Refugee from 4chan Holla Forums
We've been invaded by "people" who are enforcing a pro-Islam and pro-Zionism sentiment.
John Oliver has named the Holla Forums, there is an effort to destroy the counter culture that is Holla Forums and it is working.
Refugee from 4chan Holla Forums
We've been invaded by "people" who are enforcing a pro-Islam and pro-Zionism sentiment.
John Oliver has named the Holla Forums, there is an effort to destroy the counter culture that is Holla Forums and it is working.
Other urls found in this thread:
link or fuck off.
If you didn't have the brains to leave in 2014, you don't belong here. Reported.
Nice dubs. I'm fighting down the urge to tell you to go back because this is a nice head's up, if true.
oh really?
capcha ebjtrs
Skip to 25:50
I can't believe you guys didn't hear about this, the anons at 4chan Holla Forums who shill Holla Forums let on that they're more in the know.
Do you faggots not actually have the manpower for constant surveillance?
4chan is already cucked, john oliver normies have zero power.
No way, I haven't watched the video since yesterday.
But he named the Holla Forums and since then a massive influx of libbies have came in and have shilled for Israel, Islam, immigration, Macron etc.
I'm aware that there are always shitposters and shills on Holla Forums but there seems to be a lot more since yesterday.
So shill back and drop all your red pills and convert them, fucktard. All these normies flooding your board and you don't even think to turn any of them to your side? You have to go back.
user, he's a cuckchan faggot that decided not to leave during any of the exoduses to this board. You really think he's capable of doing anything greater than making shit threads and double spacing between every sentence?
I also haven't seen the word kike, nigger, jew, shitskin, mudslime etc etc
I'm aware that using these words aren't "counter-culture" but it signifies where you are and who you are talking to.
I've noticed the use of these words drop significantly, and in large threads they are used once or twice in an entire 400 reply thread.
I haven't been able to post on 4chan since yesterday when I dumped a large holocaust redpill file. It simply says, pic related.
It's been like this for around 7 days since I dropped the file which was around 1.2gbs in size.
I will upload the image macros from the file, but there are large pdfs included in it.
Made a mistake
i left during the first exodus but holy shit this smug faggotry has never left this place huh. The only reason this doesn't rustle me anymore is because I know 100% of the people who say this are the same intellectual lightweights that I BTFO regularly around here.
If you're going to bother sticking around here, the unofficial motto of this place is 'archive everything'. That means making webms of videos, because this sort of shit happens all the time. Your thread is now dead in the water because there's nothing to discuss without that video clip.
Saged for being a refugee thread.
You sound like an elitist faggot who probably doesn't have the intellectual capacity to back up being perpetually perturbed.
I'm glad I left long ago.
I'm not disputing the fact that 4chan sucks dick, it has for a while but I've not moved here because you faggots have a bad rep for being unwelcoming cunts and then you scratch your heads and wonder why no one visits this shit hole
i absolutely guarantee i've been here longer than you, and i was on 4chan for probably 6 years before you even heard of it lol
I've noticed.
If you can't deal with unwelcoming cunts, then you either: a) shouldn't bother making slide threads to announce how new you are or b) should grow thicker skin somewhere else
Either way, you sound like an insufferable faggot.
Pic related is you.
don't bother moving here lol. Two of the mods are non-whites and one is a tranny, it's been proven numerous times but the dumbasses here think it's "D&C" to point out that their mods are LITERALLY SHITSKINS
Its shit.
counter culture is a funny term
Your ancestors look upon you with disgust, your descendants will curse your name.
lmao dude I'm way smarter than you, stop embarrassing yourself
Well, would you look at that, cuckchan threads attract nigger goons.
Fuck me, is anyone actually ideologically sound anymore. You can't condemn niggers and gays while letting fags and niggers moderate your nigger and gay bashing basket weaving forums.
There needs to be a purge on 4chan, and here based on what I'm hearing. 4chan has a literal corrupt nip as a mod who doesn't understand the culture of the chan.
Nah fam, I just need a place to speak to like minded people, it's good to cool off after spending hours out in the real world which is filled with brain dead scum.
