evidence. They dont live in reality lad.

Reminder this shitpost will be recorded for all eternity as an official statement from the president.

A cemented piece of American history is President Donald J. Trump calling Chuck Schumer a faggot.


Interesting. Comey is flying to Milwaukee. Wonder why.

Always advisable to check Wikileaks and Assange's twitter when shit like this goes down. Great context-nuggets.


He is channeling Andrew Jackson



That was dumb, but it made me laugh a lot.

If Trump gives the job to a nigger, then I never want to see another Trump meme on here again.

It's over


Sessions recommend the firing.
Session's appointment also took forever.
Makes you think.

he must want to kill himself

In 100 years from now or even longer, Anons or whatever the equivalent will be, some of them potentially our great-grandchildren, who know next to nothing about our current time period are going to dig up little gems like these and laugh their ass off and wish that they got to experience this in the same way that we look at how Andrew Jackson told the courts to shove it up their ass or how senators would beat each other with canes.

What a time to be alive.




Woah, was FBI Director Sessions related to AG Sessions? Is this revenge??

Liberal heads are gonna explode over this one.

Guys, guys

People are SHRIEKING for the information the government has on Russia's role in "hacking the election" thinking Comey was fired to cover it up

Is this more 4D chess? We know it's all bullshit but they think it's real. This is going to be like Maddow and the tax returns, isn't it?

Doesn't appear so.

same 180 with the tpp too and these fucking cunts have the audacity to call us the contrarians. wish trump would say running into heavy traffic blindfolded is a stupid idea.

I already told you where to go to see it, and you refuse any and all evidence. You are here pushing a narrative instead of discuss facts, that is shilling
You are in a thread about results shilling that nothing good is ever going to happen despite any and all evidence to the contrary

Kids in the future will grow up learning about the bantz Trump brought to the White House. What a time to be alive


You and other anons need to bring back mentioning the name of the DNC chairman that leaked emails and shit to assange before being promptly murdered in the middle of broad daylight by a "mugger" where the "mugger" didn't take anything.


Wasn't he also shot in the back of the neck?

Seth Rich. You need to signalboost his story HARD right now.

I realize that. However, getting the normies on board and seeing that one of their own was taken out for leaking shit to Assange will have the regular populace that isn't a leftist psychopath have more and more loss of faith with the left and democratic party.

John Pistole is believed to be the current favorite to replace James Comey. Mike Pence is said to like him.

typical place to be shot in a mugging.

The thing is, they have nothing because there is nothing in the first place. They're just trying to agitate people who continue to care less and less about what the MSM has to say. Unless you're antifa, in which case keep burning those dumpsters, see if I give a fuck.
There's absolutely no way in hell this will hurt Trump, and there's a moderate chance it's going to hurt them. Trump doesn't even have to do anything, they'll keep doubling down on this retarded narrative and they'll keep hurting themselves.

gross, unless he's based and just in a shit job.

I could've sworn it was pre-dawn.

There's very little about him anywhere.



That's good, the swamp hasn't mentioned him because he's not part of it.

Apparently he's friends with Comey, which sucks. Hopefully it'll be Gowdy but he's the dream-pick.

I thought it was Andrew McCabe?

According to who?

Holocausted that kike into US history.

you sure you're from here?

I wonder if that shitlord gnatzi congressman, whats his name something King, is qualified?

Nigger that's been there. You have 3 posts in this thread and all 3 involve you sucking Trump cock. Read my posts compared to yours you reddit faggot.



Steve King studied math and biology. Not usually the kind of thing you want in a FBI director

oh fuck is rlm pleb tier?

kILL YOurself

Steve King? No way, he's not a lawyer IIRC and he's never been law enforcement. He's needed in congress anyhow. We need pro-white legislators pushing the envelope in the house and senate and speaking out for white interests.

They take snl as some kind of actual barometer. As though snl is an independent outlet and not just some horde of liberals giving viewers wish fulfillment to their delusions. Snl is still playing Trump controlled by Russia memes.

Just last week Hillary was speaking about how "Jim Comey" is to blame for her losing.

How's it feel getting BTFO'd TIDF? Did you read my posts yet?


Jim Carrey*



Still not tired of winning.

I don't know how much credence I'd put into JEWSATODAY but a watchful eye should remain on this Pistole guy regardless.

What's with this blurred-anime-girl-with-japanese-text meme?

fuck it, hopping on

Thank god he's dismantling things Nixon made, like the EPA :^)

Wasn't the FBI incredibly pissed he dropped charged on Clinton? LIke there were internal memos about how low moral was and how the rank and file wanted his head on their desk

I think it's a Prison School thing.

Yeah but with so many qualified people why go with the questionable literallywho?

