Holohoax exposer Ernst Zundel barred from moving to the U.S., though his wife is an American citizen

Holohoax exposer Ernst Zundel barred from moving to the U.S., though his wife is an American citizen

Holohoax exposer Ernst Zundel apparently wanted to move to the United States from Germany. (I say apparently because the decision on which I’m reporting, just posted on Westlaw but decided March 31 by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Administrative Appeals Office, referred only to one E.C.Z., but both the initials and the facts described in the decision fit Zundel and likely no one else.) He would normally get an immigrant visa, because his wife of 16 years — who is about 80 years old — is a U.S. citizen. But he was classified as inadmissible because he has been convicted of foreign crimes for which the sentence was five years or more. […] The office concluded…:

>The negative factors in the Applicant’s case include his long history of inciting racial, ethnic, and religious hatred. The record shows that the Applicant is a historical revisionist and denier of the Holocaust, distributing writings, books, tapes, videos, and broadcasts to promote his views. The record indicates further that these publications agitated for aggressive behavior against Jews. Furthermore, the Applicant has been a leader in these activities for decades and has shown no regret or remorse for his actions. Thus, we find that the negative factors in the Applicant’s case outweigh the positive such that a favorable exercise of discretion is not warranted.

[. . .]

But oddly, the decision suggests that Zundel might have had a legal right under existing law to immigrate after all (even if that right could constitutionally be taken away by a change in the law) — and that DHS’s Administrative Appeals Office might not fully understand American First Amendment law. The office stated,

But here’s what the office said as it went on:

But, as the office notes, the Brandenburg exception is limited to advocacy intended and likely to produce crime in the next few minutes, hours or at most days (see Hess v. Indiana [1973]), the classic example being a speech to an enraged crowd outside a building, urging it to storm the building. To my knowledge, Zundel’s convictions don’t stem from such behavior.

So the exclusion of Zundel was itself not a First Amendment violation. But, based on Ramirez-Rivero — and certainly the office’s description of Ramirez-Rivero — it appears to have been a violation of American immigration law. And in the process of misapplying Ramirez-Rivero, the office seems to have erroneously concluded that Holocaust denial and the expression of anti-Semitic sentiments would be “deemed criminal by United States standards.” That strikes me as mistaken, though I’d be glad to hear any corrections or clarifications from readers who are more knowledgeable about immigration law than I am.


Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/search.php?query=creator:(Ernst Zundel) AND mediatype:(texts)

Any anti-Apartheid niggers in South Africa who wanted into the US for any reason would be granted entry, even if they'd done time or published materials encouraging the Zulus or Xhosa to murder Boers and steal their property. He named the Jew and our kiked government is punishing him for that reason alone. Must be nice to be a kike, viewed as the ultimate victims while controlling more political and financial power than anyone else.

This is fucking ridiculous we should actively protest against this. I'm pretty sure this illegal this if definitely something that we should blow up.

is* definitely


Ernst Zundel did nothing wrong.

Filthy kikes have made this mans life hell.

he should just go over anyway, if for now other reason than to highlight the jewdiciary's hypocrisy when they deport him while not deporting radical beaners whose stated purpose is to retake sovereign US soil.

all my this
RIP Doug Christie

Really makes you think.


Nah, that's false article.

Fucking repulsive. Scumbag

Gas yourself yourself you shill


Every time the "holocaust denier" line comes up in any situation, your immediate reaction must be asking every normalfaggot you see WHY denying it is illegal if it's such a (((proven historical fact)))?


All you dumb niggers forget that mudslimes hate jews i.e. Muslim ban 2.0 that goes under the radar.

So what do we do about this?

Ernst Zundel did nothing wrong.

Anybody reading the comments? People on The Washington Post are openly calling out problems of not being able to question the holocaust and many expressing disbelief of it entirely.
Reposting since I posted in the wrong thread

That's really surprising, especially for the WaPo. Really makes me think… are our brethren spreading this shit harder than ever or are more people awakening to this charade? I hope it's the ladder.

