Press Briefing

Press Briefing #47 with Press Secretary Sean "Fuck Your Cartoons" Spicer

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Well, I guess I'll watch it since I'm here and all….and probably have a conversation with myself.

         レ'´  . , /    ヽ ミY,ニヽ           //  . ://      }  |{_jリノ 

is there a bingo sheet for this?

It's on!
No sound yet, and some dude with a mic.



Nevermind, I forgot to turn on the speakers.
And Sean following the 2 cuties.

these chad fuckers in the front row piss me off already

10,872 watching now

I wonder why. Numbers have been less than 10,000 for the last few briefings.

Did she get grounded by Trump for talking shit? I know he did it with Kushner by sending him to Iraq, a week before the BS with his Soros links were published.

It hasn't felt like any winning lately.

To win, there has to be a game in the first place. And the shills and Fake News haven't even been trying to play lately.




Stuck on the same shit since march

Caitlynn is full of spunk today.

They have literally nothing. Sally Yates didn't even say anything new. The (((MSM))) knows that the moment the russia story is over, the liberals are going to go crazy and blame various groups within themselves, including the jew media.



Arming Kurdish forces in Syria

Is arming the kurds good or bad?

Guess the 'moderate rebels' has fallen flat, now its 'muh kurds'.

Take a guess.

does anyone have an idea where old, like OLD press briefings are backed up? like a channel? I used to watch ari fleischers weasel ass every day during the bush years, I totally dropped off during obabo. couldn't even tell you who his press secretary was

The stated intent is to fight Isis, so gud, I think.


This guy will win you bingo on his own


Oh so now they press is america first


Fuckin kek he was just about to say something entirely too spicy

Good, in a sense that you remove ISIS from Syria. Kurds are in strategic places far away from ISIS conflicts

But they are also one of the groups that want to fracture Syria. mentions it, but forgets to add that they're a minority that wants independence. Also, there's a thin strip of land between Syria, Iraq and Turkey that if given to Kurds and then make them independent will make an alternate route for oil-gas ducts possible, which means they won't need Assad deposed, they could just give independence to Kurds and separate them from original Syria and build the pipeline there,

Ironically his name was Josh Earnest or something like that

checked those holy heil dubs

who said that? I wasnt paying attention.

dem gams tho

Call me a shill, I fucking dare you.

you did it yourself



Why so angry user-kun, I was simply implying how split the opinion was.

muh russia dying slowly

Sure I did sweetheart. ;^)

Because you are cancer.

Fuck he's ripping apart the Yates bullshit, and the Russia bullshit.

Filtered for obvious faggot. Meguca tier tbh


it's not happening kikes
dumbfucks beating a dead horse instead of searching for fresh stuff



Do they take a triple dose of Xanax before getting spiced?

This guy speaks so slowly he must have some head injury.

Guess how many jews there are in the picture.
more than 3

14,651 watching now

normies were hyped up from yesterdays Yates testimony is my guess. like user said, this is a corpsed up horse they are flagellating relentlessly

The more I watch this, the more I think these briefings are fake and/or controlled to be like this.

every single question is pre-vetted for sure

All the press in the us is owned by 5 media companies
Do you honestly expect a plethora of vibrant questions about relevant stuff?

Comey false testimony, unknown status.

No shouting at the end of this briefing

They're literal IRL shills. They're TRS trying to explain to you about based faggots, while simultaneously calling you a 1488 larper


guess how many republicans there are in that room none if you don't count whiter house staff

Stop speaking like a fucking faggot.

Wew lad



hey folks, Kip The Kid here


howdy guys, Kip-o-Kid here

hello folks, Kip The Killer here

shalom boyos, Kip-o-Kippo here


howdy compadres, Kip 'n Kamikazee here


sup goyim, Kip Her Kamikazee here


greetings goyim, Kip From Kipper here


hola boys, Kip-a-Killer here

hello gentiles, Kip His Kim here

hi guys, Kip But Killer here