So now we know what talking point shareblue has come up with. This is just like MUH WATERGATE, except it's nothing like it.

don't forget her 6,000,000 deleted emails

Could be a ruse cruise. Who the fuck knows what is going to happen at this point user, we elected the chaos candidate remember? He's been keeping everyone under the sun guessing including Holla Forums.




The media has become a fucking joke. I wonder when they will be dealt with. My blood is boiling over their duplicity but at the same time Trump seems to be showing a better, smarter way of winning. So I will wait.


I found this
I would prefer Gowdy or Arpaio, however the guy does have some background in the FBI before obongo wasted his talents by moving him to the TSA

we need some ex navy seal guy that is missing fingers and has a daughter that loves him but won't let him control her life


The reality of the situation:
FBI is divided just like the country. Many patriots but also many SJW types brought in under Obama.
And the news will push out whatever headline is the most damaging to Trump at the time. We know this.
So don't worry too much about what they say.

they do have a certain mystique about them

The standing theory on Holla Forums (and from FBI user) is that the the agents in the FBI were all out for blood and Comey and the administration were holding them back. But it was getting to be too much, and he was going to have a full-on revolt if he didn't placate them. So he had the press briefing shortly before the election.

So if anything, it's the exact opposite of what libcucks are saying. Comey was the kosher ZOG plant that's keeping the FBI agents from doing their job. They didn't like him. If anything, now stuff will start happening against the ZOG corruption

Holla Forums is freaking out that this could imply an impeachment effort

twitter. com/NBCNightlyNews/status/862138080815394820

That's good. I'd be willing to gie this guy a chance.

Time for the hired guns to show us what they can do.

you're not one of us are you?

They're delusional and think that every blade of grass Trump disturbs while walking is grounds for impeachment

I mean, yeah. But the assembly was called nevertheless. They're probably going to try something or other.

Whatever move they want to make, Trump has already thought of and planned a countermove for it.

FBI got ZOG'd with diversity hires under King Nigger. See: Agent marrying that ISIS nigger.

Should be fun to see all the old guard White Guys trying to hold the bureau together while Special Agent Jamal Jefferson and Special Agent Chaim Leibowitzsteinberg stumble around giving federal parking tickets to cab drivers.


they still don't seem to understand that political chest puffing and grandstanding doesn't work on Trump.

All show, no action. Bill Clinton did the same thing and the liberals would never admit that Bill did anything wrong.

Tampering with federal witness who stopped your executive order. Firing head of investigation against you. Nothing to see.

So it's obvious him mentioning Hillary's Emails is a setup right? He's baiting everyone into talking about it again. Now that it's back in everyone's mind, his base is going to be screaming for it, and the new director will probably be someone who has expressed intent to lock her up.

The President has the authority to fire the FBI director, even without recommendation from the Deputy Attorney General and the Attorney General. I'd love to see how they think this is overreach of the President's power and justifies impeachment

FBI is now the office of KEK

God do I hate that bastard

Rolling for Gowdy as replacement

They'll just keep trying until something sticks.


Motherfucking checked!

how can i forget

That was meant for


They wanted to impeach Trump for the muslim travel ban even though it's clearly within the law

They wanted to impeach Trump for letting border patrol do its fucking job instead of shoving a big federal boot up their ass.

Just because it's totally legal for him to do it doesn't mean it isn't grounds for impeachment! :^)

It's gonna get STICKY for the pizza-party'ers, by Kek's command we execute his righteous orders.


The fuck are you on about. The FBI isn't investigating Trump about muh russia

Hey do me a favor anons and take a look at the replies to my post

My almonds are a bit activated here. Maybe anons should be pushing this Seth Rich business hard like I suggested?

Shit quads, but I'm feeling too smug about the Comey firing to care much about that.

Seth Rich was a leftist fuckwit but at least he tried to redeem himself

ok, lets get it out even harder this time

Yeah that was strange. Hopefully Julian is lurking so he can give a shoutout about Seth Rich.

The whole thing is one giant trap. They peppered liberal's demand to fire him, quoting liberals themselves, and using the same arguments the libs had in November. This is the perfect time to destroy the liberals with their own words and arguments, hell they wanted this and yet they are still attacking Trump.

And that's their downfall. They resort to the same withered tactics time and time again. Only because of the leftists running by the same tactics as well, it just becomes incredibly easy to pinpoint and notice it. Even "new" tactics they try are just rehashes of their old ones, or they just fade into using one of their old tactics. The whole Russian shit started as a joke by Trump, and the dems took the bait with vigor. I'm awaiting the day with baited breath that Trump viciously blows them out of the water with it. He must be biding his time with it, giving the left all the time to keep ragging on it for months, before finally dropping the bomb shell that shows they just wasted months accusing over nothing, and thusly destroying all Dem credibility.

