Austin Commie information

Personal info on RSF in Austin Texas . They have been doxxing fellow alt righters . Time for payback

Other urls found in this thread:


Somebody better get a helicopter


Somebody get a better image size

t - not an ant

Holla Forums will never be AltRight



doesn't change the fact that commies need to be removed.


Well well well. Kek smiles upon us

a dump of commies info is nice but you need to check your shit as it's too fucking tiny for anyone to see



all commies must be erradicated

These are thumbnails.

Let the hunt begin




I know your going to get shit for the "fellow alt-right" comment, and you should, but this is good info. Just make sure to make it larger than a thumbnail. Also, what exactly do you want us to do with this? They would make good posters for people that actually live in Austin and around the University.

Also you should include archive URLs in all images such as these which provide proof these people are who you say you are. This is extremely important as it could be argued that one has edited content to defame the individual in question.

Communist Genocide Deniers Hold Meeting at UC Berkeley. While Ann Coulter is Banned from campus

Wew lads

Call their parents to take away their allowance

*are who you say they are

these need to go up around austin


this tbh

It would be useful to create a more generalized flyer which informs the public that this organization exists, and that its members embrace a violent ideology which targets conservative whites and the police.

Fucking disgusting, Also stop using that cuck as a symbol, he's a race-mixing anti-white.

They need to be posted around the city itself, not just anywhere. Antifa already tried to post the name, address, and number of people that were at the battle of Berkeley on posters and spread them around. We need to do the same.

So anti-white his kids will be less than 25% white. He's a half jew with a gook wife

We need to start having antifa/commie general threads for the purpose of intel gathering and propaganda distribution.

This tbh let's stop glorifying these controlled opp anti-whites

Anti-Jew, anti-ZOG, National Socialist, pro-White – all are superior terms.

I hadn't heard the jew part yet.

Agreed. A facebook page that doxed antifa was recently taken down. We need to keep the pressure up. It was someone from r/anarchism on reddit too.

oscon is in Austin this week, I'm sure some commie faggots will be their company

Keep making these pages. Someone needs to make them.

More stuff will be out later today or tomorrow

Chopstick man cheated on his took wife with Britanny Pettibone. He's anti white and deserves to beaten by antifa

We should alert the police about these individuals so if they have a record or are breaking probation, we can bring the justice system down on them

Can you provide the originals please?



Proof? He's a convicted felon. How do you know she fucked him?

hes lying, i know kyle ( Based Stickman ) the alt-right (dailystormer) just hate him so they smear cus hes married to a asian wife, and is alt-light

About which part? Pettibone? Because Kyle is an anti-white self hating race mixing cuck either way. Pics related.


I have not seen Any of the Alt-Right on the frontlines, just sitting behind keybords and when u get punched u run away like richard spencer. Richard spencer ranlike the little alt-right cuck he during his #Firekushner Rally in DC for 30 minutes cus hes sucha pussy. Like all u keyboard warriors beta alt-right cucks. No outside of ur likes u KYS

Not everyone can travel 200 miles to go beat up commies m8. I'm just biding my time until they rear their ugly heads here myself.

its time to leave paco

Who bashed the cuck knight? Who protected the statues in NOLA and ran off the maoists in Austin? It wasn't the alt-lite. You're pathetic. Just leave man, go back to r/the_donald

Go huff some more aerosols kyle

Oh shit that's rare as fuck



lmao, these dates of birth

Nice job defending the Statute, u guys suck ass, good luck defending the statute without jew lawyers

Can we get back to doxing leftist radicals please?

He's busy fucking a gook right now spreading GRIDS

Lmao dude looks like literal CIA

And where's the alt-lite? Too busy spreading GRIDS in California in celebration of civic nationalism to care. You not u, learn how to spell nigger people are worse than useless. The nationalists came out so people could see that the statues weren't going down without a fight. They may come down but at least the real patriots took a stand instead of screaming "My wife's black son"

the website related took over 24hours to suspend the account, very interesting considering how quickly the admins react to shitposts

Wanna know how I know you don't belong here TRS fag?

Did anyone find the contact number for his internship?

