The infamous hacktivist group Anonymous
has released a chilling new video
The infamous hacktivist group Anonymous
has released a chilling new video
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What did the FBI mean by this?
Silly feds. Nobody cares. Ww3 is something were praying for.
World war 3 will fracture the corrupt foundation of our pozzed system.
if world war three starts I'm goin inna woods or to argentina, one of the old german towns down there… haven't decided which. I'm not dying for the jew.
This, beat me to it user.
source on image?
that is the funniest shit ive seen in a while, they look like mimes.
How dare you mock The Infamous Hacktivist Group Anonymous.
Pull your pants up, your new is showing.
The one in OP is shit quality
I talked shit to them on twitter and youtube, still waiting for them to explode my car as revenge.
sorry ive never seen the full image? fuck off.
thanks to you too.
These things take time.
The Gooks in worst Korea are about to vote a liberal into office after the conservative Park turned out to be a puppet controlled by some weird cult.
Said liberal wants to try appeasement politics on the Kim clan, again.
We can't have that, can we?
A war with Korea wont spark WW3. It's China's puppet to play fuck-fuck games with the U.S. They're not willing to get utterly destroyed for them and Trumps calling their bluff by taking their toy off the table.
Russia actually holds more potential for WW3. Shows how little "Anonymous" knows on top of their WW3 baiting for years.
They're even more brain dead than I assumed, or state agencies are writing their paychecks… probably a little of column A, a little of column B.
Well, Park's Liberty Korea Party (Saenuri) was. Center-right, that is.
Anonymous is controlled by the CIA. of course they will lie.
It's really strange to live in a time when '"Anonymous" is completely divorced from its original goals and ideology, but somehow covered more and treated more seriously than ever before… No surprise that everything that they're saying is wrong, but it aligns with the "#TheResistance" mindset of the MSM and it's moronic adherents.
those two girls on the right would never fuck those dorks, ever.
Park had strong ideas about undemonizing NK and working towards a reunified Korea. This will not be allowed to work, ever. Trump had ideas of having better relationships with Russia. The current Jew based global model is based on fear of the boogeyman…… whoever, and whatever that boogeyman may be is not actually important.
it's clear following the original "Anonymous" hacking arrests how it became a government sponsored *black* entity
Top fucking kek.
it's happening, the thread.
This is the same "Anonymous" that insisted they would take down Trump and directly threatened him with their mighty hacktivist powers.. Meanwhile, wikileaks has been skullfucking the CIA and they've been dead silent.
In the case of a large scale war, how many deaths would actually be white?
Seriously, think about it. Where are the places that would get bombed?
Nigger country.
Whites working there, but outnumbered by niggers living in the area.
A couple whites, tons of spics.
Where are the lest likely places to get hit?
White man's land.
Whites with guns.
These areas would probably get occupied or simply rolled through but destruction would be minimal. Expect a lot of rapes to occur here though.
We'd also lose a huge block of democratic voters. As long as we aren't genocided/taken over by an oppressive regime, WW3 seems like the best option for the ethnic cleansing of the west and restoration of honest values.
maybe electing Shillary wouldn't be so terrible after all.
I kid, I kid.
This tbh. Let's make sure we get the banksters during and at the end of it. Getting real sick of their shit
Sleep snug, smug
Park was the gook equivalent of a female neocon.
Well if they use nukes a lot of people in the country will still be dying from the fallout. Plus your forgetting military bases, missile silos, and the like and they're often rural. Beyond that if the grid fucks up you will now have to worry about nuclear power plants melting down, which will irradiate the surrounding landscape much longer than a nuke would. Nuclear winter is also a possibility but by no means a guarantee of such an event. In the event of a nuclear war you're almost certainly gonna want to move to the southern hemisphere due to the relative lack of targets and some wind current phenomenon that I forgot the name of that keeps the air of the north and south hemispheres somewhat separate from each other.
Sure, there will be a few rural areas that get attacked due to high priority targets, but the vast majority of small rural areas have nothing of the sort. They generate income through logging and shit like that. Nukes will almost certainly be focused on large cities and the fallout won't go far beyond. And, believe it or not, there's still towns in the US with no connection to the power grid.
"war".. k..
also, the problem with being user– is anyone can clam they are us… not just one of us but a representative. Its funny, its stupid… its also note worthy
The horizontal stripes on the manlet are causing the mime vibe.
So true which is why they'll ensure it never happens.
I just spat my drink out, thanks
it's the same group that also said they would be releasing Bill Clinton sex tapes. Never happened.
Nothing these dorks ever say will ever happen, and they support niggers, spics, and fags, fuck 'em. Anyone who wears that dumb mask is a fucking fool.
Like anyone needs Anonymous to warn them. If anything a lot of people would have already prepared (resource wise) prior to election day 2016.
Must have been a fucking slow news day.
We are a region
Not sure if I want to laugh or to fap.
I'm confused. How will China, S.K., Australia and The US working together to depose kim cause ww3? The entire goal of that conflict would be to decrease tensions in the region not escalate them and what country would escalate it on N.K.'s side? Iran and Syria wouldn't be able to do shit and Russia wouldn't dare intervene directly. Their conclusion makes no sense.
Controlled Opposition, they couldn't managed to fuck with the Cartels, now they want to help them by taking Trump down.
Go to their infamous hacktivist Facekike page and ask them.
villa general belgrano
i think this is a mixture of larpers pretending to be important and honeypots. i kinda sad actually
sage because 'anonymous' makes me cringe every time
Stop typing like a woman and lurk you fucking newfag
why the fuck is it that everytime anonymous publishes a news item or something it's just rehashed old news while pretending it's completely new hidden info they discoveredwhile fracking the mainframe database processor of the cia's office coffee machine
Why? Haven't you made a list of all of the kikes and their puppets in your region? It is the time to strike, user.
Domestic intelligence operations are so obvious they are just sad nowadays. Remember when the FBI created Occupy Wall Street to collect info on hacker groups and dissidents? Me too. Normies still think that shit was real.
wheres the fucking webm
Boogeyman is bogeyman is boggart is hobgoblin is goblin is the Jews. The boogeyman nose what's up. It was always them and our ancestors knew it.
Go to bed you prolly have a school bus to catch