Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-4961012,00.html

It's so Jordan is prepared to keep (((ISIS))) from spreading.

If true, Trump is really a traitor, no 1488 chess here.


OP is faggot.

http: //
Damascus is reportedly on high alert after some 400 American and Jordanian military vehicles were located at a Jordanian military base less than one kilometer from the Syrian desert border in eastern Homs earlier today.
More pictures of the drone surveillance here:
In 2017 alone, FSA satellite forces have entered Sweida and Deir Ezzor while also coming dangerously near Palmyra and Damascus, areas under Syrian Arab Army (SAA) control.
In response to the looming invasion, the SAA has begun a large-scale offensive along the Damascus-Baghdad highway in a bid to dislodge FSA rebels from the Al-Tanf border crossing are link up with friendly Iraqi border guards.
The photos validate previous reports by an Al-Masdar News military source suggesting a major Jordanian and US buildup at the Syrian border.

Yes. Stopping greater Israel is against (((our))) interests, right Ishmael?

No shit.

Only if he actually invades. If it's just troops on the jordan border, that doesn't necessarily mean anything. That's happens all the time. But he his good goy troops cross into syria…

Wouldn't be surprised. Would probably attack Syrian troops then leave so (((ISIS))) can fill the gap. Hopefully they are ready, and hopefully the U.S. doesn't get troops killed so it can justify attacking Syria more.

According to the update in your site

Still, its worrying

He bombed Syria and it turned out to be a empty old airport, so ok maybe that could have been chess, but what about this?
I am no shill nor kike and i would like nothing more than to be proved wrong.

No, no it's not.

Kill yourself

the fuck

If dubs Trump kills all the Christians

i wasn't the one who claimed it was empty, but the chess guys.




Wew. It's not a cheap expensive to move in that much hardware.


ITT: retarded shills argue with gullible morons baout shit they know nothing about.

These have been there and Almasdarnews is nigger tier

wait is that where the other missiles went, to radars and other support shit

fuk off

shoo shoo jewfly


No, they went all around in to detect the radar systems and trigger any nearby SAMs.
Where they landed was unimportant. They were being used to map the airspace for future airstrikes by B2s and the like.
It explains why so many seemed to go nowhere and land nowhere.

Can't Mossad the Assad
Can't Mossad the Assad
Can't Mossad the Assad
Can't Mossad the Assad
Can't Mossad the Assad
Can't Mossad the Assad
Can't Mossad the Assad
Can't Mossad the Assad

It's getting kinda tiring really.

You can stop posting now. You have said all you're going to say.

shit, someone pls redo the ending. Trump needs to be recast as a traitor, not a hero.


I made this hypothesis in thread here long before this article.
Maybe the author lurks.

so this was an invasion tacit track the missiles live and see where the systems are then go bust them in some kind of strategy

I mean an old thread. It was either a Syria thread or a North Korea thread. I don't remember which as it was a few weeks ago.

First off, 1st Amendment nigger. Secondly, I never said don't discuss what's happening. I would just prefer you and your fellow shareblue faggots fuck off so we can get back to real discussions on this board.


You'll trigger 99% of the retarded circlejerking LARPers on this board with that talk. They all hate free speech.


great source

You need to know where your enemy radar systems and anti-air missile systems are located if you plan on doing lots of air strikes.
In the case of Iraq, they had been monitoring and probing that airspace for most of the 90s, so they knew it all pretty well.
It was also more antiquated than what is in Syria currently.
With Syria, they've done some probing, but Russia's presence has limited their ability to probe and monitor some of these things.
That barrage was the perfect cover to map the air space.
Here's the catch, if I figured it out, then so did the Russians, meaning the US and Russia must have made some deal and Putin has betrayed Assad.
That, or the US is retarded and Russia will have helped the Syrians move shit around and given them a few extra goodies to shoot stuff down.

Good, maybe they'll fall into a coma and we can have some decent discussions finally.

we're good goyim, voted for trump

oh look, it's this thread, again.

