Arab man records himself illegally swiping all the Le Pen ballots on offer at his polling station in

Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-4073133,00.html

Bump. There was MASSIVE and BLATANT fraud with the French election. People need to be pissed off about this.

the sand nigger know that macaroon is a rothschild stooge and that the rothschilds created the state of israel?

the a-rabs can't be this stupid.

Oh nice I got the first post away from the kikes.

It's almost like jews and muslims work together

exactly, but i don't see any activity on social media or even 8ch about this

keep bumping, lets get this out there

kek wills it

It's on infowars

normies dont tend to gravitate towards infowars, but whats on twitter and facebook


bumping with redpills


Sliding fast.


I fucking hate ALL semites, kike or mudslime they all must burn.

Maybe like 9 years ago. Now that shit is like CBS to Gen x and below. Even boomers go there a lot when Drudgereport links ther. That shit is full mainstream now

The world without semites would be a paradise.

outside of the US infowars isnt so popular, especially in france i'd imagine (don't quote me, im not sure on that)

here in the UK barely anyone even knows infowars exists

Semite is as semite does.

bump for retarded arabs

We wuz eunuchs and sheit!



Bumping with redpills

Someone needs to send this to Kikebart, quick what their Email?

bumping this.

I'm tweeting this all over the place.

we need to find more on this. if there's this video, there's others. or there's other people talking about this stuff on social media because they're retarded.

bretty gud

i'm pretty sure others did this, and people are stupid enough to broadcast themselves doing bullshit

it would also be possible to find out this guy's identity but that won't be worth much unless its just to report to french authorities, but they can do that themselves. i'd rather put effort into getting word out there about this on the twatter or kikebook

bumping with more redpills

How much did Le Pen lose by?
Was it close like they tried with the american election or was it far more blatantly skewed?

Give back those dubs, Semite!

it's different per area

i believe this video was shot in paris

Over 30% of ballots were spoiled, the vast majority of spoiled ballots were for Le Pen.

Bump, this shit is sliding

muslims and sunni especially are very easily manipulated by kikes.
low iq is a bitch.

source on 30%?

appreciated user

to quote kikefinger from game of kikes - "chaos is a ladder"

look at how much money the banks made from ww2 by funding both sides, perpetual war is profitable

guess this has some relevance

but spoiled ballots and stolen ballots are different things

Okay, there is one thing I don't understand.

When someone goes to the polling station and wants to vote for Le Pen, but all the ballots for her are gone, he cannot vote at all, or has to vote for Macron?

Seems like the system is flawed.

i'd assume they would have extra ballots, but they will have a limited amount regardless - this just opens the door to election fraud investigations which is why it has such potential

I'd be surprised if he knows much of anything.

If that's true then she could have won since she lost by 25%. (Which was suspicious as she was only 13% behind before the Macron leaks.)

The result is the same, a vote stolen.


The problem is, can we trust the state to investigate?

Of course it's true. The whole election was rigged in the most shameless and impudent way. But everyone's pretending it's how it should be.

If you're going to spam that, then at least give people a solid source to link to.


I'm so tired of shitskins

Fan the flames user! The election was rigged, kill all mudslimes!

If only this could bring my bitcoins back

what a fucking waste of hitler trips

Better give source for that image or else you're not better than a disinfo shill

Well, goy, how is that investigation into clinton going?



can never trust the state, but if the people are aware they will be more cautious come next election at least

A Semite is a Semite. They work together. Anyone tells you they hate each other, they're lying to you.

Absofuckinglutely nothing. Not only will they not do a damned thing but the sand niggers are going to be emboldened now and the destruction of france will be complete before the season turns to fall. The suicide of france will be unfortunate but it is necessary for our inevitable victory. It has been foretold.


Implying the kikes and sand niggers dont work together

Implying the Saudis arent kikes

what part of this are we at now?


Fucking kebabs and kikes!


You are at the part of fucking LARPing

Holy shit, kill yourself.

Let's see if I can interpret it right again. First should be the global cooling as the result of a solar minimum. The length of solar cycles has been shortening, but I'm not 100% convinced yet that we are going to see a true temperature plunge a la the little ice age any time soon. I assume the next is the plans for kikes to seize control of Europe via the EU. Their previous attempt was the USSR and other communist governments, but social democracy seems to be the next attempt which is going more smoothly than before. Forcing God's hand, the last time of which I believe was the Tower of Babel. Attempting to bring all of humanity under one nation and build a tower to heaven. Not literal as in a space elevator, but you only need see the EU buildings looking like foundations of Babel.