It's all they know how to do.



You double nigger, the letter from the potus desk clearly references comey stating on 3 separate occasions that there is no Trump investigation, eat a bullet.

The only thing that is going to stick is the blue stain on the shower walls

really lad.

I knew my meme would come in handy after election season.

id drain her swamp

The issue with the russia thing that we're seeing right now with Comey is that the left truly do have the memory of goldfish. The media has been baying for Comeys blood since the election and now that he's fired, the media is going by the jewish playbook and telling the left what an outrage this is. And since the election was a whole 100 days ago, the left has forgotten, picked up their cue cards, and are willing to die for Comey now.

They've truly created the perfect goyim to build their empire out of.


i'd bury those kikes in a swamp

Hey anons, want to see some genuine anger? All Anderson "in the pooper" Cooper can muster is campaign comments Trump made against Comey.

Hey, when all you have is an 18" rainbow-colored diversity dildo, everything looks like your boyfriend's anus.

Agents were handing in resignation letters by the pile, causing him to reopen the email investigation when he did. Nobody but traitors liked this Lockheed faggot

sexts coming up soon.
I wonder who Kek will bestow his kind digits upon.


Refined Salt

Not that anyone here needs to be reminded but Orwell was a damn prophet. the doublethink has never been so obvious.

After covering up from Hilary and having over half the Bureau threaten a revolve and permanently hate him, yeah he wasn't capable of running the FBI anymore.

Let's hope one of our luckers gets the job.

We are now in the Blitzkrieg Bear dimension

as usual

HAHAHAHA fuck this feels like back before november 8 again. so fucking funny



Good goyim


geez what's his problem

Who better than a nigger to go after the BLM domestic terrorists?

The salt market is fucking crashing right now.

who is getting betrayed? i don't recall trump saying he WOULDN'T fire comey


What an insufferable cunt he is


To give all the right (((people))) enough rope to hang themselves with

This episode of Tucker is absolutely savage. They're destroying Comey's reputation and utterly controlling the narrative before Comey can even respond. Hillary didn't even get this treatment. Imagine the shit Comey must have done that we aren't aware of.


Wishes for a hug from (((Rachel))) now

This is election night levels of asspain.

This can only mean good things. They know EXACTLY what this is leading to.

The Final Deal approaches.

Anybody have any caps?
What a magical night.

Geez, time to report my OC

You can hear him crying during that tweet over the internets

Why does nobody know what treason is?

@ 10:55, they bring on a faggot who looks like he's going to break down in tears.

His heart is going to explode.

This needs to happen.

Imagine the anal devestation.

I wish it would.

If the (((media))) started stroking out on national television I would have to start watching again. For the lulz.



Does he not know the powers the executive branch has?

uh oh


Breaking, Niggers tongue Comey's anus

He got owned bigly on his own post

Fake, and meme responsibly user

Guys I think Keith Olbermann may actually be mentally retarded.


Fake and gay.

Well, someone's in a mood.

Meme responsibly or kek will take you.


Made me look tbh.

pic related

Kek, is there going to be a twitter meltdown like that "Suck on my dick, choke on it" fag?

Comey saw he was fired and immediately thought "fake news".

Well, he can't protect Clinton anymore, so he's going to die in a freak accident or something.

Are olbermann's people posting all this crap to try and drive up his presence or something? Who gives a shit.

It's good to know that regardless of how Trump turns out we'll always have moments like these.

Stay comfy, my friends.

Now hiring KEK nationals

Fuck you nigger this shit is hilarious.

I don't think that shooting yourself in the back of the head five times while out on a jog in a secluded forest miles from civilization qualifies as an "accident".

Obviously suicide

RLM are Hillary supporters.

Good thing we are not a Democracy

Hi where's the proofs :DD

The shrieking Senator was absolute gold.

I think they are indifferent except for Jack which is a complete cuck

Well, the banks may destroy themselves this time.


After their fucking stupid Force Awakens vids, it's obvious. They were being to slide into pleb territory beforehand.

Anyone know what reason Trump gave for the sacking of Comey?

would be a shame if the weasel met a sticky demise

In a few best of the Worst episodes they shit on Trump and his supporters. I'll give you this, at least Jay stays out of it.

Enjoy watching people who hate you.


America is no more a democracy than the Roman Republic it was modeled after. Fascism was modeled on the Roman Republic too.

The drug money is propping up the whole system, this is all 2006-2010 stuff bro.

You can operate a drug cartel as long as you keep your drug profits in an American bank (so they can speculate with it)

What? Nixon was afraid of firing Hoover. The only thing that stopped Hoover from being FBI Director is him dying, not even close to the same thing. That's so fucking autistic it hurts to think about it.


