Why don't we do it? We had a plan like that a month ago or so but it didn't fly.
What we should do is abuse their instincts, just like the jews do.
Our "ideology" places security, family, babies and women in very high regard. Anyone knows that some females like to share "cool things to craft for your house", recipes and pictures of babies and most of the females who are dating also like to share that.
We could do that, but in a more subtle way. For example, picking certain crafts and recipes and calling their place of origin, "German Xyz", for example. Or making a page about cute babies and posting their nationalities. We could also administer a "family quotes" page where we prize subtly things like race and racial purity.
We could also make a page targeting less family oriented girls but with saying like "when you eye colors match" with a blue/green/whatever eyed couple in the background, just like justgirlythings does.
Catering to women
I've been working on this for a while so it's not finished but I've been thinking we need to institute some form of ancestor worship as the spiritual side of things.
Just kill Jews instead man. Don't over complicate things.
Because women are repulsed by being catered to. Leave female outreach to our women, they will be better at shaming/rallying them anyway.
1950's era pin ups and recipes is what you seek.
Chicks love that shit.
You faggots also need to get on pintrest, make an account sharing tons of 50's era images that support traditional marriage.
you still can't neglect pinterest to redpill women.
Imply chivalry to women who act proper and feminine. Reward real women with proper compliments and politeness. Ignore sluts.
As if that's possible. We can definitely take over the venue they pursue their bluepills of the day in though and lead them to believe the consensus is a redpilled idea, in this case pinterest. Get them to internalize it though? Not going to happen, and that's why the Jew shaping the consensus in the other way is the real problem here - though a small diversionary effort to shit up the Jew's schedule of shilling would be a net benefit.
Women like being treated like shit though, they'll just walk all over you if you do anything else.
Making them aware that race mixing is the fastest way to destroy their social value is better than that feel good shit. Letting them know that even porn stars can destroy their careers by going black would be a good one.
when Im attracted to a lady the first thing I do is punch her in the fucking face
It's not "treating them like shit"
It's "exerting dominance"
They're basically dogs and you're Cesar Milan.
This. Pinterest is one of the few websites with lots of real women, college age to middle age, instead of trannies and troll accounts. Accounts full of tumblr screenshots, weebshit, and kpop are starting to move in, though. It may be a good idea to maintain the housewife culture of Pinterest. Posting cute 50's era white couples and babies sounds great. Little white baby pictures would always get the girls in my classes feeling really maternal. Quotes underlining the importance of family and motherhood for ladies' quote boards and infographics with tips on domestic things like housekeeping, wholesome recipes, and sewing t projects are always good, too.
Men don't cater to women, women cater to men. You clearly don't know anything about dealing with women.
If you want to bring women over, personify your ideals and make it public.
Be a stable provider, be confident and engaging, have interesting hobbies that are exciting (vidyas and animu are not these), don't do drugs or drink to excess, treat women how they should be treated (don't be a doormat, don't be an angry faggot.
Our ideology places family, security and children in high regard. Live those ideals. Women will take an interest in you personally, and begin noticing the available and high-quality men are suddenly ultra-right wing.
We should make a community of right-wing women a goal, but the way we do it is in part through our men.
If we end up with a bunch of hot e-celeb chicks that's great, but we'll end up with a bunch of fucking beta orbiters in here as well and it will become emberassing and actually turn other women off.
Women are taught that they are feminists by default. If you have a feminist sock puppet, make it all about the Strong Black Wymyns. Encourage others to do the same. Shut down any discussion that isn't about how amazing Strong Black Women are. Make feminism all about race and alienate the white women by talking about how they have no right to talk about anything, how they ruin the entire feminist movement, and how they hurt the poor Black Wymyns by just existing. Feminism will no longer be all that great for the white women.
Now that I think of it I can see this working. At the same time it also creates racist tendencies.
If they speak out against it, screencap and accuse them of racism.
Just posted this in another thread.
If you're into posting shit around, this could be useful. Women are the ultimate normies.
Because women are the ultimate normalfags. Women are social creatures. Ostracism is a fate worse than death to them. They operate largely based on the approval/disapproval of those around them.
This is why you don't see (many) women in niche groups, whether it be niche hobbies or fringe politics. Because if something is perceived as fringe or "weird" or nerdy, women want nothing to do with it. It's just the way they are. The reason why women side with the liberal marxist bullshit is because that's the zeitgeist of modern society. Women always side with the zeitgeist. In our progressive society, they're the most progressive. In a traditional society, they're the most traditional.
What's the point I'm trying to make? Don't worry about the women. I mean, if women join, then that's great, but we shouldn't be spending undue time/energy trying to get women to join our side. Get enough of the men to join, and the women naturally follow suit. You change the zeitgeist, and THEN the women follow.
Women like to be led, you can lead while also being kind, there's no need to act like a nigger.
How do we redpill women, guys? May 5, 2017 Edition
This. My wife redpills her friends, as women naturally subsume their worldview to groupthink.
Yup, it's a tired thread, but nobody gives the obvious answer: marry 'em and put babies in 'em.
You know reading this made a thought roam to consider. Get women involved and it will no longer be go after jews because how they can be manipulated.
Going to say maybe this may not be a good idea other than getting them to hate feminism. Anything else and they get emotional and are unable to understand the existential threat.
