I want to secure the existence of my people and a future for white children but these classless whores are pretty disgusting tbh. I'm going to find me a nice Asian lady and breed.
Not even gonna lie fam, white women are 99.9% degenerate and trashy
hi trs
bye trs
Not even trying….
Implying those fags could even get a white woman
Okay, but only if you move to an Asian country and don't bring up the offspring here. Nice pic related btw!
is it cuckchan here now, did I miss something?
lukewarm tract, familial relative!
Low energy.
endchan retards are trying to make it shitty enough here that we go to their shitty site cause the BO over there makes no money with 2 pph. the fact they're shilling so hard makes me believe they're kikes like they keep saying the admin here is. all about them shekels and shit. not to mention the hours they're most active coincides with daytime in israel.
Well I know I got plans to go to Poland with some mates and get me a polish waifu, no different to getting a hot young azn and they are white and I continue my lineage, dunno why everyone circlejerks over Asian chicks when they can get a white girl just as easy.
Asians are just as bad as every other race of women.
2D is the only way, anything else is just trash.
Whatever floats your boat, fam.
People complaining about race-mixing got it wrong. You don't really have control over who you fall in love with, so it's pointless to argue.
However, when you stop mass immigration, race-mixing itself stops being an issue, since there will be far less opportunity to race mix to begin with. And most whites are attracted to whites, so in a 90%+ white country, it's a non-issue.
Yes they are
Divorce rates are probably the biggest reason any white man marries outside of his race. Not an encouragement, just saying.
White Sharia shouldn't be a meme.
Fuck off with that trsodomite crap. We need National Socialism now
You're not wrong however you run the gauntlet with passport marriages no matter who you marry, Asian or white. I know plenty of both who have crashed and burned, I think my odds with a white wife from Poland are actually alot better than an Asian bird who I'll never actually know if she's genuinely likes me.
is cuckchan down again?
MGTOWs are worse than feminists. At least women have an excuse for being dumb.
Get white men to breed with asians to destroy the "white creativity gene"
Get white women to breed with blacks and arabs to prevent the birth of more white men (less "white creativity" genes)
It is a genocide of white males via eugenics, because we are the only ones with the creative intelligence capable of defeating the jews.
How to spot a goon post:
1) the goon uses a porn image (or an image of an attractive woman) saved on their computer in order to garner attention for their post.
2) the goon writes an unpopular or insulting post to stir up the target community.
Bad news, fam. If they marry outside their nation, they do it for the cash.
I've recently started considering trying to learn mandarin or japanese and maybe thinking about attempting to marry a chink.
I'm not full white so by Holla Forums's standards it wouldn't be race mixing because of muh 1 drop.
Just not sure which to learn. There are a lot more chinese where I live so that seems like an obvious choice, but I've heard the chinese are literal subhumans. But fuck me I don't know if I can muster 3,000 hours to learn that shit. It would be quite valuable if I decided to stop being a degenerate NEET one day though.
Delusional if you think Asian women are any better, they are the biggest whores of all user. ……Okay not bigger then black women you got me, 2nd biggest whores.
Remember to report slide threads!
Shit-tier bait, faggot.
Get in the oven already trs
Marry your own race you stupid faggot.
or are you a half gook?
Part Native American. The only other native american women I've met are just as white looking as any other person I've seen since the race has essentially just been bred out of existence. I have no problem with marrying my own race, though. They are just few and far between.
Ff they are so degenerate and trashy they would have died out ages ago…
Its our culture thats degenerate thats making them trashy
go fuck yourself
smug anime is for virgins
nice argument
He hasn't argued anything. He's just spamming the thread.