As for the signs themselves. Three branches will become one I think would mean three branches of government. Since they are typically split into legislative, executive and judicial. Some country is going to try and consolidate them into one. It could be America under Obama that did this. Look at all the troubles judges and bureaucrats that are giving Trump problems. An island drifts away is clearly Brexit, so that's happened too. A killing bolt that will not kill is obviously an assassination attempt. Either it hasn't happened yet, or maybe it's the failed coup in Turkey, who knows? The star will gorge itself on clay could mean something to do with Hollywood. I can't imagine any other earthly meaning, unless it's a celestial event, like a meteor storm slamming into the sun to give off a show. Idols will speak and move about, I think that may be a great advancement in robotics. Barring magic causing statues to actually move. Or, idols, as in the modern ones being musicians and actors trying to play politics like they were in the last election for Hilary.

The rest don't seem to have happened yet at all. The black flag will flying above the dome, I'd say it's most likely ISIS related. Perhaps they fly it above the Dome of the Rock? The belly of the dragon will drip water, likely referring to a flooding event in China. Or maybe their little islands they are building in the South China Sea will get flooded and wiped out. Two voices calling out in silence I think will be internet related. Text can call out silently, but everyone can pay attention. I'd bet it's two wikileaks dumps yet to occur, perhaps from two sources that will rock the world when heard. Seven hills is Rome, a rock standing on it I think could be a meteor event. Or biblical, Moses striking a rock so that water could flow. Ravens starving could only mean a famine, or perhaps even a plague. One that even carrion birds cannot feast on the dead for fear of dying. The bear, meaning Russia, will likely mean some form of Russian aggression. Or its economy turns around and it climbs back to an economy when it was last a super power. Rod and ring symbolism being Mesopotamian influenced and is usually associated with the crowning of a king. So someone is going to be granted so great a power as has not been seen in a long long time since ancient kings.


There should have been a government official monitoring that table. Also they check your ID and electoral card at that same table (and they check it again later, at the actual voting box). So something's fishy. He shouldn't have been able to just grab them all.

if all those persons there hate Le Pen for being figuratively and literally being the next Hitler then they sure as fuck won't do anything to prevent her ballots from being taken

using those dumb ballots instead of a list to cross your choice was a mistake in the first place


Sand nigger activities never end.

user the whole french election system is a mistake

Every registered voter is supposed to receive a mail packet right before the election. It contains informational pamphlets about each candidate, and also a ballot with each of their names.
The polling station has stacks of them also, just in case. The guy in video was being a dick, but everyone should have been able to vote regardless IF the stuff was mailed to them intact.

This is seriously the most retarded election system I've seen.

It's still harder to rig it than if it was digital voting machines. At least there's physical evidence of tampering with the damaged ballots.


horry shieet

Macron won with 66.06%

1-800-come on now



Twitter's blatant throttling and shadow banning on reddit-tier levels should tell you something. there's an artificial quiet and absolute darkness to the people's reaction to the election

Fuck it, I'ma play along.

Check. Warming trends have been reducing for a few years.
false flags & muh beautiful sandbabbies missiles
Israel's territorial expansion
unmistakenly, ISIS flag flying over the Vatican (has not happened, but sure as fuck is developing quickly here in the EU)
the dragon's China, water is either a metaphore for life or the spilling of it a metaphore for uncontainable tides
Hitler/Kennedy? It is remarkable how many people have started paying attention to them again, in spite of having been dead a long time.
Again, this is without a doubt symbolism for Rome, which was built originally on 7 hills. No idea what the "rock" is supposed to be, especially given the "black flag over the dome".
profiteers, capitalists, opportunists; perhaps jews.
Russia taking over global leadership as the US's policies end in disaster one after the other? Seems plenty plausible nowadays.
No idea wtf this is supposed to be

It's not just the design of state buildings, society today is a mirror of biblical tales "divided into a multitude of languages and customs, depravity, division, hedonism, violence and plenty of arrogance - (built a tower to the sky and thus challenged god)"

It could be legislative, executive and religious powers as you say, though I doubt it. It seems more related to wider organization issues, 3 "branches" could simply mean the various superpowers (previously contenders with one another) falling under jewish dominion.

The DOME is only 1 thing on this planet: pic related

Good thing I left KYM after gamergate stopped being relevant.


yeah im aware how much they censor now, especially with trump-related tweets

just a shame everyone still uses it + kikebook, hopefully not for long


is the election being investigated at all?

investigated? are … are you being serious?