Whoa, whoa, whoa…no on said to let them anywhere near the levers of power. You're talking crazy.
this tbqhfam.
you know how the redpilled man "caters" to women? by being a goddamn man and acting in accordance with what a man is supposed to do, provide for a family. by being a capable person that the woman can trust to lead the family and help her raise capable children. a woman that can't see that or appreciate it cannot be helped.
anyone in here saying that women are shit or serve men or should be treated like shit or whatever misses the point of being a man.
Adding to that, mention what qualities are attractive to you in a woman (white, fit, good housekeeper, patriotic, whatever) while women are listening but don't say it to them directly, in real life or online. Hearing a desirable man say what they want in a woman in a setting that they think they are just eavesdropping on make it feel like they've gleaned this information all on their own. They'll share it with their friends, and now you have planted the seeds of respectability in a few womans' minds.
This won't work. Retard feminists will just eat up the bullshit and sink deeper into white guilt.
t. guy who accidentally found himself in a class about intersectional feminism, with a white professor that won't stop talking about the struggles of black womyn and assigning only black wymyn writers to read - as a white woman - I shit you not
Women do not want to be catered to.
They want someone to tell them like it is, and dominate them.
The state is a bigger authority than any man.
Women obey the fucking state.
Fuck women. Literally. Get one, fuck them, and dominate them. They love it.
Now, the problem is that Zog has cucked men and then told them to cater to every fucking whim of women then told women what to want, including fabricating a "traditional wedding" with a giant engagement ring.
Men need to STOP catering to women. Just fucking stop. Tell them what you want in a woman and shame them for being a shit-tier woman, not wife material.
That's about it.
I wanted to made a simmilar thread myself tbh.
Like what's the point of making all this propaganda against racemixing if it's aimed on males? It's women who do it after all and they do it because nobody redpills them.
If we just ignore them then more of them going to be swayed by leftwingers and more of them going to indulge in the racemixing and degeneracy.
don't ignore them.
Actively be racist as shit.
They'll whine to their friends, but they'll know you're right. The word will spread. They EXPECT men to be "racist" and "homophobic" and "sexist" and whatever-IST. Women hate to fall into an undesirable category, and will be racist and homophobic themselves. Women will mold themselves to men's desires.
Stop being cucks and women won't be as shit.
So they'll find the beta cucks who will put up with their bullshit - and there are a lot more of them than there are of you. Or they simply go back to fucking niggers, to "stick it to the white man". Dysgenic breeding continues. How is it that you don't see this backfiring?
Of course you did. Just do it tomorrow. There are literally 3-5 threads a week on pandering to females by the thirsty loser faction of pol. It's probably a D&C / shill / misdirection / jew control tactic tbh
You knobs dont get it. Attempting to redpill women isn't just bad 'dating advice' that will keep you frustrated, it's actually harmful to nearly all women. And by 'nearly all women' i mean the percentage of women that can into political reality is so small as to be operationally insignificant.
It's like you just want to fuck a version of yourself with tits. Women are not wired to handle harsh truths about humanity. It will leave them bitter and depressed. Do you want a jaded, hard women raising your kids? You retards are literally eager to hurt our women with this shit. It's our job to be protectors. That involves protecting women and children from all the beastly forces of nature roaming the earth (niggers, jews, faggots, etc.) It involves protecting them by ensuring they don't get involved.
What we probably need is some kind of parallel 'domestic containment pill' for women and children. If you want to help, figure that one out. But, you faggots are hard-wired from birth to see women are equals. You just don't want to get over it, but you have to. She needs you to lead. WE NEED YOU to lead. Stop this gay 'redpill women' shit.
Man there sure are a lot of "muh women" threads up today. Is there some special event going on for all you faggy virgins to make such gay threads?
Because it is pointless. We're gaining ground already, women will follow wherever they percieve the men to be going.
There are already women here. What you want to do is:
1. Learn to communicate with women; the redpilled dates I get act like golums with a checklist of What A Man Is and no substance to their soul/philosophy
2. Get the MGTOW shit out of here; yeah there are whores but rightwing women are not them. It's the equivalent of entering Holla Forums and calling everyone a communist; you are looking at the wrong social group, bud.
tbqh I am eastern european idk if all Merica women are shit or not
You just have to make your romantic intentions clear from the outset. Let her know that you'd like to date her BEFORE you get to know her. Then get to know her. If you like her, and she likes you, ask her to be your girlfriend. Don't treat her like a friend and then express romantic interest later. Women hate that.
Well said.
This usually works.
Maybe make the threat more visceral. Women react to visceral fear.
whatcha sliding
I would second this. Ancestor-based spiritualism is interesting to because much then genes are inherited from them. We inherit their correct decisions and much as their mistakes. We often cannot even trace how far back the effects of parental abuse have been "handed down" through the generations. Likewise, the only chance many have of ever reconciling the psychological damage of inherited abuse is in resolving negative emotions associated with their ancestors.
It was Spaniard men who fucked Injuns until countries of mongrels came to be.
Women are more choosy about who they breed with than men. Sperm is cheap yet longer lasting while eggs are expensive and short. Even now, White women who breed with niggers and other muds are dysfunctional in one way or another.