I have a devious plan, Holla Forums. Is there a way that we can extend on the "holocaust" by twisting the already existing stories? Such as making them somewhat hilariously even more impossible by taking the statistics and cranking the numbers higher, making more ridiculous statements into almost comical doubt, and fuck up people's shock value by instantly turning their hatred into "how"?
Such as lines like: "We the jews were forced to strip and cook steaks for the SS soldiers before being forced into the gas chambers. The rooms were 30x30 and were able to fit 400 men inside where we were tricked to go inside the room since the other jews said there was food inside and quickly organized ourselves so that hundreds of men could be packed into a tiny room. Oh those horrible, white soldiers."
Shit almost like that. Tweak the existing info and turn their taken bait into giga obvious bate. Is it possible?
Turning the lie into a bigger lie
Other urls found in this thread:
But user, they have already done this. They literally publish accounts of rollercoasters shooting Jews into ovens as fact.
I remember seeing a movie like that over ten years ago but I can't recall it's name.
but they have apparently met their point before the cracking point. Why not drive their chaotic shit into even more insanity to the point where people HAVE to deny it?
Might be a good time to turn it into a meme, they're in the process of trying to phaseout the 6 million for the 11 gorillion
Back in WWII, those evil Nazis would roll all of the jews up into a big living, writhing ball of flesh and wheel them into these giant ovens. Nearly 300 people could be gassed at once like this! My grandpa was actually gassed twice like this in Auschwitz when he was only 6 years old!
Because normalfags will robotically believe it. Remember the Buffalo's anecdote about how the crema ovens were used to heat the whole camp?
No, fam. I'm very sad to say that the facts in a story like the holohoax literally don't matter. What counts is what people want to believe. Exhibit A is the entire history of religion. Exhibit B is Macron's recent victory. Exhibit C is the life and times of Bernie Sanders.
The good news is that, if people just change what they want to believe, they'll go around believing that zero Jews were killed between 1933 and 1945 in Europe. For about half of the so-called human race, it really is as simple as make-believe.
Lol, rollercoaster into the ovens. That was a fucking classic.
Forgot the pic related.
Also I'm fucking shameless. KMS right this second
Checking that check I checked earlier.
Checking those 7s again. Life is a series of cycles in cycles clockwork
After the Nazis lost the Battle of Britain there was no way to import authentic Persian rugs, but there was a constant high demand for the rugs among higher-ups in the Party. So the Nazis actually started shaving Jews for their hair to make what they called "ersatz rugs" and began to prefer these knock-offs to the originals because they delighted in imagining the suffering incurred for their manufacture.
I heard the nazis made combs out of jewish teeth and used their organs as a material for American footballs.
What would happen if we were to get popular sports (Football, Baseball, Niggerball, etc.) labeled hateful? What are the ramifications?
Imagine GamerGate but in the third dimension fueled by primal normalfag rage and spearheaded by /sp/ autism.
I like the idea but I'm afraid this could backfire because stupid fucks already believe all of the most unbelievable holohoax stories. Masturbation machines, smoke colors based on who was being burnt, human soap, the lampshades, the dial was turned to 11 a long time ago by the kikes themselves.
wouldnt happen since autists are regularly made fun of
cant organize that which you stop in the first place
I don't think we have the neurosis to think up things they do.
Here is another thread on ridiculous holocaust shit.
it's insane.
Hey,if nothing else it would provide lulz to see our sockpuppets doing the raping
Chads can't worship niggerball and we get this civil war kicked off in style.
Normies are somewhat like the non magics in shows and anime they may be weak and not know what the fuck is going on but if we can make them aware and pissed at our enemies it'll be like a social nuke.
this, I can't spend all my time thinking about this shit, it's far too neurotic. There's ample evidence to disprove initial claims that's all we need to do. Once you unlearn the story of the holocaust there is no relearning it, because it is so obviously fake
"Just found secret Nazi papers have been found from Berlin that reveals the horrors of concentration camps. They have all been signed by Adolf Hitler himself."
Here you go user
ww w.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/germany/9906771/Nazis-may-have-killed-up-to-20m-claims-shocking-new-Holocaust-study.html
Good thing I save my browsing history like a normie.
And that's why they lost the war.
Oy vey. When hitler rose to power, the jews understood what was coming and so they began rapid breeding programs. The number 6 million was entirely inaccurate, as the shock of the real number would traumatize the world forever.
1488 Million jews died in masturbation rollercoaster gas chambers. Now you know.
No matter how many times I read it the sheer audacity of it makes me chuckle in amazement.
fucking kek
This. We don't need to make up our own shit (and in fact it's better not to) just spread the more insane stuff the Jews are already pushing.
Nobody believes the masturbation machines. Most people haven't even heard of that one. When you first tell them it's so obviously absurd that they think you're making it up. Showing them that Jews are actually saying it and that thinking they're lying makes you a holohoax exposer is often a killshot and gets them to start looking at things in a completely different way.
The wordfilter is funny but obfuscating. The phrase "hall of cost denier" has a certain rhetorical power in normalfag's minds, getting them to see themselves in that category already without any of their actual beliefs changing is very helpful to breaking the spell.
fucking jews, how the fuck did the world believe the biggest troll?
