Co-opting the Alt-Right

The Alt-Right is a Problem

This has become blatantly obvious lately. The alt-right's lack of a backbone is giving all of us on the right a bad name, and I think that we need to do something about it.

We need to explore ways to cause the Alt-right to shun civ-nationalsim, based niggers, based faggots… etc, and embrace more of our ideas 14/88.

Alt-Right = Alt-Lite

I think the Alt-Lite meme is great. It shames them for cuck stances, and makes them look to be the exact thing they hate. The alt-lite want to be edgy, and calling them alt-lite infers that they aren't edgy enough.

ITT. Discus ways to bring the Alt-Lite farther to the right.

Other urls found in this thread: girl

Get on the discussion boards and talk about race.

Go here and LOOK at the comments. Are you upset by them? Are they not racially aware enough? This is the center of the alt right other than the DailyStormer. Please answer because I hang out there all the time and I have yet to see these phantom race mixing, Israel loving "alt righters" I hear so much about.

But then we'd have to interact with them

Some of those comments are pretty legit user. Their leadership is the biggest problem though.

And then there was the half jew faggot, with the black "daughter" in NOLA the other day too

If you're aut-kike you are a sodomite
If you're pro-spencer you are a sodomite


the problem is not what is usually called the 'alt-right', but the usual fucktard cuckservatives behind Milo, on The_Donald, cuckchan and even occasionaly here, who happened to jump on the Holla Forums train to push the kike agenda (muh evil islam is threatening muh western degeneracy, etc)

Anyone who isn't fascist and is dabbling right-wing or left-wing politics is an alt-fuck sodomite

Let's be frank. Islam is threatening the west, but it is only a symptom of the larger (((Problem)))

Great thread. One way you bring the Alt-Right further right is by killing all their fags and forcing them to go after higher principles. TL;DR don't let them worship their own assholes


op is a cuck

Alt-lite detected

Go suck Milo's jew dick faggot


See, this is why I am depressed. People like tell us to not interact with ANYONE. Why do you think that is? Does it benefit us at all? No. This person is almost certainly a Jew or a shill trying to destroy us. Only a moron would think that we can win anything by not interacting with people. This person is a traitor trying to destroy our people.

Here is why you need to interact with them more
1. you think that the alt right has even an ounce of respect for Milo
No. No they do not. They HATE him. They HATE him because he is a Jew. they HATE him because he is a faggot. and they HATE him because he is a race mixing faggot. Also, he is degenerate and they hate that too. If you interacted with them, more you'd know this. But people like have convinced you to ignore the rest of the world. Seclusion from the world leads to defeat and the Jews are all over this board.

2. You think that Lauren Southern is the alt right. No. It is almost universally believed by people there that she is just an alt lite shill trying to hitch a ride on the movement. However they still respect her because she is a woman and many (but not all) believe that women saying pro-alt right stuff is good because that's what Hitler did with National Socialism. (sort of)

3. You think Spencer is pro jew. Again, read an article or two on that website.
I have not met him but I have talked with people who have. Too, I have watched his rise to prominence and in my opinion and theirs, he is not a shill. He is a narcissistic, arrogant, short sighted, freeloader. However he is also smart and worried about PR and being murdered. He intentionally tempers his speeches because he is afraid.

Look, I can't stand Spencer. However I will not just whine and bitch about him while he is doing more for our cause than any of us have. He goes out in public and talks about Jews and White survival at great risk of DEATH. People literally are trying to MURDER him for what he does. And he is trying to play a tightrope balancing act of public relations and truth. People on Holla Forums forget that normies WORSHIP Jews

They WORSHIP jews

I will say that one more time so it sinks in


And Spencer, for all his faults does name the Jews and talk (in his own autistic way) about them in public. The reason he is so squishy is because he is concerned that if he goes full WLP, he will alienate the public and might die. Whether or not this is a good choice is up for debate. But he at least has logical reasons for not talking about them 24/7

Back to cuckchan


But that is where you are wrong, NatSoc isn't right wing. Most of the alt-cucks are just edgy kids who want to be different than their lefty classmates. Just suggest alt-right is lame and uncool now, NatSoc is where its at

Is burgerland not founded as a civic nationalist country, creating a bottleneck for bringing them further to the right? As soon as the marxists calm down they will settle with muh free speech.
It is not like you are ever going to pull off a Macedonia or anything, that would be unconstitutional.

Most of them aren't genuinely political but fans of personalities and bandwagoning. Milo for example pederasty comments were utterly damning and had been public for some time. There was some backlash but it should have ruined him if these people had a genuine moral compass. When he got hit in the mainstream many just protected milo with allot of mental tap dancing, or even worse yet defense of pederasty, as if they were protecting their favorite celebrity or something. They're that far gone. No genuine values whatsoever, even for the welfare of children. What's the use of such idiotic morally dead people?

who? this is not T_D, faggot

pretty sure Alt-Lite is the best derogatory term the commies could come up with

I thought his pederasty comments were just him getting pigeonholed for not paying attention and the subject moved to ancient greece or some shit *cue Plato bumming 12 yo joke

Here's an experiment. Go onto and ask every single person in the comments what they think of the "CuckKnight" as they call him. Ask them and then tally those who think negative things vs those 0 who think positive things about him.

Again, many shills and traitors tell you to never interact with the alt right because they know that if you did, you'd see just how many of them are dedicated White nationalists.

Do the following:
That's all you really have to do. Wanna know why? Because they're the closest demographic to what's really redpilled. This also forces their eceleb figureheads to keep up with us rather than the opposite. The ecelebs won't go away easily and exclusively trying to ween the alt-right normalfags from them is a waste of time and energy, but not without good intentions. Ecelebs will want to either languish with diminishing audiences that hunger for real redpilled material, or adapt even if they're only putting on an act. Which brings me to the next point:

I shouldn't have to explain this one but putting out decent content that's packed with redpills and informs while entertains is how you attract normalfags. Choose your style; if you're funny, you're funny. If you're serious and foreboding, be serious and foreboding. Play to your strengths. Don't force anything.

This will disillusion normalfags who want to be what they think is alt-right and make them open prey for redpills and redpilled outlets. This also helps you weed out alt-right shills who like christian shills pretend to be right-wing but only try to keep people trapped within the containment mindset of "stick to ____-label, that's all that matters." Clinging to a banner, especially a controlled opposition and wasting time defending its label like what the gamergoyim fell for gets you nowhere. Exposing it reveals a shills intention.

They were telling us the same thing. It's not hard to storm the parliament and physically remove commies. I believe in you!

The problem I have with Spencer is not that he doesn't go full 14/88. I understand he needs to play it safe in the Normie's eyes. What I do have a problem with is that he backpedels like a coward or a shill. He talks about he's OK with trannies and fags and doesn't believe the Holodomer occur.
I'd rather support someone who goes a quarter 14/88 than someone who goes half 14/88 but gives degenerate opinions regularly.

Quality post user

Guess why…

But as is stated redpilling normalfaags that are lured to the alt right is a good move
They are willing to listen, but as always one have to be careful with this honeypot sites

I agree with you in many ways. I wish Spencer would be more like WLP. I will speak with him about this eventually but as you understand, Spencer is not trying to convince you to want to fight for your race. You already are. He is trying to convince normies to do that. Him pointing out that the Jews are nationalistic is a good thing. He is pointing out the double standard. How on earth is that bad?

You say you cannot support Spencer hecause he doesn't fit your stereotype of a White nationalist. Okay. Name one person who speaks in public who does.

Finally, every single European nationalist group of any note does not go full 14/88. In fact, the alt right regularly cloaks itself in third Reich symbolism. Are all European nationalists cucks? If so, we have very, very few friends and absolutely no hope of winning.

Swastikas are fun. I love em. But if it comes to a choice between being a flamboyant Nazi or saving the White race, there is no choice at all. I will choose my race every single time over an "ism"

You must understand that all "isms" are just cloaks for the government to rule you. The only thing that matters is this; does YOUR race have power in YOUR race's lands? That is the only thing that matters.



Just noticed something funny in my sleep-deprived autism. That nigress has a reverse widow's peak.

gtfo my thread, shill

TRS and everyone affiliated with them. Don't even get me started on all the literal faggotry in the "alt right". People like Grindr Greg Johnson and Millennial Woes use the alt-right as a platform to sway impressionable young men toward sodomy.

Here's a recent example:
Don't even get me started on how many other racemixers and shitskins are part of the TRS circlejerk.

Faggot spencer absolutely is a shill. He's a plant, a shabbos goyim, and all he's meant to do is to water down what the alt-right supposedly stands for - Spoilers: it means nothing, it was invented by a jew. Just like conservatism was invented by shabbos goyim to contain all the right-wing people in america and make them follow false leaders who keep chanting "conservative values" all day, that's what the alt-right is in CURRENT YEAR. Him and faggots like Milo are themselves pitfalls for right-wing youth escaping the confines of false labels like conservatism. The youth breaking free wants something that's not tired and self-defeating like conservatism but they keep getting pulled back by crypto-liberal labels like the alt-right. Crypto-liberal, yes that's what it is.

Here's an example:

> He defines the new movement of actual young right-wing people as the alt-right, and under his own specifications

As anyone can see, the traitors among us want to lower our standards and make us accept more (((lefty))) ideas and convince us it's a good thing and use excuses like broad appeal and worse; that ideas like gay acceptance is an absolute norm. Like Spencer who uses the greek fag fallacy. And like Milo who wants to keep the gay flamboyant persona going and keep it a norm. Steer actual right-wing people away from the fag enablers and you'll win real support over.

I literally don't give a shit about TRS. Few people outside their cult do.

I actually sent this home with all my group members recently because we're trying to do the same thing, any help or advice or suggestions would be appreciated

user, the "Alt-Right" isn't a thing that exists. You are expecting a non entity to form a backbone which makes no sense. "Alt-Right" we a label created by our opposition to cast all groups opposing them into the same category. We are much more difficult to attack if we do not openly carry a banner by which they may identify us, so they made one and forced it into our hands.

TL;DR: Don't concern yourself with the Alt-Right as a homogeneous political movement because it's an empty label and gives our enemies propaganda legitimacy.

Just checked it out. Well, that certainly is degenerate. You gave me second hand embarrassment for this Asian kid. I don't know how I am even supposed to react beyond cringing slightly.

what is this cancer and do I even want to know?

Nice dubs, but they do exist. There are a ton of people who ID themself with the Alt-lite, like it or not.

What do you mean group members, user? If you're meeting with other WNs and forming groups, then you deserve major props.

thats what Ive been thinking too, but who is Spencers boss? what about Milo?

My take on this is that they are genuine. They really are fag enablers/actual faggots, not really plants. And in their mainsteam semi approved, semi edgy faggotry, they gained a following of small groups from a lot of different places, and thats how they got popular.
We need a real 14/88er that sells his shit as a semi edgy against the grain guy (like Trump did), but instead of him shilling for Israel when he gains power, he just keeps dialing up the fash slowly to 11, everyone still supports him and we are a step away from making judiasm a crime.

So what is the solution, a political arrangement? Would you ever get what you want under the documents that rule your land? And would it not be regrouping rather then defeatism to move back to Europe if the documents always keep you from what you want (migrants move for less)?

What bothers me is that the public debate recently only focuses on free speech and sjw and nobody mentions multiculturalism anymore to the extent they used to. I think you have simply been provided with another target overlapping interests between a broader group, but the group are divided on other issues making it weak. Not that it is the "final boss", but if the general population already agrees time will be your butcher regardless.

Go to the comment sections and observe. Tell me whether or not they are racially aware.

Your enemies want to isolate you. Why do you let them win?

Dubs of truth. The alt-kike is a jewish psyop. Holla Forums is a NatSoc board. There are no good jews.

Did you even read his whole post? Fucking hell.

