What went wrong? Why do liberals hate him now and conservative (pretend to ) love him?
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Because liberal-conservative paradigm is wrong. Liberals are not leftists. They are for "capitalism with a human face". Hillary Clinton is their horse in this presidental election. They support her, Assange is exposing her for a fraud she is and that triggers liberals.
Friendly reminder that if this was conservatives being attacked in those emails they would not support Assange.
conservatives are liberals. They're both liberals, just different types. It's social liberals versus conservative liberals who tend to be neoliberals. Speak properly comrades
this tbh
Are you new?
Liberal most basically means a supporter of capitalism.
Yanks had to be all special and change shit around.
read this
Classic one dimensional ideology.
What, not at all.
Do you know what liberalism is?
I affiliate with a specific socialist tendency/school but I wouldn't call anarchists/libertarians, Marxist-Leninists, Leninists, Trotskyists, market socialists, etc… liberals.
And no. They are not the same things. Social liberalism and conservative liberalism differ but both use the liberal economic framework and influence.
For basic info: en.wikipedia.org
Kill yourself Holla Forumsack
Another thing, 'revisionist' is just a meme right?
These articles are retarded. How does one distinguish between liberal and conservative if both are socially liberal?
By "socially liberal" do you mean culturally liberal?
user… I think you're just a dumbass
No. Socially liberal. As in fag rights, votes for cunts, liberal drug policy. How do you use the term?
Social liberalism does't mean that though. It refers to the wish to establish and preserve equality and welfare through government intervention on the economy such as food stamps, medicaid and other tax-funded government programs.
You're talking more about cultural liberalism.
stop fucking changing the definitions every week you bunch of cunts
Tell that to the bourgeois political forces.
We may as well use their definition of socialism and count the social liberals in with it.
Kind of agree with your other posts, but… neither social nor conservative liberal are fundamentally for or against things like welfare. You'll find proponents of liberalized market economics, who'll call themselves both 'progressive' and 'conservative' on social values, royalists, dictators, etc. in addition to people not at all for liberalized market economics, who'll fall on both sides on the coin ofn welfare. (though typically, the pure liberals - in the wordly sense no just USian, will want it all privatized i.e anti-welfare)
Welfare comes in almost every case where it exists, especially the welfare state, from a compromise by whoever happened to be in power at the time, with labour struggles and unrest.
That weird 'culturally' liberal thing you're referring to might kind of exist today, but it's just utterly confused. In that sense, I guess you're right. It exists, but it has no history behind it.
'liberal' capitalists, did not invent the welfare state.
Yes, when social liberalism mentioned, what is being described is the age of liberalism we mostly live in today that was an evolution of early classical liberalism. Social liberalism has its philosophy in believing that the government should play an active role in healthcare, education and in addressing other issues people have. Of course conversvative liberals can support a this as well (although its less common) but they however, have social conservative stances and believe the state should play a role in promoting and preserving cultural and national norms and traditions. Both believe in liberal economies, but yes, the welfare state in some way, has always existed despite some neoliberals wishing and believing in the free market.
Well that was my point… it hasn't always existed, and when implemented it wasn't really tied to liberal or conservative capitalists at all. In fact the first acknowledged 'welfare state' is attributed to Bismarck. Not even a social democrat.
The only thing all notions of welfare states have in common, especially in the industrialized world, is worker/labour/poor struggles. 'liberal welfare' without that history, would be the same as 'conservative' US-style today. Charity.
The whole point was to remind that US "liberals" and "conservatives" are both liberals with different perspectives on culture and different tendencies regarding the role of government.
*are both liberals despite…
FOX is reporting that Assange is to be arrested "maybe in a matter of hours"
He's handing the election to Trump. He's an Aussie, and he's destroying the Jews.
If Assange is arrested, it will immediately give the DNC leaks credibility. Don't they know this?
From Wikileaks' twitter:
Probably just rumors. Here's my guess what might have happened: FOX & co has started paying attention to Assange because he's become useful to them, they found out that there's police around the embassy, and drew their conclusions. But police has always been concentrated around the embassy, from the very beginning of Assange's residency.
It switched because Assange is now going after the Democrats, and rightfully so. Back when Assange started leaking against the republicans the democrats were hailing him as a beacon of freeze peach and transparency. Now that he's leaking against Queen Clinton, the democrats are now the republicans, triggered beyond belief wanting him dead, with Republicans now (usually partially) defending him.
This also explains why the liberal MSM are screaming at him to start leaking files on Trump. It's all politics, just like everything usually is.
Not really. He's a lolbert who supported Ron Paul. Most educated democrats bailed on him after the rape allegations came out. And now he's basically seen as a propaganda piece for Russia and the alt-right.
If you do stupid puns go all the way at least.
Wikileaks' twitter:
How do they know that? There's no such news yet.
What went wrong?
The Democratic establishment didn't start hating him until the Manning incident. Not saying Assange is a leftist, but politics do play out how he is perceived. To them it was fine with Bush, but not okay with Obama, and it certainly isn't allowed against Clinton.
John Kerry and Obama are making the biggest fucking mistake if they think they're going to quiet down the outrage by arresting the guy helping shine a light on their own corruption. Streisand Effect, you dumbfuck Boomers.
They're not arresting him. Although I don't even understand why they would force Ecuador to cut off his Internet when Wikileaks is bigger and can ultimately operate without him. It's just some sort of deterrence I guess, but they're playing with fire because Wikileaks apparently has some stuff on Kerry as well.
Everyday Holla Forums.
liberals hate him because hes exposing their lies
conservatives pretend to like him because they're supposed to support their 'alleged' enemies having their lies exposed when they have plenty skeletons themselves
and everyone outside the left/right scale loves him truly for exposing liars, cheats and frauds wherever they may be
Almost, but not quite, true satan
Assange is as close to a true anarchist as you can get
he dont give a fuck if you've got a secret vice for 6 yo boys anus then hes gonna find you and get you no matter how high up you are
if you've been making shady arms deals and playing the good goy Assange will expose you
who hates the man who brings us the unadulterated truth?
he is truly a Tacitus of our time
Rape case was fabricated in order to discredit him with liberals.
half right
the rape case was fabricated so he could be extradited to Sweden to stand trial for it
this was necessary because the UK wouldn't extradite Assange an Australian citizen to the USA to stand trial for treason against the USA
but Sweden would
and the UK because of the EU would extradite Assange to Sweden on a rape charge
which is why Assange is hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy
because the US ZOG Occupied Governmentbots want his head on a platter for exposing them
He (and Wikileaks) is more of a classical liberal who keeps governments in check. This is not far from the original 19th century ideology of liberal governance: it is defined by its limits and kept in check by "civil society".
Go watch some interviews with him or read some of their "mission statements" or whatever.
I ship him with Žižek.
Same 2bh.
Assange is one of those liberals who wants to take down the dominant paradigm at any cost. He also recognizes that friendship with Russia is potentially his "out", to live a fulfilling life somewhere.
Normie liberals took a 180 on Assange because of his pretty apparent support for Trump. Congressional liberals never supported him, because he was seen as too dangerous.
some enterprising autist found a connection between the pedo plot and a clinton shell company
The prosecutor that decided the alleged victims were raped( in Sweden only the state can tell if you were raped*that is an actual quote from the prosecutor btw*) is on the record saying Assange would likely be extradited to the US so I don´t blame him for not wanting to go to Sweden to be tried.