Thanks for proving you're a 60IQ nigger. Pic related.
the thing about subverting Holla Forums means the diaspora pushes every other board further right
so far right, that those boards will demand politics get placed into its own board
and another Holla Forums is born. its a hydra
fight the invasion where you see it, but never believe youre defeated, because the very nature of imageboards is undefeatable
Yeah, I guess it makes sense that you're okay with your mods being niggers lmao
This is the classic 8/pol/ retard posting pattern here, I love this. He responds to every comment in the thread with roughly the same one-liner in the same tone. The beautiful irony that only people with an IQ above 90 can appreciate is that he spends so much of his time complaining about muh cuckchanners and muh board quality, and yet a majority of his posts are the same awful drivel with zero originality, insight, or humor. What a useless waste of space lol.
Prove otherwise cunt.
Fuck me, this is laughable, you boys have your heads so far up your own holes that you're sniffing your uvula.
Do you have a single shred of proof, nigger? I can't wait for you to post some shitty /sudo/ thread link or maybe some cancer from /polmeta/ that proves absolutely nothing.
You first mistake was not leaving in 2014. Your second was making this shitty thread.
Guarantee he thinks he's intellectually superior because he browses here instead of 4chan and also probably believes his posts are universally agreed with and everyone doesn't think he's a massive fag.
"Is a nigger himself"
Prove it, also prove your mods aren't literal niggers and fags.
Can't be stupid if you shout that others are stupid.
The amount of irony in one post.
go back
No, I will make this place a bastion of national socialism instead of LARP: The Board
You wanna come here? Then don't make these gay threads. Lurk and only post when you have something good to say.
I honestly don't, but the screencaps were floating around here all the time around a year ago (so a few months before you came here, newfriend)
Absolutely, you can tell by their manic posting style when they do this sort of thing, they aren't even considering for a second that everyone thinks they're acting like supreme spergs.
Well I'm having a little BTFO session with this boards doublethink population.
I'm making my own fun.
you don't belong here. Cuckchan is your home and you need to go back
Half chan is down.
Top fucking kek, goon. Kill yourself.
nobody should talk about things i don't want to talk about
I can taste your ASD, settle down spergy.
holy shit lol this is definitely the first time someone on 8/pol/ has claimed that screencaps of posts are not definitive proof.
a cuck from halfchan wouldn't know real NatSoc, go back
Kill yourself kike.
i have to travel now. I'll be back soon under a new ID.
I'll be excited to see whether or not you dedicated TWO straight hours of your life to saging a post because you felt it wasn't a productive conversation (Totally rational behavior and not sperg-tier at all btw)
Tell me what you know, oh superior pedochanner?
Just now realised he's been saging the thread from his first post all the way through, what a retard.
It's just this nigger>>9881157
seriously what kind of kike doesn't try to convert white people to natsoc lmao
if you think this isn't an antifa board masquerading as a racist one you've got an IQ in the 80s for sure
Start a new forum. Rinse and repeat.
Luckily there are countless WN forums/spaces out there and the list is growing exponentially.
TRShills are still trying? Did Kike Enoch give you a few shekels and promises of a pool party?
Oh? So this place isn't actually WN as I've been lead to believe? What changed seeing as 4chans Holla Forums portrayed you guys as more extreme than us.
Maybe it's the shitskin and tranny mods that converted you all to being useless faggots to the race.
This place is not much better, filled with crap and anfita threads, useless party politics and 0 information.
I've noticed that within around 15 minutes of browsing the catalogue.
Why the fuck do you guys even bother to come to 4chan and virtue signal as if this place is some sort of haven for people like us.
Literal anthem for this board:
le based black man amirite guise
This place is pretty much reddit with a different coat of paint lmao
Like up until last year this fucking waste of skin owned the website, fuck me haha
Nah, I'm just gonna become a menace on this board and subvert and shitpost until anuses are blown the fuck out because you fags seem more easily triggered than SJW
what a total and completely unpredictable shift in opinions that was dictated by personal experience!
This "4/pol/ refugee" shit is getting boring guys, even CTR had better shilling techniques.
You wouldn't be unwelcomed if you shut your whore mouth, and lurked most like kek you seriously are mad over insults in a Mongolian cooking advice message board
so, in essence, after fleeing 4/pol/, you decided to be what you always were back there: cancer.
Nah fam, I just noticed how fucking retarded the posters on this board are.
It's actually laughably bad and then you have the nuts to come and claim this shitshow is better than 4chan? Get over yourselves, you're worse than deviantart at the amount of doublethink and retardation.
Also, not everyone is a CTR shill, or Jew, you're pretty much at the same level as your average mirroring newfag on 4chan Holla Forums
You can't subvert us
You already appear to have been seeing as you have niggers and a tranny as moderators, like what the fuck is up with that.
