Survey shows large percentages of Muslim men approve of honor killing, wife-beating, marital rape
Survey shows large percentages of Muslim men approve of honor killing, wife-beating, marital rape
Water is wet!
Pew Research
The World's Muslims: Religion, Politics and Society
Iraq, 1.9% WMP: 91% (1.7% of WMP)
Jordan, 0.4% WMP: 71% (0.2% of WMP)
Lebanon, ~0.2% WMP: 29% (0.05% of WMP)
Turkey, 4.6% WMP: 12% (0.5% of WMP)
- Pakistan, 12%+ WMP: 84% (10%+ of WMP!)
- Indonesia, 11%+ WMP: 72% (7%+ of WMP!)
- Bangladesh, 9%+ WMP: 82% (7%+ of WMP!)
- Egypt, ~4%+ WMP: 74% (2%+ of WMP!)
So, just there alone, you're looking at about 43% of the total Muslim popualation worldwide, and from that we've got about 28.5% of the World Muslim Population being in support of Sharia as the official law of the land.
That's more than 1 in 4.
Pew goes further in their meta-analysis.
84% in South Asia
77% in Southeast Asia
- Between these two, that's 62.1% of the World Muslim Population
- Averaged between them, that's around 50% of the World Muslim Population supporting Sharia as official law of the land
74% in Middle East-North Africa
- About 20% of the World Muslim Population
- 15% of the World Muslim Population supporting Sharia as official law of the land
64% in Sub-Saharan Africa
- About 15% of the World Muslim Population
- About 10% of the World Muslim Population supporting Sharia as the law of the land
WMP Total: 75%+
Soooo, now we're more in the range of 75%+ of the Muslims worldwide.
Granted, thats only in violation of the 'western principles' aspect, eh?
Let's look at some stuff a bit more… grisly.
Iraq, 1.9% WMP: 52.7% (1% of WMP)
Jordan, 0.4% WMP: 48% (0.2% of WMP)
Lebanon, ~0.2% WMP: 13.3% (0.03% of WMP)
Turkey, 4.6% WMP: 3.5% (0.2% of WMP)
- Pakistan, 12%+ WMP: 75% (9%+ of WMP)
- Indonesia, 11%+ of WMP: 35% (4%+ of WMP)
- Bangladesh, 9%+ of WMP: 45% (4%+ of WMP)
- Egypt, ~4%+ of WMP: 60% (2%+ of WMP)
WMP Total: 20.43%!
That's 1 in 5 worldwide in support of stoning for adultery.
This is unacceptable.
One more.
Iraq, 1.9% WMP: 38% (0.7% of WMP)
Jordan, 0.4% WMP: 58% (0.2% of WMP)
Lebanon, ~0.2% WMP: 13% (0.03% of WMP)
Turkey, 4.6% WMP: 2% (0.1% of WMP)
- Pakistan, 12%+ WMP: 63% (3.6%+ of WMP)
- Indonesia, 11%+ of WMP: 13% (1.4%+ of WMP)
- Bangladesh, 9%+ of WMP: 36% (3.2%+ of WMP)
- Egypt, ~4%+ of WMP: 64% (2.6%+ of WMP)
WMP Total: 11.83%!
This is totally unacceptable.
Until they can get their situation under control, I do not see any reason to import their conflict and strife where such is unnecessary.
Help them where they are.
Immigration Gumballs.
How it has to be.
A significant majority (70-80%) of Muslims WORLDWIDE support Sharia as official law of the land
One in five (20%+) Muslims WORLDWIDE support stoning as punishment for adultery
One in ten (11%+) Muslims WORLDWIDE support death for leaving Islam (apostasy).
It's always a good thing to have studies which demonstrate that the values of the Muslim world are profoundly different from that of Western progressives.
What did they mean by this?
Probably just means a husband raping his wife.
I didn't know that was even possible.
It's not possible.
makes perfect sense, islam is the most feminist religion after all.
Anyone have the photo of two protestors holding a sign which states "pro mosque/pro weed/pro lgbt"?
It's time western man adopt some of the same thinking, would solve allot of problems in our shit feminized societies.
So the people who every single time make their land into a hellhole even when you can't take two steps there without finding black gold want to make their new land into a hellhole? That's unbelievable. Next you'll tell me buddhists and muslimes are not exactly as likely to drive a truck through a crowd.
Is there some feminist sect we could redpill with that? I know the insane ones we can't, but #notallfeminists are like that (some of the old ones aren't, but we need a younger target). They will still hate all men but that doesn't matter. As long as they hate mudslimes way more they could be useful. Women are (due to nature) more selfish than men, so they may be willing to throw mudslimes under the bus if the alternative is losing rights that took them many long years to obtain.
