Is being centrist a meme?
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Having any beliefs is a meme at this point. If you're in the center, the only difference is that now literally everyone despises you.
Funny how so many self-declared centrists express support for capitalism and establishment power structures and policies. I guess "centrist" is really just newspeak for establishmentarian; itself a nice way of saying "naive," "clueless," "useful idiot," or "wimp." Makes you think.
Also, "radical centrist" is a nonsense and a literal contradiction in terms.
It's the edgiest ideology there is.
Top meme lad
The thing about centrism is that it gives the impression of being rational, pragmatic or somehow objective while at the same time it maintains its own interests and conflicts (those of the status quo) out of sight. The reason so many people were radicalised by things like the Haymarket Affair, the Sacco and Vanzetti trial and more recently the killing of Alexis Grigoropoulos is that those were times when the curtain falls down and people who would otherwise be fooled by this veneer of fake objectivity and disinterestedness can come to see that it's not so black and white.
What would the "center" be?
There is no such thing. You are either a socialist or a liberal.
If there had to be one, the centrists would consist of liberal "social democrats'. Not to be confused with the original social democrat of course
Centrism barely exists. Most centrists are either slightly left leaning liberals or slightly less conservative conservatives.
Radical centrism in the sense of "instead of arguing from static ideological standpoints let's just look at what worked and implement it further" is a perfectly valid position.
Yeah, that's completely meaningless. It's simply a "rationalistic" facade to hide your ideology. Every side thinks they're being reasonable and non-dogmatic. It's a fact of life
The arch-statement of ideology.
smh tbh fam
Not only that, but "what worked" is completely subjective. To one man, social democratic policies and a welfare state could be his definition of a functioning gubbermint, to another, it could simply mean economic growth.
Rapist > Centrist
Absolute subjectivity. Gasvans "worked" for the nazi party, so they decided to "implement it further." Meaningless.
Isn't the whole argument behind communism that it works for the working class?
There are no classes in communism. Its primary objective is the elimination of class.
Those statements require proof that you're not just projecting.
Obviously. Nobody denies Germans would continue voting for Hitler if he won the war, since from their subjective standpoint he was an improvement over what came before him. But that's a self-defeating argument, because ultimately all it proves is that it's material conditions that matter to most people.
How do you produce "proof" in the field of humanities? Your whole argument is that the facts speak for themselves and are somehow above ideology. When it comes to politics, power, modes of collectivity, etc. there are no facts (in the scientific sense) produced.
I always thought radical centrism was just libertarianism
It's babby's "I'm an enlightened man not fooled by your myths" period in this case.
That's blatantly untrue and intellectually dishonest of you.
Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure things like people dying versus people not dying can be measured pretty scientifically.
Okay, now it's pretty clear you're just arguing with a straw doll in your head. Keep winning the argument!
It is pyoor ideology.
It is also what leads to fascism and will probably get us all killed.
But why are they dying, and are their deaths a matter for politics and what sort of politics.
These are objective facts.
How one responds to them (we need more NGO's, end capitalism, reparations, return to colonization, just nuke the whole fucking planet, or everything about this is fine let it keep going) is not objective at all.
The "radical" in "radical centrism" basically means "I'm right and everyone else is wrong because I'm a centrist and I take the middle of the road position".
Radical centrism is the memest of meme ideologies
I was actually interested on radical centrism for a while and tried to get deep on it but I got bored because their ideologues were unable to talk about policy or their ideological worldview on any deegree, they only thing they did was posting on their blogs (that are rarely updated) about how everyone was wrong because tis and tat
Is very sad and very fucking annoying.
I'm sure you wouldn't want to be some radical extremist, goy.
it's literally making your entire ideology one big Argument to Moderation fallacy
Such things seem "objective" in the abstract but aren't quite so. Elements are often missing in the reconstruction, data frequently, also knowledge of what information must be had before we can ascertain some approximation of the truth, so we're left with gaps. The gaps are filled by likelihoods based on theories or, in other words, reckonings from ideological constructs. The "objectivity" of the process isn't actually so objective. It's more a product of ignorance of the process.
Yeah, your objections apply to any scientific measurement. They're not meant to be objective and epistemologically perfect, that's impossible. They're meant to be useful.
I-Is this a joke!?
Centrist is a label invented by capitalist shills with pretensions to neutrality.
Centrism is the ultimate meme.