He has a point. Alot of threads of turned from decent topics to alt-lite vs alt-right vs Holla Forums. This was supposed to be about austin reds and should be kept on track.

everytime that nigger is brought up, I get a tension headache from some asshole in roman armor taking offense to the roman salute

So I'm TRS because I'm against the thread being derailed by an unrelated topic which has been discussed in great detail in a number of other threads? Fuck off idiot.

you can't derail a thread if you have actual content, so far you have provided nothing but an introductory images. There is video evidence to alot of this shit, but I don't see you bumping with webmds

I have no idea what you're talking about. Arguing about stickman in a thread about doxing commies is most certainly derailment.

He rather talk about stickman than commies cus hes a undercover antifag trying to make alt-right fight alt-light

I don't understand this kind of thought.



Holla Forums here, how does it feel knowing that your president has done more for us than he ever will for you MAGA chuds?

the truth hurts, doesn't it?



plz dox commiechan

Wow, you really got us good.

do txst next

Literally degenerate faggots, these.

Probably is that or related. They chose a Californian to cause D&C and his alphabet buddy Hunter and friends have been hammering away at all Californians endlessly. ItNo one as smart as he is and in his position would use the association fallacy so liberally. It's the other side of the coin to "dumb redneck hillbilly" and he was loving it. All these fuckers are globalists in disguise.



Brittany wore his pullover sweatshirt after getting plowed. It would be a shame if his gook wife found out and took his anti-white ass to the cleaners. Mix with rice, pay the price.

Also, did I mention hes a felon? Yep and hes probably a Fed too.

People who aren't dating/fucking aren't going to be standing that close in casual pictures

Based stickman spent time over in club FED? Wonder how long he was there for??

tell his chink wife he really likes white girls.



He was in for about 5 years after jumping bail

I'm surprised Andre Anglin would have a problem with based stickman being that they're both asian fetishists.

I'm willing to bet he didn't even serve his full sentence and got off on a 'plea bargain'.
Kiked to the core.

Tell him to kill himself for me.

Armed robbery, lots of drugs, paint sniffing. Pics should be in an previous thread



Speaking of Austin, Stratfor is hiring.:^)

Bump. This scum needs to be eradicated.

The more guys like stickman and the cucked knight amplify our differences publicly, the more I'm inclined to believe they're controlled opposition. beating commies should be the focus, anything else is outside of the scope of these events.

Done and done. Keep it simple: don't give them any leverage for divisiveness, while you simply package and define them as the filthy commies they ALL are

kurds aren't antifa and they're not interested in your virtue signalling ways faggot.

Smooth, cunt, have you got any more of these?

Actually it's because Kyle Chapman spat in their faces after they helped him by saying they have to mix or their kids would be killed for being white (like in South Africa)

White Genocide professor weighing in

Fucking scumbag.



In this tweet he seems to be a saying that he's a "small c" communist, meaning a communist who doesn't belong to a communist party, rather than a "large c" communist. Is such a distinction made in the California loyalty oath? If not this tweet proves he lied. What's the punishment?

Can we get Antifa on RICO charges? Is it possible? You'd have to target their leadership, funders as well as foot soldiers, but it seems to be the only legal way to get rid of them.

Fug off. We may hate the alt-kike ideologically, but they certainly have been fighting. See: Damigo, NSM/TWP, etc.

Nice digits. The Prelude to that would probably have to be antifa being declared a terrorist organization.

He supports this group. We have any info on them besides the arizona gun show?

Man I love how communist don't have any OPSEC, they're making our jobs easier.

YEEEEhaaaaa Cletus! Let's go lynch us some damned RACISTS

Found the redundant part.

These people are just as irredeemable as the commies.

yea, at the time I was willing to look the other way on the asian wife because making an anti-antifa folk hero seemed more pressing.

But that proved to be the wrong idea

Used to organize out of Serve The People - has moved east but still organizes.

I sure hope Holla Forums isn't getting btfo yet again

Does this guy ever travel to other universities?

got any info to start us off with?

the Indian government takes promoting Maoist terrorism more seriously than the Muslim threat. They need to be made aware of Llloyds pro Maoist comments.