California may end ban on communists in government jobs


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There was a ban? How the hell had THAT survived the last 60 years of kikery?

It was probably just symbolic and easily bypassed.

They just registered democrat.

two words: cold war

it hasn't been challenged so it was always on the books like how it was legal to kill mormons in missouri til the 1970s

So what exactly would change?

Maybe some Democrats would be open about it and rile up all the degenerates and shitskins.

Did you know there is a bill to be voted on, in Cali to legalize fags giving aids to someone on purpose? I hope that dam breaks soon.

Stuff like this only accelerates our cause, and paints a bigger target on our enemies.

inb4 california's economy crashes

That was my observation as well. Easier to catalog.

It only banned party members, not ideological commies. Thanks to the Jews, most people these days are some shade of red.

I'm calling from California… I am completely surrounded. Please order a strike on my current position. I cannot escape, I will take out as many of them as I can, tell my family I love them, and it was an honor to serve my country.

You chose this fate

My those zoo animals are going to look tasty soon.

That means there are enough commies already in power to change the law.


It's like fag marriage. The sickness has already triumphed, it's simply institutionalized now.

Your punishment must be more severe!

Kek needs to shake up the fault lines

We're still in rough times.

There are plenty of teens and young adults who haven't been able to leave their home states you fucking faggots. Not everyone has the luxury of packing up and leaving. Sincerely, a poor motherfucker who can't afford to move out of Illinois.

Just turn off their water already.

Always meme responsibly

Like the Communist Party?

That was an amazing game.

Jerry Brown is unironically a communist.

Kill them all. Remember the Communist Control act of 1954 and DEMAND it be fucking enforced!

They all knew we didn't want their kind, even the Beaners were forced out during the Bear Flag Revolt. But why did the nigger trains not stop coming, why couldn't we stop them from coming here? Who could've been behind that?

2018, that's the next election for governor. Who is goung to win the shitshow?

She has said she might run and has """"""great"""""" ties with China.

fuckkk, silicon valley reporting in. chinks are only slightly better than pajeets. not looking forward to the flood. come to think of it, this could be why the kushner visas are in the pipelines.

My personal hope would be for Trump to end the EB5 visa program because its just an opening for international investors to make policy but with Kushner's sister (((Nicole Meyer))) making a business now out of selling them I doubt it.

And yeah where will all this built up support of Chinese immigrants for four years go, straight to California. All the media has to do is turn the time and the Democrats will vote for a Kushner because Invanka wanted refugees. I still don't have all the data points yet, maybe it'll be kike (((Meg Whitman))) again.

lel man. The democrats are de facto communists now.
Compare 50' democrats to modern ones and you'll see what I mean.

what, and miss out on all the fun?


Look at those fucking kike eyes. Revolting.

War soon.

get. the. fuck. out.