D&C opportunity detected. Have you discussed banning male genital mutilation with your friends and neighbors lately?
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Hitler wasn't a DC kind of guy.
No leader has spoken with such passion for the value of his fellow men like Hitler has.
well he did divide the humans from the sub-humans
you got it the other way.
The first world war, the betrayal of capitulation, the currency manipulation, then the failed attempt by the Jews to have a German Revolution did show Germany the true colors of the Jew.
You got it the wrong way, as you had to be blind at that time not to see that the Jews wanted nothing but your total surrender and annihilation. The Jews, were the once as they today to do the DC tactics.
I'm glad my parents didn't circumcise me
why hasn't this been fought as hard as it should in america? it should be a cut and dry case no awful joke intended considering the 14th amendment and that female mutilation is a federal offense.
t. angry cutfag
No, I got it right, nothing you just said contradicted what I said. Re-read my post you sperg.
Falling for jewish propaganda isn't being right.
The Jews, not Hitler managed to divide people just fine. Hitler united Germany. Holocaust didn't even happen.
Enjoy your impotent rage.
Let's collect some attack angles we can use in discussion with the normie
United Nations - The Universal Declaration of Article 3.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Do you want to deny that baby the most basic human right? That's something Hitler would do!
It's 2017 and they still beleive that by cutting off a piece of baby dick you form a bond with a skywizard? Get outta here with your religious mumbo jumbo *tips fedora*
Female genital mutilation is outlawed and you encourage male genital mutilation? You sound like Hitler! Double standards! Bigot!
You know the only reason for circumcision? Doctors performing it earn good money with it, the labs extracting the stem cells earn good money with it and the pharma and cosmetics industry earn good money with it. You want to put the baby right from it's first moment in this world into the meat grinder called capitalism? Shame on you! You sacrifice a babies innocent on the altar of mammon?
Why are they pushing circumcision for Christians? It's a cultural takeover! Do you know that 80% of doctors are jewish?
I understand their culture but they have to obey the laws of the country they live in. If they want it so bad they should go back to their countries.
Only 1 in 16000 needs the procedure. 8% get botched! And for what? Because it's supposed to be cleaner? Hey McFly ever heard of soap and warm water? It's not 1500BC and we're not living in the desert anymore.
Generations of jewish doctors and a for-profit healthcare system that makes a pretty good side income ripping off foreskins en masse. Plus, once something like that exists in a culture, it takes a lot of work to root it out. I mean, think about it. Most parents, when their kids are born, are absolutely in love with that child. They want to do anything to nurture and protect them and give them the best possible life they ever could.
So here comes Dr Schlomo Shekelstein and says, "Congratulations on the baby! Time to get that little guy circumcised!" And what the fuck do the parents know? The dad was probably circumcised himself, and his dad before him. He doesn't know a world without it. He doesn't know what an intact body feels like, and he thinks, "Well, it's been done in my family for generations, and we all turned out alright." The mom doesn't have any clue what it's like to have a penis. She hears Shekelstein say, "Yeah goy, lots of good health benefits!" and she's all onboard. I mean, the doctor is an authority figure, he'd know, right? She just wants what's best for her new baby and the highly paid professional with over a decade of med school under his belt just told her this was for the best.
And then once it's done? You might be able to talk parents out of it beforehand, but once it's done, their minds are almost surely set for life: it was the right decision. Remember, most people aren't sociopaths. They LOVE that kid and would DIE for him. They would never abuse him, they would never think to abuse him, the only want the best for him. So they take the doctor's advice and he gets his little infant dick mutilated and it can't be undone or taken back. And after that point, the parents KNOW they did the right thing and it's totally justified, because if it wasn't the right thing, if it can't be justified, it means they just sent their newborn baby boy to have his penis hacked up by a stranger so the for-profit hospital could make a couple hundred extra bucks on the way out the door. They can't admit to themselves that they did that, that they might have actually abused their child in an extreme and traumatizing way in one of the very first moments of his early life. To admit they abused a helpless infant, who they LOVE, is too much for most people to come to terms with, and so up come the mental barriers.
Don't respond if you aren't actually reading what I'm posting.
It's probably due to the circumcision itself. I doubt men would be such gasping retards around women and authority if they didn't have massive trauma associated with their genitals. I bet media would be more lax about nudity and less obsessed with violence if there wasn't such a massive complex in people.
user, please don't post that shit. Or spoiler it, at the very least.
How can you divide something that isn't united, something that is by definition already divided?
I get it, the goal was put strictly into place, white people like other white people. But I digress with that, he did separate the humans from the sub-humans, and that can be largely done by being a white nationalist speaking to white people and denouncing degeneracy. It's so natural you'd think you were cutting wheat from the chaff but on an ethnic scale.
Fuck his parents, go hug your dad and thank him for his convictions
And that's why it's unfortunate, but we may be cutfags, but I'll never have my own son circumcised. And I do not blame my own parents for the genital mutilation, because fuck, imagine your're bluepilled and they get this advice. Like I said, it's unfortunate, but we must take it in stripe, I can't repair the skin on my dick, but I can prevent my son's foreskin getting suctioned off.
Notice how and shit up a good thread with their drama while contributing nothing. Classic shill tactic. Filter both.
Nice feel good story that has potential to make reddit, imgur, etc. frontpage. Response from proves it.
Could be an excellent way to get the message across. Muh feels > reason.
It's not fair. It's like talking to aliens whenever I speak to my parents. They never understand why I laugh so much. It's just ridiculous to have to tip toe around their ego. I should be able to say anything and have a positive connection but they explode or have a mental breakdown every time. They will never escape their 'faith' even if it's meant the ruin of their children. Literally everything wrong with my siblings is exactly what our father taught us to do.
