US Court Of Appeals To Consider Motion To Block Trump Aid To Israel


In his urgent application, Smith argued that Israel's nuclear weapons program requires either that the aid be withheld, or that long-neglected special procedures under the Arms Export Control Act be followed.

>“The Trump administration has not issued required special waivers, as has been done for Pakistan and other nuclear weapons countries, that would make the aid legal under the Symington & Glenn Amendments,” the statement continued.

Makes ya noodle noggin.

Other urls found in this thread:

Really. No one gives a shit tax payer shekels arent being directly placed in kike hands? And that its being opposed by a DC court?



Rev up those 9/11's! Cause I am sure ready to SHUT IT DOWN


Because stupid Drumpf forgot to file the chosen waivers!

I really don't give a shit about the shekels to Israel when they print the goddamn money, run the drug cartels, and are importing millions of non-whites across the West.

Courts still need to be burned to the ground.

What did he mean by this?

Smith will die. It might be before the motion or or it might be after the initial kvetching, but he has signed his own death warrant with this motion

Top kek he just keeps doing it doesn't he? The best part is that kike Schumer is the one being the one fingered for pointing out Israel being an unofficial nuclear power. This is fucking hilarious.


By "failing" to file the special waivors he forces the courts to act. Of course, theyre considering and theyll likely hand the money over to the grubby kikes in the end, it does force them to show their hand. Or you know, he's just a big orange idiot and actually did just happen to forget heheh.

Probably. But maybe this is a real good opportunity. If we signal boost the shit out of the fact that he is going to be killed for crossing the kikes we will be able to say "SEE!" the second it happens.

I'm fairly certain Smith is being protected user. He's not acting alone in this, not by a long shot.

I'm sure that's exactly what it is user he's clearly just a gigantic cheeto head dumb dumb and it simply slipped his mind to file for those waivers.

Wew lad, he's taking the kikes on the ruse cruise. The Zionists and the socialist kikes hate each other already, this just stokes further tensions, like with the U.N situation.

this is because Trump is
such a great friend of (((Isreal)))

Really, let me see…

Hmmm, I wonder why that didn't get done?

Wut? Jew talking about Nuclear Israel?

Dare I say, 5d Chess?

This site has good current info about kikes and USA policy


For a second I was thinking 'eh what the fuck Trump'. But wew 'failing' to file the proper papers and then having someone go after the bill in court.. The kikes are in the old proverbial jar of pickled gefilte fish

read dipshit


When your enemies are too busy fighting each other, you really start to win

I would check your dubs - but KEK has outed you as the Satanic Kike that you are via your ID Yid.

Grant Smith is an absolute madman

sarcasm escapes you?


You do know that you use of redtext and bold makes you stick out like a sore fag thumb, don't you dum dum?

have fun in your excrement bath

nice digits devil

purely random chance user, purely random chance.

"We voted you," cried his voters.
"And you've betrayed us, heavens why?
"You knew the jews were evil and now we're going to die,"
"Oh shut up, silly goyyim," said the reptile with a grin
"You knew damn well I was a kike before you took me in."

Nigger have you read the thread?

Fucking (((snake)))!

you cheeky cunt

deserved trips, tbh.

They pay you too much tbh.


Does anyone know what this refers to?

that moment when trump uses the obstructionist courts for a good purpose.

read it again shill. jews got btfo and trump got the dems to do it. OY VEY THOSE ANTISEMITIC DEMOCRATS!

That is doublethink on the level of a SJW, you're pathetic.

no nigger, we use their shit against them. RWSS tactics work a treat.

If democrats are the real racists then I'd refer to be a democrat. Go back to reddit young one.



goddamn you are functionally retarded aren't you?

Your response is devoid of any real substance.



Your fucking retarded

That's exactly what some other faggot just said. Odd.

About fucking time they do something useful for a change.



What the fuck am I looking at here?

Anybody reading the comments? People on The Washington Post are openly calling out problems of not being able to question the holocaust and many expressing disbelief of it entirely.


oy vey I bet you don't

that's not anything new really. What is new though si how slow they are to shoahing said commentary.

CTR please go… you are doing it for free now.