Yeah, I wonder which french investigator wants to be found suicided with a bullet to the back of the head, or yet, heart-attacked, AKA, naturally forced to die of natural causes.

what an hater thing to say, how can someone be so anti-semite to doubt the holy democracy, you russian hacker

nigger how little are you paid that you don't e ven read the thread? please tell me you're not a volunteer shill
AFAIK, investigation is minimum as OP is fakenews, unfortunately.

nb quoted wrong goy

You would think so, but kikebook has created the perfect breeding cesspit of echo chambers of liberals, along with a gold fish-bowl like feedings of dropping in liberal friendly articles hither and yonder that get spread, shared, and furthers the echo lining. The thing that would make everyone not use it would be something that would force liberals to screech in agony and pull themselves away from it.
And trying to push streisand effect would be good, but it also is a given thought that many of the frogs or europeans easily give up and surrender. Not just the french and their national white flag, but others like in germany too. Their spirit has purposely been broken and shattered. Programs moved to indoctrinate and create self loathing low testosterone, and low self confident men; thus women instincts kick in to go after the (((other))) options that are seen as the dominant ones, I.E. the invaders. It's a dystopia gone on steroids.

With how quickly after the leaks that Macron immediately jumped on the "It was the Russians!" angle and shit, what do you think? Kikes took a lesson from the U.S. elections and did alot more shit to make sure Le Pen didn't win.

please, tell me more about how this video is staged

doesn't matter election tampering is election tampering and you have no idea how many directives they had going on or how many ballots this group took.


Okay, let's see what we have here, and here's my half-assed attempts at trying to piece it together;
Government branches being formed into one.
Brexit, or some other geographic happening.
No idea on this one.
Meteors/space rocks hitting the sun?
More virtue signalling by celebs?
Unidentified flag flies over white house dome?
Again, no idea on this; too vague for me to decipher.
Another way to say "The Shadowban Heard 'Round The World".
Something about 7 continents
Who exactly are the ravens?
Russia reaches it's post/pre-soviet glory and is made great again


That reminds me of Hannity going on about how a story being ignored is how many citizens and opposing party members were being unmasked and shit by Obongo and his nigger tribesmen with shit.

they wanted macron
they have macron
please don't tell me Holla Forums still believes in democracy

I said it before after brexit then Trump the global kikes would not let this go to le pen it would have completely shattered their multi culti plan to destroy whites.OFC it was fucking rigged yet this time they new better to just outright go all out and not even try to be slick about it, better to just lie their way through it after the fact once the dmg is done.Early pols showed them way closer than the end result being a landslide ahaha landslide of vote rigging for the rat jew and to add the slap in france's face for globalist jew ego he only came on stage for the EU anthem not france's and spouted his victory for the EU not france.The ? is will the surrender monkeys do anything about it or about the 9gigs of shit that was leaked about the faggot macron?

We are at the "killing bolt" part, which was the French election. 45% of French millenials voted for FN (as opposed to

no one is picking up on it yet- there is something here but it will be written off as fakenews or not important, etc just how people work especially in this year
I agree it should be seen as there's always fuckery around these things, especially given parties involved

i was pretty sure she wouldn't win this election, but perhaps the next. her support has only just started growing - look how long it took ukip to get enough support and credibility (people used to call nigel racist, a nazi etc - now only complete tards do) to get us a referendum

hell, ukip didn't even have to get into power. the conservatives were threatened by the ukip promise of a referendum, so they also promised one so they didnt lose voters

the bottom line of le pen isnt just about nationality, its about the EU and immigration

considering that the french police were very interested on that one dude who hosted it, I'm betting they're cracking down hard on shutting down anyone that tries to bring up the leaks. Not surprised the frog police is compromised. But you'd need someone to actually hack into either broadcasting or other shit, or have a mass email to people's accounts of the gigs of leaked information.
It seems the kikes wrote down some lesson notes from the US elections and Brexit.

Check. Warming trends have been reducing for a few years.
all three branches are republican majority
2012 solar flare that just missed the earth and would have taken out majority of electronics
jews take france
not sure
something about three gorges?
a dead weight in rome, the pope.
putin steps down
it's an ancient symbol

even if this one guy is meaningless, it means its possible to do and people have done it. theres reports of postal ballots being torn up, making it spoiled and uncountable

the french are in a weird place, the UK already had enough of the bullshit since we're a smaller country it spread quicker

it will take time, lets hope macron is the final nail in the coffin

i always insult the french because im english, but i want to support any neighbouring country through the crisis we have now. le pen wont solve everything, shes just a figurehead for a bigger movement to come

this private footage just leaked of macron and his corpse wife

I'm seriously hoping that's the dam in Zimbabwe giving up the ghost.

not really, you can post it and it can go viral if you are lucky and normies care enough

the issue with the world currently is that people arent into politics as much as they should be, they are seditary and even stick to voting the same party out of tradition (happens in the UK alot) regardless of the current leadership's views

so no one found any reports on this?


havent watched little britain in ages


Ok, listen up.