Well then it's our job to infiltrate and control their political direction. However, this must be done subtly and with the utmost attention to detail. Aka, blasting Panzerlied and screaming 1488 is not how we're going to win this. Contrary to what a lot of anons seem to assume it's not actually important what the rank and file believe. They will listen to what the mouth pieces and leadership say, which is why we need to target and either become or control them. There is a reason one of the chief rules of Holla Forums is to conceal your power level. Concealed power level with masked intent is how we are able to operate effectively.

You're assuming this is a viable tactic. It's not.

Liberalism can't stand criticism. It has to shut down and completely "no platform" dissent to survive. Only through constant repetition, lies, social reinforcement and perceived consensus can it flourish or even survive.

The right, on the other hand, is obviously correct on it's face. You'll never hear a liberal say "When I adopted liberalism it was like a weight was lifted and everything suddenly made sense." But you constantly hear that from NatSoc.

All these facefags have to have soft messages to not be instantly marginalized. Being half-assed and shilling for jews, fags or niggers doesn't matter because they don't have a captive audience. Anyone follows these people will eventually find Holla Forums, Rockwell, Mein Kampf, etc and move on. They will lose respect for those who have a weak message and as the Overton windows shifts the facefags will either have to reveal that they were just pretending to like jews or they'll be left behind.

Okay, and?

You asked what's so bad about the alt-right. The heart of the alt-right is the inner-circle of people behind TRS, the NY Forum, etc. It's a small tight-knit group and isn't a loose collection of varying individuals like you might think.

You can't just ignore these people. They are the main "voices" of the alt right. Oh, and now Anglin is white knighting for TRS as well. This is despite a previous position after kikegate where he disavowed TRS. So now, on the daily stormer BBS, you now get banned for even insinuating that Enoch is a kike (which he is) or speaking out against TRS.

We all know Spencer is a plant, that much is obvious.

Milo's an interesting case and actually legitimately confusing to me because his beliefs seem to be genuine. Whereas Spencer reeks of putting on an act that crumbles under any real scrutiny, Milo engages the enemy regularly and goes out of his way to provoke them. I suspect the entire gay shtick may be an act on his part to act as a foil against their counter attacks. I could of course be wrong, but I think Milo is more clever than a lot of this board gives him credit for. If nothing else he has proven himself to be a useful tool for converting normies. Spencer on the other hand does precisely jack and shit to help our cause.

I don't think he's a literal shill in the "I'm a ZOG plant" sense. I think he's just a faggot opportunist who got nowhere on his own and is trying to stand on the shoulder's of Holla Forums's work to make a celebrity out of himself. He's just in it for the fame and (in the future) money.

He's just a weak, soft, and pathetic man. His politics are shit. He's not a good orator either. He just loves listening to himself talk in purple prose, even though he doesn't actually say anything. All he gives are extremely vague assertions and nobody knows what the fuck he's even talking about.

They fucked up by letting the media control the narrative. Anytime you let (((them))) name something and direct it, it will go to shit.

no one is claiming Milo isn't clever. Jews are nothing if not clever. That's what makes them so dangerous. The issue with Milo is that he serves as controlled oppo to help steer dissenting young politically-minded white men away from the natural progression toward national socialism, and instead steers them toward his bullshit homo-loving "cultural libertarian" "muh western values" bullshit.

I haven't heard any of that from any one of them in a long time tbh.

That's another story.

That is because Anglin doesn't believe in punching right. He knows how devastating that has been for the left.

But as for TRS, ago onto and conduct a survey. I myself have simply not encountered many people who like them outside of their weird cult. And those who do like them tend to only like them because they love shitting on White women.

TRSIDF is everywhere, and they dominate the "alt-right" discourse. It's just silly to pretend they aren't a big presence. Especially when they are connected behind the scenes with so many other factions.

oh for fucks sake, any other TRS jargon you'd like to throw out. What's next, tell me how I'm purity spiraling? How racemixers and mudbloods are "good for the movement"
It's not punching right if it's a kike
It's not punching right if someone is to your left.

TRS and all their affiliates are nothing but racist liberals. They should be kept at an arms length and actively shunned, no different than with the "alt lite" civic nationalist cucks. In fact, I'd argue that TRS is just slightly edgier-presenting alt-lite.

Well, you tell me that they are everywhere I in my experience I do not see that playing out in reality.

Have you looked at the comment section on the place that is literally called

Something I've noticed on Holla Forums recently is a total incapacity to separate the "alt-right" from the "alt-lite". The former is at least ostensibly WN, whereas the latter are the people from whom you see things like civic nationalism and based black dudes. Almost all people who call themselves "alt-right" do shun the things you mention. I'm almost starting to think this is entirely new guys, since people should remember Heilgate when all the civcucks disavowed the "alt-right". Since then, there's been a wide berth between the two.

The problems with the "alt-right" are their impurities and the fact that many of them are what you might call "Racist liberals", who just want a liberal democratic society free of Jews and niggers.

There's also the problem of whether the label itself is a Jewish trick. I personally don't think so, since they started using it long before the media spotlight, and when Gottfried coined the term he was using it in an entirely different context, but that's a different discussion.

TL;DR while neither are good, the "alt-right" and "alt-lite" are separate groups, and should be treated accordingly.

Have you looked at Daily Stormer?

"" is a literally-who of WN online websites. And Spencer is heavily involved in the TRS/Grindr Greg clique. It's all one big "inner circle"

Part of that is because of a large influx of legitimate newfags and part of it is an intentional muddying of the waters by an equally large influx of shills.

Even that's been walked back, considering all the kikes, happas, and literal faggots involved in the alt-right.
They just want edgy civic nationalism without niggers. That's it.

1. You didn't answer the question so I can only assume you never even looked for yourself.
2. Yes indeed. The DailyStormer is one of my favourite sites for news. And Anglin gets a good chunk of his information from this very site.


(Vade retro satana)
Are you really incapable of seeing the difference between the alt-right and the alt-lite? Almost all of the people who call themselves "alt-right" are WN, or at least EN, and many are NatSoc. My IRL mannerbund has people who agree with us on literally everything else and still call themselves "alt-right". Are you really going to write them off as little more than edgy civic nationalists?

Dobra slika brate

Most of the alt-right are basically /ourguys/ just infiltrating because they act as a convenient public front for IRL meets.

The leadership maybe not so much, but the core membership of these groups that I've met are on board.

Jbg buraz za dom.

Evo što je neki naš pravio ovdje pred mjesec dana. Visokokvalitetno.

No, I haven't looked at What does that matter? Does it change the fact that TRS and every pie it has its fingers in is not a massive part of the "alt right"?

For fucks sake, this is classic goalpost moving. You asked where all the race mixers and kike lovers were. I pointed out that they're in TRS and associated groups, and that roots run deep. But you then switch to saying "oh well TRS doesn't really count nobody cares about them anyway lol" which is just blatantly false, and clearly just a No True Scotsman.

Yes, of course I know the difference between alt-right/lite. Do you have any clue what you're talking about? I'm not talking about Stickman and Milo. I'm talking about TRS. They DO advertise themselves as WNs while being surrounded by racemixers, happas, kikes, and sodomites.

Perhaps, but at the very least it's doubtful he's knowingly serving any particular master. The reason I say this is he has taken repeated and major financial hits for what he has said. His book deal was the prime example but there are others. Spencer was a nobody and used this cause for his own gain, Milo already had a career and has sacrificed a fair amount of it in service to elements of our cause. I do agree he doesn't give a full picture and certainly has flaws, but he strikes me as legitimate and he has been a fantastic tool for my conversion of my friends.

My method of converting normies is typically to direct them to the weak stuff first, so Sargon and Milo. Then upgrading them to Stefan, and from there slowly steeping them into the true redpill. Basically Milo is not intended to be a final authority on anything, he's an introduction to the proper right.

TL;DR: I think Milo has done more good than bad for us and he has proven extremely useful to me in converting my friends. Spencer on the other hand is a useless piece of shit and reeks of controlled opposition.

I agree. I feel that the best way to influence their leadership is by using memes like "alt-lite," to make them feel like they aren't hard line enough.

It's doubtful that anyone on 8/pol is willing to infiltrate the leadership of the alt-right, so I think the meme option is our best bet at getting anything accomplished. what do I know, though

Svaka čast brate. Pun mi je kurac ovih "naših" pedera i veleizdajnika u saboru.

Number 3, 'The Shill. The Shill.'

I don't see why. If our goal is to protect our people from extinction infiltration of a lukewarm ally is a pretty small price to pay. All it costs is your ego and it will test your ability to act your part without cracking. Even when your own allies believe you to be the enemy, you cannot crack.

That's not how jews work. There isn't one vast conspiracy that all jews are privy too. I mean, there ARE jewish conspiracies, but not one big unifying one that all subversive kikes are part of.
Subversion is in their blood. Regardless of financial incentives.

Firstly, check'd.

Secondly, user it is blindingly obvious Milo has been more effective at directing normies to the right. In terms of pure usefulness Milo blows Spencer out of the fucking water and you know this. I have not met a single normie who knows who the fuck Spencer is outside of a couple and they viewed him in a seriously negative light. Milo on the other hand is a name dozens of people I know are aware of, and most think he's funny at the very least.

Perhaps, I'm not defending Milo in the sense that I think he's fundamentally on our side. I'm defending him in the context of being useful to us. We would be fools to throw away such an effective weapon.

You are basically marking yourself for life, if you go public with your ideas though.

You can't be a leader in a group like the Alt-Right, for instance, and then expect to have a career later in life.

If I wasn't so selfish, I'd probably try to infiltrate them myself. I've got contacts, I just don't want to become unemployable.

Nigger he's not our weapon to "throw away". He's a kike faggot who appeals to normalfags. What the fuck are you even talking about? We have no control over what Milo does or what his followers do either. Some of them may end up here but most will not. What is your point here?

Btw radi nam sada opet board >>>/hrvatska/

why? it's the kikes thinking they are co-opting something, steering it their own way, having a "leader" or two in their pockets and all that.

the joke's on them.

Ajde super bacit ću oko.

First of all, I have always pointed out that few people outside their cult care about TRS. You don't interact with alt righters so you don't know.

However on this particular thread I am not logged as pointing that out before you brought them up (but I knew you would because they're the go to case for trying to discredit the White nationalists in the AR)

If I pointed out an example of something that claims to be national socialist but isn't, does that discredit national socialism?

Perfect example of this is when TRS shut down its forums and comments section after the doxing. TRS is a forum that prides itself on maintaining a standing troll army, and they were unable to take their own users turning on them. Hell, they purged loyalists who demonstrated anything less than unquestioning devotion. (See: the user Lothar von Trotha)

One more thing, until you start actually examining the people you're talking about (please STOP GOING TO TRS. WFT are you even doing on that trash site anyway?) you cannot with any credibility claim that they are not White nationalists.

I started a group and we've been doing pretty good member wise. Normal dudes who are white nationalist who won't sperg out and start sieg heiling at marches. Our goal was to have 20 dedicated members by the end of the year and we're already at 13. We keep in contact with the surrounding groups (TRS, Vanguard, IE, other Stormer Groups, and other WN groups, briefly in contact with Atomwaffen but those guys are weird) and work together and join together at events and protests and marches, but we keep our distance for the most part. We also trade members around because our groups do things differently from one another but we all have the same shared goals, so if one guy isn't the right fit for our group, we'll send him to one that is. We also share a blacklist of guys we got a red flag/bad vibe from and forewarn the surrounding groups in case they try to infiltrate them.

We go on hikes/trail cleanups, go to the gun range, read a nonfiction book once a month(NatSoc related usually), only meet at local white family owned restaurants, show up to cultural events in our matching t-shirts, we flyer a ton.

It's really not that hard, to be honest. The hardest part is getting self-proclaimed white nationalists and Nazi's to give a damn and show up to our WN/Nazi events. We've had a bunch that we vetted and invited to meetings then we never saw them again.

Milo is working to create a alt-light trap that people stick to, who can be "anti-SJW" without having to get into the scary and difficult "redpills".