I just looked for myself and holy shit.


Thread's stickied, here's hoping that helps.

Yep, I knew I fucked up the moment I hit reply.

Happens to all of us, user.


You can even spot the shill in those comments.


You seem to forget that middle-eastern muslims are semites, so it makes no sense to classify them as anti-semitic, but of course as we all know "anti-semitic" is just a way to label enemies of the jews without naming the jew.


Lol. Just lol.

Only if we're all niggers.

Makes sense…

Would have to know​ what they're basing

on. The phrasing is hugely broad/ vague/ Jewish. It sounds like the Immigration Judge wanted to say the guy incited violence, but there was no actual basis for that claim, and so they phrased it in a way that sound like "incited violence" but so broad as to include any garden-variety invective, no matter how non- violent in actual fact. t. I work in immigration law.

My sides!

Zundel is at least half Jewish ethnically. His grandfather was Jewish union leader Issy Mayer. He's clearly a Frankist. You're falling for their anti-Jewish shit.

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

where is the evidence you filthy namefag?

The nerve of this kikes, this shit is illegal

Islam is the sword of Judaism, user.


This user gets it. There's a reason why 99% of their attacks are against Christians. The other 1% are errors.

ISIS actually apologized for killing an israeli soldier. rt.com/news/386027-isis-apologized-israel-golan/

That alone tells you all you need to know.


Muslims and Jews praise deities of the same pantheon, Islam (submission) was created by the Semitic priest class in order to stop the expansion of Christianity into their lands. Notice the people in the countries who war with Israel and those who don't. Remember a key belief to Semitic thought is the unbelief in reality. For the Jews who follow Yad their goal is subversion no matter the cost and the followers of Al must conquest even if that means being a lawyer to an illegal alien or building a mosque next to a church.

They are both your enemies, unless you are one of them.


Woah! Didn't know the )))Washington Post((( was so antisemitic. Thanks for the warning, fellow polster! Praise kuk! Op is a bundle of sticks!

cmon user you're better than that

Holy hell

We must cut off the hand that wields such crooked blades.

I think y'all falling for the anti shit.

Look up IBM & the holocaust

Those doing genocide were never caught and never stopped. If you're not in charge of an IBM sized company…you're just the next "kikes" to gass & take property from. It's about profit faggots, even the refugees lower property value for purchase & profit

Look into human capitol. Look hard.

Guys a hero, served years in prison for questioning the Holocaust. If anyone is interested in the court case, the book is called "The Great Holocaust Trial" written by Hoffman.

Good… nu mudslimes allowed, no commie jews, and no idiots who think WW2 and killing tens of million WHITE CHRISTIAN people as a result was worth it.

Why the wife of Zundel does not move to Germany, to enjoy the juden free, mudslime environment?

Embedded: Ernst Zundel - A Spartan of the Spirit

This is a documentary Zundel made with his wife and another person. It's a little slow, but it's quite an intimate look at his struggle versus the Jew. He talks about his time in prison, how he was mistreated and denied basic decency, as well as his personal spiritual journey throughout. He talks about his drawings and paintings, which he would make on scraps of paper he snuck from the trash, or even yogurt container lids; his wife sold his art to help pay for his legal fees.

Ernst Zundel is a martyr, a saint, and a hero. The spirit of his resolve to fight the lies of the Jew will live forever.

Here is an interview Zundel did with an Israeli journalist in his home: youtu.be/A5sbegfCz7o?t=22m23s

The United States is armed to the TEETH, they have the spirit of REVOLUTION in their BLOOD. They are HEROES: Are people who turned against what they called tyranny and foreign occupiers and so on.

I've noticed on comment sections of new zealand newspapers normies openly naming the jew and bringing up the mathematics of the holocaust.

I try to drop redpills on Breitbart comments and I'm far from the only one calling out Israel, Jews, the holohoax, etc these days. It's encouraging to see.