I live in Europe, that man was a cunt, but he did nothing illegal as far as I'm aware (maybe a misdemeanor to take the whole bunch as it might be considered messing with public property or something like that).
In here you have a table with ballot papers, you pick your candidate and put it in an envelope, then you go to the voting table, they check your name and they let you put your vote (the envelope with the paper) in the box.
The papers are useless per se, you can take as many as you want, it is common for people to take several in order to confuse people on who you're going to vote and then throw the rest into the garbage. It it the envelopes in the box that count, the papers are just a way to make a choice.

The consecuences of taking all those ballot papers and throwing them on the street are none for the electoral process, the people on the voting place will have to get more and the street cleaners will be pissed, but that's how it works.

dirty tricks to get you to give up home
france is more based than poland in politicks
he's got many more to go before he's done

honestly you general have to question the accuracy of the two day rule.

So basically this thread shouldn't be stickied.

the belief is that if i praise kek and mention him i will get digits often

Are you retarded, or are you just an idiot? Is that really the closest and most relevant dome you can think of in relation to ISIS? Here, I'll give you a hint.



people could be doing more destructive things, such as tearing up postal ballots which there are reports of

the entire point is that, as usual, a group of people (not necessarily related to eachother) are interfering in the election - to what extent?

You're both faggots. This thread is for retards.

intellectual arguments, completely irrefutable - you've got me

You're a namefag, nothing you say will matter.

True. Any vote that has no physical evidence of tampering (like missing or destroyed ballots), no ID check, and no in-person voting is retarded.



Three branches becoming one is the corruption of the American government.

An island drifting away is brexit

The killing bolt that did not kill is the korean missle test

–We are here–

The star gorging itself on clay is the expansion of Israel to Greater israel.

Idols speaking and moving about is the is the face mimickry software used to forge Assange interviews. We will se a lot more of this to come (Trump will be dead long before we are aware)

The black flag above the dome is ISIS taking the dome on the rock, and deatroying it (Israel wants this, as it fulfils prophecy)

The dragons belly dripping is a wound inflicted on Trump

Two voices will be a liveleak video. You will know it when you see it.

A rock standing on seven hills will be a staged alien invasion. (((They))) will come to Rome. This is to hurt the faith of the people.

Ravens starving is mass death in Africa (Way more than we already see, like total depop)

The bear leaving its cave is Russia beginning WW3, which they will lose

The rod and ring stricking will be the pope and another religous leader announcing the new global religion (disguised satanism)



namefags are the scum of the earth

your name is Anonymous, fag

That ain't a namefag, just a funposter.

Top kek lad.

Yeah, idk how the system works in america, but thinking one can leave all the votes unattended on a table is just stupid. They have an acrylic box and they are covering the box at all times and they only let you slide your vote in (the envelope with the paper) once they've checked the list.

The table with the ballot papers is unattended, you pick your paper, slide it in an envelope and head to the voting table, they check your name and then they let you vote. The boxes are looked after at every time, so unless there's an agreement of all the members of the voting table to tamper with the results in secret there's no way you can alter the results.

Go check it for yourself

Yeah, you've got to watch for things like that, but in this case the guy was just a fuckwit

Okay, I think this video and the previous videos & pictures of mailed in Le Pen ballots might just be a red herring to rile up the internet over nothing to cover up voting fraud on a different level.
Can an actual frog here confirm that voting can only be done in person and if the ballots ready for grabbing are in huge numbers like pic related?

And why isn't yours? Because you're a special snowflake who wants attention, kill yourself.

You don't have to tripfag to be a namefag, just putting a damn name in there suffices.


That's awfully fucking disturbing.

because i want to praise kek as i already stated

ironic faggotry is still faggotry

That's what I want to know, but there's a bunch of shitposters.

I believe the ravens starving references the ravens which reside in the Tower of London. It is said that if the ravens leave or fly away, the crown and Britain will fall.


shit we sticky now?