And I thought the right was paranoid.

Colbert's audience doesn't know they were supposed to be mad at Comey getting shit canned.

Oh he's back to being salty.

Sure because we know Europe cares about its well being
Nice irony in the salt supply
I thought they loved the muslims and commies, but they threw logic out the window for this shit.





Not being facetious here, but I honestly have no clue why they are so mad. I'd understand if they were like "That sucks, our stooge was fired," but they are literally "REEEE! Armed revolution nao!" mad. It's not like we've arrested Hillary or started shooting illegals yet.

See if you can webm that shit. I don't know how to pull it off twitter.


oh jesus christ the inflation from this salt is going to leave us all in the poorhouse!

FBI is actually one of the good agencies user. Just not the leadership.


It's because they are quite literally convinced Rasha=Bad=Trump's masters, and they must do everything to stop this at all costs, so any setback is like the end of the world to them. The brain of der Untermensch is ZOGed to the core.



Colbert with his finger on the pulse of America.
This dipshit need to get fired next

glad to see the normalfag gut reaction to comey is still "fuck that guy" on both sides.

I haven't watched anything from Colbert since he left the Colbert Report, but I wouldn't have imagined that he would carry his heavily politicized material to the fucking Late Show of all things.

colbert tried to play if off as if they were trump supporters.
Like a trump supporter would be at colbert's show. He is full of shit.


Leftists are such livestock

THAT is the face of a man with a now highly illegal pedo dungeon.

Normalfags are so goddamn retarded.

Are you kidding, he went to the Late Show so he had an excuse to abandon the fake conservative troll character and go full on subversive.

Deleted, webm?

Of course. It's what they're groomed to be. Soulless shells of their former selves.




Good. That means we can herd them.

heeeey welcome to the show

Haven't watched him since the Colbert Report. Really took a dive in quality. Sad!

Someone needs to put this puppet out of his misery.

that impression was hilarious, user. he's at least as good as Bing Bang Theory.



Why not let them roll over and bark while you are at it?



Wow I'm surprised how he didn't go on a fag hating tirade again.

Now is not the time for fear, that comes later




His palms are sweaty, Memes weak, arms are heavy
There's vomit on his sweater already

This white nigger is out of touch


remember when he threatened Baron's life if Trump isn't impeached. i think he's snapped.


I think the memes are getting out of hand, this reminds me of those greentext bing bang theory stories with the audience.


That's a fake tweet, CNN would never say that about white people pretending to be black.

the shitstorm for his replacement will be, HEAVY.

out of NOWHERE

I wouldn't have it any other way.




jebs 2d chess

checkmate turtles!

This nigger doesn't even use lime in his guacamole. Everything he claims to stand for is a lie.

that's classified

this would be the real genius 4d chess move.

Bring it.

Shit like this

please clap

tic tac toe

Little did we know he was the Hitler we were supposed to wait for.

So many of them responding so quickly. How many of them are professional narrative drivers?

Jebito I'm disappointed.

Don't forget salt. His bullshit guacamole is a disgrace.

he likes to ride muy caliente

On their way to inspect warehouse full of guacbowls


Thanks user

slow and steady wins the race

Shit, I don't have a surge protector strong enough for those digits


On the sixth day of Hate Week, after the processions, the speeches, the shouting, the singing, the banners, the posters, the films, the waxworks, the rolling of drums and squealing of trumpets, the tramp of marching feet, the grinding of the caterpillars of tanks, the roar of massed planes, the booming of guns – after six days of this, when the great orgasm was quivering to its climax and the general hatred of Eurasia had boiled up into such delirium that if the crowd could have got their hands on the 2,000 Eurasian war-criminals who were to be publicly hanged on the last day of the proceedings, they would unquestionably have torn them to pieces – at just this moment it had been announced that Oceania was not after all at war with Eurasia. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Eurasia was an ally.

