British General Memetics


We lost France. Macaroni won. The only hope for Europe is to un-cuck the UK before it goes to the polls on 8th June.

If Britain thrives with full independence, others will follow. The EU cannot allow this to happen. They will push for a "soft" Brexit in which the UK stays dependent on them and subject to their courts.

Polls are predicting a Conservative landslide which at least allows the possibility of a somewhat real Brexit, although nothing is guaranteed yet. The Labour Party has lost it's traditional working class and Scottish base, so they will make a last ditch attempt to revive themselves this year. The Liberal Democrats are still suffering from the unpopular 2010 coalition.

UKIP are still on the rise. They are unlikely to win an election soon, but they can at least compete with the LibDems to become the opposition party should Labour fall. This would leave only Conservative and UKIP viable, with no hard-lefties in power.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to open up a nationalist option for the UK. Ok, so UKIP are a very light form of nationalism, but I'll take it over anything else on offer right now. Even a moderately nationalist UK is an outpost against globalism and degeneracy. Mother Europe needs this outpost now more than ever.

Thread objective:

I am calling all meme wizards to shitpost not one, but two political parties out of existence. I know this is a big ask, but if we can do this it will be an unprecedented victory. We have the momentum of Brexit on our side and must ride it while we can.

Discredit everything the Labour and LibDem parties do. Remind everyone how out of touch they are.

Remember to make everything look native. (e.g. colour has a u in it)

Report sticky and bake new bread as needed. We need to keep the tide strong for the next 4 weeks.

Other urls found in this thread:





Fucking kill yourself.

Churchill was a kike and sold out your empire to create greater Israel and kill Hitler. You will get no help from me. Your nation ruined the world.

Jews working on over-time. Or genuine white-hating traitors masquerading as 'nationalists' of other nations. I'm thinking the former.

I hear echoes.

Stopped reading there, you permafucked your own thread with these two words.
Try using proper lingo next time, dear Plebbitor

Try harder kike.


It may have been poor wording but come on now. Are we really so fucking emotional and reddit-tier that we'll allow a bad phrase to destroy something potentially positive.

Everyone who tries to shit up a thread designed to benefit whites by bringing up irrelevant and D&C causing arguments is a fucking kike.

Agreed, OP. perhaps I can be of assistance. I'd love to discuss with you more averted from the eyes of FUCKING SHILLS DESPERATE TO SUCK THE CHODES OF FRESHLY CIRCUMCISED ZIONISTIC DEVIL SPAWN.

Would you do everyone on this board a favor and never post again?

Well intended or not lack of quality is a dealbreaker for many including myself, sorry. Besides anyone in EU is working for britbongs including myself.

Bitch, I will turn your ass meat into something that looks like Chuck Norris round housed it through a chain linked fence. Go sit the fuck down and think about all the jew penis you've sucked

It's so clear that you're an outsider, its fucking laughable.

Try harder feg. Any true blue Holla Forumsfag would jump at any chance to fight the powers that be. You're a fucking shill and you're about as versed as an E! Lindsay Lohan special on cocain in the Caribbeans. Who the fuck cares if there is any lingo to be had. There's a fucking war where people are trying to protect your right to marry a fucking frying pan. Shill harder on /mlp/. More fuckwits will fall for it


If anything we should be shilling against them. If they get a huge majority then they will backslide on Brexit and fuck us over like they do every time. They're fucking Tories, you know they'll do it.

Either vote Labour (but not Lib Dem) to keep out the Tories or vote UKIP.

Anyone who says otherwise is a fool or shill.

Someone come pick this up, it's completely broken.

(((Labour))) is the fucking reason we have an immigrant flood. Either UKIP rises or we turn into France.

Niggering intensifies. Come pick up deez nuts little man. Don't let the pure white affinity for patriotism de-niggerfy your upper lip.

Labour aren't going to get in though, we just need to curb the Tory majority to ensure that May still can be held to account by her Brexit MPs.

Tories are worse on immigration anyway, they'll steal our thunder but let as many, if not more, than Labour.

Here is a reminder of the party from the 80-90's

If local council elections are anything to go by, Conservatives will win. Even Scotland voted heavily Conservative and won places like Shettleston and Ferguslie Park, some of the most deprived areas of the UK.
Considering how badly we let Le Pen down not offering her a fraction of the support given to Farrage or Trump, we need to win this. Although Labour and SNP may do most of the work for us

Labour MPs don't do Brexit. Liberal MPs don't do Brexit.
UKIP MPs do Brexit.

Voting for them to curb a Tory landslide that will fuck us over is not the same as voting them into government. If it bothers you so much, there's always UKIP.