How much did they pay you?

fucking niggers

every single nog needs to purged from Europa

needs to be*

Dont worry, the ravens will starve

What, having multiple officials reduces the risk since it only takes one to be whistleblower.
Only scenario I can think of where you don't need to trust anyone at all is some blockchain-based system, where everyone can verify their vote was counted correctly after the election is over. Even that might be possible to rig though, if they MITM when you go check the results and verify your vote.

That table is basically how it looked like when I went to vote on 1st round. On 2nd round there were only two stacks (only two candidates).
I don't know if you can vote by mail or not. I'm guessing probably not, since they have to verify your ID and voting card, and also you have to sign their register.

it's you being retarded, newfriend - "the dome" has been the Vatican for a long fucking time, just as the "urbe" or "The City" has been Rome for a long fucking time; also, Rome is and has been for millennia, a metaphore for "the West" - you dumb amerinigger.

What makes it unmistakeable is not the word "city" or "dome", but rather specifically referring to "the city" or "the dome".

Gorged, user, gorged. Whoever wrote that pasta took care to put emphasis on the fact that it's not a single prey that the "star" is gorging itself upon.

That's not leaving the cave. Unlike the US, Russia, in spite of being capable of it, has not been projecting its own dominance potential internationally. Leaving the cave seems a straightforward parallel to leaving the "motherland" after maturity.

You, user, might absolutely be right.
Ravens of London's tower might be a correct guess if it's meant literally as it ties into old superstition about "the kingdom" falling once the ravens have left.
Would not be surprised if "ravens" is intended metaphorically though, since their known to prey on carcasses

I would congratulate him for playing himself, but I doubt he'll receive any real punishment.

An agreement to tamper with the votes is quite unlikely because of this:

Normally they choose various people with various affiliations so they can't conspire and they read the votes out loud as they count them. In order for voter fraud to occur all people involved have to know each other and have the same intention, which might only happen in small tows, small enough not to bother. You can be present when they count the votes if you're concerned. At least no inconspicuous digital rigging can be done since votes are counted manually.

This would explain why the voter turn out was low.

Push for a recount Frenchfags, it's fucking obvious, they did the same shit here but Shillary was so unpopular even the blatant rigging wasn't enough

The media won't care about this.
Macron is president, and all the leftists are too busy celebrating to do anything France is lost. Le Pen conceded, at best this will start a short revolution that will be shot down.

What's the best hashtag? I have room for one short one

go back to cuckchan. you larpers come here and make fools of us all.

Didn't want to create a new thread, but Marion just said she quit politics.


I havn't done much research into the ussr, but I though stalin was just a dumb goy manipulated by jews?

it was a top 10 anime betrayal

haha, good meme, my friend.

Jesus Christ, what the fuck kind of voting system is this?
Pick a card with a name on it and put it in a box?
Is that how it works?

The French one

I fucking figured there was either ballot removal or box stuffing. Damn frenchies better start rioting, if their god-awful voting system wasn't reason enough.

we should storm twitter with that…

Over the course of my entire academic life, approximately $3700USD.
Though that money was spent on reimbursing myself for monies spent on conferences, printing fees, and general bullshit.
Aside from that, I have no financial attachment to politics.

just (((democracy))) in action

The part about the belly of the dragon dripping water may be something about the south china sea.

I know jews are the cause of communism, I just thought Stalin was the odd goy out. The only time he's mentioned on the (((wiki))) page says he eliminated a lot of jews from political positions.

This looks incredibly fake.

It's important that people hear the song he wrote.

youre pathetic.

nobody here is convinced by your low energy shilling.

oh sweet, this shit again, haven't seen this in 3 months

Funny thing on that

Jesus is that really how the French do their elections? Pick one of two pieces of paper with a name on it and put it in a box? Are they fucking insane?

Le Pen wants to send him back to his desert hell hole while Macaroon wants him to stay in France getting government cheques and first world healthcare and commodities. He probably doesn't care who is paying who or what this will end as for anyone. All he knows is that one person is paying him and the other wants to kick him out.

no it's not how the French do their elections

before the election, you have to register on the voting list in the town where you live, long enough before the election (a couple of months I believe)
then they send you a voting card by mail
then on election day you go to the voting station mentioned on your voting card
then you take one enveloppe and one or several or all of the paper ballots as shown in the pics and
not the whole pile, as the cheating mudslime turd did in the OP, but one of each of course
then with enveloppe and ballot(s) you go in one of the "isoloirs", where you're hidden from view and you chose which ballot you put in the enveloppe
then you go to the people beside the urn, and you give them your id and your voting card, they check you're in the right place on the voting registry, you sign it in the right place, they timestamp your voting card, and you put your enveloppe in the urn to vote

it's reasonably failsafe

Have you even met an arab before? They literally believe in unicorn riding ghosts and shit.