There was, of course, no admission that any change had taken place. Merely it became known, with extreme suddenness and everywhere at once, that Eastasia and not Eurasia was the enemy. Winston was taking part in a demonstration in one of the central London squares at the moment when it happened. It was night, and the white faces and the scarlet banners were luridly floodlit. The square was packed with several thousand people, including a block of about a thousand schoolchildren in the uniform of the Spies. On a scarlet-draped platform an orator of the Inner Party, a small lean man with disproportionately long arms and a large bald skull over which a few lank locks straggled, was haranguing the crowd. A little Rumpelstiltskin figure, contorted with hatred, he gripped the neck of the microphone with one hand while the other, enormous at the end of a bony arm, clawed the air menacingly above his head. His voice, made metallic by the amplifiers, boomed forth an endless catalogue of atrocities, massacres, deportations, lootings, rapings, torture of prisoners, bombing of civilians, lying propaganda, unjust aggressions, broken treaties. It was almost impossible to listen to him without being first convinced and then maddened. At every few moments the fury of the crowd boiled over and the voice of the speaker was drowned by a wild beast-like roaring that rose uncontrollably from thousands of throats. The most savage yells of all came from the schoolchildren. The speech had been proceeding for perhaps twenty minutes when a messenger hurried on to the platform and a scrap of paper was slipped into the speaker's hand. He unrolled and read it without pausing in his speech. Nothing altered in his voice or manner, or in the content of what he was saying, but suddenly the names were different. Without words said, a wave of understanding rippled through the crowd. Oceania was at war with Eastasia! The next moment there was a tremendous commotion. The banners and posters with which the square was decorated were all wrong! Quite half of them had the wrong faces on them. It was sabotage! The agents of Goldstein had been at work! There was a riotous interlude while posters were ripped from the walls, banners torn to shreds and trampled underfoot. The Spies performed prodigies of activity in clambering over the rooftops and cutting the streamers that fluttered from the chimneys. But within two or three minutes it was all over. The orator, still gripping the neck of the microphone, his shoulders hunched forward, his free hand clawing at the air, had gone straight on with his speech. One minute more, and the feral roars of rage were again bursting from the crowd.

Is this guy a kike? This Trump Presidency seems more like a Jewish coup the more time goes on.

en.wiki pedia.org/wiki/Rod_Rosenstein

Guac my life into pieces

(righteous digititos)

what have I done


Started the surge, the great guac comeback of 2017!

Barack Obama?


Digits confirm Jeb! surge incoming

he'll be the inside man. a Guaca-mole if you will.

Irony suggests the replacement is Sheriff Clarke. Trump always setting things like this up.

you need to admit this r/the_donald

do you think trump only got into politics so he can become the next bush/clinton family?




That already rises concerns from my J-dar

Digits confirm Jeb! as new FBI Director

At least when he played a conservative strawman he'd occasionally have a point. He's just another whiny shitlib now

he sucked in City Slickers

Muhammed Aliden Mudskn at your service and heading the FBI protection of American infidels.

why is colbert doing an impression of alec baldwin's impersonation of trump?

It's a fake German name that jews made up, so 99% chance he's a kike.

Those are trip-trips

what kind of last name is barsoomian. She is Rosebstein's wife.

She's Armenian

one of these things?

delete that picture from your computer





shut up, Yeb.

that clip is a perfect example of how odd and creepy Jeb appears to be.

Jeb is the eternal dork.

Solved: she is from mars.

There's a document underneath the Comey letter. I tried to enhance it, but couldn't get anything fully readable. What does it say?

you think it's an act?

Jeb is such a mockery at this point I'd have 0 fear or hesitation to heckle him if I were to ever see him in person. Truly a loser.


It always kills me how happy he is that POTUS gave him a lo-five. You could tell how proud he was to be able to interact with another human like that.


Adjust that shit to make it more legible faggot.

inb4 navy seal copypasta

Looks like from Trump's letter

It is either the letter from the attorney general or the letter from the deputy Attorney general.

It would be funny as shit if something like that happened to me because I don't know the order of the planets.

you will laugh until he slow claps out of the dark as the fbi director and shuts your ass down, kid

I mean the back part, not the front obviously

This one too

It's fake.

Don't forget this one user.

Hey, girl, I'm Jeb!. I like just kickin' it, you know. sometime I run for president.

What was that phone number to call when your erection lasts longer than four hours?

The back part is DOJ's recommendation as it's addressed to Trump.

I think he might just try to do that

It's pretty obvious his campaign staff didn't like him, either that or they were just complete shit.

There's only so much you can do user.

This is what "confident" Jeb! looks like.
What does non-confident Jeb! look like?

I can't imagine how many fucking facepalms happened daily.


you could start by not having him put on a hoodie, pet a moose, or give a shitty speech at an undercrowded dinner where somebody cuts him off.

This shit is insane

Makes you think.

Only so much a team could do to make him Cool Guy #1

This is now a Jeb! thread.


Everything Trump does is presidential, because Trump is the President.

They look like legit operators though

those numbers


Another GET for Jeb
Kek wills it boys.

Dubs checked. Jeb! is now the Jungian archetype of the eternal loser.



here is the thing to consider, normalfags dont know who comey is. So the only person posten stuff like this, well, who could it be…

you can't stop what isn't moving kids

>It's useless for anything other than trolling normies.
Not since 2016, you can't even do that anymore

Couldn't be further from the truth

jebs confirm

yeah, isn't he that guy with african child soldiers?


