Is there any proof of a silent resistance group in Germany? Do you all think that Germans educate their youth on the lies of the holohoax?
Is there any proof of a silent resistance group in Germany...
No. No. They’re the most cucked of all the European nations.
They have TV channels airing holocaust documentaries every day, questioning the narrative is not really an option for most.
what a shit show
I've heard stories that the guards and the prisons are very sympathetic to the NATSOC types. If there was anything more I'm sure it would be secret and stuck only in the shadows given the legal framework in Germany.
Exposing yourself would probably do far more bad than good if you're in any position of influence.
.t 60% burger
I wonder if anyone doubts the bullshit even when they are subjected to such propaganda
no, mass media is very effective. it's sad in a way because so many good white people believe being wrong is being right. It's what leads to so many cases of Schizophrenia in the United States.
t. 60% hwhite subhuman mutt
Nice honey post.
One must understand the amalgamation of the following:
-ww2 guilt indoctrination
-societal standing
Germans are very concerned with what people think of them. their adherence to rules and procedures is somewhat astounding. I've been at crosswalks at 0300 and they will wait until the light turns green with nary a car in sight. They adhere to the status quo because ostracization is anathema to them. I see parrellels to America with their rabid soccer fandom to the point of ignoring issues, akin to an average hand egg bro. One would be remiss to not think there are those who share our views because there are. the mental indoctrination here is more difficult to overcome given the rigorous and lengthy educational indoctrination.
t. Ami expat 13 years.
t. kanake expat 4 years
In b4 butthurt krauts
too late
This shit needs to stop.
Or as they called people who doubted the hoax in the USSR delayed schizophrenia.
No user. I have family there still.
They welcome their demise.
I dont understand it and they're far too brainwashed. Bring up facts and they simply shut down like robots with stack buffer overruns.
Please tell me this isn't true.
It's crazy how indoctrinated the people here are.
It's just like you say, as soon as i try to bring up facts it's either "that is a conspiracy theory" or "i don't want to talk about this any more".
Even when i try to show them ((wikipedia)) articles supporting my arguments, they just completely shut down and keep rambling about how it's all not true and there is no correlation between what i just showed them and what i'm trying to prove.
Germany is a fucking loony bin and i want out.
Germanbro here, its true.
Its actually pretty bad, its not just about the holohoax but they also believe the media unquestioningly, my sister is a perfect example of that. Everytime I mention the lügenpresse she gets really defensive of it and questions the integrity of the media that is calling out the mainstream media on being lügenpresse.
Its sad and hilarious at the same time.
Noteworthy here is a guy I once knew, he used to go to a therapist cause depression, he was almost exclusively friends with immigrants, he even started a rapping career(localy, not a big thing, last i checked) and his music was mostly centered about how bad those poor immigrants have it cause muh white(police) racism(Despite the fact that the city i live in is a lefty shithole)
Pretty much everyone is like that, the only based people are those still alive from World War 2.
They usually cant say a bad thing about hitler if you ask them, cause they remember how great their childhood time was before the jews fucked it up.
But even they thanks to being old watch tv allday and get indoctrinated, like one older lady thinks refugees are nice poor people cause TalmudVision.
Germany is fucked, even those that are more "redpilled" regarding refugees and that shit tend to be extremely bluepilled regarding the jews, holohoax, and the only nationalism they know is civic nationalism. They also love Obama.
The Chosen will never let them ever have bad goy thoughts ever again after the 66 trillion burned alive by Satandolf Hitler in the Holoshoah
Don't give up hope Hans. It took me years but I got through to members of my family and have redpilled them to an extent I never dreamed possible.
Also even if you have to leave town or hell even go to different parts of the country always strive to meet likeminded people and keep in touch. It can be a real challenge to meet such people but having redpilled friends will help keep you sane.
Is there any proof of a silent resistance group in Germany?
If there is, it is VERY small, or their would be less votes for merkel.
There is resistance but its disorganized. Any organized group would quickly have more secret service plants than real members.
Yes, lived there for a while.
From businessmen to temp/contract workers and old ladies, they all still love the old ways and days. Younger groups are more mixed though but red-pilling is our main priority.
Would say 8-9/10 people on average are based AF there if you dig into it.
Not in cities though, but in country/industrial/rural areas.
Also heard lots of police/mil are pretty Reich as fuck but you get off your 2 years service with the lightest comments on recruitment, e.g. 'can we shoot the guns like grandad had in the old war, that one was really fast and sounds awesome?' etc
The Bundeswehr has been systematically cucked, the police are pretty redpilled though because they deal with roaches regularly. They are in the process of being destroyed too though via more and more shitskin recruits.
evidently their military has had to launch a massive nationwide investigation into soldiers being into right wing politics because there were some shenanigans.
the problem is, the votes are decided in the cities where most of the population is centered. I still have relatives I keep in contact in germany; family fought on the "wrong" side of world war 2 so of course they don't believe in the holohoax, .etc, but they understand there is nothing they can do. Armed rebellion is essentially impossible, their children get beamed propaganda directly into their skulls from every possible vector, and shitskins are flooding in to replace them all.
Basically, it's turning into Greece only they haven't thrown their version of Golden Dawn into jail yet.
Yes, this is very true, for many Europeans actually. They remind me of the Japanese in that way - they are obsessed with following the set protocol.
There are Germans who think a little bit like we do but they seem to have accepted their fate. Most of them are of the "well as long as they work and assimilate…" mindset, and certainly don't strike me as people prepared to go through a struggle to change anything.
Germany is one big abuse victim. They've been slaughtered, slandered, and punished constantly since WW2. Germany is neurotic, like a beaten dog. Don't expect anything impressive out of them at this point. If they manage a few more generations as a white majority with internet access, then maybe they can be salvaged, but the current people are largely ruined.