What part of ironic shitposting is still shitposting escapes you?

hyper-dimensional backgammon in outer space

That because you are and don't know how to read. The kikes revealed that they got nukes which they shouldn't have and their own courts caught it when Trump "failed" to file some waivers. This was supposed to be a smooth transfer of shekels but Trump fuck it up for them.


would be funny though

Sorry, misposted in this thread when I meant to post here:

Trump did fail. You are in immersed in wishful thinking that you can't see how desperate your logic is.

Wow anti-Trump shills at it again. This is 3,700,000,000 D chess, idiots.


But can you disprove any of this? No, no you can't.

back to shitchan

The one thing the courts SHOULD block.

So you want shekels for G_DS chosen then?

So you're saying you're infallible?

That's what I'm accusing you of.


Look at this faggot shill using an image macro from 06

The one big flaw in that pathetic logic is that there was a legitimate possibility, and still is of Israel getting the aid money, and this is on Trump's hands entirely.

I'm that badass.

That clearly went over your head.

Nice sentence shill-kun

Well isn't this a confusing shill fuck up now ain't it? BTW it was deliberate means of fucking with the kikes.

I would return the compliment but I can't

You want to think that, which is fucking cringeworthy.

This is now the official low energy shitposting thread.

How do we get that
Assholes and Earlobes
psycho in this thread?

(wasted dubs)


Wasn't that amount the one Obama set up for Israel before leaving office? A 10 years deal?

I keep seeing people here attributing the deal to Trump when in fact it was Obama. What's going on?

Did you even read OP's article?

Oh, apologies then. I'm sleep deprived and saw that user's post with the 3.7 billion sum and got confused. I should go to sleep.

Well doesn't that really set the Coon King on fire for not securing funds. Lets wish the kikes a real fun summer.


So you're of the vein that Trumps just an idiot that forgot to file the special waivers and this is all just one big blunder?

I'm of the opinion that he's human, yes.


Repeating digits confirm Trump may be jewing the Jews

Well god damn. Trump may be the luckiest blundering idiot the world has ever known if thats the case. Never seen one one fuck up so many times only to come out ahead or expose cracks in the narrative. Like that one time he retweeted that black crime meme and got the media to finally report the facts. Fucking idiot, amiright.

That's what you're choosing to see, what's really happening is that Kushner's pushing him towards being a neocon and the aid money that was hidden is proof of that. People get corrupted, I'm sorry you have to hear this so much but it's not going to get any better when you shut all of the facts out and pretend that Trump will save you.

We may have actually memed that Chaos Candidate. Nothing he's doing makes sense, even if I assume he's sold out.
How many times have we declared him a MADMAN?

I hope we get so much more wacky shenanigans that the kikes set off the Samson out of pure frustration.


He seems pretty spineless atm.

One. Off.
Well here's your participation prize.

The jews are already dead.

Remember that time Putin was the real president? Or when Bannon was the actual president? In the same way you believe some weasly kike can get him to go against American interests, I highly doubt it but do continue to pull your blackpill suppositories out of your prolapsed ass for all to see.

Don't forget user, Bibi and ivanka are president too. It's like equity in a company and htey trade days running shit.


Are you going to tell me it's impossible?

Read it again. I said highly doubt. Its you who is implying its inevitable that he betray what he was elected on. I'm done with you and your disingenuous arguments. Meet the filter.

I noticed, but assume the basis of such 'doubt' is unquestioning faith in someone who I 'doubt' gives a fuck about white people, Trump.
Announcing that you're filtering someone, gayest fucking thing on the earth.


Youre right. The amount had already been decided, and it was decided before Obama by Bush. Its one of the things the democrats and republicans can agree on, giving tax payer money to the kikes. You should see how much they fall over each other in the senate to approve spending, its foul. The trillion dollar US budget that Trump signed would have had this in it.

It'd be a good idea to push how they got those nukes. How mossad agents, Rafael Eitan, Avraham Ben-Dor, Ephraim Biegun and Avraham Hermoni, stole 269 kg of enriched uranium from the US, all because the us govt trusted the jew Zalman Shapiro, a know zionist, to over see the US uranium stockpile. This is all public knowledge because of the freedom of information act and the Department of Energy confirmed that 269 kg was stolen in 2001.