Unfortunately BB can be a tougher nut to crack sometimes since they have a lot of boomer evangelical type readers.

This will go to court & he'll be allowed to immigrate.
What he did was not a crime in the U.S., and therefore he cannot be construed as an individual that might commit any crime in the future within the U.S.

This is an easy court case to win, he's just being hassled by Jews.

It's not loading for me. Can someone cap it, or is it shoa'd?

Sorry to ask like this, it makes me feel like a nigger.

It's just like when leftists call Holla Forumslacks "snowflakes" who need a "safe space". It's a bullshit misuse of our terms.

go the fuck back to reddit.

as a previous pro-jew pro-israel zog bot i can confirm. semitism causes anti-semitism. i grew up in jew york thinking they were an ally.

Yet you've posted nothing to look at. That's some >>>Holla Forums trite, right there.

He also celebrates Hitler's birthday every year, and credits Hitler's economic revitalization for his own birth.

Uncle Ernst did nothing wrong.

This would be amazing. But the guy's pushing 80 and probably just wants a nice place to live where his house won't get raided for crimethink writings. And it's not like the same hypocrisy doesn't exist in Germany for his to expose. He can get ten years in prison for publishing another book, but illegal immigrants rape German women and go free.

That means muslims, Moishe.

Donald Trump Says Anti-Semitic Immigrants Will Be Barred Under His Plan

August 2016

Same deal with Irving.
As for his wife, that cunt testified against him in his hatespeech trial.

Never thought about this point of view. If the entire europe becomes africa, then jews can buy all of the properties at banana prices and literally own europe. Then they can't do much with it, but they still own it all.
Although, eventually the race war begins, and if europeans win, the jews have already won

What level of shabbos goy slipped through the cracks at WaPo to get this published?

Wait, All I have to do to go to Israel and get free monies is to claim I am a jew and my ancestors were turned to soap? Just like that?

Apparently it also means Holocaust revisionists Kike.

Being a historian is anti-Semitic.

That article appears to be propaganda to shut him down.

Given the circumstances, what sane man wouldn't try to outjew the jew? "primarily jewish town" doesn't mean for a single second his mother was jewish.

dotr when

There's no thought crime laws in America on the holohoax that I know of

Nope, they’d be unconstitutional.

Fucking tell me about it. I casually left a comment about semantics (National Socialism isn't the same thing as socialism) correcting an OP and a giant boomer cuck immediately jumped down my throat by calling it nonsense without even stating why. I pointed out that he is effectively denying that Fascism and Communism are different. I know he's a boomer because he argued with me on a similar topic in a different thread and it is obvious he is hilariously fucking uninformed and his labels made no sense. He called me a leftist because I argued that the German people elected Hitler to lift themselves out of the crushing depression and didn't explicitly want to invade Poland or anywhere else when they elected him. What kind of rock do you have to live under to think that ANYONE who calls themselves a leftist would sympathize with Nazis? After a couple more exchanges, his argument boiled down to "the German people knew exactly what they were doing and deserved everything they got." I called him for what he was, a fucking dumbass social justice advocate, and vacated the thread. I'm fairly confident his comments spoke for themselves on how retarded and contradictory his views are. I'm too young to even know how outdated the "all leftists are authoritarians and vice versa" trash fucking meme is anymore. Arguing politics with boomers is certainly a one of a kind experience. It's like a whole new AntiFa level of delusion but with totally different programming.

Different types of demoralization, user. One generation is demoralized by one method so the following generation can have the next method applied to them.
That's why it's vital for us to take back the education system from the bloated, horrific institution it is now, I know other anons here know this, but if you cut off their hand in drilling propaganda into the youth, you cripple their public influence on a mass scale. It's the grand center of demoralization as described by Bezmenov himself.