Yea, I guess you can't "mossad the Assad." That's what we're going in for. The geopolitical games will continue whether we want them to or not. We were all fooled. He only looked good next to that cunt anyway. The kikes would probably rather have Trump too, if you really think about it. Only brainwashed whites think women are capable leaders. Of course the semites pulling the strings know better. Trump's their guy. Israel first, America last.



What the hell are you even saying

Go fuck yourself. Keep licking Kushner's boots you absolute moron. You're just as bad as any sheep who vote Democrat. Maybe you'll be allowed to live in Greater Israel when its formed from the rubble of poor Damascus. You betray the ancient Christian communities there.

No one wants WW3. Only whites will die. No more brother wars.
Please don't pull the trigger if it's not vitally necessary.

Tell the discord I said hi faggot

If I had a dollar for every time I've been called a Redditor or a newfag or whatever the fuck I'd be a rich motherfucker. I've been on imageboards for over 10 years at this point. The discussion quality has completely vanished from boards like Holla Forums. It used to be a shitload of right wing ideologies sparring with each other (and occasionally you'd see a commie and laugh at him) but now it's a hugbox circle-jerk and if you step 1 cm out of line you're a Jew. Literally no better than SJW safe spaces. The only other people here are organized shill groups who have come to shit the place up (and you are very likely one of them, or just a BLM tier useful idiot.) None of you faggots even like anime and want it removed from this site. niggers have subverted imageboard culture and turned it into a shadow of a shadow of it's former self, and nobody's the fucking wiser. If you can't beat imageboards, change them from the inside out. Our format lends itself to doing such a thing with any kind of funding and research at all. Shit like this is why after all this time I find it harder every day to post anymore. They want to demoralize us and clearly it has worked.

On Holla Forums you get banned for shitting on Christcucks. On Holla Forums you get banned for being a Federalist. On Holla Forums you get banned for not LARPing hard enough or calling the mods out on their horseshit. On Holla Forums you get banned for not talking about killing every nigger on planet earth instead of trying to actually fix something in this fucking world.
You can try and get into the meme game all you want. Your Meme Warfare Center bullshit will never faze me (but I can't speak for the rest of the dipshits on this awful board.)

Relax, kike-chan. I know you get paid to do this, but stressing over your work is bad for you. No need to be upset!

Had a thought about how this could go down. The thread about the children's bodies being taken away for a false flag event, and now this. >Assad gets the blame for some horrible event >Oy vey

You do realize that nuking major population centers will not only kill millions of whites, but will also kill millions more in flyover states due to fallout and residual radiation, correct?

Copying what we say and rewording it to suit your own agenda to try to confuse the narrative usually works (as seen by the entire state of this board) but I'm not falling for it again. Fuck you shill.

Shit, I forgot about that. But wouldn't they have called it off since their stealing of bodies was discovered?
I think they will have to create a real atrocity this time.

No, he's retarded.


Fair enough.

If I'm a shill then why do I love cute anime girls?
why don't you stay on topic instead of crying about how you're oppressed on an imageboard



Nah, normies don't even know about that. It wasn't in their facebook feed or on evening news.

It's been like the fourth time, now, that there's been a thread made over the supposed imminent invasion of Syria.

Because you snagged a bunch to fit in.
My anime girls are cuter.

Don't forget, the USS Liberty incident was during that war.
Expect an Israeli false flag on your troops burgers!

Will it be the Six-Day Shoah this time?

Mark it down. These guys are always obsessed with dates. June 20 is the summer solstice, another date they may use.

If there's anything that Holla Forums has taught me, it's that when somebody says "Its Happening", it's not happening

*21 (20 in the US).

It's just evidence of the buildup we've all suspected/heard rumors of.
Now we have photographic proof.
Not clear is this will trigger them to attack early or if they will wait until June as the rumors originally suggested.

More animu to restore a glint of resemblance to the place I remember.

I…can actually get behind this.

Fallout is overblown. Big nukes spread it too far for it to be very dangerous. And the whites that live in the cities tend to be the worst kinds.