Mark my words. We're supporting these people for our own ends, but in the process we're creating a monster that we're going to have to waste energy on destroying, or they'll just end up trapping all potential recruits into these meaningless traps.

The same goes for me. My strategy is to build a business and employ like minded people, build a community. But not all of us have those opportunities, I know plenty of anons on here who are willing to throw their lives away anyway. They may as well do it in service to our cause.

You're right, we have no direct control over him. My point to you is that he has proven useful, at least for me he has. So treat him with suspicion sure, but at least recognize that he has done some positive things for us. And of course most of them won't end up here, that's irrelevant. As I said earlier in the thread what the rank and file think doesn't really matter, what's important is having the right people in positions of leadership. If we can recruit even a handful of good looking, intelligent, motivated men and women who are willing to work hard, that's all that matters. And the more mouth pieces we have out there introducing people to the right, the larger our potential pool of recruits.

All that being said, if they end up here specifically is irrelevant. Holla Forums is a discussion forum, it is not an entity unto itself. The people we want, the people I described, if they truly seek the truth they will find it with or without the help of sites like this.

Also nice dubs.

Right, so you use NoTrueScotsman to claim that TRS isn't signfiicant, despite it being arguably the center of the self-proclaimed alt-right, while also arguing that is the only place where alt-righters are, despite that being a website that only went up several months ago after the fact.

I disagree, everyone I have introduced to Milo, Sargon, and Stefan has with time moved beyond them. They are introductory redpills, nothing more. And if it makes you feel any better, this is how all wars are won. We must create monsters to fight monsters, and eventually we will be obliged to put our own monsters down. That is simply human nature and there's really no way around it, especially when you absolutely must win.

Nice. You're doing God's work user.

I know a guy who was trying to do something similar in MS. I never really got involved with them because of school, and stuff though.

Just leave them alone. Eventually the edge of being "part of the alt right" will wear off and they'll move by themselves to the right. Starting a divisive campaign to fuck with people who are closer to us than literally 99% of the people in media, academia and politics is just a great way of destroying any chance we have at taking over.

TRS is significant. Even YOU probably use the echoes which they invented. But ever since it was revealed that enoch was a fat slob and married to a Jew, most people I know vocally disavowed them. I never once said that is the centerpiece of the movement but it IS a place where you can get a good idea of what the people within it think. So why don't you go there and find out what they actually think about race?

Pretty much this. At most we should be working to infiltrate them, but naked conflict with the amorphous "alt right" as a whole is a fools errand. All it does is push us back to the fringe without a shot at popular appeal.

The problem that I have is that without guidance, people will consistently choose the easy way out.

They may recognize that something is wrong with the world, and so go looking for answers. The alt-light provides easy answers that don't really challenge anyone. It's a comfy bourgeoisie rebellion that doesn't actually challenge anything, and so most people will flock to that.

You may have guided your friends through this process, and that is commendable. But look at how many followers Milo, Sargon and Stefan have compared to anything we can muster. Without being prodded to dig deeper, people are perfectly comfortable sticking with Sargon's "big brained moderate" stuff. The numbers don't lie, people are flocking to and sticking with them.

Every single alt-right e-celeb except, like, Heimbach are all sucking TRS's cock still. For fucks sake, and Dickie Spencer are very closely tied with the TRS group. It's not just TRS. It's the entire alt-right inner circle. That's what I'm trying to get at. Most groups still support them. Except Holla Forums.

Good on you user, you're doing the white race proud. Godspeed to you and your boys.

I don't disagree with most of what you've said but I don't have any interest in using Milo as some sort of introductory tool, frankly anyone I'm going to invest time into personally red pilling is already going to be well past the point of listening to some degenerate racemixing sodomite jew, but hey if he's useful to you then have at it. You're incorrect about Holla Forums being a mere discussion forum however. It's more than that. Yes it's an anonymous thinktank of sorts, but it's also a place where collective conciousness is harnessed to spawn tangible results in the real world.

The echo meme is significant. Who invented them is not. Nobody can own a meme. I don't know why the fuck you're shilling so hard for ITT but regardless, the echo meme does not "belong" to TRS.

We're being led into this shit and it's honestly our own fault.

We were too comfortable staying user and not getting boots on the ground. Say what you want about The Kike Stuff and Implicit Dick, they're getting boots on the ground and people involved IRL.
We failed to do so, and these people took advantage of that. They made the first move and now have all of the power, while we're stuck here because of our own paranoia.

I shill for them because I actually care about preserving the White race. Why are you so hostile to White nationalism?

Now you sound like a fucking kike.

Yeah, that's how it always starts. They lead you on and make you think they're a net benefit, but later on after they've gained sufficient power, they lock other people who are actual WNs out via monopolization and start jewing you. It's controlled oppo 101.

So why do you support race-mixers, happas, homosexuals, and kikes?

I decided to copy some comments under Spencer's most recent podcast. You tell me if they are racially conscious.

Do you disagree with this person?

Let's examine another comment.

Is this person racially aware?

White Nationalism does not work. Just be pro White and American. The Jews do this and they always win.

Once you add Hitler, memes and other strangeness Whites get turned off.

Unlike you who has not contributed one thing or said anything beyond attacking other White nationalists.

Unlike you I actually care about securing the existence of the White race.

That's what White nationalist means. Being pro-White as opposed to anti-White.

The alt-right is full of fucking faggots and racemixing cucks.

In order to rebuild society we need to take away womens rights.

Yes, vid related is a problem. Meanwhile, your shitposting is gonna change the world.

No, you stupid millenial faggots. Electronic media is the new media. Eventually E-celebs will be the majority of all celebs. That's A GOOD THING. It means that anyone can make a name for himself by creating videos or tweets. What, you only accept personalities if they're approved by a Kosher television station? Hypocritical Millenial, wants change but is simultaneously afraid of it. Retarded Antifa, who loves Jews but hates Israel.

That's really what this is all about. Like a fucking kike who wants to destroy something he can't do himself.

No, we wouldn't want to be a "celebrity." We wouldn't want to be a recognizable voice, that would be GOONERY. We have to be anonymous. We have to be invisible nobodies who say nothing when we march around the Fed because speaking up and having some fucking SELF-PRIDE would be SINFUL. When no one knows who we are or can hear us, then we'll have the most power of all!!! jfc chanfaggots are seriously delusional Like fucking wiccans who think they're summoning nature with their spells or whatever.

The "Alt-Right" and twittersphere did 1000x more than 4/Holla Forums did to elect Trump. And now the Alt-Right is critical of Trump because he's immediately gone soft. Holla Forums just worships a personality cult because it's filled with a bunch of boot-licking dolts who need to be told that the sun is always shining and that wrongthink is always outside shillling and never a realistic assessment of the situation. You are dirt. You are nothing. You ruined everything that was good about this board with your braindead Trumpsucking.

No, "White Nationalism" is POL and other sites. Whites are not going to accept this.

Your posting screams "subversive jew."

Then give up now. If white people won't accept the only possibly long-term solution to this problem, then there's no hope and it's already over.


Keep larping while Whites goes extinct. You guys are more concerned about you movement and terms such as "White Nationalist" than getting out their and doing something that will work.

Anyone with a brain can see otherwise. Again, you are here to sow D&C and I am here to defend White interests. I strongly encourage others to read both your posts and mine and decide who is the Jew.

IMO, anyone who is here to sow D&C is a Jew or a shill.

user, they move beyond my introductory redpills because I quietly guide their learning. You don't simply let them wander off completely unsupervised.

What you said:
What you're now walking it back to:

Eat shit intellectually dishonest kike.

Jesus user, are you ok?

Seriously, you sound like you've just had a psychotic break.

Take away womens rights to vote and there will be no need for white people to go extinct.

Okay, so what should I call it? White advocacy? Alt right-ism? Identitarianism? Racialism? Non-self-hatred-ism? I'll call it whatever I need to to get it into White normie heads that if we do not stand up as a people, we will be destroyed by other races who display ethnocentrism.

But that's the point. The vast majority of people coming to this have no one guiding them.
For every one person being led into this by a redpilled Holla Forumsak there are a thousand people who jump on the 'based black man', 'based gays' and stay there. The alt-light is far more powerful than we are, even if it's inevitable that it will blow away and all those people will become basic bitch liberals in 5 years.

See? You cannot even give up a simple term that the Jews have promoted as negative in order to save Whites from extinction.

This is why White Nationalists will never be part of a real pro White movement. No women, no American Nationalists, no gays, no Christians…

Fussy snowflakes. We lose, the Jews win again.

Again, as I pointed out in an earlier post, most "isms" are just the state religion that the elites use to convince the masses that their ruling them is legitimate. What matters is this; do YOUR people, your race have control over the government in YOUR nation?

Once Whites take back control from our enemies, whatever societies we build will suit our racial needs. Our "soul" if you will. The reason our nations are so awful is because the Jews are writing the rules.

How about pro White? Why the obsession with labels?

Vid related is a ZOG grunt standing in solidarity with a Jew… Yes, thats a problem.

The last paragraph is laughable as fuck.

These are my posts ITT prior my initial reply to you in . You seem to not be able to into IDs so I'll make it easy for you:

Explain to me how I've been attempting to D&C. Go ahead, I'll wait.

You're not from around here

Im 100% positive that once feminism and women rights get taken out of the equation we will be able to restart the system.

That is actually a good idea. It strips away all the false ideologues and ideologies leaving the core of all human society; the group that I belong to and fighting for things that benefit my group.

Hate to say it but that's simply a reality we are going to have to deal with. The alternative is that they receive NO redpill of any description. Even Milo or Sargon's watered down bullshit is preferable to being completely bluepilled. In other words, we'd prefer that they be woken up with a slap in the face, but birds chirping outside the window will have to do and it's better than them never waking up at all.

Additionally, as I said before we don't need everyone to be a Holla Forumsak, we just need a handful of the right people to wake up. If we can get even a dozen truly competent and appealing young whites of leadership material thinking as we do that's what matters. Take a look at the Third Reich, the only "true believer" wing of the military was the SS. The Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe, and Kriegsmarine were populated primarily by average guys with average beliefs following the direction of their leaders.

In other words I think you're worry about this a little too much. The alt light will make decent enough soldiers when the time comes. As long as they grasp a few basic things we can make use of them.


Extra rights yes, allowing women to take care of their children, yes.

19th century, no. Why do you want to turn everyone off?

What the fuck are you on about?

And their is no whining by the Jews of natsee or raycist.

Fuck off you fucking KIKE.

By viciously slandering White nationalists. Or pro-Whites.

The alt right is filled with people who are vocally pro-White. And attacking people who are pro-White and JQ wise is idiotic.



against a person who is pro-White and defending other pro-Whites is subversion and treachery. If anyone is the Jew here, it is the person attacking other White nationalists for defending White nationalism.

Allow women civil right but not special rights as it currently is.

You think if your group proposes that women lose their right to vote you will garnish favor?

We want to win for once.

Oh, you're a fag. Nevermind.

"Kike" will not get Whites on our side. Say the work Jew instead. It won't kill you.

Grow up.

Sounds very Marxist.

Take note, anons. This is a classic example of PRcucking. True PRcucking refers to when people think they need to change their internal ideology (rather than just the face they advertise) to get anywhere.

You have to be a fucking retard if you think women should have the right to vote. Women are shit voters, end of discussion. Suffrage should be limited to white property-owning men. That doesn't mean we make it the message we emphasize the most, rather than anti-immigration and pro-white-nationalism. But that doesn't mean we purge this belief. It just means we start majorly advocating for the revocation of womens suffrage later on down the line, rather than right now.