Wow a yellow postage envelope and a bunch of pieces of paper that only say Marine LE PEN

Looks legit.

As is always the case with democracy there was almost definitely some pro-ZOG bullshittery going on, but don't spread fake instances or you'll just help invalidate the whole argument.

More proof democracy doesn't work. Do you really think this shit would of happened in Europe in the time of religious monarchy?

More proof that all Arabs must be nuked.

But NATO aren't the good guys.

The seven hills means Rome.

off-topic sage

you have no clue what you're talking about, 8ch has always been the location of the most serious scholars of esoteric kekism. It's only been recently (the last few months) that mods have started pruning these threads trying to appeal to cuckchan and t_d refugees.

Also the reddit spacing meme is D&C brought here by goons

There's really tons of papers guys, and they don't put them all at once on the table for that exact reason. What he did doesn't change shit.

The real issue is it's illegal to film inside the polling station. His vote should have been denied, he should have been reported by the polling station chief, and he should be fined for it.

ISIS is supposed to be Muslim too, but ISIS is jewish. They will never attack Israel.

It's obvious that is not what is going on in the picture. On the left, a nigger is holding the Egyptians hands so he doesn't struggle, and on the right, the Egyptian is grabbing the niggers head as if to try and stay in place himself.
It's pretty obvious the niggers are performing circumcision on them.

They will to take the Dome on the Rock and destroy it. But even that is something staged to fulfil prophecy.

it's kinda like the story of anime and yellow fever on this site.
You can change your political standpoint from simply writing nigger for fun while fapping to asian traps and hentai a decade ago, to being red pilled today. But that anime, yellow fever and even traps come back as if it's a holy thing here.

Stalin was also Jewish. He never 'eliminated' anyone for being jewish. He eliminated rivals for power, who just so happened to all be jews because bolshevism was a jewish movement. Remember that they even denied Lenin was jewish all the way up until 2011. Infiltration is probably their most important tactic. Pretending to not be jews is generally how they get in in the first place, and continuing to deny that they're jews is how they keep whites from recognizing that all these negative behaviors are in fact jewish behaviors.,7340,L-4073133,00.html

Note that even when they're finally admitting it, they still try to downplay it ("appears to confirm").

I so badly want to fuck around with this. When is Adobe going to put this out there?

They fucking apologized to Israel because some of their weapons got too close to the Golan Heights that Israelis are occupying.

you're thinking about cuckchan, i've never seen a positive thread on h8/pol/ about racemixing with asians or traps. Anime is frowned upon as a waste of time but tolerated because it keeps our most autistic meme farmers happy.

Guess the Russian hack didn't work because the Muslim hack was better.




So you think no widespread cheating?

California secession. I can't imagine that the USA would take them back.


Bear is most likely Russia. Not some shitty state.

make a vn

clay = euro soil
star is on the flat of somalia

they're not indo-europeans or even shi(i)t(e) arabs, they're the worst kind of arab living faeces who want to genocide the last indo-europeans, europeans, and be useful retard tools to (you) know who

But they won't. The only reason they will is if the name is obtained from public info and there is a public campaign for action against them.

Why can't we find a way to get arab communities to rile up against the kikes?
Like seriously, we could simply send their HQ tons of redpills regarding the jews and how they are in control of their shit.

The best way to hurt the jews is to use their own weapons against them… if arabs are so easy to manipulate then why can't we do it?
In terms of influence we have the upper hand here: we have memes.


They are redpilled against the kikes. The only thing that's keeping them down is the Saudi money and influence.

Can't we just send probes offering the first aliens that come here all the semites they can eat?

This. Taking all the papers isn't an issue, people have done it before, and I don't think it's even illegal. Each polling office has tens of thousands of those.

But clearly cameras aren't allowed, that alone is enough for him to get into huge trouble.

Why are the Frenchies not going apeshit over this??! ==MAN UP AND SO SOMETHING YOU WORTHLESS FUCKS==

I can't even red text right

See my post above:

That sandnigger is a retard, what he did didn't change shit, but filming was a huge mistake.

The Arabs have always been sucking Israel's dick and attacking other "Muslims".

I don't doubt that, but was it really enough to cause a 30pt difference? I think Le Penn would have last anyway. It's still good to get this out there though, show Europeans some of the things really happening.