It looks live a graveyard for the military stuff. Like the stuff we left in Afghan for isis to take and use under king nigger. It's a jumbled mess and not a build up.

All of that equipment is Russian

more animu to ward off the enemy

Yeah its an example. It's the Chernobyl grave yard. I was just making the comparison. But, good eye.

If dubs, Iran launches a volley of secret nukes at new york, washington d.c., los angeles and chicago - wiping out tens of millions and killing 90% of the government - not to mention 80% of all jews in america.

you maked my dick hard. stop that.


Are you really this new… or is this some new copy pasta I aint seen yet cause you be crazy in the head user. Like a shifty yid or something sperging out about muh lamp shades or some kike shit.

were is this all hooka bar you are speaking of?

Colorado I assume, otherwise watch out for the atf, if they show up just remember to dress up like a nigger, they only shoot little girls and pregnant women, I seen their target papers.

Well let's have a good and fair fight then, right lads?

What are you saying?

More animu cuties!

No. No you wrong. Even with the actual Neo-Nazi on this broad they have more respect and maturity than that.


It's biblical prophecy, and for those of you still worshipping the dead kike on a stick I have to tell you I hope you all die.
1488d chess brought to you by Shadow Perez Kushner

Reported for intl. You’re not even trying.

How many minutes until tanks?

He's saying the armored vehicles are there to keep (((ISIS))) from spreading. Learn to read threads :^)

If you're struggling with English, use a fucking translator you god damn nigger.




greater israel soon goys


No, no, you have it all wrong: we want you gone, not the anime. We want you gone because you're a whiny faggot who thinks adding "fuck" and "nigger" every two sentences makes you sound cool and rebellious.

wew, get with the times and get a life

polite sage for off-topic

This thread is being SLID hard.

This post is shit. Kill yourself OP.

Yes, it is. See you in the FEMA camp, because we're going to be the first ones up in the subsequent crackdown.

OP is a lazy double nigger that will get the rope.

Just merely making that suggestion tells me you know fuck all about this shit.


Just FYI:
North Korea is going to be the bogeyman.
The new narrative will be that Norks are evil nazis.
People will point out they're actually Communists.
The response by the media will be that they're lying Nork nazis and #notrealcommunists
Anyone who defends Syria will be called a nazi Nork sympathizer.

by 'defend syria' i mean tell israel to fuck off and not get involved

It will start with an EMP attack that Kim supposedly will launch from a satellite.
The power is going out soon, get ready.

I'm assuming that user was confused by your wording, you made it sound like Trump wasn't pro Israel.

This thread is about literally nothing.

Am I doing it right? Clearly we should have just elected Hillary she would have been a much better president than Trump :^)

Go away you fucking kike.

Stop LARPing

Fuck off. This is 10x more worthy of interest than literally anything on right at this moment.

Has everyone forgotten about the fact that ISIS is in Syria? You people shit yourself over the stupidest things.

So you're saying we should never have voted on anyone? What kind of logic is that? If all we do is sit around waiting for the second coming of Hitler and not doing anything to at least shift the Overton window what will we ever accomplish?

oy vey

Actually CNN being assblasted about comey is bretty good.

Besides, this is just the heavy armor being delivered to the Kurds like was released earlier.

The initial invasion will be to take out (((ISIS))) and carve out a safe zone.
Then "Assad's forces" will attack US troops in Syria, coincidentally on the 50th anniversary (June 8th) of the USS Liberty incident.
Any evidence of Israeli activity in the area will be ignored by the media.

Not at all, I'm saying that we should vote for whatever candidate best suits us and simultaniously not view that candidate as a solution.
America is not a Democracy, it's not even a Representitave Republic or a Roman Republic. It's a Columbian Theocracy
That is the final redpill on the USA. Study the Goddess Columbia. She is a goddess of "freedom and liberty" which always leads to worship of the false-god that is equality.