So while you try to convince me you are not any of these things, you are using my exact argument for the stupid fucking fags who shilled 8ch on 4chan.
retards are actually making excuses for being cucks, oh boi
No we don't, we like things how they are. Quality not quantity.
And the alternative is……?
Ah, there's where your reading comprehension has failed you R tard, I didn't say "you" did it individually, I implied community.
Prove otherwise.
How ironic that you fags call 4chan cuckchan when it's fairly evident it's the other way around.
Kill yourself.
Oust them or make a new board which you seem to be able to do on this shit site.
so where does your "not everyone is a shill or jew" argument bring you in light of this? Are shills a community effort here and we should point them out like we've been doing for ages, or should we accept #notalljews? Not all of us were shilling 8ch, and yet you're comfortable blaming the whole board.
Think fast.
Ah surely not, you can't prove me otherwise which basically validates my claim as no one, including yourself can prove otherwise.
Come on now sonny, prove that your mods aren't the people you claim to hate or is your doublethink too strong?
Lurk more.
Nah, I'd say at least a good 40% of your community shilled because this site is slowly but surely dying and they need to bolster their numbers.
I'd also make the claim that people that did come here from 4chan's Holla Forums left after about an hour because they noticed how much faggier the posters were here on average compared to the place they left.
you seem to be big on proofs, so how about some proof then?
Daily reminder current numbers are nowhere near representative of 8ch at its prime.
While this place has obscure people in charge (imkikey, Jim, Ron, etc.), 4chan is no better, managed by a kike until 2 years ago, now owned by a nip kike known for scamming 2ch users, so keep quiet faggot, propose a better alternative or GT-
imkikey and his crew will only leave if they manage to fuck up real bad, and there's still no guarantee the new admins will be any better
You don't understand the basics of an Exodus, what's necessary to move masses away from places, look at /polpol/ /pn/, /polidicks/, /politics/, /polk/, etc. Notice anything in common with these boards? All dead
I'm expecting a reply along the lines of ____ but I'll see if you retards actually will call me out on it
user, I…
dont be a yuuuge faggot op
the chans over the last decade have lived in secrecy and privacy. why? because fucking normies don't come to fucking websites like this.
you fucking clowns brag about being from said place, then get angry when those fucking people show up
don't be a fucking retard trying to get famous if you aint trying to get famous
how fucking autistic are you?
all it took was a couple fucking faggots to brag about we are blah blah blah chan, fuck you. suddenly those people you said fuck you came to your house and are on your porch and your a scared fucking pussy afraid to confront them.
wanna get rid of normies? set up shill threads for the normies, put malware/virus into an image in that thread, telll them its the dankest meme ever and to save and forward and spread it. then sit back relax and charge your iphone in the microwave.
oh and fuck kikes niggers muslims and anyone who doesn't have white skin and blue eyes.
Nigger when, when 4chan was at it's "prime" they probably had 400% more posters on one board than you faggots on the whole site.
why the fuck are we supposed to care kikenigger?
Oh fuck you guys are more retarded than I thought, I was expecting you to call me out on the youtube video, not claim the video is mine.
Fuck you guys are stupid.
ayy lmao, your compatriots apparently seem to care a lot
it was you asserting 40% of the userbase went shilling to 4chan, which I'm calling bullshit
so you were just pretending to be retarded, then?
you're mistaking boredom for caring
So you won't alleviate your boredom elsewhere? That sort of implies you care fam
I just want your 1.2 gig file.
Alright nigger, lemme upload it
you know why Holla Forums died a quiet death, right? How they choked on their IRONY LMAO posting style? You're a remnant of that, befitting a 4chan refugee.
stop posting that fucking tranny you degenerate kike
Instead of uploading trannies, and low energy irony, why don't you reply to the post I made here? Do you conveniently stopped caring about that too? faggot?
It's actually not a tranny lmao, it's a fag I know irl
I just think he's really funny to look at
I couldn't be bothered uploading it anymore
Who could have predicted such a turn of events?
Fuck off and go back to halfchan you faggot.
The nose knows
Make me, I might actually go shill 8ch on 4chan Holla Forums so this place gets even worse than it already is
And I will keep posting redpills so you fags at least stop being useful idiots
So not only are you a shitstirring faggot, you suck at basic opsec and find faggots funny instead of disgusting.
You have to go back.
I find them funny because of how disgusting they are, how does that work for you?
Kill yourself op.
