tfw the leftist university staff have finally accepted that the Indians are street shitters.

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what are you sliding?

If you've got a student paper you should send them an op-ed about how racist it is to expect Indians to poo in the loo.

Do you think they would believe something like
"It is culturally insensitive to expect the new international students to imply adhere to our current waste management plan, i suggest that we allow the new students to formulate their own system"

I'm getting real fucking sick and tired of shills pushing anti-Indian sentiment.
It doesn't matter where you poop. Your place in the racial hierarchy is not determined by where you defecate.

Where do you think white people shat before toilets were invented?
Pooping on the ground is not unnatural.
In fact, studies have shown that using toilets actually increases your risk for ass cancer.
Squatting and pooping on a low-level area is optimum for your body's health.


dirty street shitter pajeet detected

A classic meme from one of my mates

Low energy pooinloo thread, cuckchan rapefugee thread, some Holla Forums raid thread, it's a miniature raid.

Unsurprisingly though it's determined by how shitty your skin is.

Stopped reading there.

Poop is not unnatural.
First world privileged assholes are the only ones who find poop gross.
The word "aryan" comes from ancient India.
Indians are whiter than you will ever hope to be.
So obviously pooping on the ground is implicitly the whitest way to defecate.
Fuck you.

I guarantee you, if i walk out the door to the study room i am in right now, the first person i see will be an indian.

Found what's being slid:

We either buried it or composted it. Even cats bury their poo, Indians aren't only subhuman they are dumber than cats!

u mad pajeet?

what a surprise, i walk outside, and the first person i see is a fucking indian

Shit on their desk to establish dominance.

My issue with indians, even the few upper ones, is that they over complicated things. For example, in one of my classes that requires programming a fellow student would always have overly complicateed code, so much so he was amazed by how elegant and short mine ways (even though, one would think, my form would be the natural way to do it if one just transcribed the problem into proper syntax). What also sucks is that when some of them sit next to you (these are worse than the one I just mentioned, the sort-of/not-really smart ones don't usually smell) and they smell like death/india. Honestly, I've met only four smart Indians out of the 50+ I've personally encountered and 100+ I've seen. Two graduates in engineering, one a graduate in mathematics, and one a graduate in computer science.

If you form a really good argument with sources and claim you're hindu they won't have a choice but listen even though they might know you're bullshitting. They don't want to appear racist after all.

the people who write the student paper are all white guilt pussies, i could probably convince them tbh

Super power 2030


t. pajeet

Who approved shitskins who literally shit in the street to come into America? They should be gassed, along with the poo in loos

who do you think?

user, they gas themselves everyday… if you know what I mean.

more pajeets have arrived

Since it's daybreak, you're likely in Europe. Becareful user, thinking is illegal over there much less taking pictures/pointing out trends while white.

much worse user, im in australia

Your people could at least use squat toilets, like the Japs do. But no, you actually think that shitting on the open ground is better. Fuck you.


There's almost always an indian or 5 in a public toilet. I don't know why they've just become a feature of the place as much as a sink or the blow drier. Always just hanging around. Maybe it's a novelty to them, or they are constantly poisoned by their excuse for a cuisine, or the most likely explanation, that they're lazy and avoiding what they're meant to be doing.

Why do they smell like curry anyways? I myself do enjoy some occasional homemade curry, as any proper Englishman should do with the dishes of their old subjects, but I certainly don't reek like these freaks.
Do they bathe in the bloody cumin or what?

stop larping as my people you faggot

Time and ID are sufficient. Saves some trouble when you get caught

Cumin/Curry powder goes into EVERYTHING they cook, also they rarely wash themselves so the smell sticks to them. Much like how we westerners use cologne, they use curry to cover their human scent.

t. Hotel manager fed up with dishing out 600$ every time a currynigger vacates a room.


Reminder that Poos are so dumb they actually forgot how to poo in the loo after the Indus Valley Civilization collapsed.

Also reminder that even animals manage to poo in specific places while Indians shit wherever they feel like it.

As the saying goes: A pig only shits in one corner. In India, all the corners are full.

If you weren't so autistic, you'd realize the joke is rooted in a valid criticism - that India has one of the worst sewage-management systems in the world. It might have been alright to shit in the open back in the Neolithic, but India didn't have a population over a billion back then either.
High-caste Indians are Aryans though.

Yes, it really is.


The love writing shit like !x ? true : false. What fucking retards. Pay extra to get your Oracle support from the UK or the US.

I bet you're a Melbourne fag too


It's garlic and cumin, some spices come out of your pores. The french used to fit their own stereotype better, stinky onion and garlic, stripy sweater, beret, riding a bike. They have improved as they have learned what everyone else thinks about them. You see a lot more Brits with straight white fake teeth these days. Gradually stereotypes will melt away in the Brave New World of one people, one government.

They shit in the ganges and then swim in it. They think its safe because the shit goes downstream but they forget the people upstream of them.

Outhouses. Before that, we'd at least have the decency to dig a hole and cover up the poo afterwards.

they throw corpses in the river

Nah man, Brisbane

Id changed bc changed i was at uni before

Oh so what Melbourne was 10 years ago

pretty much, except there is a fuck ton more gooks

Since when have arguments been useful? Just call them racist.

Nah I remember Melbourne was all gooks 10 years ago
Now diversity is getting to the point where even the gooks are leaving

I saw this the other day.
you go to southbank and west end, its legit all indians, blacks, and gooks.

Coffs Harbour here, flooded with abos and niggers. Lots of poos and gooks as well, but in lower numbers. How is Perth? Is it Darwin without the abos?

Somehow this disgusts me less than a nigger in a suit

From what I've heard Freemantle banned Australia day


Even my boss went on about this

Silly goy, without them, the tech industry will collapse overnight!