Also, this "you're not from around here, you're a goon, you're this, you're that." I'm Anonymous, you're Anonymous. Everyone is anyonmous. Do you know what the point of anonymous channery is? It's that you don't make assumptions about the origin of the poster and that you just respond to the content of the post. But no, Turkmod hijacks the entire fucking board for a week in order to kvetch about Goons or some shit that no one has cared about since 2004. Like we're all supposed to suddenly drop White Nationalism for a week so that we can concentrate on the REAL enemy: THE ETERNAL NAMEFAG. OOOOOOH SCARY. Maybe YOU need to read shii's manifesto about the point of anonymity in online message boards. I did, in 2007, when you were still in Middle school. Maybe YOU"RE not from arround here. hurr I can do it too :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) (^: :^)

Andrew Anglin uses a name. oooga booga is he evil now? Should I disavow? David Duke has a name too. They both call out the Jews.. Ooogbooga are they both evil because they create an identity. Fucking crab grass nigger muh evil phpbb3 voodoo spirit shitheads OH NO IT NEEDS AN EMAIL LOG IN. Make a fake email, faggot. Fuck, is that so hard to figure out? Stacy soccermom doesn't care about your shitty memes or the distinction between Alt-Light and Alt-Right she cares about how angular the chin of the guy yelling at fucking shitlibs and kikes is. Holy fuck image is everything to the normy. No one in the real world cares about your precious anonymity. Is that so hard for you fucking animeposters to understand?

The "alt-right" is making headway. With Trump Whites now have a voice.

White Nationalists OTOH have done nothing but bitch and moan over petty larping that will never happen in the real world.


Calm down Ness, you autistic faggot. Go back to TRS and circlejerk for some le ebin upboats, after which you can participate in an actual circlejerk with Greg Johnson, provided you've paid your Phalanx fees.

Jesus Christ you people are such obvious fucking cancer and you wonder why you're A) obviously found out and B) hated.

Hello reddit.

I don't even buy that you're actually one of these aut-ryte sodomites, I think you're pushing a false narrative to create D&C.
Your rhetoric is just too gay to be real.

Never happened. Show me where I've slandered anyone but you and that kike faggot Milo ITT.

The alt-KIKE is a jewish invention filled with useful idiots, fag lovers, trannies and shitskins. Those who wake up to that fact and move on will end up better off.

That's what I thought. Now I am sure you are a fucking subversive snake tongued KIKE.

You're going the oven Chaim. Stop wasting dubs with your transparent bullshit.

You got to love how the alt-right TRS faggots have their own shibboleth terminology that gives them away every time

Women are subhumans and lack the intelectual capacity. So since they will be bystanders and embrace whatever cock wins it would be much better to rid them of all rights so they dont feel entitled to get in the way once the collapse starts.

After communism has been defeated we can go back to gradually giving them back their rights, but never again the right to vote.

Beware of this kind of shill. They talk like one of us, but are in league with the enemy.

Hold still while I gas you.

pick one

Checked for Truth

This Kike claims that the alt righters are pro Jewish while slandering anyone who defends White nationalism.

Let's examine some comments directly from

Someone claimed that the alt-right loves Lauren southern

Okay buddy, I'll do that while you go watch the next season of Evangelion or whatever 2D-girl thing you like. But yeah, you're the white one, the manboy who posts Chinese girl cartoons.

Yeah and you have to abhor faggot nu-Holla Forums posters who try to forge some kind of anonymous brotherhood. Like if you want to be with people "who are from around here," just go join the forum that you so ardently despise. It's what you really want. Political chanboards are for obnoxious argumentative types who want to win every debate, not for sheep-men who want to be loved by others. Nothing "gives anything awayh," you have no proof I'm "from TRS…" What the fuck does that mean, anyway? How are you FROM an image board. You're FROM a country. You can't come FROM a fucking webserver, you dolt. Jesus, online community preference is not an ethnicity.

Anyway, where were we? Oh right. Go read shii's manifesto, junior.

So why is this alt-right nigger loving bs still going on.

Just give it up already you're fucking pathetic. Holla Forums is a NatSoc board and will never be alt-right, now go back to your little website and suck off Spencer.

Let's examine more comments from the same French election article and YOU judge whether or not these "alt kikers" are racially aware or not.

(Not explicitly racial on its own but it is in response to an article about France and multiculturalism)

I have yet to see a single cuckervative or Jew lover. But I shall keep looking.

Don't believe me? Look for yourselves and judge for yourselves.


The TRS shill is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a race-mixer,, parasite, degenerate, huckster; it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a TRS shill and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."

Basically we need to create a new ideology:

Nice Guy National Socialism

vid related.

Nice try Jew.

Also, technically Holla Forums/pol/ is probably CO

underrated post

this is kinda what my group is doing

No one gives a fuck about commenters. What matters are the leaders, since the alt-right fashions itself de facto as a hierarchical organization structure based around "thought leaders". And the vast majority of these thought leaders are degenerates, faggots, racemixers, nonwhites, and jews who spout bluepilled bullshit. Including your precious Dickie Spencer, owner of

1. Did you know that the alt right is more than Richard Spencer? You'd never know that unless you either weren't here to D&C or had left Holla Forums for a few minutes and talked with someone alt-right.
2. As I stated before,

you are a months behind on everything

When literally not a single person is pro-Jew, that might say something about their stances on Jews.
That is true. Can you name a single leader that you approve of in any ideology who is actually alive?


1. Yes, the alt-right is a bunch of degenerates on-par with Spencer. You're transparent.
2. A bunch of lies and half-truths - more Semitic garbage from the mouth of the alt-right whore.

I like him too. But are you aware that many people here think he is CO?

Nevermind the CO - he's a big fat fuck.


Anyway, the point is that before late 2015, Holla Forums was actually a discussion board and info dump. Now it's the cult of nupol where anons try to out-Nazi each other, unless there is a common enemy that is better and more recognized than it, like (insert forum here).

My point is, If you hate the Alt-Right, yell louder than it.

well, I think you've just learned a lesson, then. If you want to be politically active then you have to have an identity. No one cares about nobodies. Discourse and enlightenment is the limit of anonymous politics.

Shill for your jewish website harder Chaim. Pay no mind to


What is wrong with Jason Jorjani? That he said "Indo-Europeans"?
I was not aware that Daniel Friberg was actually a Jew. I do not know much about him at all because I am not Swedish.

It is true that he should lose some weight. However, at least he has DONE SOMETHING. How many pro-White organizations have you created?

No. I will not be shut down by a Kike shill like you. I care about my race and will defend people who defend it.


wat if…

Guys, what if we… get this

Shift The Overton Window

You know, present our radical views as coming from normal centrists and right wingers who have just became aware of some troubling issues.

And also, maybe, I don't know, coach some of our NatSoc rhetoric in leftwing appeals, because, socialism, you know?



Oh! We could even go to alt-right events and act a fool as extremists to make our views seem less radical by comparison.

Naaaaah, what am I talking about. That's cuck talk.

Everyone knows there's no political solution. I mean, wars aren't political… are they?

This. I have redpilled a lot of Alex Jones fans by just pointing out that the "globalist elites" are in fact (((globalist elites))). It is that simple, after you break AJs game of hide the Jew they go 1488 pretty fast.

Fuck the alt right/alt light.It's NatSoc or gtfo.No alt anything will ever accomplish what natsoc did for Germany before the jew bankers realized that it was becoming unstoppable and couldn't be subverted or cucked with their ponzi scheme anymore.Alt clowns are chasing their tails about issues that have been cut & dried set in stone already within natsoc through experience.Natsoc is the only way for white men to stop the jews everything else just gets shitted up.It isn't a coincidence that israel/jews are ethno nationalist yet do everything in their power to keep whites from doing exactly that because they know they will be utterly destroyed hence their left wing, right wing, center, alt this alt that it is all just their fucking d&c bullshit so they can easily infiltrate,subvert,label then control.The rodent isn't worried about alt whatever but you can bet your ass they are terrified of natsoc and for good reason for it will strip them of all control in banks,academia,media,politics and even religion.

This is a strawman argument you were going to attempt regardless of who I said. It's also not true. The only criticism anyone ever has about Heimbach is that he's fat.

He's a rare exception of a guy that is actually honest and sticks to his principles. The rest of the e-celeb namefags are fags/degenerates/racemixers who are in it for the fame/money at best, and controlled opposition shills at worse.

This is a terrible idea. No better than being a cointelpro kike, instead show up to alt-lite events and hand out redpilled flyers/literature to push alt-lite fags further right.

reddit spacing. Go back to TRS, Ness.

Oh, you.

Spencer is a fucking ultra kike shill. Why is this even up for debate? You faggot refugees from cuckchan need to get your shit together, shut the fuck up, and listen more than you talk because you're shitting up the board with your retardedness.

We don't need to co-opt the "Altright" we need to destroy it completely by redpilling their white followers. The kikes and shitskins can stay civcucks for all I care.

The way we do this is to delegitimize their figureheads as well as the things they love. Dicky Spencer, Milo, based cuckman, cuck knight, etc. Show them for what they are, mentally unstable opportunists and controlled opp. As for the things they love, we redpill them on the kikes (obviously), how Israel is ISIS, how blacks are criminals and retarded, same for spics. Show them how the white race is under attack and under threat of extinction. If a massive redpilling campaign doesn't move people to our side at this point then quite honestly those people aren't worth saving. Heil victory.

Alex Jones still refuses to name the kike. Im getting fucking fed up with those alt-right jew loving fags.

Wew lad.
You are now.

Jesus Christ, could you be less obviously TRS?
Do you think this is novel? Are you such a 'snowflake' that you don't think we are amongst you? Do you think you are subversive by being here?

Nigger, you're transparent. And you are no ally.
I don't give a single solitary fuck about some faggot going out to a march to yell at pinkos. I don't care about starting some faggy conference where a bunch of faux-Nationalists get together in suits and drink overpriced swill while pretending they're accomplishing something besides networking between the sort of vermin who try to be a face for a 'movement' for shekels and fame. I don't give a shit about your queer fucking websites, run by frauds and flamers and similar fuckery.
At fucking BEST, these cunts - the alt-right, in all its many flavors of failure - have stood at the shore, the water of Truth running up to their ankles or shins, only able to convince a portion of those who come to the waters to stay in the shallows with them.
And that means exactly jack-shit to me, because the only value in them in that context is the folks who walk past them after a time, who look back and see the fools in the shallows before dunking themselves in the Sea of Harsh Truths.

I never hated Jews. It was when I began to engage with them, to see what they do, to be shown the truths that justified such disdain for them - and I'm getting dejavu as I deal with the alt-right more and more.
Gradually, I'm growing to hate them.

That's not how the overton window works. You don't shift the window by cucking and being moderate. You do it by pushing boundaries.

You have to understand that this thing works with layers, like an onion. Ideas and memes flow from the center outwards, and they reach more widespread and acceptable audiences as they go to outer layers. At the center you have places like Holla Forums, then cuckchan Holla Forums, then the alt-right sites, then the alt-lite sites, then r/the_donald, then normie shit like faceberg and such. Our idea propagate in this way. It is not our duty to be the moderates spreading our message directly to normalfags. We're the ones who push the envelope and cause a domino reaction as the layers after us eventually get shifted as well. It all works synchronously.

*aren't amongst you

You are attempting to say that the entire alt-right is a CO and yet turn around and say that these same people who you agree with accusing the Heimbach of being a CO is a strawman?

And again, I AGREE WITH YOU. I like Heimbach. I support him and do you know why I support him? Because…
He has actually done something. He has created a relatively powerful pro-White organization. That is 10000 times more good than anything the people who sit here and whine about the world not being perfect have done.

You CANNOT save our race if all you do is sit here and complain about the people who are doing something. YOU need to do something.

Obviously the solution is to be on Holla Forums and bitch like you are doing.
That'll show those Jews!

No. Maybe you are a Jew. Maybe you aren't. But the truth is that you are shitting on the very concepts that actually get pro-Whites into power. WLP would set you straight. Listen to him more often assuming you aren't just here to discourage Whites from organizing.

