Kurds and Trump

Why are we supplying guns to the Kurds?

Having Turkey as an ally is much more important.
Kurds are literally Muslim Socialists with Antifa support.

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Why are spending money on Isreal? This is a more prevalent issue and the kurds are the least of all evils in Syria
Also fuck Turkey it needs to be glassed

He's following the kike advice that any ally is better than Assad, even if it's a bunch of effeminate communists.

Because the 'moderate rebel' meme is dead, and even if it weren't I'm pretty sure Trump shat on Obongo for it, so they needed a new cover for their weapons shipments.


Sounds like the Israelis would love them.

Assad is a lesser evil than fucking communists.

Assad isn't an evil at all.

Communism is responsible for the defeat of white nationalism in Europe. It is an existential threat to white Americans.
Not that Trump cares.


Exactly, so now we need to find evidence (because I know I've already heard of this before) that Kurds are actually racist towards arabs and abuse them. Make kurds look like racist bandits who rape and kill innocent people.

As if those are the only two options.

Is this headline an attempt to make it sound like it's a bad thing we're fighting against IS?

Alternative route for gas oil pipelines by supporting separatism in the Iraq/Iran/Syria border.

Kurds also hate ISIS. Two birds with one stone.

You think it's a good thing that we're siding with communists?

I believe isolationism is the best course of action for the United States.
This is literally exactly what Hillary Clinton would have done.

return to where ever you came from

Those aren't the only two options retard.

Oh yes, let's abandon the strongest and most relevant country in the region in order to support a small band of communists.

Kurds are the niggers of Turkey. They are a loud minority who are literal marxists and support lgbt rights.


ITT: Turkroach internet defense force

I didn't imply that at all. Fuck the kurds and the turks.

no you didnt imply it. You flat out said it.

No I didn't, fuck the turks and the kurds. Plain enough english for you?




that image makes me so fucking angry, all our money going to kikes and shitskins

on the plus side, when we someday stop sending it they'll be used to having it so they'll starve


low-effort shitposting?

Nice try roach
ib4 k*rd, no I'm not a subhuman mountain roach.
That said, they are the only ones that have fought ISIS and defended their turf, and managed. These other groups are all linked to either AQ or ISIS.
Assad as ofc also stood against ISIS and AQ.
No their deeds have been quite heroic, clever most of the time but other times really stupid. The k*rds used to be gommunists(the enemy of my enemy is my friend) back in the Soviet times, that's the root of PKK.
But.. When you see YPG wave the antifa fag flag and lit fag flags etc, it's all propaganda in effort to get sympathy from the west. Same as they try(at least) to keep a squeaky clean human rights record, though yes I know it has been breeched many times, but in comparison to AQ and ISIS……..

I speak to Kurds here, and they all want democracy there, what comes, is to see. Interesting I met an iranian k*rd and a roach one, the roach insisted on saying he was from Turkey while the other insisted they should both just start to say Kurdistan. One is returning.
They use all means they can, to get sympathy here in the west, and are known as notorious liars, you always have to cross check their claims on twitter etc


B-b-but 1488d chess!

I don't like kurds, and I hate roaches let them kill each other off, I know the turds are commie jihadis but at least they are fractured and divided, turks on the other hand are the worst scum of the earth second only to kikes
daily reminder that turkey is responsible for the poor results of the dutch elections by bitch and moaning that they can't hold political rallies their and made the ruling party look good, shooting down russian planes, and the false flag gas attacks that sent Trump down the neo-con foreign policy path

you want these scum as allies? pic related

most european powers had armies 4x the size of the roaches and only had an estimated 30,000 deserters on average

Should be Split 5 different ways. Give back Constantinople to Greece and expel all people who are ethnically and genetically Turk. North coast back to Pontus, give it to Greek or Slav colonization. Split off Kurd lands and lastly let the remaining Turks squat in the center.

He is actually a natsoc
Veistu, hvé fáa skal?
Yes he does
It's like painting flames on your bike as a kid, so it would go faster. Very important, the holy symbol is painted in red. He will therefor win.

This really, the whole western part is really part of the balkans and you got all sorts of weird shit living there too as you say. Wreck it, fucking King roach is going to do it anyways

Fuck all shitskins and Jews. Turkroaches will be exterminated.

Why are we spending any amount of money, time, or life in the middle east?


Anons if I could, I'd leave the US and follow Assad into Syria to gas kikes and race war now against Israel. He's literally the greatest leader alive on the face of the Earth. I admire Assad and I'd die for him.

Turkey is Kosher.

If this doesn't confirm the kikes are in Control of the White House, then you brain dead faggots are hopeless. Shadow President Kushner is the leader of the New World Order now.

Anything that goes against Turkey is good. Propagating anything less than a total eradication of Turks makes you anti-white.

Assad is a Ba'athist. The Syrian Social Nationalist Party (your pic) is a great nationalist anti-Zionist organization Assad is not part of, but they are allied with him.

I believe it, but to go off topic there are still benefits of Trump in office.
washingtontime s.com/news/2017/may/9/illegal-immigration-southwest-border-down-70-pct/

Fam, what makes you think illegals poll themselves and tell the government when they cross to begin with? Kem

Mfw the kikes killed Saddam too and he was /ourguy/

go away.

Plan B to destroy Syria for Israel and install a new puppet state for American cumskins allies of jews.

Why wouldn't we support the Kurds? All they will do in cause more conflict among Arabs and if they become communist they will end up killing tons of Arabs. Also some leftists from Western countries are joining the kurds (which gets them out of our countries) because muh revolution and because Rojava is trying to become an anarchist state.

No, retaking Constantinople is much more important, roach


do you have the webm of that meme?

you mean snow niggers?

Why don't we arm Christians in Syria?

We pretty much are. They all joined the SDF already.

they'll just give the muslims their guns because the poor muslims are deprived of guns.


if personally executing 6,000,000 jews isn't evil, then what is?

He's a muslim

I was pulling your leg
Souria for Sourians!

Saddam, Qaddafi…. Iran in the corsair of the kike too, they made their own independent shekels. I was horsing

Can't Mossad the Assad

Alawite, and he is secular

yeah, im ok. are you alawite?

No, I don't so much about them, only shallow parts. A mixture of shia, gnosticism, christianity and some shit.
Nah I'm pic related

Fuck turkey.

second pic reminds me of that girl from starship troopers

what are you, a kike? if they are, we show it to people, don't "make them look like", and if they aren't they aren't.