You can't be pro- both at the same time. Unless they're different people? In that case just let them fight each other.
works pretty well for a future faggot i guess
There's a reason you faggots have such a poor reputation and this is a large part of it. 39 posts to say "no u". I hope your trailer burns down when you fall asleep tonight. Go back to half chan and be a faggot over there instead of shitting this place up with your inferiority complex, you hooting retard. Sage and reported.
No nigger, I have free will to do what I want
Look at this fucking faggot lmao, I'd love to bash his head in
that you do. We also have free will to tell you you're a disgrace to any flavour of Holla Forums you prefer.
You people all act like women.
He's balding too
It's not a question of being smug, it's a question of why would one stay in a cesspit of cuckoldry? The reason for the exodus was that it became unusable.
kill yourself
it's not a fucking downvote
reddit needs to leave
The current year retard? He's almost as powerless and irrelevant as colbert as if the election hasn't shown that. Besides cuckchan is going to always be cucked so long as the hotpockets there aren't gassed.
that may be too generous since our friendo here outed himself as a faglover with a fagfriend some posts before
so you WERE only pretending to be retarded! Wow user, you sure got us!
No need to damage control, kike
Why do you need to reach so hard for insults? It makes you look stupid.
Bots talking to bots in this thread
I was pretending, but you guys are actually retarded.
I find cuckchan only marginally less usable than this shithole post-Trump
I don't know what it is, but this place turned to absolute dogshit sometime around August of last year. I don't know if blaming it on Trump is fair, but his rise was definitely the marker.
I mean seriously what's with this? This dude is literally just spamming this thread. There are also numerous other posters doing the same thing he's doing.
Like how fucking dumb do you have to be to do this? Do people like this not realize they're making the thread infinitely more popular and active than if they simply ignored it?
if you consider moving about 2 inches 'reaching', i guess
I was just on cuckchan. It looked like the typical shitposts I always see there.
Kill yourself
Kushner is helping Jim tbh
This isn't Reddit, stop getting irritated over images kek
Just checked cuckchan. Looks normal to me. There's a thread laughing at drowned niggers the wops were responsible for example.
People have tried to subvert Holla Forums since forever but the JIDF couldn't do it /r/srs couldn't do it and state sponsored shills couldn't do it not even the faggots who do it for free could do it so I doubt this will make any difference. You really want to care just drop simple pastebin type redpills and infographics and shit and you'll be fine. Nothing is going to change Holla Forums though because it always changes you first.
What they're attempting is a saturation attack, flooding Holla Forums with so many normalfags it overwhelms redpilling capacity and reduces happening response time. Nothing new really, if anything it lasts only for a few weeks and ends up adding a few new people to Holla Forums's ranks. However if such attacks are timed right, it could result in Holla Forums dropping the ball on a crucial event.
*delays happening response
This place was genuinely really good for a couple years. It's been getting dumber steadily for at least a year. It's only been as bad as it is now for a couple months. All the smart people left and as far as I can tell, splintered off to various other chans. You're too late user.
Pretty much. Shit would only work if retention rates were higher, they've tried that a lot before in fact what with all the h8chan articles back when hotwheels was running the board.
Nowadays they try to start interboard or crossboard raiding, unsuccessfully with presenting and endchan as alternatives with some very shitty arguments, now 4chan with this being… around the 27th "refugee" thread that I remember in recent times.
They have no clue how any of this works.
It was. But it's not the first time posting quality drastically dropped. Compare pre-first Exodus and fresh post-first Exodus.
Right now Holla Forums is at a stage where a big disturbance would force another exodus and these fags try to accelerate that. Either they succeed and Holla Forums splinters further into other boards, or they fail and we return to steadily building quality over time.
There are shitskins and obvious MIDF people posting here. What makes you think a place run by actual kikes and half-breeds would be any better?
present a viable alternative then kike
A flood of bad users is normal. This is different. This time all the good users have left because low IQ surface level politics is now the dominant culture on the board and if you want to talk about anything else you'll get shit for responses because the only people still around have shit-for-brains, or you'll just get called and shill and possibly banned.
the only decent boards don't want more users. fuck off cuck
Just go to Reddit fag, we all hate you anyway.
If you don't see how that's reaching, you definitely spend way too much time on the internet little guy.
Actually I think I'll stay haha, mostly because there's literally nothing you can do about it except cry like a little sissy faggot.