Spencer (or his kike mentor) coined the term "Alt-Right", and he's universally accepted as the face and de facto leader of it.

Yes and TRS introduced the echoes. Are all people who use echoes Jewish shills?

That's the fucking worst part of these alt-right faggots. They pretend they are the ones "doing something" just because Spencer has pretentious conferences. They pretend that Holla Forums doesn't actually do anything.

…and yet, all the memes they use come from Holla Forums
their internet culture comes from Holla Forums
their userbase largely comes from Holla Forums
Holla Forums has been the ones to actually have an effect by propagating major new stories, from pizzagate to wikileaks to /rwss/ to syrian air strikes to identifying antifa and everything else under the sun.
Holla Forums has done EVERYTHING, but they sit back and act like we've done nothing

And then then they fucking wonder why Holla Forums hates them.

Why don't YOU go do something, and stop crying at others about what they need to do, eh?

Go do something, do something that FUCKING MATTERS, and then maybe, when you come back, people will give a shit what you have to say…. But probably not, because this is an anonymous message board, already rife with hostile subversives (as all such forums are), and its not the sort of place one ought go to in search of organization.

What is the solution then, oh great wise one? Eh?
Join one of the obviously-controlled organizations that you and your ilk have fostered to lure us out? Come stand beside those who praise Israel and acknowledge the Holocaust in one breath, and in the next deny the Holodomor and cry about 'purity spiraling'?

Nigger, who is sitting on Holla Forums bitching right now? Its YOU! You come here and cry, telling others they aren't "doing enough", while holding up controlled-op puppets whose message is dog-shit and who are, as often as not, either frauds, hypocrites, liars, thieves, Jew-lovers, etc - all the awful types of degeneracy one would expect.
So, how about this: How about you quit sitting on Holla Forums bitching like you are doing right now, shilling your faux-Nationalist organizations and degenerate e-celebs, and YOU GO DO SOMETHING. Go fucking do something so that I have any reason to pay you any fucking attention beyond calling you a faggot - and maybe, if you actually do something worthwhile, and aren't revealed as a fraudulent faggot of worthlessness as so many of your ilk have been exposed as being, you'll get a warmer welcome for you and your ideas.

Until then, piss off faggot.


Exactly, but if you point out that "Globalist Nazis" is fucking retarded and point out that these "globalists" are kikes then they get redpilled. Redpilling AJ listeners is as simple as removing the "globalist" card from the slot and inserting the JQ one in its place which is really easy if you aren't a sperg.

They are fucking frauds.

Echoes are a meme, the Aut-Kike is Spencer's movement.

by going to le epin TRS pool parties after I send my obligatory donation, because that's conveniently the only way you can contact them? :^)

Fuck off. Holla Forums does far more than the alt-right ever has.
And for the record, I'm not speaking of common people who identify with "alt right". I'm talking about all the namefags and e-celebs. They're all cancer. Heimbach is probably the rare exceptions. The common people who follow these faggots are lost sheep being led astray.

This is truth.

It's a common tactic shills do. They think that if they post a legit guy like WLP while shilling bluepilled bullshit that people will be more inclined to believe them.

It's a classic "how do you do, fellow white nationalists" tactic

How fucking retarded are you? You're on a message board complaining about people posting on a message board.

8pol serves to share information, news, and propaganda. If you don't think those are invaluable then you're a fucking idiot and should kill yourself. If you think anyone here thinks we're going to change the world by ONLY posting on here you're also a fucking idiot and should kill yourself. Fuck off to reddit or 4cuck or TRS or whatever degenerate cesspool you crawled out of.

When your views become the moderate view then the window shifts. You put your radical views into moderate positions. Then the window has shifted.

Being radical can only shift the window if there is no gap between the radical position and the moderate position.

You can short circuit the window by putting your views on both sides.

For example: Radical Leftist Mindrot: "Bourgeois Scum are Oppressing Us"
Overton Window Shortcut:
"Yeah! We're Radicals! Fuck acceptible norms! OMG, Look at how many Bourgeois are Jewish! Israel should not have so much control over our politics! What? Me a Nazi? No, I'm just challenging normalized western views! Screw these Ancient Abrahamic Beliefs! Fuck Religion, right fellow atheist?"

Now, you don't genuinely have to hate religion… but if you get more leftists red-pilled on the JQ then you have shifted the Overton Window.

The OW describes the acceptable region of discourse. It can be shifted in many ways.

Did you read my post? Holla Forums pushes right. This pushes cuckchan to the right. This pushes reddit to the right. This pushes facebook to the right. Each step of the way, each layer of the onion, is a piece in the set of dominoes.


Neither Milo or Southern has ever stated they were a part of the "alt-right". And Southern is thought to be a nigger lover based on the fact that she has taken photos with niggers.

That's not even remotely correct. Spencer has been active in WN circles while using the term "alt-right" since at least 2010. For example, here's a video of Spencer being confronted by antifa from six years ago:

She definately loves the negro

Holla Forums / alt-right are a joke

you get a pro israel / jewish mainstream political candidate voted in for president

you are the degenerate pro israel

you are the mainstream media slaves

theres nothing alternative about having a political stance that won a majority in a presidential elections

you are basically normies

But nobody gave a fuck about him until the jewish press decided he was the leader of White Nationalism in 2015.


Reminder: These people believe they are the true Anons.

thats AJs total purpose is to mislead the goy by falsely labeling everything the jews are doing as something vague like muh globalist ebil nazi death cults.You can see it in his eyes he will describe the jew to a T then pause look down then explode into how he is fighting against it and for americana blah blah.Text book controlled op.Also you can see how ineffective any alt right truly is by all the bitching back and forth in this thread.Its the exact reason this type of shit even exists.Natsoc leaves none of this wiggle room for jews to weasel in and subvert.

Isn't Lauren Southern Jewish? I seem to recall a tweet about her grandparents being Danish Jews or something?

I already have. I disseminate propaganda. I have plastered my entire city THREE times already. I have plastered my university twice. And I have plastered close to a dozen nearby cities, villages, and towns as well. I have helped others do the same. I even have made several threads here on how to make stickers and flypost and people have done the same thing I have in their communities (though admittedly not on the same scale as myself unfortunately)

Speaking of which, do you want to do something constructive?

Well first of all, we should be disseminating propaganda IRL not just talking amongst ourselves on Holla Forums about the latest depressing news or pretending that Trump really is /ourguy/ after all.
Second, we should be forming organizations like Golden Dawn. Never in all of human history have people overthrown the government without forming organizations.

You are sitting here and whining about how the world isn't perfect and crying over the fact that there are no 100% perfect organizations to join.
Boo fucking hoo. There will NEVER be any perfect organizations. Ever. You are so obsessed with puritanical ideological purity that you no longer live in the real world. You will be waiting for your fictional version of the NSDAP forever because even the real NSDAP wasn't as perfect as your fantastical standards.

Not an argument.

There is some truth to that. Spencer obviously used the media's hysteria over the rise of the so called "alt-right" to gain public notoriety.



There's no point arguing with these people. They think it's literally impossible for you to do something unless you tie your face and name to it and do it as part of the alt-right phalanx pyramid scheme.

Untermensch af. Whoever considerds her or any of the kike-right a leader figure should be sent straight to the oven.


Ah thank you I thought so.

So, you've done what we do on a daily basis?

Ah, so, you did LESS than we do, because you basically just created a bunch of pollution that maybe 1 in 100 people that pass by will look at.
In truth, you've done basically nothing - certainly nothing of merit.
This is what I'm talking about, you're crying that we need to "do something", but what have you done? Nothing. You put up flyers - you think that's something big? You think that fucking matters? HAH.

If its 'constructive' in the vein of me walking around wasting paper, I'll pass, thanks.

Nigger, I already told you - an anonymous image board rife with subversive IS NOT WHERE YOU GO TO ORGANIZE, YOU FUCKING PLEB. What's more, the organization you speak of is not the sort that SHOULD be pursued. Cells, not organizations. Small groups, not big tents.

No, that's what YOU'RE doing. You're sitting here whining about how the world isn't perfect, while we actually analyze it and use that analysis and data to make propaganda that sees more eyes than any of the stupid posters you put up. You're sitting here crying over the fact that there are no organizations that are even 50% perfect, while we ignore that because we don't come here looking for organization, if we seek organization at all.
Its you who is bothered, its you who is crying, its you who is shilling a faulty path.

There have been plenty of organizations more-perfect than the shit you're shilling.
And why this word 'perfect'? Nobody expects perfection - thats you projecting again. We expect DECENT, and you have yet to provide in that context.
Again, all you come to us with are charlatans and frauds, and you wonder why we are not enthused, then pout and claim its because these offerings are not 'perfect'.

Bullshit. BULL. SHIT. We are not obsessed with anything - YOU are. You're obsessed with power, and gaining it over us, bringing us to heel at your side like the redditor dogs and their soft-minded ilk - but we are not dogs, we are fucking wolves, and we will bite you before we become your servants.
We will tear out your throat before we let you coopt our howls, for you are little better than jackals.

The real world IS Holla Forums, this board swims in the harsh realities and the vicious truths - you do not, and thus, you do not fit in.

It was closer to 'perfect' - a thing we don't even necessarily seek, as aforementioned - than anything you've yet provided.

Go out and make something we would be inclined to follow, and perhaps we will - but until then, take your frauds, and your thieves, and your Jew-lovers, and go back to whatever circle-jerk namefag brigade you are a part of, and you tell them this: Holla Forums will bow to those who are deserving of it, and no other.

Can't decide if this is good or bad.


Trips catches kikes


Excellent take user.


The Alt-right is Jews trying to co-opt and mislead the growing movement against them, of course they are a problem for us they are Jewish controlled opposition.

I agree, but I don't think he's in for the money though, I do believe he genuinly supports the cause, but that he's blinded by his ambition.

Looks photoshopped to me.

Oh please the whole White Nationalist movement is Jew controlled opposition.

This is why they always win.

Taken completely out of context as he was explaining why he is a racial-nationalist as opposed to an ethno-nationalist
Yes, I'm so glad that a 70 year old tool used to sell books is important to the JQ in your eyes. Richard is openly aware of jewish influence on American politics
oy vey muh 10 gorillion Christians
It's almost like not everyone has always been a white nationalist their entire lives. You couldn't even find him with a neo-con. You had to settle for paleo-con jew. Pathetic.
This is a position widely held among most people on the far-right.

The faggot gang disagrees.

someone didnt take their safety break i see

Yes, your petty and imature ilk is going to "save the White Race".

The Holohoax is only used to sell books?

Only since the Aut-Kike came along. Funny how that happened.

See, this is your problem. You have no idea how propaganda works. You make memes that sometimes get posted on Twitter and think you have won. No you have not. Unless you plaster your entire city with posters, you have done a lot less than me.

No that was you. You are whining that the organizations that exist aren't perfect. Read your own whiny posts. It is disgusting. And, no. You almost certainly have never formed a real organization. You're a whiner, not a builder. You are like a leftist. You have only the ability to whine, not create.

Name something "decent" my Larping friend. Heimbach?

You're cute. You think you're a badass because you share memes on an anonymous board. That's very sweet. Meanwhile other people are actually out there bringing people together and getting real people to think about race.

Correct, anyone who ever uses the holocaust to deny whites identity is using incredibly weak argumentation and should be considered irrelevant

No, that has always been a popular policy among the far right. Sand niggers and jews killing each other without funding from the U.S.

It cant be saved unless we hit the reset. Natsoc wouldnt have worked if the lemmings wouldnt have been stripped of all their belongings by the kikes.

You can't milk gaymergate forever

I agree partly with you, but you're coming dangerously close to thinking milo is a "based jew" or somehow acceptable

I don't know if you're shilling, or you just one of those TRS autists, but the Holocaust myth is the keystone to jewish power. There's no stopping them without confronting and demolishing it.

Nope. Even old skinhead/RAC bands did pro-Palestine music.