Not after the Clinton e-mail scandal, I saw a shit ton of people put Hillary for Prison bumper stickers on their cars after that.

Seth Rich loved America. And for that, they murdered him.

Trump is the Unstoppable Force and Jeb! is the Immovable Object.

What happens when they meet?

unless his schedule has a hard stop

Jeb shall set you free

Fucking finally.

what makes you so sure about that? MSM overall went dead silence about the clintonmail/pizzagate stuff, naming no names and what not. On top of that, normalfags are distrected all day long. They have no time to sit on plebbit and cry. There are many more things to take into consideration. For example, plebbit is a controlled envirmont, leftard driven and full with sjw-goons shilling 24/7 their agenda, pretending to be the voice of people with the help of bots and what not.

They ignore that Hillary probably would have fired him too. She also probably wouldn't have waited until May to do it

You aren't taking Fox News into account.

The Law has a name here, and it's Jeb

i giggle evrytiem

i wonder if this is the right time to get on the viral bandwagon on the social fuckboards and start another pizzagate fire.

Can't get the bull to stop fucking your party this early in the game, Ricky.

we need another pizza gate thread to collect new info.

No and its funny how many faggots seriously take SNL as something that is groundbreaking. Boomers still watch that shit they have the shittiest sense of humor ever.

Notice the lack of exclamation points? Every sentence ends with a period. It's just social signaling bleating. Literally nothing.

i was just thinking because, if the normalfag actually know about the clinton email and i guess he does, than there is still one question; how much does he know. The rabbit hole is deep and if he only knew about this because of fox/the_donald/alex than he might to go deeper. With the comey happening there is a perfect time to go deeper.

I'm not seeing any exclamations from you!?

Probably as much as you, stop being so pretentious.
t. CIA guy

It clearly states "r/politics" in the URL. Shill and idiot central.




oh fuck off you fucking nigger.

anybody else notice how reddit was sneaky and started putting politics back on the front page but only when it was something they wanted to report?


Can someone SHOOP Keith Olbermann shouting at Keith Olbermann for being a traitor?

Seriously though, don't act like you know so much.


Holy shit they're so fucking ass-blasted reading that is like contemplating a literary goatse. The salt levels are incredible.


He's such a fucking hack he has to do an impersonation of an impersonation to trigger a feeling response. Pathetic pedophile kike.

If I was Alec Baldwin I'd be pissed, "Uhh hey buddy, that's my gig!"

i know nothing but

you seems too know more.

nice projecting, you know what i hate the most, shills using cointelpro.

cant make anything else out

You're outta here

I can't be the only one that gets the biblical reference of Trump being told he wasn't being investigated 3 times? Or maybe I'm exaggerating? Trump always does random subliminal shit to signal to certain people.

oh so niggers are worse than kikes now eh?

Maybe so, I'm not the one bragging.

Apollo told Diomedes to stop attacking him three times, and on the third time he stopped.

This is now a jeb thread.

top tier dream

oh yeah my bad, he was probably signalling to pagans…thanks for clarifying


When is Keith Olbermann, going to execute Kieth Olbermann for treason?

Checked. Anyone else feel bad for Jeb when HW said he felt happy when Dubya visited him but never mentioned Jeb!?

All of the WASP elite know Homer, Cicero, Aristotle, and Shakespeare. It's the language of European elite since the peace of Westphalia.


Allusions to classical Greek and Roman culture are hardly unheard of user…. They are quite possibly more common than even biblical allusions. Few people believe it in any literal sense, but it's literary value hasn't diminished.

It's because they've been getting told it's bad.

Mostly because they have kept on exaggerating the Russia story without any sign of tiring on it. Liberals are stuck on the idea that if they cry hard enough that the other side will capitulate, but there's been no sign that Trump or his people will ever give in. That's making liberals go insane.

They now latch onto any sign that their conspiracy theories are true and because the allegations are so vague there is no way to disprove them. Which also further confuses liberals because they don't even know what is supposed to be part of the conspiracy theories until they're told directly by a media talking head.

Wouldn't mind digging a special pit for people who talk like this.

There was that CBS reporter that got fired for reporting on Pizzagate in a totally objective way. (i.e. committing actual journalism.)


They did more than just fire him, they scared the shit out of him too. He's been damn near radio silent ever since.

Anyone got the jeb driving the limo webm where it cuts to footage of one crashing into a wall at the end?

They were using a good set of tactics for if running against Hillary.

They wanted to have him seem down to earth and not just seem like the mega slick establishment candidate. He's fairly nice with everyone so people could just view him as the pleasant alternative to Hillary.