Yeah but UKIP aren't in a position to making a breakthrough. They need to weather the storm for now. Most Tory MPs don't do Brexit, so we need May to be held to account by the small core of Brexit MPs that exist. Voting Tory is only forgivable of the MP in question is pro-Leave.

Yes, UKIP. NOT LibDem, NOT fucking Labour. UKIP.

Voting Tory is never forgivable. Not trolling a Tory is ok if they are pro-Leave.

If you faggots don't vote ukip Amerifags are disowning you and purging you from this board.

Have you been in a coma for 17 years?

fuck off, really ? the fegs voted tory rofl that has to be a first
t.foxbar fag


But if UKIP have no chance in a constituency then it makes more sense to vote Labour to keep the Tories out if need be.

But if you let Labour/Lib Dems unseat a pro-Leave MP then it worsens our position. if it's close then vote Tory, otherwise UKIP.

Go fuck yourself tbh

Newfags… Cancer never reads the rules. Go home. Your mother bought you a gem of a chocopop that you can enjoy while you wax it to trap threads. I hear you children enjoy popsicles in a more anal fashion anyway.



That is a great meme, truly a work of art.
10/10 would buy.

I see your point, but I think its unlikely. If yours is pro-Leave, do what you must. I'm voting UKIP until something more nationalist comes along.

Well that's just it, my MP is horrible and a Tory but she's pro-Leave. Labour and Lib Dems are shilling hard here and they may win. It depends on your constituency really.

I feel for you. Would probably throw up in the polling station in your place.

If I'm too much of a newfag please make your own thread to save the UK with better wording.

We need a list of all remain MPs and all leave MPs and then co-ordinate and focus on keeping as many remainers out of seats as possible.

The majority of native British people don't want more foreigners here.
Even a lot of foreigners don't want more foreigners here.
The only problem is all the political parties do.
UKIP are probably the only party not to, but they seem to be pretty close to the chosen and have plenty of foreigners in their ranks.
Hard to know how to vote.

testing to see if this is some sort of bot.



The Conservative victory is inevitable at this point. Affecting the result is a waste of time.

What is needed is to present a vote for the Tories as a vote for hardest possible Brexit. Make it impossible for May etc to row back under pressure during the negotiations.

This is where the meme offensive should be concentrated.

There won't be any pressure if the Tories have a massive majority. They've also been putting Remainers in seats being vacated by Brexiteers.

This is why we must shill against the Tories by all possible means. Hell, even vote Labour if you have to. Anything to keep the Tory majority down. No one else is getting in, so don't worry about your principles. We simply need to keep the Tory vote down.

Fine but memes can't shift the result.

They can shift the interpretation of the result.

you have no party worth voting for tbh

We may as well try, Plus it helps to stop people here and God forbid, on cuckchan, voting Tory.

We have UKIP, but they're kind of in limbo at the moment. It's not a good time for an election.

UKIP is libertarian and kiked beyond belief. They were really only useful for Brexit imo, and then it was mostly farage because the rest of the party is shit anyway.

UKIP need to rebrand, and Nuttall is actually more redpilled than Nige. It's just a very bad time for them because they haven't rebranded yet and so the only thing they have to stand on is Brexit, which has been co-opted by the Tories.

It's all about shifting the overton window right, anyway. UKIP are not a long term solution.

Britain unfortunately has a very long way to go then. Is anyone even jew wise in that party? I heard they had a literal bibleburning rabbi as a candidate in Manchester and they're getting money from some jewish porn king. Honestly if i were you i'd just abandon them altogether, they served their purpose, which admittedly they did very well.

Think again faggot. All sides want a Conservative landslide BECAUSE it would allow for a softer Brexit. Right now May governs with a tiny majority and so hardline eurosceptics have a lot of say and power. With a much increased majority, she can sideline them. There's a reason why every Conservative MP who stood down/retired/quit was replaced by a Remainer, not a Leaver.

We're in a better position than many countries. The goal is not to have 'Jew-wise' people in the party because if they were openly anti-Semitic it would kill any electoral progress. Normalfags don't care about the Jews, they're just scared of anti-Semitism. You can deal once you're in power, but until then, you should keep your mouth shut (if you're a politician, if you're an user in general of course you should be redpilling always). That said, Nuttall is defo redpilled on fair few things, maybe even on the JQ. He cited David Irving at uni when writing a thesis on how the Jews essentially deserved the Holocast iirc.

The problem is even people like you think that UKIP's purpose was solely Brexit. That's why they're suffering now. Brexit has not been accomplished yet - the Tories will seek to negotiate a 'soft' Brexit, which UKIP wouldn't do. But the Tories have stolen UKIP's rhetoric so it seems like they have no purpose at the moment which isn't true. UKIP as I said as there to pave the way forwards for future nationalist parties. Once they're not willing to go any further right, we jump ship and keep pushing right.





u shitting me