What the kikes are doing to them is a major chink in the jewish armor, anybody who's actually interested in winning would capitalize on that - but you hobbyists have no desire to stop these kikes.

Shareblue paying you well son?
To anyone with an IQ above room temperature still here: at this stage we have to take any friends we can get lest we fall to niggers and kikes. That most emphatically does NOT entail cucking out on what it is we believe. However it means occasionally working with those who only agree with 85-99% of what we believe to get a better net outcome.

Natsoc will not work in present day under any circumstances. American Nationalism along with being pro White(not OCD anti non White) within that framework.

As things stand now the only real option in the end is to as you say hit the reset button hard with one's fist. I don't not see a peaceful political solution.

With that said, in order for that to happen Whites need a real and reliable way to network in real life.

When you saying the alt-right is civic nationalist who the fuck are you even talking about? No big alt-right figure I'm aware of would fit that description at all.

Exactly das dritte Reich cant be awoken unless people in Europe lose all their shit.

Once that shit goes down the Uebermensch can be re-awoken.

Jesus fuck please stop with the corny labels already.

There is nothing wrong with being an American Nationalist, a nation that great White men built.

They are the ones that start conflict because they are led by kikes and following kike trends. Holla Forums does not go actively on TRS to shill, it's the other way around and it's the same thing with every shitty alt-cuck group out there. These people do not want change, they are just liberals afraid of getting beheaded or sheep following latest hottest edgy trend. The ones who are salvagable always come to Holla Forums sooner or later.

Holla Forumss definition of alt-right can be expanded as needed to cause infighting

What's the definition of American Nationalism? Isn't that what the cuck knight wanted?


No user, burgerland is founded on WHITE nationalism. As was Canada.

Multiculturalism meant pan European not globalist equality. Remember that at the time of the constitution and colonialism it was taken for granted that subhuman weren't included in European founded societies. Even after emancipation the former slaves were still considered to be lesser beings by linchon and he wanted to deport them back to Africa.

America was founded as a white country.

Stop with the Nazi fantasy shit. Every European country can reclaim its nations and ethnic identity without the baggage of Hitler.



Fuck off Jew. I'm not White Nationalist and can smell your shit a mile away.

top cuck

We need to save /r/The_Donald! They have great potential!

r/The_Donald is a bunch of niggers on welfare and reeks of white racemixing cucks.

He's just a kike shilling D/C. Though this should be obvious.

Nice false flag ya got there, CommonShillth

I just notice we are getting close to >>10000000

The "alt-right" is mostly a bunch of betas who don't know jackshit about Nationalist ideals. These retards call the lefties "fascists" every time which proves their lack of historical knowledge. They're not redpilled at all.


1. form your position
2. find the closet group to your position
3. attack that group viciously for not being more like you
4. ignore your ideological antagonists furthest from your position
5. continue this forever while your ideological antagonists ignore you and enact their agenda

Always makes me happy to see threads like this, it really does.

isn't all the sperging out and cuckoldry appealing to normal fags? I don't care how we look, what's important is how people vote

The alt-cuck has no clue about nationalism. Dont trust people who are afraid to blame the kike where blame is due.

They pretend to be red-pilled but they arent. Far from it user. I think once they fuck over the commies there is a chance to hi-jack nationalism back from those faggots.

We aren't going to vote our way out of this.

She's literally a Surrey Girl who wants publicity anons. girl

Don't get me wrong, she's cute, but she's not wife material by any means.

PR cuckery, textbook concern trolling, D&C. Stay in proximity with these people, if they're not redpilled you're the one who's failing. Keep the focus on destroying shitlibs, once they learn that an ebul Nazi helped them hold the line they'll have to deal with the cognitive dissonance. Continue to conceal your power level. Now is not the time to be 1488ing in public, doing that will not achieve results. No one cares what you fucking believe, they care that you're with them when it matters.

He has taken repeated and major cock from his financial backers to fund his lavish lifestyle. He hasn't lost any money, trust me.

That's the first problem.


Lauren is a fucking nigger loving cunt like most of the alt right wimminz.

Can some user fuck her already?

Kike D&C campaign is being played off on both sides - keep your eyes on the enemy.

the alt-right is no different from a caricature of a the typical ignorant redneck conservative

they vote conservative and be all like "they took our jobs" "damn hippies / darkies"

the only difference is they have the internet and their trendy memes and autism

think about it, they are the hipsters of right wing politics. "alternative" is what liberals use to make themselves sound not mainstream

in twenty years time when all the older generation who never logged onto the internet have died out, the alt-rght will just be your average brain dead conservative voter

This right here is a shitlib - with plebbit spacing as well. Only shitlibs use that caricature. The D&C is real. We love the white worker, don't let faggot shills like this play their Marxist class warfare games.

The alt-right is weak because they believe in kike brainwashing diversion like muh free speech.

Reminder that one doesn't need to be overtly slinging bluepills to be a shill. Many shills have a deep cover and a long-con game. Say the right things to get people to accept you, and then slowly/subtly steer things in a more kosher direction.

Classic example is RamZPaul. How long has that guy been around? At least several years now. And for a while, he seemed like a decent guy saying all the right things. But slowly over time, he started shilling more and more against "the 1488ers" to the point where he was doing nothing but shitting on Holla Forums and white natonalism 24/7, and wasn't even doing anything constructive anymore. Then he started talking about based jews and how zionism is great. Then it turned out that his (step?) father is a kike. But again, all this happened over several years' time.

Moral of the story is that if there's something that has blatant conflicts of interest (big example being Mike Enoch) it doesn't matter how "good for the movement" they might overtly be at this time. They will corrupt it. Now and moreso in the future.

This isn't about fucking antifa, we're at war with the jews, who control not only antifa, but the aut-kike.

Why is TRS?


Name one person who does that

Don't forget the kikes trying to control Holla Forums like OP. They're saying exactly the same things.
Clearly the kikes are trying to D&C. Let's not be stupid. You don't need to agree with alt-right on everything, the time for schisms is not now. Sort that shit out after you get rid of the powerful kike Marxists in universities, in media and in government. If you allow yourselves to be split now then the kikes win.


This user is correct.

Right you are as well. Your (((alt-right))) is not from here.
Very nice, user. Very nice.
At least this board isn't completely kosher.
Some of you Anons give me hope yet.

(nice trips)
You know how you can tell? By their actions. If they're out there smashing anti-white skulls then they're on our side. If they're out there talking about stuff and not doing a damn thing, they're not on our side, they're fucking NPCs at best. NPCs should be ignored.

Stop buying into the alt-right shekeling. They arent our friends. They just use Holla Forums for their kike e-celeb purposes.

THIS 100%
They steal our content and make money off of it while sending their brain dead followers to shit up our boards and demand we concede to their faggotry.

I mean look at this shit:

Exactly. I'm sure there are some lower-level "members of the alt right" who are good people just being misled. But the higher ups? The "inner circle" people like Greg Johnson, Mike Enoch, etc? To them, this is nothing but e-fame and shekels. They simply see Holla Forums as an untapped niche in the market.

They dont give a flying fuck. Once antifa is no more they will take a big dump on this chan.

I really hope that there is some kind of plan to get rid of them.


This is your daily reminder that The Right Stuff was a facebook group of Lolbergs who appealed to Holla Forumsacks with their content, created a forum of Holla Forumsack followers, built an empire appealing to that demographic, and then lost it all when, surprise, they were actually a bunch of degenerate LARPers all along who lied.

TRS was only ever anything because of the forum users, who were all Holla Forums. This changed when Enoch and his exclusive little Faceberg group, the "Higher Ups," decided to let r/The_Donald faggots in to try and boost their clicks and e-shekel harvests.

When the Yidwife Crisis happened, everyone who made TRS something worthwhile left, and it's just a bunch of edgy Civic Nationalist immigrants from Reddit now. Being pro-white is not enough. Being pro-white doesn't mean shit when you're marrying Jews and making excuses for "based niggers." The fucking Proudboys claimed they were pro-white: does that make them #OurGuys?

At the end of the day, we need to do what we've always done: take shit away from our enemies and make it our own. Pepe was some shitty scribble by a degenerate hippy. Moonman and Wendy are corporate cartoons made to sell AIDs-riddled meat to small children and retarded adults. Milk is, well. It's fucking milk.

The reality we need to accept and embrace is that we are an ideological poison, and anything we touch or take for our own will resist being stolen back by our enemies simply because of how inherently toxic the lables "Nazi" and "Fascist" are. We have already proven that our ability to co-opt symbols, labels, and names is limited only by our own willingness to do so.

So fuck Kike Enoch and his r/The_Donald fanboys. We should take the Alt-Right back and make it explicitly about being crypto-NatSoc and ideologically Fash. It's already associated with Nazis anyway by osmosis, no matter how much the cucks squeal to the contrary. Why not just confirm for them what they already believe is true anyway?

True accelerationism is by defination the destruction of the middle ground. Right now, cucks are trying to scrub the Alt-Right of it's Nazi asthetics and Reactionary Tradcon rhetoric because they want a middle ground to sit on between Globalist Commie and Nationalist Nazi. Our win is to deny them the Alt-Right as a safe harbor for their cuckoldry. Push them back out into the cold, and force them to either ally with our enemies or admit that we were right all along.

Neocons merging with Democrats? That's our win. Boomer "Conservatives" siding with Antifa during protests? That's our win. The pozzing up of the Alt-Right? That's our loss. We cannot allow them to have a middle ground. It needs to be taken, to further widen the ideological divide between Us and Them.

I remember this almost exact post with the same pictures posted months ago. Same guy?

If they ever did this then they have stopped.
They're "anti racist" now.

Quality post. I'm just embarrassed I didn't see the TRS deception coming. I was willfully ignorant. Others on Holla Forums were calling them controlled oppo months before kikegate broke, and I just brushed it off as paranoia. It's only after the rugs gets pulled from underneath you that you're able to look back and connect all the dots. I was one of those 504um members, and I thought it was great. I look back now that it's open again, and it's nothing but pure degeneracy. It's disgusting.

The proud boys are fucking fags. They do that whole nigger gang initiation thing without getting beat up

That's why I keep saying e-celeb NPCs are not to be trusted. It doesn't even matter if they are kikes or not, they're kiked-up faggots trying to make money off of shit they didn't do. Anyone trying to do shit in front of a camera is camwhoring. They're just parading their asses in front of a Jew behind a camera going "s-s-senpai n-noticed me!". You know the opposition is controlled because it 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 happens in front of a camera and it can be easily prearranged theater to help kikes and the FBI manufacture instant credibility. The real opposition is shit you don't see on camera but read about - like, for example, antfags being murdered in their own homes and no one knows who did it. Avoid NPCs and camwhores, it's not how we operate.

yeah, although the may 6th pic is new.

You can tell they sent the nerdy FBI agents on this assignment.


They claimed in the beginning that they were "pro-white, anti-racist Western chauvanists."

I don't know how their rhetoric has changed, because I don't keep up with them. Because why the fuck would you keep up with them? They're irrelevant.

The point that matters is that they're a middle ground. As such, they should be either attacked or assimilated. Proudboys are too degenerate to try and convert by labeling them all Nazis, so shove them the fuck out into the cold. They're already all Antifa dickwashers anyway, since they defend the right of radical Communists to congregate and spread propaganda while denying the selfsame to Nazis and Fascists. They have already made their choice. Now make them lie in it.

how many fucking threads are you stupid niggers going to make?

Natsoc is far superior. They can label themself whatever they want. They will never get it.

They will rather gang up with the antifa fags than embrace racism and get rid of all the niggers and racemixers in their ranks.

Exactly, and what have they ever done? They're just mouthbreathing NPCs. Their only purpose in life is to spread gossip and raise their own public profile so they can milk shekels off your ass. Failure is what happens when we make this about personalities and not achievement.

They havent done shit. And they never will without asking their kike masters.

Guys used to have fun.

