Official anti Faggot thread

There needs to be a movement against egalitarian fags like Sargon of Mossad , TL;DR, Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars etc… These people are normalizing memes that we create. They are basically a surrogate. We need to end these fags and call them out for being fronts for a movement that they know nothing about. Sargon is a egalitarian liberal, he even admits it in his videos.Infowars is completely liberal, Alex admits he is a liberal faggot.

We need to out these fags and expose them as being egalitarian centrist faggots that support open borders and embrace multiculturalism

Other urls found in this thread:

Wew now

A lot of these guys are babby's first Red pill.

Give 'em six months and they'll be /ourguys/.

The difference between people like Sargon and modern liberals is the difference between second wave and third wave feminists.

This reeks of D&C shilling.

It's better to watch Sargon than, I dunno, Folding Ideas or Samantha Bee…


Oh man user, I wasn't keen on these faggots, but now I'm convinced. These are good people, and I like…

You're an idiot go fuck off.

Great thread. Dump anti-fag stuff in here. Ignore any TRSodomites kvetching about it.

Homosexuality always leads to pedophillia. Pedophilia is already becoming an extension of the LGBT acronym. LGBTP is real thing now.


Child molestation and pedophilia occur far more commonly among homosexuals than among heterosexuals on a per capita basis, according to a new study.

“Overwhelming evidence supports the belief that homosexuality is a sexual deviancy often accompanied by disorders that have dire consequences for our culture,” wrote Steve Baldwin in, “Child Molestation and the Homosexual Movement,” soon to be published by the Regent University Law Review.

Baldwin is the executive director of the Council for National Policy in Washington, D.C.

“It is difficult to convey the dark side of the homosexual culture without appearing harsh,” wrote Baldwin. “However, it is time to acknowledge that homosexual behavior threatens the foundation of Western civilization – the nuclear family.”

Though the homosexual community and much of the media scoff at such accusations, Baldwin – who chaired the California Assembly’s Education committee, where he fought against support for the homosexual agenda in the state’s public schools – says in his report that homosexual activists’ “efforts to target children both for their own sexual pleasure and to enlarge the homosexual movement” constitute an “unmistakable” attack on “the family unit.”

Baldwin’s research is substantiated in a recently completed body of work written by Dr. Judith Reisman, president of the Institute for Media Education and author of numerous authoritative books debunking sexual myths, including “Kinsey, Crimes & Consequences.”

In her thesis – also written for the Regent University Law Review – Reisman cited psychologist Eugene Abel, whose research found that homosexuals “sexually molest young boys with an incidence that is occurring from five times greater than the molestation of girls. …”

Abel also found that non-incarcerated “child molesters admitted from 23.4 to 281.7 acts per offender … whose targets were males.”

“The rate of homosexual versus heterosexual child sexual abuse is staggering,” said Reisman, who was the principal investigator for an $800,000 Justice Department grant studying child pornography and violence. “Abel’s data of 150.2 boys abused per male homosexual offender finds no equal (yet) in heterosexual violations of 19.8 girls.”


Good. At least it keeps the homo shills away

Um. Aren't we already doing that?

How about no


Ironkikes "logic" everyone



You literally wrote ">Eat ourselves like the left does."

Yeah its pretty obvious which side you're on faggot

The middle cap in the second image always makes me unfathomably angry.

We've already given them years.

Correct, the approach to these faggots is gentle criticism.

Things like that.

You kids are not specially brilliant, go back to your circlejerking chat room

No, they won't. Their gimmick is being a kosher alternative, in being just different enough from the mainstream narrative that they can pretend to be edgy without having anything of value to say.

t. Scrotum of Mossad

t. Paul Joseph Watson

t. Alex Jones

None of these people have anything of value to say. They can make some bluepills question what they think, but they do not dispense redpills. At best they dispense purple pills which just make it all the more likely that they'll keep that bluepill in there.

Go away you stupid fucking roon.

Didn't we all start with people like Sargon, before we received a proper redpill?

You start to question mainstream media, seek out alternative media, find youtubers and independent journalist and from there on you dive deeper and deeper until you finally figure out "It was the Jews all along."

They are any third persons baby red pill. Good thing is they expose their followers to the chans who hate them. And this hatred is attractive for recruiting and the original uncensored memes are much more effective and humorous which makes these people stick.

Been a Sargon subscriber for a long time, haven't you? hahah FAGGOT.

Yeah? and it's even better to turn the fucker off and read a book or workout.

All these e-tards need to be executed.

I think Sargon is slowly coming around to understand, in Molyneaux's words, that racial egalitarianism isn't real. Maybe he IS an octoroon with how much trouble he has accepting it. My point being, Sargon is babby's first redpill for a lot of people and us attacking him on "not 1488 enough!" grounds won't help him come to the center, nor convince much of his audience.

That man in op pic is a kike
I can tell because I have seen quite a few in my time

Honestly, the problem with this idea is you guys are bad at dealing with these people.

For one, Sargon does not embrace open borders and multiculturalism. He's just a weak civic nationalist with a poorly defined idea of civic nationalism at that.

That's trickier to argue against

nah. don't criticize their e-celeb. best way to go is simply giving them info about globalism, feminism, and slowly show them whos behind it.
if you just shit on sargon, they are going to ignore you.

What a dumb shill post. You misrepresent quite a bit.

Wasn't there a twitter DM screencap with Sargon wanting CP?
Someone post it if they have it.