The idea of Columbia is jewish as well, she is a masonic Goddess and Free Masonry is effectively Talmud for goyim. A president will never be a solution but can be an effective tool for disseminating truths about the system.
The Overton window does not exist, the lemmings will always side with whoever they believe is winning, and power is now what you've got - but rather what your enemy thinks you've got.

The only solutions are not political ones, user.

Look what happened the only time we got a president that was actually willing to solve things and root out the deception. He caught a bullet in Dallas and that right there signed America's death-warrant. Probably happened earlier when Lincoln suspended Habeas to free the niggers and imprison or kill all his political opponents.

Lincoln was everything your school told you Hitler was.

I am okay with the flyover states being home to horrible retarded mutants and diseased land. But how will nuclear fallout change this?

Kill yourself urbanite kike.

Every action is political.

Trump is meeting with Lavrov tomorrow. Gee, I wonder what it could be about.

You know what I mean, voting isn't going to unfuck the demographics, and voting isn't going to get the ZO out of our G

You still believe the cucked lies. Let me enlighten you. Politics is the peaceful application of war. A subtle difference of assuming something like war is nothing but politics writ large in blood like the system brays in ignorant propaganda.

If you start to look upon the issues that you know of a politics thru the eye of threat of violence implicit behind it, you can accurately judge the value and risk of such political stances for or against such. Not everything people think of as politics is actually politics, such things are often just minor squabbles of no note or value. Vapid posturing by weakwilled subversives or fools trying to bluff past the rabid dog sleeping along their footpath to power.

I'm not sure if you're trying to approach a logical conclusion or simply shilling this hard. There is a difference between politics and diplomacy. War is a political tool, war is the failure of diplomacy. What you're talking about is diplomacy not politics.

Diplomacy is for unified political bodies to hash out differences. Another level of political dickering no different other than scale. You fail to recognize the reality that the failure of politics resolving an issue is also war. Unless one of the political bluffers were not waging politics but deception of the mind, in which case war does not happen due to the aggrieved party essentially cucking out.

Both examples you place were both men of power and worth, whom backed up their politics with direct threat of force and will to power. Their political enemies for the most part collapsed before them due to they themselves not having the will to power or conviction to retain their political stance. Both men also had to openly and directly wage their own wars. Not the shitty jew wars you imagine but of domestic. Blood was spilled long before they ever stood close to the halls of power and was a constant threat against their enemies should their rightful place at the table in political discourse not be addressed. Their politics of words rallied their various supporters to their causes and lent ever more strength and power to the politics represented by such men and increased the threat.

The ultimate failure of politics domestically is usually seen in the result of insurrection, revolts, wide spread political killings and fighting, undermining of the existing systems and debasement of the faith in the dominant established system which encapsulates and organizes an given cultures body politic. If not addressed in some way, say one(or more) sides giving ground and conceding their power, or maybe an equitable peacefull compromise to involved power parties, then civil war is the result, or in other cases the dissolution of the overall system of politics and the separation of disparate body politics into their own nation/tribes. Into which diplomacy then becomes the primacy of political discourse.

The threat inherent in national / tribal politics called diplomacy is also the threat of force and will to power of the people whom make up such nations / tribes. This is why all nations hold armies at the ready in some way as a direct proportion to the threat of risk involved in the collapse of diplomacy.

Or perhaps you mean diplomacy as in socialplay between parties involved in the process of politics itself as the process of peacefully avoiding cracking each others heads in when in conflict in some way. So as to facilitate the usefulness of politics itself between groups or individuals. But that is the tool, not the force behind it.

A man who was elected in a 99.9% white nation
A man who was elected in a ~90% white nation on the promise of removing the other 10%, specifically a facet of that 10% that had made economic conditons such that a loaf of bread cost ~$400 and entire families children included were resorting to prostitution to eat.



Comey being fired has literally nothing to do with Trump's continued escalations in Syria.


No proof of what?

That it's happening, Meguca-nigger

Go back to the fields, wetback.

It's not a happening. It's just preparatory stages for a happening, which may or may not materialize depending on how utterly stupid Trump and his administration are. Trump should keep in mind that the low orbit autism cannon is always watching.