This is the Tea Party all over again. Remember when the right leaning libertarians started a movement, and then it was immediately co-opted by neoconservatives who drove it into the ground with some vague lower tax for rich people bullshit. There was a point when John McCain was considered a Tea Partier.

Here we are again. The far right breaks away, and now neo-conservatives have co-opted to movement and are watering it down with their PR shit, and within a couple of months, the Alt-Right will be indistinguishable from the rest of the Republican party. These people were never like us and a lot of them are cut from the same cloth as gamergate. It's just another right leaning cause to milk some quick shekels out of. If you're one of the idiots that didn't drop the alt-right label as soon as it started, now is the time


I think you might be on to something, user

Trips of truth. It's just like how fanbases get ruined, but with kikes and shills instead of normalfags and women.

lurker here

convinced me.

also good,

you both have a role to play in the new age of true freedom.

Faggots cant be redpilled. They will never succumb as long as they keep their little fag fantasy alive.

Time to destroy it.

pic related.

This guy is prime example

Very nice. Saved.

Ebin. Reminder that this is what all your sacred cows want for imageboards.

You're not even trying, are you?

None of that matters to the small group of sycophants that astroturf here trying to convince us ol implicit Dick and his fellow travelers are somehow doing something positive in the fight against world jewry.

Titty Spencer commie shit

100% agree with you.

This board is already at stage 5 from what I've seen over the past month or so.

hello lothar

Unlike all the other threads of this type that has sprung up lately, this one seems constructive and sincere. Good thread OP.

We are at stage -1, it's already over.

Kill all LARPagans.

I'm in a lot of group chats with these AltRight types on Twitter, and I've redpilled a hundred of them. I Tell them I'm not AltRight but a NatSoc and they respect me. I have a pretty large Twitter following to and I push a strong narrative daily. Anyways; it's hopeless telling them about Spencer or Enoch. I've tried and they lose their shit no matter what videos or audio evidence I provide. Seriously. They're that cucked. The answer is always "Spencer and Enoch have done more for the white race than anyone in fifty years"
To which I reply name one thing and they cant, they end up getting defensive and at best they try and argue "Spencer has made race relations mainstream." to which I reply that's not an argument race relations have always been mainstream and George Lincoln Rockwell spoke on national television frequently. These fags are a lost cause

By what? Marrying a B'nai B'rith jewess?

that's FoKy you tard.

Found the TRSodomite.

She's a walking stereotype. Look at that fucking hook nose and mouth. Disgusting. Mike Enuch has done more to hurt and subvert whites than anyone claiming to be WN in the last 50 years.

God damn the entire alt-right or alt-kike as I like to call it is phony. It's all a scam and a facade for a shekel-farm. Pathetic.

I'm going to use this thread to ask a dumb question on this topic real quick
The only "alt right" site I use is DS just because of the way it uses their words and the news they publish. Now it's very clear at this point that several if not all of the writers of the site are probably shills/cucks. Where do you guys get your news, besides here obviously? I would like to get away from DS at this point without forcing myself to read a 200+ post count thread to get each piece of new each day. Perhaps I'm being autistic and should divorce my self from this excessive news reading though.

I use TRS and DS for news, but use Holla Forums for my opinions, one of those opinions is TRS and DS are shit.

Some British woman on Tucker Carlson very recently. You're a fucking grade A retard if you don't know that the alt kike calls the left "the real fascists" and uses fascist as a pejorative.

Richard Spencer

This. It's amazing even after what has come to light in regards to TRSgate that anyone still defends them.

If there's one thing I've learned over the years since I took the redpill it's that Holla Forums is an unstoppable force and an immovable object.

All these groups, the third position, the new right, the alt-light etc. are just attempts at containing what is essentially a nuclear explosion of our will to honor, power and what's right.


TDS seems to have swung further right after the doxing incident, I approve. Enoch and Heimbach are out there with people wearing swastikasI know you're gonna shit on me

Spencer is a straight faggot, do you know what I mean?
I'm sure people here have seen straight faggots before.

Conservatism is a lot older than the 1970s you colossal faggot. You're probably thinking of neo-cohens vs. Paleocons (redpilled)

If Milo was intelligent as you make him out to be he wouldn't have got done in caught defending pedophillia lmao

Reported. Why do you TRShills always come here to PRcuck for kikes?

you mean a closet homo? Or he's just homosexual but doesn't act like a complete faggot?
better question, why the fuck are we splitting hairs over this shit?

Because he's a subversive faggot, fuck off alt-kike shill.

Good luck coopting it from ur basement, fag :D


It's been retarded since day one. Many of us tried to point it out but got called shills.

Spencer isnt pro-jew. Just not super anti-jew but more so than Jared Taylor

A lot of the "Can you believe Spencer said this" shit is just him being an effete preppy frat boy.

Maybe it's because I grew up with those guys but I know exactly what they're like.

They are clearly surprised by that.

I dunno. Honestly threads like this make me question if it's really just 8pol casting aspersions on everyone else since we know there are non-whites browsing here

the one about trannies is neglecting the part of his tweet thread where he said they're mentally ill and being enabled

also the alt-lite is what the altright calls people like Gavin McInnes, Based Twigman, etc

these images sure showed me!

that's the problem with right wingers, you are too easy to get d&c it isn't even funny, all around the world far right is a joke but you still insist you have to be 110% pure, it's too late. Whites are less than 10% of the global populations and divided you don't stand a chance against other races. But hey! at least you fit the arbitrary "white" criteria.

Time for little whiteys is over.

every time

waste of get

The people at NOLA consider themselves altright, Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) is an editor for and helped organize/report on the whole thing

the gay stuff you'd get no argument from me.

But Spencer is talking about using the double standard of Jewish identity. Like he did when he shut down the rabbi at A&M

I really do think you guys just read headlines

and now the alt-kike shill shows its true colors.

how do people NOT see the expression on Spencer's face and realize that he's waving their hypocrisies in their face?


fuck off alt-kike shill

I'm not altright. I just enjoy 8chiggers sperg out how everything is coop, while their numbers dwindle at alarming rates and all you can acuse me of is being kike enochs shill? sad!

your petty insults accomplish nothing while all WN movements across the globe ARE A JOKE.

Won't deny that - last decent one was NA.

At least you know you are a joke.

Holla Forums isn't alt-kike user.
and Holla Forums is only a joke because of retards like alt-kikes

you've been banning them for a long time yet you pretend they shit up the whole board, whitey

this is really sad, you are shitty not because your own shortcoming but because ""they"" are ruining your work, sad!

oh I know post more pictures of the dark haired aryan god dolfy hitler! that will sure make things better right away

Pretty much. A few habitual troublemakers whom the mods have, sadly, not seen fit to ban yet spend most of their time creating and spreading memes slandering public pro-White, Jew wise people. Why? Basically because they go by a given name and surname rather than an alphanumeric ID.

Alt Right = NatSoc + Chan Culture

nigger kampfy protects them. You've got no clue what you're talking about. nice reddit spacing.

Here is how you kill the AltRight if you hate it: be a better nationalist movement. Like actually go out and steal their thunder

^ this is how you do it. No you dont need a leader for that

The 2nd is great OC. It correctly describes a distinction d&c anons won't make because it inhibits shilling.

nothing ya'll say is actually proving me wrong about Dickie just being "smugly courteous to the idea of zionism as a pretext for justifying his own racial ideas"

Again, this is largely just down to Spencer being a smug faggot and Holla Forums taking him really literally like autists

I'm sure it's da joos, amirite?! I've been banned for being a TRShill twice even never visited their forums

but please, cry moar about those evil kikes! it's entertaining, maybe post a swastika



aut-kike = AnarchoCapitlism/Lolbertarianism + homosexuality + "chan culture" filtered through plebbit

you seem really rustled, maybe the fact that you are 9% of the globe started to get to you? and 99% of the white population doesnt give a flying fuck about WN? really makes you think


Holla Forums = Trump supporters + basement nazis

That's not how it works, it's all comes down to how the jewish press wants to present it. They crowned Dicky Spencer the king of White Nationalism when he couldn't even break 4k jewtube views.

or maybe I'm a joo?!

I'll let that sink in :^)

you = nigger

Your OPSEC is shit

You are being pretty obvious, either lurk or go back to your aids bog

okay, give up then

ok and you can go back to you glorious homoerotic WN movement


maybe I'm, but does that make the white race bigger and more interested in WN phantasy?

The faggots in that picture are wearing t-shirts from the group that designed pic related.

no, you're just a low IQ nigger. kill yourself

you seem rustled

you will never be white, nigger

This is a good post, and is full of things that should be considered when creating any memes meant for public consumption. And I'm not saying that all of them should be, but it does happen and to think it never happens on this site exposes how new you are.

Even cuckchan has the JQ 100% on lock, they have to moderate when talking to most of the public. We aren't some ideological spring of purity, messaging is more important than adherence at this point, because the wrong messaging will force us into unwinnable tactical conflicts, the powers of persuasion have to be considered at least.

Yep, let's fight right wingers instead of leftists.

Let's punch each other like the left do.

Fucking OP is a divide and conquer kike.

You reek of AIDS and semen, pls go back TRSodomite

This is fake apperently, he came om the stormer forums and in some other forum. Explained there, apperently the weebs got mad at him for making anti-anime posts.
-That guy
Guy is till thrash that supports TRS.

Calling them altkike is more to the point and saves you time explaining the differences. It also saves them time from moving through each group until they reach our side anyways.


>TL;DR: Don't concern yourself with the Alt-Right as a homogeneous political movement because it's an empty label and gives our enemies propaganda legitimacy.


Agreed, while they had some use they've outlived there usefulness. We need to combat this
phenomenon and send them (((back))) where they came from. Redpilling them is not useful
since it takes years to full condition them and it won't be worth it in the end since they are
larpers. I would say this board is doing a good jobs, halfchan's Holla Forums is infested by degeneracy
and Holla Forums tier themes. The question is how?


Interesting. However, that just brings into question a different problem, that the TRS higherups are absolutely willing to defame people and throw them under the bus just because they have different opinions on whatever matters caused this. I certainly wouldn't want to associate with people who fake-dox me and pretend I'm a gay chink

Maybe we should unite with antifa to purge the TRSodomite degeneracy. At least they are willing to fight the bourgeoisie, as we do. Comrades, we need to unite against this filth !

Shit tier false flag TRSodomite

I fucking hate the average millennials speech pattern. It's fucking disgusting. Not just all the "likes" and "uhms" but their intonation, their inflection disgusts me. It's that faggy Californian sound.

You didn't censor the shirts the first time you posted it, and you forgot to black out the bird's wing on the faggot behind the fat guy's shirt.

Alt right are just kikes and edge lords with there lemmings

When you can't refute a point, mainly about reinstating normal border control, the refuge of the weak is to call those calling for normalcy "abnormal", or alt-right, or just straight up fascists, or nazis.


What the hell is wrong with you?

It's not the same logo as vanguards, similar, but that was before we knew about vanguard. Besides, if you read initial post you'll see I said that we work with surrounding groups including vanguard, meaning we're not them. When has vanguard ever not flashed their logo all over the place? If we were vanguard, I wouldn't have censored the logos.

Some of the best OC came from fun posting about the aut right and ridiculing TRSodomites.

m8 we aint on the right the whole damn point of being fashy is being 3rd position all being rightwing means today is either intense love for Israel OR Allah Republicans are every bit as bad as Demshits don't forget it.
putting my autism aside, the alt-right is too far gone and should collapse in on its own weight, the last thing we need to be doing is arguing and disheartening them now without any clear short term goals, or means to achieve said goals all that will do is turn people off completely. Common Filth did this a lot by doing things like presenting former TRShills like me with the truth about TRS but did so in such a way where he did not present any alternative means or goals in addition to his own shaky background the weird fetish for spics and the fact he has yet to be banned from any social media platform once with 10k+ followers while I have been banned on multiple occasians with no more than 300 which put me in a weird bind where I now hate him as much as I hate TRS. Point being try and gobble them up after the alt-right gives way to infighting, big rifts exist between the Red Ice, Richard Spencer types and the more radical Daily Stormer, Christopher Cantwell types and they will eventually split and when they do try and infiltrate the latter organizations and sway their opinion our way instead of just black pilling them prematurely and causing them to hate us.