His people just never could accept that Trump and nationalism were going to be popular in the election since they'd been listening to forecasts from liberals about the browning of America.


Pocket turtles is not a legitimate political tactic


Fucking Checked, massive keks

Not fired btw.

Come on m8, step it up.

That girl was thinking: I can never put this on my resume.

i cri evrytime ;_;

true, but it was released to the general public and was probably meant for a less specific audience, although i get your point i think he was keeping it simple

You said

Now you're saying "a less specific audience"?


You're right he was just suspended for a couple of weeks and went dark on social media after that.


Trump will take Hillary next.

And don't forget the Denial of Peter, when Peter denied Christ three times before the rooster crowed. And then Peter repented.

I'm not sure why he used that number, it could have meant anything. I'm not really in the mood to argue about this shit, I was just pointing out the use of the number three as a possible indication of an act of betrayal.

yeah that's what I was originally talking about


Ah, apologies for stating the obvious then. I've been drinking and assumed you were being autistic and just like "oh pagans of course how did I not see that".

If you are trying to fight against Hillary then could be played as appearing human. Keep in mind no one in the establishment thought of the other primary candidates as real challengers against Jeb. They were thought of as like fluff similar to Webb or Sanders.

nah i was just patronizing the guy for trying to turn into some kind of philosophical debate about whether Christianity or Paganism is the dominant influence these days, I imagine he would refer to the number 3 because he has the evangelist base

Does anyone have the Jeb as Bud Dweyer one (holding the pistol).

ANyone have any pics where libs scream about SATURDAY NIGHT MASSACRE only to be confronted with calls from major Dems that Comey should've been fired from months ago?

Feels like a good opportunity for some b-b-blocked-tier bullshit.

I can kinda hear it. Given the timeframes, it's likely the other way around.

If the democrats had nominated Webb, he would have beaten Trump.

No you were not, you passive-aggressively claimed that "you didn't want to get into an argument" even though you brought up possible cryptic interpretations. Even though you had Christian plebs in mind and I had WASP elites.

It just occurred to me.

James Comey = JC = Jesus Christ

Kek left May 7 in order to return September 23.

Is James FBIanon? If Kek is gone, do repeating digits mean anything anymore? Was he behind Pizzagate? I'm getting spooked by all the coincidences. I'll have to hang low, I've passed on as much through prophecy as I can to you all.

That spiral is for you, user.

the oath faggot ruins another thread, fuck the mods

The oath faggots have been around so long at this point, the crazy bastards have grown on me. I used to find their "meme" obnoxiously cryptic, but now I just find it endearing.

That's because you're a faggot.

You are wrong, and that is why you were one off

Holy shit. Now I actually sort of almost feel bad for the guy. Absolutely brutal.


FBI director Gowdy give me throbbing cock of justice

thats how it's done

Why is he not just undoing the zipper and putting it on correctly?


God DAMN the banter is savage today.

Best fucking timeline.

Trump admin are the biggest trolls, shit is legendary. How long will this go on?


Tomorrow is gonna be even worse than usual for the democrats.


what will be the fallout on capital hill tomorrow??

Let's hope the hit train keeps on rolling. With luck one of the leftist supreme court justices will suffer a stroke or a heart attack or something and get replace.

The Comey as FBIAnon rumor was floating around here a while ago. Personally, I just don't think it adds up. Based Leakman has been shitposting some weird shit though, so who knows:


Brainlet here why is such a deal that this guy Comey got fired?

This is only the beginning of the fucking.

Yes, but only the useful idiot leftists. They will be lined-up against the wall and shot, if their "utopia" ever comes to pass.

Democrats think that Trump is a Russian, and think that Comey was going to arrest him for it, and think that Trump firing Comey means Trump will get away with it.

In my opinion, this is only one half of it. The other half is that Comey looked to be the one stalling the Clinton/PizzaGate investigation.

Without Comey, the floodgates might open.

Agreed. He needs to get back to pushing these liberals off the edge. Jew stooge or not, at least keep us entertained.

oh no what a shame

What a brutal way to go out. Cold blooded.

>he does one thing after cucking everyone for, what, a month?
I suppose time will tell.

That's probably why the politically connected are freaking out. That's probably why Keith Olbermann, prolific child rapist, is freaking out.

Normalfag leftists are freaking out because they were counting on Trump being impeached for Russianism. They've been telling themselves it will all be over any day now, they honestly were thinking Trump wouldn't make it a single year. Those delusions are rapidly falling apart, so now all their fears about Trump are coming back up to the surface. They think he's going to start gassing them.

All I really want is to be entertained. I never expected Trump to defeat the jews for us, we have a long fight ahead of us and he's an old man. There aren't any shortcuts or silver bullets against the kikes, we're in it for the long haul.