How many nukes would you guesstimate you could get out of that much uranium?

What is the FED user? They already own the US!

That guys in the fucking airforce. You can tell from his stripes.


Hey fellow G-d's chosen haters of the federal gov!

If the Trump admin increases the pledged amount, then what? Still 5D chess?

Clever tbqh.

I wonder how many of them will be fucking anorexic by the end of this presidency.

How is getting caught giving them money jewing them?

Yeah Trump's such a good goy that he totally just forgot about those waivers.

He may not be the perfect goy, but he does try, doesn't he?

Tell shareblue I said hi.

What's shareblue?

Did I get this about right? Should be interesting to see if Trump will give them their waiver. If so, I'd anticipate it within the week. Possibly tomorrow. I guess we'll see.

Don't play dumb with me faggot.


Not only shareblue, I'm also assuming a woman. It's hard to tell though, even the boys from shareblue have the logic of a woman.


still don't know what the fuck you're talking about

No, just not a faggot.

You're full of shit but regardless you gotta go back.

Answer my fucking question you faggot.

Pick one.

You don't get to decide my options.

Trump doesn't get to decide what's in the spending bill dumbass, he only gets to decide "is anything in this bill worth the political damage of letting the government shut down to veto it?"

Im not sure. With Little boy 64kg was the total enriched Uranium used and only 1kg underwent fission so it was very inefficient. With the tsar bomba about 4kg under went fission, how much total they used to achieve that result, im not sure. I remember in 1991 it was said the former soviets had 540 metric tons of highly enriched uranium enough to make 40,000 nuclear warheads, that estimate would mean 13 to 14 kg per warhead. So about 20, not sure.

It would need budgetary approval by the senate, just like it has in the past. The $3.7 billion would be in line with the 10 year plan that was approved back when Bush was leaving (2009-2018). If Trump cut the funding to the kikes the budget would never pass because like I said, the democrats and republicans both agree on this and they would shut down the government until the kikes got their money.

It seems we have a shill here. So did you use to work for CTR as well? How does Brock treat you fags?

And you would argue that aid money to Israel, hidden in that fucking bill, wasn't worth shutting down the federal government?

Trump didn't "blunder". He did the same thing every modern president has done: send billions in military aid to Israel without directing the bureaucrats to follow the laws about it. The only thing new here is that there's a law suit. It's about fucking time.

Sure is kosher ITT.

How would he explain that politically you literal retard?

Interviewer: Mr. Trump, why did you veto the bill?
Trump: Well, you see, I just really can't stand Jews. My god are they ugly, am I right?


You're too retarded to have political opinions.

Stop shilling, fagfag.

And you're too much of a coward for politics.

Shilling what? Shilling doubt into your pathetic notions of a perfect person who doesn't ever wrong you?

When your enemy pretends to play on both sides to win no matter what, just convince the enemy to make the pretend reality so they actually start fighting each other. Top lol.

It's irrelevant because they're already producing their own plutonium.

Stop posting pictures of kikes.

This is a real possibility considering the adverse health effects already happening to Nate Silver and Kushner over the Trump Presidency. Their emaciated forms will make the Jews even easier to spot and isolate.

Youre booty blasted about those waivers aren't you, kike?

Not in a million years would this ever happen. Guaranteed they'll double to make the country pay for its insolence.

I guess those cuckholster and incest comments from beta jews struck a nerve. Who knew.

wew laddie

This is one anally annihilated faggot right here. Read through these replies. It's thoroughly entertaining.

isn't that just the yearly amount King Nigger signed last year?


You had one job user

Good. If they won't play ball with extradition, we shouldn't be buying matzo.

This was me irl yesterday browsing hate in public at a fucking airport

First day on Holla Forums moishe? Dems were slave owners and fought to keep them.
Stay in school.

Really perturbs my peanuts

nothing can stop it.

america is too cucked.

So when did all the poz come into play?

Thanks for your constructive post Chaim. Now hold still while I gas you.

I like niggercorn better even if it's not as clever.

Worst thing of all is that I don't think you're even being paid for this kind of shitposting. You're doing it for free.