Fuck it, I'll play along
Trump was elected in autumn of last year.
The consolidation of the U.S government under libshits sounds about right
False flag attacks/ Trump bombing Syria
Something about celebrity I guess. Maybe golden dawn gaining increasing control
Isis using ICBMs? I really don't know on this one
Potentially massive floods in china which destroy food production. Their infrastructure is fucking awful, if a dam broke, it could cripple their food production.
No idea.
This one I'm not sure about. It's obviously about Rome. Maybe in combination with the "a black flag will fly above the dome" we could see the vatican taken by ISIS and a new pope will stand firmly against them.
This would seem to indicate a time of peace as ravens are well known to feed on the bodies of the dead
Something big happening with Russia. Unsure what it means though
Ancient human symbol of kingship dating back to Mesopotamia. I guess a king will attack or something.

The founding of Saudi Arabia wouldn't have happened without the help of the British.


Also Shariff Hussain refused to agree to the Treaty of Versailles. So this guy basically leads the fight for Arab independence against the Turks, creating another front in WW1, refuses to play ball with certain elements by giving up Palestine or signing Versailles treaty, and gets shafted for the Sauds.

there certainly was, due to the fact that "some" people (about 500,000 according to the direst counts) recieved 2 different voter cards if they had applied for a remote-voting-by-mail if they were expats, which would have enabled them to vote twice, if they were ready to risk a fine/jail, but this will appear in the final count analysis in the days/week later
and there were probably some small-scale cheating one way or another over the country in the ballot count when some tool could get away with it
so no real widespread cheating, at least not to the scale that a control of electronic voting machines would allow

all the cheating financing was invested in years of propaganda instead

You are right. Frogs can't into English at all. They still think their "international" media reports on everything they have to know. But go to one of their sites and their media is filled to the brim with bullshit about the French speaking part of Africa e.g. UK acts the same, but for different reasons. The interview with the snotty English guy Alex J. did a year or two back when he exploded into 1776-mode shows why the Brits don't like Murrican media.
It is a question of style, but also a question of relation. A medium has to be relevant for inner national politics. Just reports on "problems caused by brown people", as lucrative as it would be to report on if advertisers would support such behavior, is already done in each country by a handful of sites. Germany has pi-news e.g. other countries have similar outlets. Nobody reads a respectable (haha) journal and then goes to PI or infowars. There is a big gap between the centers and the fringes and most bridging the gap publish in English, while each language has already its own fringe. Sometimes I wonder if that is intentional or just an effect of medial self castigation which happens anyway.

The same as all over the world?
Then deputies from all parties and all interested citizens go into the room where there are heaps to sort and groups count it together. This is how it is done in most countries and it works - as long as ANYONE has access. When the room is full of mudslimes and greens, the system fails.

This also why electronic voting is a danger. After a while, they declare voting in person to be redundant and too expensive, so in a case like the district being full of greens and mudslimes, you can't vote in person to reassure your vote gets counted. Imagine a district having 95% this way, but three thousand locally given votes in person going 80% in the other direction.

Kikebook will cause the scenario where a civil war breaks out a few blocks down the road and nobody upwards will read anything about it because a shitskin is involved.

Yeah, having a FN member, a shitskin and a kike in the same room watching votes can only be disturbing in the sense one doesn't glass the other.

sounds like a joke

Fuck off idiot.




I bet you nothing will come of this either wew

I'm frog and yes.
French elections are fairly temper proof, nobody use the bulletins they send through the mail (and those are regularly wrong…).
You can't vote by mail AFAIK, you can't even have more than 1 vote proxy.

There are like 3 or 4 different registration logs (some of which you sign, but is always the same so you de facto can check whether or not it's a fake one), you need to show proper ID (State issued biometric), etc…

And of course nothing is destroyed for years in case of recourse.

Only way anyone did managed to actually cheat is by making people vote instead of deceased people and internal administration complicity (in Paris), but it only work locally when a few hundreds maybe 1k votes will be enough to tip the scale (and they got caught the second time).
You can't do it on a large scale it would be immediately obvious.

lel this better start a civil war that contaminates the rest of europe so we can have DotR

nothing illegal or fraudulous here. when there are no longer ballots available, polling officers simply put some new ones on the table.

oy vey, so antisemetic.


freech goon detected

They are pissed about it. But nobody can talk about it.
Google, YouTube, Bing, Yahoo, etc. are all removing results critical of the election's legitimacy.


delet this

Yes, they have a master plan to wipe out the Indo-Europeans, despite not knowing what an Indo-European even is.

wow i like how this shit slides in france, i would flip shit if this happened in burger land

And yet all French anons can do is post angry pepes in impotent rage instead of trying to tell this their nationals.
You don't deserve anything more than mohammed raping your women and shitting your land.