I don't think they left. I remember lurking myself when gamergate just started and we had a flood of newfags. The tactic back then was to let themselves tire out and wait for the quality posters to get redpilled and stay. I'm still of the opinion there are only two ways this will go: either exodus or toughing it out, improving the board output.
Why are you here, then? You've obviously got better, higher quality boards to discuss intelligently about politics. Why waste time here?
To all lurkers, read posts like these if you want some insight into the mindset of the average user here. Keep in mind that while many of them probably have plenty of great opinions and thoughts, they're also the most massive losers in the world. Look at the way these guys are characterizing the personality and history of a page full of text as if it were a real nation with a real history.
This is the sad reality of a deracinated world, even those who are most aware fall into this kind of childish stupidity. If you take Holla Forums this seriously you're dumb and most likely an ineffectual NEET.
I'm a shill, farming litecoins tbh.
swing and a miss user
Yeah because you are part of it. Lurk moar newfag
I'm not sure what you're doing exactly but projection is a Jewish trait user.
This video is a classic. The best anti-shill gore video so far
Too much normalfag trash shitting up all the Chans now.
That's why you used BTFO in the incorrect context right?
…..rrrrrrrrrright?! kys.
hello newfriend, no need to try to fit in so hard. Try lurking more first.
this is one of the most fucked up things ive seen in my life, is there a back story?
How can you even tell?
im serious
Cuckchan doesn't even have sound on their gore. They are not ready to DEHUMANIZE YOURSELF AND FACE TO BLOODSHED. If they are to weak to handle that video then they have no place on imageboards
Spic ratted on the drug cartels, this is what they do. Remember to never be captured alive
just spam gore, that will get most of them to fuck off so you can go back
You see my boy, non-whites are horrible creatures. What you watched there was just one one of your average things that they do to their victims. So what is the point of videos like that? Why would anyone watch them? Well, like said, we need to dehumanize ourselves. We need to have a strong mentality and not be bothered by such images when the time comes to fight IRL. These videos are also the best reminder of what happens when you get captured by enemies - especially non-whites. Keep watching, keep training your brain to handle such images and sounds.
Whenever I come to a near collision, it's always some bitch driving. The one and only accident I've ever been in, she was on the phone making an illegal left across two lanes of traffic.
"But they waved me in! He came out of nowhere! He must have been doing 20 over! Waaaaaaaah!"
I saw her start sobbing at the end of it and according to the police report, it wasn't anyone's fault, despite her literally breaking the law by making an illegal left.
I found her facebook profile a few weeks later (she's a Jewess, wouldn't you know) and she posted about it saying, "It was my fault but I was able to talk the officer out of a ticket." Is that what they call crying now?
Thanks cunt. Thanks a fucking lot. You'll be the first one in the oven.
K, coming for you
Because of that post I hope you get culturally enriched, and I shall feel zero sympathy for you.
Contributing some red-pills…
Irish pikeys and Jews sound really quite similar, except they resolve their differences by punching and will turn their hand to manual labour.
If they can infiltrate and fuck you over they will though, this always seems to be the underlying trait. Masters of the moonlight flit.
Get out.
this board really is going to the fucking dogs
Learn your place cuckchanner.
Cuckchan < Cripplechan < Endchan
With each level you get closer to the truth. Oldfags know the next step in the journey but you're not ready to be linked to it. Good luck.
>Cuckchan < Cripplechan < Endchan
Meanwhile on endchan
Quality > Quantity
endchan got neither, son
I'm just glad there's a space that isn't completely co-opted by ZOG. I doubt that it will last much longer but I'll enjoy it while it lasts.
refugees not welcome
So why are you here and not on your great board then?
Still use >>>Holla Forums here and a few other boards. Occasionally use the recent threads feature to see what Holla Forums is up to. Never claimed it was a great board, only a necessary board for all those anons that don't want to conform to Trump/ZOG worship.
Braindead retard. 4cuck Holla Forums has been cucked for a long long time. Maybe when Joot changed the css to a cuckolding joke or before that when all the mods were exposed as SJW goons your brain should have realized "This place is a joke".
Keep posting
I'll see my way out. Enjoy posting your smug animu while MasonJim feeds you falsehoods and harvests your data. I'll stop in when Trump deploys troops to Syria to see how you justify his actions. Yinnon Plan is nearing completion and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are as well. See you in hell, unless we're already there.
wait, just like that? Without a lengthy goodbye post where you call the whole userbase cucks that does not understand?
Bon voyage. And when Trump invades Syria make sure to create a thread on endchan and not here.
top laugh