Erdogan calls on Muslims to flood Jerusalem's iconic mosque and protect its Islamic identity

Turkish president compared Israel's policies to South Africa's apartheid system.

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I$rael will just stop them from coming in and no-one will say shit.



Golems going rogue once again.

Perhaps, or perhaps this is just posturing from King Roach in hopes that he can get some sort of kickback. You can never tell with roaches.

So they want to give it a roach infestation?


Definite kickback. Possibly forcing Europe to take in millions of muzzies per year.

Muzzie leaders sit in their multimillion dollar palaces and make ignorant morons do all the work. And antifa sucks their dick for money.

Say what you want about that roach but he's my biggest aid in redpilling germans about the true nature of shitskins.


let's hope muslims hear his mesage

Would Israel declare war on Turkey?

-Turkey is not protected by Rusia
-NATO could not oficially support any of them

Wait, what the hell, Israel is not a NATO member

This donmeh roach is basically trolling for attention at this point.

he's trying to get rid of all the rapefugees in turkey by telling them they need to fulfill religious duties. also, bonus, he's taking a page out of our book in trying to shove them on israhell.

it's another example of jewish hypocrisy that we can reference. every time they do this shit it's one step closer to the cattle cars.

Let them all gather in one place, then nuke the city. Nothing of value and so forth.

That's how Islam worked since the beginning. Its a pyramid scheme.

Kind of sad when it is Germany and Israel as the new axis. Besides Germany, is there anyone left that would go to their aid? NK maybe just to fuck with US?

What a time to be alive.

You're not allowed to enter NK if you're an Israeli citizen


Dukes awesome

Shame what Holla Forums has become, defending sandniggers just because they talk hot shit about kikes.

Kristen, juden und die heiden
jehent, daz díz ir erbe sî.
gót, müeze éz ze rehte scheiden
durch die sîne namen drî.
al diu werlt, diu strîtet her:
wir sîn an der rehten ger.
reht ist, daz er uns gewer!

But muh based kike jesus right? Fucking hypocrite.

inb4 "That wasn't REAL Judaism!"

Kang Roach is just hyping his base up after his referendum victory. Probably planning to make the roaches infesting Europe tear cities down so he can get gibs and send out rapefugees.


Let them focus on each other then come in and save the day by taking out the victor and filling the power vacuum with the LORD.


The only common motivator I see behind all of King Roach's actions is just trying to piss off as many people as humanly roachly possible. I don't see any other explanation for it.



I don't think a Turk can ever be based, but he's certainly a strange bed follow right now. And too hairy for my liking.

Of course not, but due to recent purges of the judiciary it does seem that Turkey needs to be liberated from a terrible dictator who has large stockpiles of deadly pesticide, which would be lethal to the Turks.

Kikes and roaches are both vermin so they both need to be pesticide'd.

Everything is great except his explicit worship of muslim cock.

Let them eat each other. None of them are good anyway.

He recently passed a law on laser epilation I kid you not.

This. Syria Palaestina is Roman clay, nothing more nothing less.

It's about time the turkroach did something funny. How can we encourage this? If anyone deserves a mudslime invasion, it's these kikes.


This is a joke right? Right after israel was formed, they used Hadassah "doctors" to steal the shitskin babies of the Yemeni underkikes and sold them on the baby market, while taking any kids with Ashkenazi features/genes and giving them to kikes they considered of higher standing, to be raised by them.

That's a nice piece of music. Shame about those off by one Jesus trips.

It's a so called win-win situation, I believe

Hypocrite? you are the one calling kike to someone who was crucified retarded pice of shit!

Not everyone cares for a purportedly magic jew-on-a-stick, user.
Also, your pope wears a yarmulke and bows while kissing the Rothschild ring, so take that into account.

That's Franco tier.

Plague of roaches. How fitting.
A nation filled with filth living trash, perfect

Can I have some more information about this picture? When/where had this happened?
%%90% sure it's shopped.%%

Public Service Announcement for "Based Semite" Newfaggots

There is no such thing as a good shitskin. Niggers can be amusing or droll, like President Nigger's brother, but never forget that he will eat your cat if he gets hungry.

There are no based Jews. Their blood is made of low-T poison, and they scheme against us. Maybe the pre-Bar Mitzvah kids don't see the whole picture yet, but those larvae grow up into parasites that will destroy us all.

Do not waste Holla Forums's time with loyal-chink bullshit. Rooftop Asians are pretty cool, in a strictly aesthetic sense, but they want to turn our cities into termite mounds like the place they come from. Your grandchildren will be slaves in their salt mines.

And there are no acceptable Muslims, especially turkroaches. I don't give a flying fuck how much they hate the Jews; they hate them for stupid goddamn reasons. Mudslimes hate the Jews because they've been fighting over the same dirt and sand for thousands of years, the Holy Koran takes a break from sanctioning child fucking to denounce the kikes next door, and the 1.5 billion mudslimes are jealous as fuck of the 15 million Jews, who have ten times the money and a million times the IQ.