I'm having a similar conversation with a Gen X'er right at this moment on Kikebook. I explained the faults in various different economic models, and arrived at the conclusion that the economic policies of NatSoc were the least awful. He jumped down my throat with all caps about how he doesn't want to give up everything he earns to some jobless deadbeats. I said "That's what we have now, the Germans did exactly the opposite of that. There was no welfare system, and that's what I'm advocating." He posted a link to an article titled "What is Socialism?" I was just like "lol, m8, I know what socialism is. I'm not talking about some Marxist shit, that's not what Germany did (and it's actually not what Marx himself originally envisioned either, thus making it 'NOT TRUE SOCIALISM'). The Reich respected personal wealth and personal property, and people were happy under it."

He's yet to respond.

You're not making any friends mudslime.

Horst Mahler and his wife Silvya Stolz are also on the run now and hiding from the regime in an undisclosed location

the privileges can be revoked at any time for any reason, just like american citizens of japanese during 1939 got sent to fucking camps

its obvious he'd get barred, I swear some of you fuckers are alex jones levels of delusional

report for degeneracy

Thanks ZOG


No matter what happens it's a win-win with the publicity. People will ask WHY denying this alleged historical event is akin to denying Islam in an islamic country.

It's like the shariah law of the west.

Ironically, (((counter-jihadists))) will cry about shariah all day, while throwing a hissy fit and calling the cops, ADL and the secret services if someone asks questions about WWII.

You Jews always try to say your opponents are part Jewish in order to discredit them…like they did with Adolf Hitler. It only proves that you are scared of them.

post the convo faggot

It's your call.

He isn't a Jew, retard. And his wife testified exactly as he asked her to.

I never really thought much about this, but Islam and Judaism really are quite similar.

> Fuck him he's a Jew!
> Why are you defending that Jew you kike!

This is how you know who the shills are on Holla Forums.


It's not a win.

They won't. People will just dismiss him as antisemetic/far right/neonazi. Germans have a councilor that has some connections to stasi. They don't give a fuck.

excellent video, that stammering kike got roasted

Most of us agree that any publicity for pro-white causes is good publicity.

Anything you do to advocate for white people will get you called a Nazi. For two generations now whites have been playing the respectability game. It's a loser. If a Holocaust Revisionist is in the news for just about any reason, it's good news for us. The more buzz we generate for any reason it's good news for us.

Until we own and operate a broadcast media network, all we have are guerilla tactics.

Quads. Fucking. Checked.

Here's a great documentary giving the background on Zundel, and why he's important. Just look at how much these fucking kikes hate him. It's amazing.

Zundel is a true patriot for the truth.

This dude is about as cool as pepe. Furie, a faggot he might be, makes fashy memes.


Zundel taught me to stop hating my German heritage and love Hitler.
Fuck the kikes in here repeating the shill slanders.

Nice to chat you on the 8 chan fellow goy.

The rich are who effect legislation rates (law, institutional power), not the people (majority white). There is no white power for the past 50-60 years.
One of the richest people is Rothschild.
Rothschild created Israel.
Pro-Israel is Zionism.
Zionism is Jewish, along with Israel.
There is no white privilege only Jewish privilege.

have some more friend.

no doubt

you're breaking a man.

it has to happen. he decided to get involved and not disown it… now he pays the consequences


I made a folder specially for these new edits and called it pic related.

oh lawd thanks for these

So skepticism regarding the holocaust and the ethical validity of our past positions in wars is grounds for not allowing somebody in? But asking if they want to implement Sharia law is racist or against the first amendment? They don't even have a rulebook of what is considered acceptable speech, there are no consistent rules being applied, it's purely based off of what holes some bought off bureaucrat can poke in the process.

Most Muslims don't buy the holocaust fully, do they get their views on this topic so deeply vetted?

Wow, Trump following the letter of the law, strictly! What a fucking fascist! He's literally Hitler! Let my grandpa refugee into the country!!


Reading is cool

That are not crimes in USA but free speach. Muh cherry picking in stricly following (((letter of law)))!

I'm sure it's just part of 1488D chess!

Minus the degenerate pic, dubs speak the truth. Arabs are too stupid to see that they are being controlled by the (((elites))).


