Open Society Foundation (Soros) board member Ethan Zuckerman just called for government-funded and controlled social media
More Soros bullshit
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Man, this fucker gets around.
He's on Randi Harper's letter to ICANN:
and a bunch of other connections with SJW cancer
Basically, they want to brainwash the uncucked masses by force.
nothing about open society surprises me anymore
promised chan knockoff
It won't work so long as the internet is still open.
Are they missing the part where people aren't literally glued to their computer screens? Why would anyone put up with such a large increase in bullshit to content ratio?
Anyway, it's a stupid idea. Guy who had it was probably just virtue signalling.
That's why they're making Internet 2.0 when?
It already is to an extent but it's mostly corporate instead of government, which is already a blurry line if you consider the likelihood of collaborative projects. If anything all they need to do is a bit more string pulling and they'd get what they want while maintaining a corporate front for it. In fact it's more effectively to maintain a private front so it can bypass the first amendment.
.is means Iceland.
Also to make money. Look at how many Kikes pbs and npr employs. Getting paid govt money to do their hobby of subversion.
that's why we're making internet 2.0 opensource
Soros isn't in control and never was.
Kushner is the leader of the NWO, financed by the Rothschild/Rockefeller elite.
lurk moar and go back to Plebbit faggot
What they cannot control, they have to outlaw. But FB is already was a CIA controlled company from the start.
Good luck forbidding people to interact outside of these state funded media. It will be like Obummercare. No one will be on it since it's a blatant government ripoff.
Saves on cooling of servers, goy.
Hi George, missed you at temple.
Holy shit, and they say this about countries where the press isn't just staffed with apparatchiks, but where there are documented instances of the publicly funded media getting orders on which stories to publish from politicians.
The German media were outright ordered to write "less about refugee crime", and they all closed ranks against the AfD. Truly, the perfidy of the Jew knows no bounds. Not only does he lie, he fabricates an entire counterfactual narrative.
More dirt on this asshole calling for AntiFa violence and other bullshit:
Open society, government control. By all means continue kikes. Show the world how much you hate them.
Posted on October 19, 2005 by Ethan
Not identifying as Jewish, I don’t celebrate many of the Jewish holidays my wife – the Velveteen Rabbi – does. I tend to pick holidays selectively, choosing the ones that involve feasts over the ones that involve fasts. I’ll happily cook Rosh Hashonah dinner and let Rachel handle the atoning for both of us on Yom Kippur. (Similarly, she’s good about leaving the more theologically demanding Christian holidays to me…)
color me fucking surprised
Duerte could've stopped all of this, provided if Duerte was not a moron and issue a warning to Soros and his goons. Well not his goons but Soros himself.
This is such bullshit, man. So easy to control government-run social media. What's weird is that I personally believe that the governement should have its own form of social media solely designed to force open communication between elected officials and their constituents, make publicly available documents much more accessible, and offer public livestreams of open Congressional events, court hearings, etc.; while not trying to compete with existing social media. Government-run social media, as dangerous as it is if mismanaged, could absolutely provide a valuable service if the scope is restricted to a narrow and specific purpose.
All that said, I know it's a really bad idea unless someone can find a way to not only ensure that this does not get abused to push an agenda such as not allowing this to try and compete with Goybook or Twatter, but also ensuring that this does not funnel money into (((somebody's wallet))) unnecessarily.
I mean, I don't know. Maybe I'm just a fucking idealist. Everything is too easy to subvert because people in power refuse to take the time to properly design anything, but I hate using that as an excuse not to even bother.