Same partly or wholly inaccurate memes as yesterday. By now they are Old Content.
Anyone outside our little, idiosyncratic niche who didn't accept this practice of defining Spencer, Heimbach etc. by a few GOTCHA outtakes rather than the reams of illiberal, anti-degeneracy speeches and articles they've made over the years would not understand how these dumb memes have any relation to, or bearing on, the real world.

I don't understand that infographic at all.

Is it implying being race realists, talking about the JQ, supporting ethnic nationalism are bad things ?

Continue lurking, your 2 years are not up yet

However there is no redeeming you. You are a TRSodomite that refuses to lurk at all, or even make an attempt to learn the culture here. If you side with someone who openly says that America does not have a nigger or jew problem then you do not belong here. Subversive elements must be purged because they prevent the normalfags from actually taking the redpills. They stop them halfway and convince them to attack those that actually have ideological beliefs, the same way you were convinced

They are based entirely on fact. Fuck off kike.

No it implies everyone associating with alt-right is a kike regardless of what the advocate for.

(reluctant check)


I can't tell if you guys are shills or just fundamentally stupid.

I mean Tricky Dick is kind of a closeted gay dad personality, but your graphics are pretty dumb.
This is the same sound-byte politics bullshit the mainstream media engages in.

I don't like them all that much I just still don't see the point in sperging out over them. We live in a world where Muslims are probably gangraping a 10 year old French girl to celebrate the election and we're worried about Richard Spencer.

This whole "fuck the alt-right" just feels like virtue signalling and shame rage for NatSocs. Find common ground, work with them and position ourselves to dump them into the dirt when the time comes. Autistic impotent rage isn't going to fix this problem.

every time

they're stupid, they love to attack attack attack yet when I ask them the simple question "what do we do instead of following the fags and kikes" they always come up short saying "wait for the happening goy" or "repent foul sinner" and that's why you can't pin any following at all to them, because even the people like myself who agree with them think they are dumbshits because after they black pill you they leave you out to dry with absolutely nothing to fall back on and no alternatives

When you are on Holla Forums you are an user, you are trying to attach an ego and an identity to yourself. Besides admitting to being ex TRS and a past shill are 2 different things
Never was implied, that is your ego talking. Besides the TRS site pointed out many times that they were never actually White Nationalists
Just lurk moar faggot, it makes your transition less painful for the other anons
Can you try to not act like a shitskin refugee, just lurk for the mandatory 2 years
Your arguments were shit, if you lurked you would know why. You always deal with a traitor before an enemy

How about refuting the content, I have a 487mb folder on just Dicky Spencer. He is very clearly controlled opposition no matter how you cut it
It is not a bad thing to hold people accountable for the things they say,and believe. Especially when they are trying to be the face of White Nationalism, and are kike lovers. Let's look over his last speech. He had a kike speak before him, that got closer to naming the kikes than Dicky ever did. He says there is no nigger or kike problem in the US. Said facts don't matter. When called out on the no jew problem in the US line he refused to answer. He claimed there was only White identity, and that there is no Southern identity, or French identity, just White. Then immediately guilt tripped every White saying that since all Whites are the same all Whites need to fell sorry for slavery. Then he spent 2/3rds of his speech saying football needs to be b& without once pointing out that it was better when it was all Whites, or that the coaches are kikes. All in fucking Alabama of all places. Spencer did his best to discredit any movement he had, he is blatant controlled opposition


like they don't realize that in order to convince someone to change they're stance you have to do two things, take away their reason to believe in said stance kike enoch and then give them a reason to take a new one tbd when they give me a straight answer fucking dindus can figure this shit out

I am literally saying they are trash but instead of offering any alternatives shills here come up short which does nothing but hurt our cause by causing people who could of otherwise been recruited to turn away from our movement completely.

Why do you want alternatives to the alternative? you've developed brand loyalty and are beyond saving.

I'll take a stab at refuting a few of them, but I'm too tired and uninterested to go through all of them.

He's advocating for white imperialism not nationalism, which is honestly better than the 'nationalism for everyone!' line espoused by many white nationalists.

Collectivization probably played a major role in it, although I'd argue it was managed and intentional and so constituted a real genocide.

Link the whole video with a timeframe of when he says this. This is soud-byting and inherently trash.

Ya he's a fag on Israel as best as I can tell, and this is where I think the alt-right is being led. Some setup where we make a deal with the devil to try to get our countries back in order for some Israeli fuckery. This is something we should all look into more. Not this 'take a few clips of a conversation out of context' and try to spin it. I think the Israeli thing is the angle we should be worried about.

The alt-right may be a pivot from 'globalist jews' to 'nationalist jews'. I'm not totally convinced he's not just some dude with delusions of grandeur trying to politic his way into mainstream acceptance, which honestly seems like the more likely explanation.

every time.

I'll respond since you're probably a true believer PRcuck.

White Imperialism doesn't let based niggers speak at its events, White Imperialism doesn't get you on the good-side of the fags. White Imperialism doesn't involve the continued existence of Israel. He's blatantly not when you even remotely examine his positions.

Get fucked, they intentionally starved them with the hope of eradicating their genealogy. Fuck right off.

If he said it, he said it. The context of such things does not matter.

I'll agree with this, but I think it's less of a deal and more of a slow-burn into white genocide regardless.

"some dude" isn't going to have CIA connections, and alt-kike is classic problem reaction solution. Himself and Milo are definitely agents and I suspect Milo was the second shooter at Pulse.

Brand loyalty? They don't own the word "alternative" you fucking moron all I want is a solution to our problem but instead of offer one you're arguing like a kike over semantics

the problem that the alt-kike is a part of?
How about forming your own group, if you believe there is nothing worthy of joining then make something worthy yourself. If you think the alt-kike is actually legitimate then join it and see for yourself, you'll either get tricked by the kikes and develop brand loyalty or walk away in disgust like all the TRS users who were even remotely serious about securing an existence for whites.

I would join something like IronMarch or TWP if they weren't infested with shitskins. That's the problem, to make a legitimate organization with all the proper (((paperwork))) and whatnot you need to make yourself sound inclusive. The system has already cornered legitimate movements so we must craft one that is illegitimate but effective. I suggest copying protestanon's format and linking up with like-minded individuals before going to protest or advocate something. You don't need paperwork or an organization to get 20 guys together, go somewhere, and make a speech.

You don't need any paperwork to enact your constitutional rights. And I don't think you're brand-loyal because you used "alternative" but because you're looking to alternatives to the alt-right. Even if I had the perfect opportunity and knew Hitler's ghost personally I wouldn't tell you about it because I feel like you're an alt-righter lying to me about disliking the Movement™
I could be and probably am wrong about that though kek

I broadly agree.
We have the will, some extremely decentralized and anonymous general objectives would help us to pursue a split strategy. For example, I'm better at pursuing normalfags than talking to the screeching hordes of TRS Holla Forumstards. Creating a self-sustaining educational path without needed outsiders would be the best instead of having to expend the time to wrench them from the TV to the cucked but close to closest to us. We need a layered truth telling operation. Anonymity isn't a hindrance, I don't think, nor is not having a flag. We aren't warriors (at least not the majority, though that can change) we're teachers.

Ours is not a belief, but a truth. The convincing we must do isn't ideological, merely honest. If we can help people cast off the shackles of enforced ignorance, we may win sooner than we think. It took me a little while to break the double think and I was the most annoying generic liberal when spurred into the ideological realm.

His point was that we need to get boots ourselves. If we don't then what you are saying is that any kind of IRL activity is always controlled opposition, at which point we're all just masturbating because nothing will ever happen and any possible growth is just jews.

Normally I say don't punch right, but The DOnalders have gone to far in their kike greatest ally worship.

I want this image re-memed into the correct timeline.

And yes, I am triggered - almonds fully activated.

Just leave TRSodomite, Holla Forums went easy on TRS the first time

Look at this nigger, can't read past the first sentence then argues like a kike. Sad.

I am the creator and purveyor of over 30 anti-TRS/Kike Enoch memes, you can't even into reaction images faggot. Try harder babby.

TRSodomites are the only ones that come to Holla Forums and use the no punching right phrase. You outed yourself fairly quickly. Then you attempt to egofag, as if attempting to have an identity on Holla Forums will make it seem like you fit in. Also that pepe has cuckchan background colors still, and you saved it as a thumbnail. Git gud faggot

Avoiding controlled opposition is extremely simple. Small separate trusted groups (ideally people you grew up with) working towards one main goal: Save the white race. The amount of resources/time it would take to befriend/infiltrate each one would require decades. Posting videos and info can be anonymously. Misdirection and bullshit are easily to spot.

Large groups are easily taken down with a few well placed kikes. People accustomed to working in a larger setting are used to following, and not working/leading for themselves. Once the group evaporates, so do the people following it.

Never completely trust leaders/groups making a living off of this. At any time they can be given "the option": either accept a payoff or have your livelihood destroyed. Good luck starting a new career with a "nazi" past.

Also the phrase "punching right" sounds gay as fuck.

You're absolutely right about being wrong, I'm not trying to fight over the aut-right anymore that shit got sick as I started to find out more about Red Ice and Richard Spencer's (((ties))) and concerning choices like advocating for degeneracy, inviting Jews to alleged WN rallies, pussying out to antifa, inviting Jews onto discussion panels, denying the Ukrainian genocide, etc. and then died with the kike Enoch shit where it became really obvious they had their own little collective and completely shut the rest of us out til they could figure out to spin it in order to keep making money without really changing anything also literally fucking jews fuck the aut-kikes.

My point is I don't want threads like this to just turn into an African parliament where everyone just throws shit at each other and accomplish nothing, so try to understand when I say that doing things like what you're suggesting can seem tedious to many within the alt-kike movement as it doesn't seem to build up to anything other than a "habbenin das tots gun habblen yuh guisssee". I'll admit it's the only real option we have right now but thats why I think discussions should be more focused around this and other "alternatives" to the (((alternative))) in order to make a compelling case to people becoming disillusioned with those faggots instead of just attacking all other WNs like so many anons in this thread want to do. If we did that while the movement looks to be making progress all it will do is be ignored or if you're heard and get some guys to duck out of the movement they'll hate us just as much as the liars because we don't really offer much to guys who do leave the aut-right which cause them to just leave WN behind all together.

keyword: looks I'm certain it will give way to infighting before long and start to crumble but until then it's not a good idea attack it and look like a pessimistic lonely 50 year old at a wedding, that's how they view us until they realize we're right. Another blow like the kike Enoch shit is sure to come out and when it does that movement will die. Don't try to strangle a snake that's bleeding out you'll just get bit

We'd probably lose half /ourguys/ if we kicked former libertarians out. I don't think you can fault current nationalists for the stupid things they did when they were still brainwashed with liberalism, especially when they've since changed their tune.

Morrikiu is a lolbertarian still, and makes a living stealing Holla Forums content. Then he constantly attacks imageboards, and has not changed his tune. He is a race mixing kike, and you are defending him only due to brand loyalty. The last webm on the post you were responding to was from the night of the long dildos, not an ancient stream


Surprised nobody else notices the hooked nose, sloped forehead and how he has that same 'sickly' look to him most of those ashkenazi jews have from thousands of years of inbreeding. Yeah, Morikiu proves he's totally a white male by wearing a white male t-shirt Lol.

He really said that shit to a buncha good ol boys in Alabama?! Jeezus Dickie is a fucking retard, college football to southerners is what soccer is to the Brits, not that I'm a fan of either sport but what a way to insult southerners by saying they have no identity and saying college football should be banned.