Norwegian here, based Frp. The so-called liberal party which calls itself Venstre (literally just "Left") decided the freedom for parents outweighed freedom for the boy. I'm glad someone is finally taking a stance on this, Frp has usually been dictated by kikes, but the younger generations have no reason to shill for Israel since they're hardly religious
Go spend time with your dad and tell him you're glad he made that choice.
The jews were amidst the population, so in that sense they were superficially united into the social structure, but Hitler called them out. In that sense he divided the sub-humans from germans. I'm right.
Being circumcised increases your IQ.
This is why Jews do it. It is extremely important to them. It's not just a ritual.
Jews will be happy to allow you to ban it, for non-Jews.
Take a moment to stop and think why, exactly, you oppose circumcision. Just because the Jews do it? Freudian reasons? Hedonsitic reasons? The benefits are real, but all this "anti circumcision" propaganda ignores that and reflects these primative reasons.
I know that feel somewhat. My relationship with both my parents has been strained since I confronted them about mutilating me. They both refuse to believe they did anything wrong. I love them but I hate them at the same time. They're so kiked like most of this god damned country. I love the United States but fuck the jewnited states
I am Jewish.
How does it feel to know that the end of centuries of kikery is so near. :)
I think your comment proves that it does not improve IQ. A dumb thing to say in the wrong place.Gas yourself.
And I thought you were trying to save the white race.
Don't get me wrong: If I could, I would prefer not to be circumcised. I mean, obviously.
However the benefits outweigh the costs. What's a few IQ points to man? A slightly better life. What's a few IQ points to a million men? A better country.
If you want to stop snipping your goy children, I sure as hell won't stop you. I'm only throwing you guys a bone, because you miss the entire point of circumcision.
could be worse user
I've said this before in these threads
for as smart as he is, he's fucking stupid.
care to explain how that went? I haven't brought it up precisely for this reason.
kill yourself.
Good on you for taking the high road. It's also the most productive road. Nobody's parents did this to them because they wanted to hurt their children. They did it because they love their children and were told this would be the healthy choice. This would be the choice that let them fit in and be socially well adjusted. This would be the choice that would make them look like dad and help cement a generational bond.
People fuck up, and when people are given bad information by others in positions of authority, fucking up is guaranteed. It can't be done over, but it can be prevented for the next generation of your family line. Thank you for being both compassionate and brave at the same time.
You can't change the past, bud. Be honest with your sons, tell them why you made the choice you did, and why you would have made a different choice today. Accept that you're imperfect and make mistakes, own up to them, and make it a better world for your future grandchildren.
That Latin is wrong
I like my foreskin because it cleans my penis; hence why it is there.
Same here, following Denmark's example.
This sick shit shall end, and checkup on those too, like with the somalis. Jailtime for such mutilators and sick suckers of baby foreskin.
That's a mighty collection of mutilated nigger dicks
Really it's a terrible thing to do to your own blood, the first sexual act a boy experience is the cutting of the skin upon his penis. In a non-jewish world that'd be child abuse of the highest degree up there with raping a child. The terrible act forces the child to a life of sexual dysfunction and leads to downfall of social order.
Think that the higher degree of circumcision seems to be correlated in the states with the allowance of more and more programs which wipe away the white male's dominance because he is missing something.
A certain feel he can never feel.
So they really are our greatest ally?
No shit, you'll wonder why the fuck your parents took 20% off of your tinklewutz, and everybody knows that using your brain makes it grow stronger.
20% off because jewish women won't even touch anything that isn't 20% off or less
This absolutely needs to happen
Actually, being circumcised lowers your IQ.
Whenever female genital mutilation hits the news, we should saturate social media with the truth about male genital mutilation (don't call it circumcision).
No sane person can deny their equivalence, and without even naming the jew we can expose their abhorrent rites to john q. normalfag.
Pic related (without the hexagrams) is a good argument without shoving a billion bloody dicks in your face.
And it's our duty to bring this up to any close friends or relatives about to have a son.
i blame my small penis and fast ejaculation on circumcision
people need to start suing their parents and suing their doctors and governments for allowing that mutilation to happen
my mom couldnt decide so she told the doctor to chop off half of it.
Can anybody redpill me on foregen? It's it blind optimism or is it possible to replicate nerve endings in a surgically attached foreskin? It's slightly related to the thread but I will sage. No point in making a new thread about it
Next they will be telling us that being a cuck is "for intellectuals" or something.
Jesus Christ, this is awful. Fucking kikes starting the attempts at mental abuse caused illness right out the womb, eh?
The explanation of the foreskin being the counterpart to the clitoral hood and labia perfectly drives home how fucking horrifying this is from the perspective of a woman
They do it because they are sick fucks who hate nature and the natural order of the universe. All Semitic religions spite god and nature, and recreate the image of god to be that of a vengeful x-girlfriend who hates everything good.
All other race's religions in some form respect the earth and respect nature, only semetic religions are so fucked they have an ideological iconoclasm with nature.
This is why you have degenerate and destructive jewish "art" and "literature". Their semitic brains simply do not understand beauty, and resent everything beautiful and natural since they simply cannot comprehend it.
So they cut baby dicks, on top of many other destructive anti-social acts.
The semites are a tained race. Just like the niggers, their brains are incomprehensible to gentiles. They understand this, but we don't. They use their lack of empathy and cunning to manipulate the "goyim".
Jewish high-IQ is a myth. They have a small, scheming intelligence, like a rat or a snake. They can trick you and turn your thoughts around with words, but are mentally deficient in creating anything worthwhile. So, they are genetically bound as parasitical class to whites, or anyone who will listen.