Hmm, starting to approve of these things myself.
Obviously just kidding. Every white woman should thank their lucky fucking stars.
only thing I got is this.
I do like the idea of cutting the heads off drug dealers and other criminal filth.
Found it.
ha, that's so dumb. but it seems about right, don't think I ever looked in a modern woman's eyes and seen anything other then craziness or emptiness. (most of the time it's crazy). i'll never understand this type of self delusion and masochism.
Women are a bit crazy (because they're more emotional even when you need pure rationality), but most are nowhere close to sjw-crazy.
Damn she's too cute, I want to save her the trouble of going to war. Why don't men just fight the wars and we can do it for them instead?
Oh..wait, that would be "problematic".
No thanks, look up the "white feather girls"
B-b-but exposure to our enlightened liberal democracies should have changed their minds!
It's not. "Marital rape" is a complete feminist fiction the implies that marriage is not about rights to sex. "Abloo abloo bloo, what if a husband physically assaults his wife to have sex?" Then it's assault. There can be no rape in marriage.
Death for adultery is sensible, although I'd settle for exile. Trouble is, Muslims only apply it to women.
there is no such thing as marital rape
not unexpected. it's an interpersonal sexual dynamic they've had ingrained into them since childhood. cutting their balls off should be as acceptable however they are protected by law enforcement and government.
Yeah well, it's not like they did something horrible like make a joke about grabbing pussy.
If any cucks from HuffPo or places like that are lurking to write your next big piece on Nazi frogs, how do you possibly defend this? I get that you'll just defend anything if it's anti-white, but how do you not flinch at least?
I actually support women having to marry their rapists, too. Mostly because that would make society hilarious. Imagine that reality's version of the "how we met" story. It would also dissuade or embolden the opposite kind of men.
(That's from a Russian TV reality show, Russian women don't serve in combat role and if they did they would be segregated in all women units as did happen in WWII).
I'm pretty against rape and wife beating but honor killing sluts and degenerates seems a-ok to me. Many problems would be solved if families took responsibility for their disgraces.
Holla Forums alone
Holla Forums in front of mudslimes
My sides
Why cant the west be that awesome.
Imagine the amount of easy pussy we'd get.
And I'd be able to kill people i hate.
If I'm not killed first that is..
We use class with our punishments.
Beheadings for savages.
Gassings are true class.
It's not a real thing.
This type of info isn't for Holla Forums, you funking idiot. It's for clueless "progressives" who believe Muslims share the same values as Westerners.
It's a good thing. We actually had that too. If your daughter turns out to be a fucking whore or your son turns out to be a flamboyant fag, the right thing to do is to kill them to avoid the shame to the whole family.
It's a good thing if done properly. Women need to be disciplined, otherwise they turn into huge cunts.
Not a real thing.
tl;dr of the whole article - muslim men still uncucked.
Well, Islam essentially doubled the value of a woman in the arab world. Before Islam, a woman had no value and, after it, the woman has half the value of her husband.
So does most of Holla Forums. They are shitskins, that's all the reason we need to remove kebab.
Another user who completely misses why this study is noteworthy.
Yes, we share the same values as the islamic fundamentalists. What's you point?
We aren't anti Islam, we're anti-shitskin in our lands. Don't let kosher nationalists corrupt you into thinking the Islamists are our enemy. The migrant crisis would be the same even if they were Christians or atheists.
I completely agree. I'll repeat myself:
Then good find user. Great data for outreach.
woman need to show respect to men
rape is a legitimate form of protest
I'm not a feminist by any means, but how is marital rape not a thing? I get that marriage implies a certain agreement to produce children, but I mean it's still rape isn't it? Just because you want to hold your wife down and fuck her really doesn't give you the right to do so, at the very least it's assault. Marriage is about give and take.
Are you insane?
Agreed, if she isn't in the mood it's not right to force it on her. If it's a long term thing then maybe there's a problem but rape isn't the answer.
f7605b and cdbf1f are trolls attempting to reinforce the narrative that there's little to nothing separating the ideology of Islam with Holla Forums
jews use divide and conquer, romans used divide and conquer, it's clearly an effective strat
why not use the mudslimes against leftist shitters, and then use the government against the mudslime shitters?
That last pic really triggers the fuck out of me. Have you seen the others in that series? It's like some kike was sitting at his macbook, rubbing his hands, thinking about what a "New American" looks like and how it will be great when whites die off.
This is why they are winning.