Finally figured out that the text on the left of the pic is talking to the reader.
lewl im retarded

You're not wrong user. Pic very related.


Yes, let's destabilize the middle east more to PREVENT Greater Israel! (((You))) are my greatest ally!

wait, What!?!?

Thank the mainstream media for covering HWNDU season 3. Check your numbers and dates.


and current thread

You only have to kill yourself schlomo

omg hes in a photo with mandela, irrefutable proof that you're a fucking faggot


I agree user. I have nothing to say on this board because I already know the responses I'll receive. Any kind of critical thought or scrutiny is shit posted to hell and back. Whoever figured out how to ruin image boards have done a wonderful job, they'll splinter the community to death. OP sucks and your post has brought this thread to the top of the catalog because of shit posting. Honestly though, I can't tell if it's the actual community or the bots & shills that shit up the board. Either way, it's been a wild ride for old fags.

TBH this is likely nothing. There's only 400 U.S. -AND- Jordanian -vehicles-. There's 2 keywords in the headline. More than half of these vehicles are light wheeled vehicles, not all are tanks. It looks like it's mostly the Jordanian's equipment too with the T-series tanks lying around. The U.S. also has a base in Jordan and has since the Gulf War, this could be a training exercise. They could also be putting them there to prevent any rebels the SAA are trying to dislodge from the Baghdad Highway from entering Jordan. Stop concern shilling and put some effort into your post ffs.

Then go back to meguca faggot.

>shitposts 4 mins after I post Wasn't long
Thanks for proving my point.



Bomb them

So any proof that this will be the plan, or are you projecting your own shill-esque desires? Because there's a lot of goldfish-tier memory lapses going on in regards to Trump admin's previous, and rather favorable, remarks about Assad.

how about you get the fuck out if your going to be a cunt. so freedom of speech only works when it favors you? all you do is cuck the board and make this place a shit hole by shutting down criticism. do us all a favor and kill yourself.

Looks like a graveyard/mothball area.

top kek tbh

Yep, there are already a ton of US troops in Syria. They are embedded with the Kurds in the north along the border with Turkey, keeping Turkey from attacking. They are also helping with the Kurdish push to encircle Raqqa.

They are embedded with the FSA terrorists along the Jordan border pushing east along the border with Iraq.

This has been going on for a while and they've only been attacking ISIS on both fronts. So far US troops have kept well away from Assad's troops and there has been no indication of anything other than crushing ISIS (at least since Trump has been in office)

If together they come to terms where Syria is able to authorize both pipelines, it would be within the realm of possibility. And Trump is much more likely than traditional establishment politicians to stop prioritizing the foreign policy of our "allies" in the Middle East.

war is coming be prepared

Don't people know this? The network centric warfare doctrine where basically everything has a back channel has been around since the late 90s.


fuck off JIDF detected. listen you dumb nigger jfk signed the UN nuke disarmament treaty with suprise surprise…provisions to take small arms from the populace. JFK GOT KILLED BY PATRIOTS YOU DUMB CUNT

I reckon the buildings around it would be less extensive if that were the case.



I don't see any personnel around it at all.

What are YOUR reasons for thinking it's not as claimed?

Can't Mossad the Assad

wew lad who could have guessed?

Not really, last week Syria, Iran and Turkey signed an agreement which divides Syria into de-escalation zones, the deal has the US consent and it will help Assad to concentrate in the fight against ISIS on the east.
This rebel army have been there (south east of syria) for some time and they haven't engaged Assad's forces yet, they used to get IS out of the jordanian border but its mostly desert.

I highly doubt the US will try to open a front there, considering that now we are on a stabilization process.

And the cat is out of the bag, Trump doesn't announce things and it looks like a graveyard. The drone wasn't even shot, clearly nobody is trying to actually hide the collection of vehicles over there.
They're talking about it openly now

So the US is building a slow permanent line along Syria's border, and also they're preparing to fuck Turkey's shit up next?