That motherfucker should be burned … he probably doesn't eaven know anything about politics but still want to make his uninformed shity opignon matter thousands of time more than it does …
He shouldn't eaven have the right to vote anyway (sorry about bad english i am french)

Psalm 74:3-23

I'm pretty sure he's a #Nafri

Of the New Idol


Because he puts his immediate financial well being over Jewish support. Rothschilds are fine with supporting Israel and Muslims in Europe as long as there is money to be made.

Have some more rare ones

September 23
Illuminati leadership
Kushner/Mc Master/Jews
(((Republican))) controll of america
False flags
Pollitical scuicide/assassination

It could also mean the rise of a good Pope. Peter was the first Pope of Rome, and in Matthew 16:18, Jesus tells Peter, "And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

Sorry, I was referring to the "rock on seven hills".

Nigger where have you been? Infowars gets more views than MSNBC and several networks combined

yes but that doesnt mean that all the normies watch it

Pay now or pay later.

Apparently they wish to defer payment with interest. So be it.

French revolution soon

What's funny is this mud looks like a beige horizon (((Timothy Wise))).
Regarding thread topic–I guess it doesn't look like we have any actual proof of voter fraud ITT. I would like to thank all anons who looked into this election, worked on it, and memed for it. I didn't do nearly as much on this one as I did trying to get Trump elected and making fun of Brexit opponents. I wouldn't be surprised if the shifty kikes did something unethical…


Is this when the hairy, overweight neckbeards finally leave their basement to lead humanity to a glorious new dawn?

am disappoint


Checked. The vast majority of Europe is under siege with their eyes blindfolded by anti-national morality.

They believe that by avoiding nationalism, they will avoid (or at least mitigate) troubles.

Fuck sake the French media probs downplayed it so much

Doesn't make more sense to push Islam on European so they are Easter to control

We need the French to wake the fuck up! ==Let's find more stuff like this rather than sit on our asses==

96.3% of French-Israelis voted for Emmanuel Macron

Top Psychiatrist Says French President Macron is a “Dangerous Psychopath”
Warns he could completely ruin France

Trump's missile "strike" against Assad.


I tried but it's difficult to redpill normalfags about election fraud. The subject alone makes them very uncomfortable. The only thing they care about is the russian boogeyman the (((mainstream media))) keeps talking about.

Do it frogs, do it. Don't hold back.

Is this thread seriously still a sticky? Even 4/ppl/ dropped the case: taking all the ballots isn't illegal and doesn't prevent anyone from voting.

He can and surely will be prosecuted for filming inside the polling station, I at least reported it the absolute best way I could, and that's pretty much the best way to start an inquiry.
That aside, there are many such cases of filming the polling station these days, because smartphones and social networks, this one isn't exceptional by any means.

Front National legislative candidate Aymeric Durox has exclusively revealed to Breitbart London the new name of the Front National could be “Les Patriotes”, or the Patriots

we wouldn't want them back. they legalized commies taking office

fucking degenerates



Original TT starfire was not a slut though. (is RRR, /ourguy/?)

Raven was probably a dyke though.

qt space alien is best waifu

it always seemd like she was "asexual" but not by choice. as she had to keep her emotions in check so she couldn't let herself feel attraction or risk causing potential harm. the beast boy/raven thing always felt so forced. it seemed like she would have a lot more in common with robin and it would have been more interesting to see a love triangle with star, robin, and raven.

More or less the same thing. Some kind of unhealthy, queer sexuality.

Yeah, the love triangle thing sounds interesting. It's such a shame that show ended so abruptly.

eh, perhaps i'm using the wrong word, asexual also seems incorrect as she did show action to several male characters (like aqualad, the emo guy, and the storybook mage) so I guess "celibate" would be a better term.

ment to say "attraction" not action.

I get it. I forgot about storybook mage, that was a really good mini arc.

yeah, I liked it too, I think it also had some references to elric of melnibone. as those stories and characters have very similar themes and design.


thats what happens when the school system and popular media is controled by marxists

whew lad.

No such thing, the elites push marxism as it makes people easier to control. with false promises of equality and justice for some and the nihilistic thrill of social and cultural suicide for others (look at all the idiots marching around at the behest of the flimsy bs the corrupt media spouts).

forgot this one.

excellent. very aesthetic.

Kabob Fieri?