It's just a talking point to show liberals how hypocritically they are. Pretty sure if they wanted to kill all feminist most wouldn't complain too much,but I don't think they ask a white girl her politics before they rape her.
This is racist and biased. If you run those surveys in western countries, you will find out we are mostly in favor of honor killing, wife-beating, and marital rape too. Anyone who has met a large number of western women would agree.
Muslims confirmed for cucks
Most people don't take the "one flesh" thing seriously these days; with what marriage has been bastardized to, rape might as well be possible in a marriage. If you're beating your wife and having sex with her without her consent, its rape.
Marital Rape is definitely possible if you're married to a shitskin.
So do I. The notion of rape the way it is approached in how the legal system works, is insidious in and of itself. If a woman is not fuckable, she is also not breedable and thus has no reason to exist. Approving of marital rape is bad? I think murdering your own wife should be 200% Okay. Even if its only through refusal to provide in a country without a social system. Especially the rise and the problems caused by and through feminism have proven that to women, men are even less valuable than they are useful. A lesson that shouldn't be disregarded, once they can't run to the police whenever they don't get their way any more. No matter what direction things go in, women are going to have a very bad time. And that is a good thing.
No, purge the degenerates. That is good. It is merely fodder to rally normalfags and libshits.
Muds are savages, news at 11.
You realize the muds use this as an excuse to get rid of unwanted wives and shit? All it takes is a 3 or so people saying you did it and you get stoned.
Reminder that the MIDF is real.
Reminder that there are nonwhite Mudslimes posting here RIGHT NOW.
I don't understand why we haven't banned nonwhite IP ranges yet. Sure, some of them are smart enough to use a VPN but most are not.
If you read the bible it approves of the same stuff.
How should you deal with a…?
1. wife who will not come to the marriage bed?
2. wife who gives you minimum amount of children or no children at all?
3. daughter who elopes?
4. a wife who commits adultery?
5. a wife who dishonors you?
What then is the purpose of marriage if you continue to undermine it for you so called, ideal nuclear family. A shallow shallow semblance of what a family once was.
Your children, their lives, education and marriage belong to YOU the father. Not to the state, or to another man without your consent. That is why the father gives away the daughter at marriage. Do do otherwise, allows your daughter to be married to lesser men.
No it doesn't. And you won't find similar attitudes at such high rates among Christians of the West.
there is no rape in marriage
the consent to fuck the woman was given by her father when she married
Christians are just a shadow of their former selves, this is how it WAS before the reformation. They are feeble in their faith, and that is why they are being undermined. Would you like to know where it says so in the Bible?
I understand that some Christians are cucked, but it is in their interest to make this legal. Basically what wants is for your wife to go cold turkey after 1 or 2 children. That will not save the White race or Western Civilization.
Correct. The origin of rape was only used concerning virgins whether seduced or kidnapped. This was an insult to the father's right to chose her marriage. A women who is not a virgin was less valuable as a bride.
Sexual consent does not belong to the women, it belongs to the women's father.
But this is not 100% correct. If the bride was raised properly she would willingly submit to her husband, because her father made her an obedient bride, and she valued the sacrament of marriage. She would willingly consent to the marriage because she loved her father and loved her ancestors. The whole family would suffer if the women did not take the marriage most beneficial to her family. So for the love of her father's family, not the love of the husband she would lay with her husband whether she felt like it or not.
Resolving rape of a virgin:
1. Properly the father should kill the rapist, or demand he be killed by a lord. If it is not lawful by the laws of man to do so, work to MAKE it lawful.
2. Demand compensation for the loss of bride value from the virgin. Compensation goes to increase the bride's dowry.
3. Demand rapist marry the women. Preferable if she was impregnated by rape and the man is of higher quality than wretch.
Now look at this medieval-renaissance art, women of good sexual morals always covered her head, very similar to hijab.
Now I am sure this is an unpopular opinion, but I am right and you are wrong. You moan the loss of the "Traditional Family". I just told you what was lost. If you want to preserve your family's line, this is what must be made law.
No, they seem rather pragmatic in their pursuit of power through democratic politics.
Good point on the father's role in consent in the Bible. Arranged marriage was the norm. My favorite instance is when Caleb announces he will give his daughter Axa in wedlock to whoever leads an attack on Cariath-Sepher. It's one of the details that could've come from a classical Greek heroic epic.
Are you sure?
This is some reverse psychology shit to convince newfag autistic virgins that "le pisslam is le based and le redpilled". Damn there has been so much mudshit shilling by literal shitskins and those ironlarper mongrels that converted to pisslam.
Kill yourselves mudshits the answer to degeneracy is National Socialism not adopting a shitskin cuck semitic religion.