More like the US is going to just keep warning the Turks and slapping them on the wrist while using them as an excuse to occupy/balkanize Syria and "defend" the Kurds, which only works out to benefit the Jew
Turkey is too significant to NATO and the EU to realistically expect the US to do anything about it unfortunately, and weakening Assad only accelerates the Yinon plan

Also reminder that the Kurds are Kike tier mountain gypsies that constantly promote wewuzzery like claiming to be Vikings when in fact they are among the darker skinned and most inbred shitskins and have been fully Arabized outside of Iran

In the 1950s the U.S. government did a survey on several dozen average (in the 50s that means "white") families to determine how well the population would survive a nuclear attack. With basic instructions and tools, it was found that white Americans could build an effective fallout shelter with nothing but dirt and wood in as little as 48 hours (turns out a few feet of earth is effective insulation against fallout). After the fallout settles for a couple of weeks people would be free to leave their shelters. I wish I could find the full document (its on my hard drive, probably) but you need only look up the basics of what fallout is and how it works.

That meme is shit and you should stop posting it.

Depends on how Jordan attacks.
Don't expect them to be too friendly with syria.


Where do you think you are?

I think he means how people sidetracked to anime posting.

There's always a couple derailers.
First they'll post:
for bait.
Another one will then post anime to force momentum and shit up the thread.

Both the one condemning anime and the poster of anime are shills.

t.syriafagsince2011 here

They've been fucking around in Jordan (trained lots of IS early on there) since day one. I wouldn't be too worried about this. They also do exercises in Jordan but recently after IS got too big in 2015 or so, Jordan isn't so friendly with that bullshit now.


Oh, this thread again. Goon niggers be crying about animu yet? I've only skimmed the replies.


if also ID dubs make it chemical


What the fuck? Kill yourself filthy kike.

Yeah, exactly what they said LAST YEAR for the past 6 years
OP is a faggot

Commiefornia is pretty fucked though, they have so many priority targets they'll be carpet bombed into oblivion.

Ah Syriabro glad to see you back.

What a completely bizarre shill response, makes no fucking sense.

Learn to shill better asshole.


Shillfag nonsense effectively decoded here.

Good to see you too user!

Brings attention to the idea that ISISrael benefits from invasion of Syria, so it's good for us in some ways, however
Syria has quite a few options to stop an attack like this regardless e.g. pic related


You always give yourself away.


Apparently its part of an exercise according to kike media,7340,L-4961012,00.html

Looks like the turkroaches are butthurt
from google translate

I'm usually skeptical of Happening threads but it does seem like something is up, not sure if this will lead to an invasion of Syria but i do expect to see more US/coalition troops deployed there soon. Seems like the US cant help but to assist with the Yinon plan

I mentioned this yesterday. An example of the Chernobyl military grave yard, and we've all seen the US one king nigger gave to isis. Are we being shilled because I don't see this doing good for the shills here other than distracting us into doing 5 minutes of research. This is coming from someone who dosn't want us action in syria. But I would be willing/ wouldn't care to get Al-Assad and Putin to advance over the red line, war hawkish I know, i'm ashamed and will go back to my 1850's cuck shed.

Aside from the nuFSA 'trying' to rush towards Tanf and Deir Ezzor in the open desert, these wannabe saudis are worse than the fsaroaches up north, even with US assistance. All they can do is project and smile in front of the cameras.
The SAA doesn't even need to use the next 4 pics you posted to kick their smelly camel posteriors. Can't even fight properly against the Druze people over there, much less take over Daraa and Sweida, even if they somehow manage to do even a small part of that, an old fashioned SCUD rocket or two can solve the problem right away.

Pretty much by these warmongering 'yinon plan will be successful goy!' bots and 'ww3 nao' neocohen libshits

If some CIAniggers did do a big tank rush, they'd use what I posted or Grads if placed already, probably not SCUDs. Scuds are usually used only on buildings and stationary/encamped positions.

The saudis did the same shit either late last year, or early this one. It was all for show