Just as you can't build a stable family with a crazy person, you can't build a stable nation with crazy people.
German society is so individualized, everyone feels like they are alone with their views. A controlled MSM further pushes this idea. Most people have been raised to think German culture doesn't really exist. (Except the Holocaust, that one 101% their fault of course.)
Questioning narrative gets you locked up, goy. No, seriously, questioning holocaust is 5 years in high security prison and it's being enforced very well, holohoax exposers, nationalist separatists or god forbid national-socialists have an arrest priority above ISIS.
The lowest form of life in Germany is the working, tax paying white man. They get fucked via taxes, they get fucked in the courts.
It is very few, but in the younger generation it gets better. Problem is normies are normies, they lack the autistic obsession to research patterns for months to find truth and mostly lack the ability to recognize (((their))) manipulative tricks. They are trapped in their mental prison. My normie friends are purplepilled, they know it didnt happen like (((they))) say, but are still
Well I would accept that since the nazis themselves were like
but racemixing was a no-go.
So let's be honest
Germany is completely fucked, right?
It explains Jerusalem Syndrome perfectly. As a kid when you first learn about "evil" nazis something doesn't sit right. If you keep having a lie repeated to you but the evidence goes against logic and rationality it busts your head open. The only way to cope is to lose your attachment to critical thinking. Now you are completely under their spell.
Nah, not really. It's the working, tax-paying anyone. Once you are dumb enough to start working you're fucked for life - the state will milk you to the last cent, then throw you away if you have to stop working due to health problems or old age.
The right way to live in Germany is to be an asocial, criminal welfare queen.
my sympathy and support is reserved for those who help themselves, certainly not fucking Sweden or Germoney
A large segment is hidden within the "green movement". AFD is being supported by some manner of neo-Artaman league in rural areas, siphoning off lefty money with organic produce.
Idk, it would have been very very hard for them. Maybe some fled Germany after the war but i doubt it.
If there's any place on this earth that would have a significant resistance movement it would originate from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and some other nations that were friendly toward Germany.
They'd still fly under the radar outside of Germany for the same reasons as before. There is nothing positive that would come from exposing yourself. One person well hidden is worth 100 out in the open vocal.
I’ve never bitten my tongue in Germany but every single person has the same reaction. An odd phase out, quick dismissal and then a refusal to acknowledge anything I am saying. No anger, just a robotic like patience for what is being said to end and then they will continue talking about something else. All done in a polite manner I will add.
What has been done to the German people is unforgivable, they have been totally mind fucked. My nation played a role in it and if I ever find a way to help the healing process I will.
it's a finnposter thing you newfaggot
Well, if you're going by nations then that is literally 0 of ours. Don't even try to feed me that Trump/Brexit bullshit either. It's not even about helping themselves, they're all inadvertently hurting themselves without knowing it because we've succumbed to materialism and hedonism.
You're talking .1% of our people on a global scale are living by your motto of helping themselves.
DC shitpost
Blatent lie = shilling defeatism
Idiot who believed it or creating consensus to believe.
Literal goon or reddit shill to create D&C.
Literal goon or reddit shill to create D&C
I am a German/Dutch and this is bullshit. We care about law and order and but we don't follow laws that state to kill ourselves son, plenty of people here don't believe the holohaux one bit. German government has even requested Kikehive Israel to change it but they wish to maintain the lie as it would compromise the foundational rights of Israel. When the palastinians get genocided slowly and Israel is 100% they might revert it.
Goon, reaffirmation shill.
Congratulating himself on completing the shill.
First user to recognize the shilling.
MSM isn't even believed here anymore. Especially not after all the terror attacks who dismiss it. The only ones who actually get a talking space on TV/RADIO are extreme leftists. Pegida has regular demonstrations.
Reddit spacing cancer. Nonsense story, most likely a american. We are sick of lying politicians here.
Merkel has no chance of winning, it's Martin Schultz (EU) for CDU vs AFD.
Literally saved my image from other thread and posts here to validify himself.
On and on it goes, vpn change after vpn change, mods used to ban shit OP's. After creating all these shit one liner messages to shill the posting stops. Ever since that alt-kike movement this place has gone to shit rapidly.
wasn't there a secret """"""neo-"""""""""nazi"""""""" network uncovered in the german army a week ago or something? heard about it on the radio but didn't pay much attention to it
this story has been spread the last few days
i know a bluepilled old guy, whose family was almost btfo'd by soviets in 1945, when he was a kid, lost wealth etc.
he's super conscious and critical of denazification and re-education, jewish influence, israel… and he STILL became a refugees-welcome activist, pro-merkel, the full bluepilled program including all the pro-EU and anti-trump narratives. you could shoot him with a redpilled cannon ball and it wold just sink in like in mud, without effect.
all generations born until 80s or 90s are useless.
yeah, but when was the last time you took such headlines seriously in USA, when they run similar campaigns against your troops?
the probability is higher that leftists just seek another reason to purge.
There sure is a problem, its just not what you think.
It'll be CDU vs SPD, and so far the CDu has far better chances for reasons I don't really understand.
The AfD will most likley make it over 5% and get seats in the Bundestag, but not really more than that, though 20%+ would be the dream since we'd either get a mega coalition of everyone against the AfD, which will destroy itself within the first 3 months, or they'll have to cooperate with the AfD, thus giving them actual power.
Our defense minister is going full gun ho at it though, demanding that everything that predates '45 needs to be destroyed or changed, like songs for exAMPLE.
Yes, a new songbook for soilders is being written, since the old ones can be connected to a time before '45, while soilders don't have enough ammunition to train properly.