Nothing But Trouble?
Helps if you have money and control the media
Looking for sauce on a story about some (((survivor))) that had claimed that he had been gassed 10 times or something.
It has to be outlandish. Such as:
Thanks user
Are you guys retarded? It won't work. The whole thing won't work.
Simply because the official Jew testimonies at Nuremberg include nazis killing Jews with nuclear bombs and pumping Jews with a tire pump until they exploded. And the whole world ate it up.
mein sides, this shit is fucking brilliant
They did feed us in the camps. This much is certain. What little food they gave us was bland and tough like hardtack. One day they started serving us something new. It was a delicious meat which was far better than the stuff they usually gave us. It wasn't long until we noticed the youngest of us were missing.
They told us it was so they didn't have to feed us for very long. They knew the older jews would die eventually but the younger ones would likely survive to see the end of the war. Oh how cruel they were.
*dies laughing from weapon of mass lulz*
We've been doing this for years OP.
so why aren't we feeding the sheep with it?
This thread is full of cuckchan trying to subvert us. Take note of their methods, they claim they want us to engage in behaviors that would overtly be subversive to our enemies but covertly subvert us.
Rainbow fag flag shit is the same MO. What's the endgoal? Create a culture that "pretends" it thinks the holohoax was real or one that "pretends" that the rainbow flag isn't a fag symbol and sports it regardless.
This kind of culture, as anyone who's familiar with imageboards knows allows genuine holohoax believers and fag-enablers to blend in.
Not only have the jews already done this to no one batting an eye it also will discredit the actual lies as revisionism and "just more nazi propoganda".
This. We've been getting raided.
We have, you're just a newfag.
This is retarded.
The holohoax stories are ridiculous enough. Trying to make up ones even more crazy would be redundant AT BEST.
At worst, people would soon find out that the stories we're making up are fake, and then later would cause them to dismiss THE ACTUAL STORIES THAT KIKES TELL as "just some stuff that Nazis made up to make the holocaust look fake"
Bad idea.
The nazis went through great lengths to make us suffer as much as possible. They created a secret science division of SS that was to find new ways to torture us. Their cruelest invention was the virtual-reality-oven where, while you were cremated alive, you would experience even worse horrors that were only -real in your mind- and every sane person would dismiss as lies. Luckily my grandparents survived their cremation so all 9 of them could tell me about it.
So what if the balloon is filled? Pump it some more and it may pop.
Another cruel invention was the oven-o-mat that charged one reichsmark per cremation. They forced jewish parents to cremate their own children and pay for it. While my great-grandfather made it out of auschwitz alive, he never got his 4 reichsmark back.
Also this.
Stop posting, retard. This is a jewish thread to make holohoax denial look like a right-wing propaganda.
Our weapon is Truth. Do not make propaganda for the enemy. If you want to hurt them, convince the kikes to name their hesitant supporters as anti-semitic.
I've always thought we should try to profit off the holohoax industry and then use the money to fund natsoc projects. I wish I'd thought to publish that book that just has "jew" written 6 gorillion times in it. It needs to be something that will make money but still be absurd and get the normalfags to laugh or question things.
The sportsball industry is so cucked already I don't know how der ewige normalfag hasn't revolted yet. I support accelerationism for sports.
That's the one.
At this point it only benefits them.
If you want to redpill people, lets start drawing comparisons to the Weimar Republic and the US.
Isn't that literally what the Jews have been doing? It might backfire on you
checking ultra rare hax0r digits
Agreed, there is no reason to lie about the holohoax. The stories the kikes came up with are ridiculous enough as it is. Our propaganda does not need to lie, that is why it is so effective. There are some keks to be had with this, however at a large cost of poisoning the well for anons trying to drop redpills on the holohoax
I lost my legs in the camps in Germany. The doctors there wanted them for experiments. They came into the bunks one day and dragged me to the surgery wing. I was strapped down on a table and fastened down with restraints. They gave me substances which caused me to black out, that's when they began. They removed my legs and took them away. I was tossed back into the bunks with bloody stump wounds gaping open. Later that day when we were all forced to work, I was stationed at the electrical generators. The generators were powered by large circular treadmills which we had to run on to produce energy. I had to simulate running using my hands for hours on end. I noticed that the guards stationed in the room with us had something with them that day. Rotating my vision 180 degrees to see properly, I saw that they had my legs! The 4 guards took pleasure in beating me repeatedly with my own legs! Using the same tactic that rail road worked used to drive spikes into the ground, they all synced up their swings so that it was a constant beating. They beat me over and over as I continued running on the treadmill, for hours and hours. When we were finally moved back into the bunks, I could see the soldiers using my legs as firewood to keep them warm. This cycle of beating me with my own legs would continue until the allied forces freed the camp over a year later.
Did they at least give you a round in the masturbation machine afterwards?
Why isn't this shill thread deleted yet?
Shame I'm too lazy.
Polite sage for old thread
Lol omg I'm crying and laughing
Do kikes not like the number 13? Is this shitposting or canon?
More like 95%.