For my IB assignment, I have to write a report on whether I would expand my imaginary corn chip manufacturing business into either China or India. I have a whole section on Indian shitters contaminating the product.



Sup Rasheed.


Are there nogs in Australia?

Not many; most have come in recent years and are centered around Sydney and Melbourne.

theres a colony of sudanese niggers in Adelaide now
only arrived like 3 years ago and they've already made their presence as the scum of society present

like they're worse than the abos cause an abo aint got the energy to chase you or outrun a security guard so they're less likely to mug you or walk into a shop and just start stealing shit in plain view

Apex games

Just use that room for pajeets (and only pajeets) that way you don't need to waste money cleaning it. If the don't want that room tell them its the last one left, so its that or nothing.

high caste Indians are partly Aryan, with thousands of years of borderline mixing.

like having designated nigger rooms where the furniture comes from a warehouse in China and none of the plug sockets work

Sudanese gang/demograpic group called Apex.
They have been creating their own crime wave for the last 2.5 years and the police and courts just cant deal witht the. car jackings, home invasions, mob muggings, muggings. theses things were very rare in Melbourne before Apex and now are uncommon and very much talked about. courts very lenient, they secretly want the public terrorized. Repeat offenders on the public purse are good for the courts.

sort of, but they will never know the smell, and not know the difference. you can do a normal cleaning on the room, but with the smell they would be none the wiser.

If they complain about the smell claim you can't smell anything. differences in smell perception in different races are well known.

doubt they'd complain about the smell if they're carrying that scent around with them tbh

What about the rest of the worlds health? the ocean is not your fucking toilet you apes.
Bury your shit at the very least you idiots.

Are the Abos up in Broome shitting in the ocean?

they installed floor toilets at my uni because the shitskins were pooing in the alcoves and inside the buildings on the stairs and other weird places
its like literally dressing apes and pretending their humans, they cant even figure out a toilet and the commies are handing them medical degrees

thats the tide washing indias shit onto the coast
dont think krill shit enough to turn the Antarctic coastal waters into fecal soup

Fair enough
I'm still laughing at the thought of an abo shitting in the water

Australia need's castle doctrine & firearms. Can't believe how hard it is for you guys to get them.

accidental sage

Blame Howard
He practically invented pretending to be right wing to pass left wing shit

Melbourne, Newport station, was waiting for a train. train carriage pulls up on the platform during rush hour, half of the people on the train were Indian, a handful of whites, the rest chinks or niggers.

the cities are overrun, white are moving to the rural areas and second tier cities, which are very white, and much safer as long as there is no ice (meth).

India, the White Man's secret chemical weapon.

Shame that the water doesn't flush on over to Israel

soon as you leave the cbd the suburbs and rural communities are fucked with meth
ice epidemic is underrated nearly everyones on it
if you're in a country town and you dont smoke/inject meth you're an outlier
bikie gangs basically control those areas from the fucking shadows
I like Adelaide but its receiving the Melbourne poz so fast its like Melbourne is firing pozloads in the form of traveling hipsters and they're infecting the service industry and the nightlife everywhere as fast as they can

Cityfag stereotype, I'm not on meth, the only people I know who were on meth were fucking abos

with the kikes obsession with scat that would be doing them a favour

then you're an outlier or like really rural
I know basically every town in SA is riddled with it


Eh the Place I'm from had a rural center which is full of druggos, and the town I went to highschool as is the place I lived is in the greater area most people live to avoid living in said drugged up area, too bad it looks like as soon as I was finishing it was starting to flow into there

And stand your ground laws and free speech.

In the last few years compound bows have become very popular and its not because of 'the hunger games ' movie franchise. its being used as just in case home defense. In a country area its lot quieter than rifle, can be left loaded anywhere in a house (unlike a rifle which must be locked up in a cabinet unloaded without the bolt) . Arrows can be made to penetrate kevlar, unlike most bullets.

The nation is pretty cucked but I have faith in the casually racist, mechanically skilled country ocker. There will be a helluva blue, but we'll be right mate.

Well it's funny seeing "Malco" going "Hello you Goy- I mean Hello Fellow Australians, I hear you want Immigration and housing fixed, I totally will do that, I'm going to fix it the same way our great ex-prime minister John Howard did, vote for me goy- I mean Racis- I mean Australian Citizen"

When I lived there I was surprised by now easy it seems to be to get firearms on the black market.

You are receiving the best and richest Pajeets and they still smell like shit ?
I thought rich Pajeets were more civilized.

its gotten harder but its still possible if you hang around the right degenerates

'malco' could fix immigration and housing , he could immigrate to israel and a real Australian could live in his previous house.

To be fair, he's a jew with Jew money, probably only the Chinese, a Jew or Gina Rinehard could afford his Jew house

No USA is getting the best pajeets, we are probably get the 3rd best ones.

Whom said he was going to be able to sell it? I say seize it, he has defrauded us all.


Fair enough
Should we give it to Mel Gibson or Pauline Hanson

Paul Hogan?

Russell Coight maybe
Or should it go to the guy who put Hydrochloric acid in a Lube dispenser in a sydney fag bar

There's at least 10 million Australians who more worthy than 'Malco'.

LeftyPol discord: discord.gg/mREbnqv

Fair enough
we probably should organise an Australian of the year to counteract the whole giving it to fags and seargents who promote fags

David Leyonholm?
wants to legalize fully automatic assault rifles in Australia and put an end to unskilled immigration
the liberal democrats front page literally states lets end political correctness and this
plus you know actually has a seat in the Senate

He is anti free speech though, that is a big issue.

It's like you haven't learned any of the jewish tricks