That is it. None of these fuckers are on our side. You can respect a Jap, and some niggers are fun to watch on stage – and I think we can all chuckle on the rare occasion a Pal puts on a blessed weapon and earns his martyrdom in a synagogue – but they are not of us, and they will be the death of us if we stay weak.

The take away: Erdogan is a fucking animal. He will gnaw all he likes, but if it wasn't for the Jews to distract him, he'd be fucking with us.

When you praise "Based Turkroach," you reveal your newfaggotry.==

While your Digits say that in this moment he is, be forewarned: Erdogan is Islamizing an otherwise secular country. His government is funding Islamic terrorist organizations, and funding islamic organizations across Europe and Asia.
He is Sultan Erdogan, Emperor of the Neo-Ottomans, and friend to jihadists everwhere


Seems like controlled opposition. this is the guy that jailed an author for 29 years for calling him out as a cryptojew in his book.

only a jew could be so easily triggered and protected.

At this point, I think it's clear that Erdogan's roaring for a fight to expand Turkish dominance in some god-like legacy before he dies. The roach has become unhinged with everyone in the last ~5 years.

That's an oxymoron.

checkdd, turks be roaches.
Anyhow, let's help flood jew-land with roaches for epic lulz. This will only make things funnier. More turks in jewsland!

how about "Turks, defend your Palestinian friends' land, the Khazars have no right to it".

I love these memes

Erdogan is awesome. He is completely anti-white, a roach, and our enemy, but the way he just does whatever the fuck he wants is admirable.

It'd be great if the roaches and rats destroyed eachother. It would drastically reduce our gas bill.

I hate and want to flayel shit skins as much the next guy but still


Everything, and by that I mean literally everything since he has come to power that Erdogan has done to date, has been done with the tacit approval and assistance of American intelligence.

I remember when everyone on Holla Forums used to know that ISIS/ISIL/Daesh/Muslim Brotherhood/Boko haram/Al Qeada etc were all financed and trained by US/isreali intelligence.

Now we just go along with the jewish MSM narrative on almost everything unless it's an openly left leaning jew saying it

Any source on the Muslim Brotherood-IS connection? Pretty sure they are extremely anti-Israel.

Any source on the Muslim Brotherood-IS connection? Pretty sure they are extremely anti-Israel.

So anti-isreali they sacrifice their lives killing all of isreal's enemies Christians/muslims all over the ME shortly before installing a Rothschild central bank in the newly conquered territory

#Just for reference

'''Most people don’t realize that the previous Central Bank of Libya was 100% state owned. The following is an excerpt from Wikipedia’s article on the former Central Bank of Libya….

"The Central Bank of Libya (CBL) is 100% state owned and represents the monetary authority in The Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and enjoys the status of autonomous corporate body. The law establishing the CBL stipulates that the objectives of the central bank shall be to maintain monetary stability in Libya , and to promote the sustained growth of the economy in accordance with the general economic policy of the state."

Since the old Central Bank of Libya was state owned, it was essentially under the control of Moammar Gadhafi.'''

Can you name one jewhadist group formed since 9/11 that has done anything ever to so much as harm a hair on the head of a jew, elitist kike or any of their industries?

So anti-isreali they sacrifice their lives killing all of isreal's enemies Christians/muslims all over the ME shortly before installing a Rothschild central bank in the newly conquered territory

#Just for reference

Most people don’t realize that the previous Central Bank of Libya was 100% state owned. The following is an excerpt from Wikipedia’s article on the former Central Bank of Libya….

The Central Bank of Libya (CBL) is 100% state owned and represents the monetary authority in The Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and enjoys the status of autonomous corporate body. The law establishing the CBL stipulates that the objectives of the central bank shall be to maintain monetary stability in Libya , and to promote the sustained growth of the economy in accordance with the general economic policy of the state.

Since the old Central Bank of Libya was state owned, it was essentially under the control of Moammar Gadhafi.

Can you name one jewhadist group formed since 9/11 that has done anything ever to so much as harm a hair on the head of a jew, elitist kike or any of their industries?

Is true but he's still a hypocrite, Turkey is bombing kurd villages everytime.Fuck Israel and Fuck Turkey.

I'd prefer Turkey to Israel.

Everyone would.

So it finally begins. The ultimate Judaism 1.0 vs 2.0 shitstorm (Christcuckery is more like a v1.5 with some extra bugs).

But it is America's BEST ALLY though, therefore burgers would be in a huge dilemma if such a thing ever happened.

We need a white Erdogan

Your spelling a shit

Oh no, not Israel
What will we do without the jews

Reported for intl.

Saying so from his multimillion dollar palace built by accepting zionist donations and otherwise jewing an entire country of its wealth and culture.

Based? No.

If I hear either of those statements from a boomer again I'll punch him.

Semites replacing other Semites

He's right. Europe should aid him by sending all Muslims in the continent to Israel.

This, he's like modern Bonaparte turkish edition.