Okay you ball-less chimps...

Okay you ball-less chimps. I see you wasting perfect opportunities to spread propaganda every time some raghead goes on a shooting or raping spree peaceful candy-gifting in Europe or America, but this is so simple no even you could fuck this up.

Like you all know, Pepe's creator killed him this saturday the 6th. Of course, this provides a million opportunities for further memes, some of which are in threads still on the board: drafting Pepe's friends into the SS, having one of them just plain replace Pepe, turns out Pepe was just dreaming, etc. They're all pretty nice and all, but I have yet to see anyone suggest the path which has, by far the most mememagic potential of all.

You see, in some cultures, frogs and toads are considered divine symbols of resurrection, because they can hibernate (in winters of cold climates) or estivate (in dry seasons of tropical climates). They effectively cease leaving for months, to resume life like nothing happened.

You can see where I'm getting here. Frogs, memes, death, resurrection, divinity…

Pepe's death is a perfect opportunity to to tie Pepe/Kek's meme with the most powerful meme there ever existed, Jesus Christ himself. What we have to do is simple: have Pepe ressurect today, the third day after his death, amidst Christian imagery and motifs. We have more than enough artists to pull this off, but sadly, I'm not one of them.

Regardless, you can guess how powerful the resulting mememagic can be. We'll be tapping into an immense source of mememagic, and in the process, we might Christianize the pagan Kek, putting him into the service of the Lord. Or not, it's up to the artists I suppose.

So you can see this is a unique opportunity to immensely amplify Pepe/Kek's power and tune it even further to our cause. Like I said, all we have to do is meme his resurrection today, the 3rd day after his death, to tie him with the Jesus meme. And it's vital that the art contains Christian imagery or other references, or else it flops.

Am I talking bullshit or is this a worthwhile pursuit? It's not like we're particularly busy at the moment.

One last note at any faggots triggered by me calling Jesus Christ a meme. Being a meme does not imply he didn't exist. Any person, living or fictional, can be a meme. Whether Jesus really existed or not is moot; the idea of Christ is what conquered the world, not Christ himself.

Some retarded leftist nigger already tied him to to Jesus by making a literal frog on the cross "art" exhibit a little while back. I don't have the pics or archive saved but I'm sure some user around here does. Signal boosting that alongside OC would be pretty powerful.

How do you even kill Pepe? The guy has no fucking thought process except to get publicity from MSM.

Memes don't die. It's this simple. Pepe never died in the first place (I mean his creator completely forgot how to even draw him), so why have a resurrection ceremony for a death that never happened? It only reinforces the idea that mortal beings have a monopoly over ideas and thoughtforms, which is self-provably BS.

The only thing the writer did was confirm that pepe made a dent in their entire narrative that even Hillary mentioned it.

how about a flashmob with a frog on a cross on the ny timesqare or another crowded area?

larpagans were a mistake
This board will only get shittier, Holla Forums has successfully made a topic entirely impossible to talk about
Good luck with these meme attempts; I sincerely doubt anything good will come from it.

not a draw fag but someone do a better version of this, I got to go to school

Jesus' name adds up to 888 in Greek gematria.

I'd rather paganize jesus honestly.
What they don't know is that they can't kill us no matter how hard they try.
We're no longer just meme magicians, we're meme necromancers now.

We will rise from the dead as many times as we need to

(((Yeshu bar Yehosef ha-Moschiach)))
((((((Yeshua ha-Notzri we'Melech ha-Yehudim)))))



Do u faggots live under a rock?

Having Zionist Trump on that image disgusts me

(((pepe))) is risen.


Hey! Every time a Muslim blows himself up or drives a truck through a crowd I am always on top of it on social media churning out gruesome images of the tragedy with the phrase "diversity is your strength" slapped over it.

Hi Sinead.

Kek is a representation of Christ consciousness, so in this aspect you are correct. However some fag making a meme of pepe dying does not kill Kek or Pepe. Kek has ALREADY come back to life. It has been over 5000 years since anyone has worshipped Kek, and here we are.
Sage for newfag who needs to lurk more.

I feel like this could lead to a new pepe rebirth or renaissance actually.
Too many normies with kekistan shit and pepe facebook memes are clinging to our coat tails, it may be time to give them a ride that either flings them off or brings them to a new height they never thought possible once they take the red pill.

see what happens when you don't drink Pepsi?


Don't you know? Pepe wuz (((Jesus))) nao.

Change the sign above his head from
"Pepe the frog" to "INREEEEE"
Perfect phoenetic variation of INRI, the actual sign

If he wears the stupid hat when he goes to Israel I will join you against him, until then it's all 1488D chess.

YHVH is a shit god and this is a shit thread.


Holla Forums suggested this but fucking failed and now it's the 10th. So what? Push out the memes anyways. Pepe got stoned and took his time getting resurrected, but Pepe lives!

This is the previous one shown in this thread with an added infograph. Second pic unrelated.

It occurs to me shills are converting Pepe to Judaism to subvert us.

Don't desecrate the image of Christ you Jewish son of a bitch.


We Islam now boys. Pack it up.

you already lost him to the alt-lite plebitor kekistanis lol