Could you imagine the liberal cognitive dissonance and assblasting.

puritan faggots

People will see the ridiculousness of these laws and their insane punishments applied to only one alleged historical event.

Compare to any other event, and there are no consequences for denying it.

Deny the USSR murdered 60 million Russians. No biggie, since jews led all of that and would rather you believe it didn't happen. So they prefer you deny that genocide.

Same with the CCP, which in less than fifty years killed 100 million chinese. Deny that? No problem since jews put Mao in power. Israel Epstein didn't even bother to change his name like Trotsky(Bronstein) and his goons did. That's some chutzpah.

The fact that communist parties are even allowed at all should tell you everything. Those who investigate and discover the genocides will ask how that is possible.

So you guys, I'm actually really interested in what this guy has to say. But because I'm German, it is almost impossible to get his books.

I also tried to get my hands on a copy of Mein Kampf and Zweites Buch, but here in Germany you need something like a license to own them.

Where is the best place to find this stuff? Any good Pdf or something?

Not a lot out there that's free, I'm afraid. Try these:

archive.org/search.php?query=creator:(Ernst Zundel) AND mediatype:(texts)


This doesn't show up in the archive.org search yet

There are revisioned editions. Look for Stalag edition (english).


Oh sweet, very nice of you, mein Freund.

No problem, mein bruder.


Basically this But also someone has either not seen or willingly omitted the part where the ADL complained that his ban against anti-semites would be anti-semitic.



Where the fuck do you think you are, you /r/the_donald cuckold piece of shit? Take your patriotard nonsense and fuck off.

80 year old Roger Stone sent back in time to stop the Jew.

Video is already (((unavailable))). What's the name of the documentary?

Jesus Christ. Will no one stop these kikes?
The Great Holocaust Trial

It is we will stop them, user.
thank you, checking out/downloading the docu now


Here is an embed of another copy of that documentary, to make up for that sacrilegious meme above.

The watermark is the punchline, user.
I was deliberately not posting another copy for a reason, user.
You're kind of derp today, user.

Advanced meme sage detected.

nbd user
Here, have another Zundel interview.




12-year-old Thea's wedding to 37-year-old Geir youtu.be/CrPkpa-NL1I via @YouTube



The left will forgive child rape but questioning the narrative? Oy vey, goyim.

We really need to remove all hints of Judaism. Fucking kikes.

Interview with this guy on CNN's Crossfire way back in the 80s, when Canada was getting all over his shit. Remarkably civil compared to modern media. Even the guy representing the left, who was a former CIA agent, made the point that he felt that Canada was wrong to persecute him for his view, despite his strong disagreement with the view. Amazing how much this country has rotted in terms of communication in the last few decades.

The Jews have dumbed us down but good.

Please BurgerAnons, you fucking have to make sure that he is granted entry into your country.
We need people like him for the future of our people or else we're all toast sooner or later.


Are the jews attacking Clouflare at the Daily Stormer? Can't get into the comment section.

More leaf media coverage about this place:


The helmet always made him look like a tard.

My dad went to college with him. He was always an spergy edgelord.

Huh. Which college, user? It's not in his wiki bio.

the kikes know that old German will redpill the goy beyond their wildest fucking dreams if he comes to the USA and can Free Speeching the fuck out of jew lies.


How can we flag the Trump sons to this relevant news story?


So what was christianity created by, aliens?

Christianity was created by Jews as a Jewish movement to overthrow Rome.

White Europe adopted it as pagan Rome fell. Over two thousand years in Europe it became thoroughly white.

It's only in the last hundred years that the universalism of Christianity became an invitation to the third world. It was industrialized empire that made universalism untenable; it brought the niggers in contact with the previously-isolated West.

Don't pretend Christianity was a Jewish plot to cuck all whites 2000 years in the future. You give our enemies too much credit. You discredit our ancestors.

honestly fuck you. go wear a Thor cross and LARP with the fucking furries.