All I ask from Trump is that he keep me entertained. Lately he's been boring me, but not today. Certainly not today.

They are so mad, because they know in their heart of hearts, she is guilty as fuck and there is a small chance now that she will get whats coming to her, and expose them for voting for and fervently defending, the criminal they know deep down that she is.

If you say so. What about a real bullet? One to their fucking head?

There are a lot of kikes user. We'll need a very large globally connected and coordinated army. And that will take time. It won't be easy. Nothing worth fighting for is easy.


Start going after human trafficking as Trump and Sessions are doing now

They should replace him with that based black sheriff.

My god, Trump is cleaning house.

He's gonna get back bro.


For a while there we had the momentum to actually take the fight to the kikes. For some reason though the majority of this board decided to use the system against the system, which is a failed concept already, instead of using the anger and hate to take out the jews and their influence once and for all.

Although you're right, now that that momentum has fizzled, we'll have to try again before taking the fight to the kikes.

I can't see a more clear example of a cuck user.

It's because dude weed. That's literally the only thing people think about when they hear that name. I mean he is kind of outdated there, but there are more important things.

Chaos for the Chaos God

Got any edits of Jews being gassed?

Obligatory I didn't know they stacked shit that high!


It kinda hurts actually.

People have a strange amount of faith in the investigation of an organisation that works directly for the president

What about all the king's horses?

I have seen that gif many times but somehow never noticed the girl staring at her ass behind her in a trance.

I wouldn't worry about Rick, he is not a real political player, he does not matter in the overall course of humanity.

Its obvious Comey is compromised and both sides have dirt on him. Time to move on.

Also "dark chapter" in all 3 posts. It's impossible to tell which posts are genuine shitlibs and which are ShareJew shills, both robotically repeat fake news memes with zero evidence of original thought.

I remember voting for the FBI director don't you??? Fuck that makes me want to make a Reddit just to bash their nonexistent civics knowledge. I know better than that though.

That would be the spark that lights this shit on fire. Libs will start tossing themselves over roof tops if that ever happened.

But we did vote for FBI director, we voted for trump who decides who that is :^)

That's a real gem, a genuine smug generator right there!

Any truth that exposes corruption and lies should be repeated as much as possible and with as much outrage as possible. The truth must be memed into the public consciousness so they can be stopped. The truth starts here.

Hillary and Obama in jail soon.

oh holy shit here we go again. campaing 2: electric bulagoo

can someone tell me where msm is getting all the email correspondence and letters on this issue from?

also where is

Someone is posting some shitty comic in an attempt to slide threads and get digits

Awoke from a lucid paralysis induced dream this morning. A war was raging because Trumps picture was on the $20 bill. Damned meds. Need to purge myself again. Salt Wars.

Also, he did this on Russia's Victory Day …

Something to do with the Huma/Trump Camp call election night? Maybe mentioned that he can't touch them behind Comey or some shit.

other thread is dead


if anyone still has it open archive it now


There was talk about an investigation into Huma happening again, maybe Trump wanted to get rid of Comey so that the investigation would actually go somewhere

the "oath faggots" as you call them are FBI and CIA niggers.

It's "cryptic" because it's aimed at three-letter-agency niggers, not your average Holla Forumsack.

No and no.

Mmmmmm NYPD laptop contents pls

they're called banh mi you fucking troglodyte



sly kek

(checking dubs checking trips)
Sheeple are real.


Honestly USA Today can be decently fair. It's not the same level of pozz as others. I'll pick it up before the nyt or Boston globe

Some of that shit is so wrong on an ecological level it physically pains me, comparisons aside.

You watch too much hentai.

Will we see a lack of shilling on here because of this?

libs were against Comey, until Trump was against him.

If you have died already, stay in hell where you belong. What kind of dumb shit needs to read anything anymore. If you aren't completely aware after coming to this board and lurking for the prescribed amount of time (your time isn't up yet) about how things are, you are a total waste. There is no need to assess things anymore, everything the left do is predictable and obviously blatant.

What the fuck are you talking about

Comey was an embarrassment for the department. His replacement will be popular (among law abiding citizens) and will get a huge win early.

Trump and his little team of jews are surrounded by the real serpents.

Comey literally covered for Clinton.
I think people are forgetting just how bad the situation is here. The government is filthy.

Holy shit. Anderson is rolling his eyes and getting sassy as fuck in that video. His inner gay bitch is coming out in front of everyone.
What doesn't he understand about Trump speaking on the campaign in october 2016 about a specific issue and firing Comey in May 2017 after being fully briefed as president, being different?


No, it was started by John Stewart (((Leibowitz))) after he freaked out that Trump called him by his jewish last name on twitter.



fuck off shill